Steel Rose

By just_autumn46

33.5K 876 165

Isabelle Nornus, a swift, the youngest child out of four older brothers, never expected anything truly specia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84

Chapter 76

168 5 3
By just_autumn46

Isabelle Pov

The day goes by in a haze. I move through the motions and my duties. For today, I'm stuck on auto pilot. My mind is stuck back in last night and even this morning. I still almost can't believe that what happened, happened.  I probably could have convinced myself that it didn't if I still didn't feel the ghost of his touch on my hands, and face. My arms and my thighs. I bit my lip. It has been so long since I felt the warmth of his kisses, and my heart squeezes when I think about how much I actually enjoyed it. 

"Belle," Kenneth says beside me causing me to jump slightly. I feel his hand resting slightly on my back, his calm even tone bringing me back to reality. Another consequence of my night with Ptolemus. I haven't even been able to look Kenneth in the eye. "Are you alright? You've been staring at this thing for a while."

"Oh," I glance at the ticket in my hand filled with the order from a table I don't even remember taking. I glance up at him, seeing the concern in his deep brown eyes. Losing my nerve, I turn back to the screen and began putting the order in. "Sorry."

"Are you okay?" I feel him stroke the ends of my ponytail.

I nod, still unable to meet his eye. "I'm okay, just a little distracted."

"Rough night?" He asks.

I blush, "Um, not exactly. I just...I didn't get a lot of sleep, that's all." 

Ken smirks, "You know, Mora took Darcy for the night so that you could get some sleep."

"I guessed I missed him that's all."

Kenneth nods sympathetically, "Well, if you need a break-,"

I shake my head, "No, I am going on break soon and I'm picking him up after I finish here. I'm okay, really."

I can tell doesn't really buy my excuse but he clicks his tongue and sighs. "If you're sure."

"I am," I force myself to look at him and muster a smile. "Really."

He pressed his lips in a tight line, "Alright, we can talk some more after closing."

I nod in acceptance and Ken walks away. With a heavy sigh, I turn back to the monitor and finish putting in my order.

When I leave for my lunch break with a chicken salad in hand, all I can think about is seeing my son. I've never been away from Dasarious this long before and I can't wait to hold him in my arms again. I want to kiss his chubby cheeks and tickle his little feet. He's grown so much. I feel my spirits lift when I think about it.

I pull open the door to Mora's shop and I listen to the familiar ring of the bell as I enter. A cool burst of air greets me as well as the red headed girl who works for Mora. She smiles brightly at me, "Hello."

"Hi," I answer with a smile. "Is Mora here?"

She nods and point to the back, "Yes, she just went to go feed the baby." Red floods her cheeks. "He is so cute!"

"Thank you. Thanks so much." I walk behind the counter ready to go meet Mora in the back when I pause. "I'm sorry, you've told me before but I can't seem to remember your name."

"Oh, its okay. Its Gisa."

I snap my fingers, "Gisa. Sorry. I've got it this time. I'm Isabelle by the way."

"Yes," she chuckles. "I remember. You can go on back."


Its easy to find Mora. She sits in the workroom, cooing at Darcy as he drinks from his bottle. She looks up as I enter and smiles. "Hey, you off already?"

I shake my head as I plop in the seat next to her. Carefully, she pulls the bottle back before placing on the table. "No, I just wanted to come see my baby boy."

Mora smiles as she adjusts Darcy and hands him carefully over to me. I take him and nearly bursts into tears when he squeals in delight, smiling brightly at me. "Hi my love! Hello." I kiss his cheeks as his tiny fingers curls in my hair. "Awww, I missed you sweetheart."

Mora smiles at the scene, "He really missed you, I could tell."

I kiss Darcy's cheeks again, "Oh yeah? How?"

"Well, he kept trying to feed from me." Mora gestures to her chest. "I mean these girls are impressive, but," she giggles. "I'm not there yet."

I chuckle as I pick up his bottle from the table, noting that it is half empty. "Oh yeah?" I look at him as I give him his bottle. "Did you miss Mommy? Mmm? I missed you too. So much."

"He cried for a while after you left, but that's not unusual. Eventually he settled and we played for a little bit. Then we had dinner and went to bed. He only woke a up for a diaper change and a few feeds. A little fussy this morning, but you know," she shrugged. "He is just used to you being there."

"So not too much trouble?" I asks her.

Mora shakes her head and reaches out to stroke Darcy's light silver hair. "No, he's an angle."

I smile. "Good."

"So, how was your night?" Mora asks.

I jerk and suddenly transferred back to my room in the Premier's home. Suddenly Ptolemus' hands are back on my body, and I'm arching my back under his touch. I look down at Darcy. "Actually, I wanted to talk you about that."

Mora perks up, "Something interesting, I presume."

