He's Not Gay [RivArmin AU / C...

Oleh d4xxne

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Armin had always imagined of having someone to love. He felt lonely and had no one to be with. Levi is stuck... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 : Wedding
Chapter 2 : How To Be A Lover
Chapter 4 : Bottle
Chapter 5 : Training
Chapter 6 : Tackled
Chapter 7 : Dry Fucking
Chapter 8 : We Fucked
Chapter 9 : Flipping Heather
Chapter 10 : Back Home (1/2)
Chapter 11 : Back Home (2/2)
Chapter 12 : Satisfaction
Chapter 13 : A Princess In A Flimsy Dress
Chapter 14 : Believe Me or Not
Chapter 15 : Dirty Little Advantage
Chapter 16 : Sex or Chocolates
Chapter 17 : When Dreams Do Come True
Author's Note
A New Trash!

Chapter 3 : Them

227 16 5
Oleh d4xxne

A / N: There will be a slight Levi x Sasha in this chapter, just felt like I could write a lil moment of them. T-T <3


still Armin's POV

-Time Skip-

I woke up, I surprisingly didn't dream about anything. It's strange, I got used to it because I dream of it everyday. Is that a sign? Do I have something to do with it? Of course I do, I wouldn't be dreaming about it every night if I didn't have anything to do with it.

The thought about that horror movie we watched yesterday stayed in my mind the whole night, it's great that I didn't have nightmares. If I did have one last night, I'll be needing someone to comfort me until I fall asleep.

I'm still wondering if Levi and I will continue the... dancing we did yesterday. If we weren't interrupted I would've leaned over for a kiss from him. But it's a good thing that we've been interrupted because if we haven't been, I would've kissed Levi and he might push me away and avoid me for the rest of our lives. I don't want that to happen! I don't know him completely though, like we've only met two days ago.

Now I regret not trying to meet him two years ago.

2 years ago:

"Armin? I was thinking maybe you could meet my cousin? I've been wanting for you two to know each other," Mikasa says as she got ready to leave. She was going to meet her cousin that she had been longing to see after months.

"Oh Mikasa, I'm sorry, I'm just really busy right now and yeah... maybe sometime?" I excused. No, I wasn't busy. I had nothing to do actually. I lied so that I won't be meeting Mikasa's cousin. I didn't have the courage to meet him even though I've heard of him a couple of times. Just, this is not the time as I think.

"Aw, that's fine. Maybe someday you will meet him, like, at my wedding with Annie!" She chuckles. "Anyways, I'm going now. I'll be back at 6," she waved at me and then stepped out of the house and closed the door.

If I had just agreed with going with her, Levi and I would've known each other until now. But with my scared self, it just didn't work out. But how can I go back to that time? It was 2 years ago. I met Levi two days ago, and it's there.

Going back to the dance Levi and I shared yesterday; is it just me or it just felt so familiar? Like we were dancing in a dark room with only a candle lighting up the place, and we danced to the night.

Did it had something to do with my dreams? Because, the familiar feeling yesterday was the same feeling I had in my dream. I don't get it.

"Armin, go down for breakfast. After we'll continue what we were doing