I shrug, "I don't know if interesting is the right word to describe it. I'm actually not sure how I feel about it."

"What is it?"

I sigh and I lean back in my chair and tell her what occurred last night. I don't exactly go into detail of the event, but enough to where Mora gets the point. She sits and listens with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. In the meantime, Darcy finishes his lunch and I get to start my own.

"That it?"

I nod, "Yeah."

"Was it any good?"

I blush even though I should be used to Mora's bluntness and her ease with sexual topics. I think back to last night. His lips all over my body, his hands, his breath, and his heartbeat. The way my body came undone under his lure. For all his faults, Ptolemus has profound skill in the bedroom. "Yes," I mumble and Mora smirks. "He's..." I hesitate. "Um, well we have son together so I guess that says something."

Mora sits back and purses her lips. This isn't the kind of reaction that I would expect from her. I would thinks she would be more excited. But I can't really blame here. I'm not sure how I feel. Finally she speaks, "So are you guys back together?"

I shake my head, "I don't know." I pull Darcy closer to me. "We fell asleep, and I left before he woke up. We didn't discuss the status of our relationship. He took me by surprise."

Mora nods, "So what are you going to do? I mean, he doesn't even know about the child you have together. I think that is something worth discussion."

I nod, "Believe me, I know. I just don't know how I'm going to tell him. But then again, he might already know. I did send him a letter telling him all about Darcy's birth."

"Still, you guys need to have a conversation."

"He's going to want to get back together," I say.

Mora raises an eyebrow, "Do you?"

I shrug, "I really don't know. I don't know what to think. I wasn't thinking last night when I was with him. I got caught up in my emotions and that is something that I can't afford right now. I mean, I have to think about my son now, and what is best for him."

Mora nods, "I understand." She looks down and thinks for a moment before she inhales sharply and purses her lips. "So, have you told Kenneth yet?"

I frown and I feel myself flush with guilt, "No. What would I even say to him?"

Mora shrugs, "The truth?"

Suddenly I want to cry.

"Why don't you stay with us for tonight." Mora offers.

I chuckle, "You trying to get back with my baby?"

Mora giggles, "A little. But you obviously need time away to think about what you want to do next. And I think if your surrounded by Dasarious' father, I don't think that you'll get the chance to think clearly. And don't even bother trying to object because I've made up my mind, okay."

I can't help but smile at my friend, "I don't have any clothes."

Mora waves her hand dismissively, "There are plenty of clothes that people haven't come to claim that you're more than welcome to go through. And besides we have plenty of towels and you can use the same toothbrush you used last time. We already have Dasarious' baby bag and stroller. We have everything we need for a few days stay if need be. Gives you plenty of time to think."

I smile at Mora and am thankful for all that she has ever done for me, "Thanks Mora, I really appreciate it."


After I finish work, Kenneth and I head over to Mora's shop to pick her up. She's laid out a few clothes that she thought that I would like. A bit of everything really. She and Kenneth coo over Dasarious and bid the seamstresses goodnight as I go through them. In the back of my head I can't help but wonder why people pay to have their clothes fixed and then never pick them up. I pick up a pair of girls socks that has been embroidered with daisies and flying birds. I perfect gift for a little girl. Eventually I end up with a few pieces and even a flowing sun dress I couldn't say no to.

After, we all make the way to their home as  Mora recounts her day to Kenneth, thankfully leaving out the discussion we had. Kenneth listens quietly as he walks. Darcy coos softly to himself, playing with his fingers and the small plush toy in his lap. Me, I try to run through every variation of the conversation that I'll need to have with Ptolemus. And I realize that I haven't even factored in his sister and Wren.

Mr and Mrs. White surprise us that evening bringing over a pasta dinner and more lemon cake. Mr. White smiles at me as Mrs. White speaks, a silver blush on her cheeks. "Isabelle, my dear, I am glad your here. My children told me what I said that night and even though I know its past overdue I just need to apologize. My behavior was completely inappropriate and it was never my intent to make you feel uncomfortable or shame you in any way. Your a great mother. Know that."

Mrs. White squeezes my hand in her own as I smile at her. Honestly, I had forgotten about it. "Thank you, Mrs. White. I really appreciated it."

"You know my dear, not everyone can do what you have. You have such courage and strength. I know it and your son knows it too."

Her words move me and I can't help but fold her in a hug that she gladly accepts. I can't ever imagine hugging Ptolemus' mother in any sort of circumstance. Later, I find myself at the island table, Darcy asleep in my arms with Mr. White sitting beside me.

"Are you certain?" He asks me with a raised brow. "You have time. There is no need to rush."

I nod. "I am. I'm ready for this. I need to do this."

Mr. White nods, accepting my answer. "Well, my offer stands the same it did last month. If your willing, you can move in as early as next week."

I smile at him. "That sounds perfect."

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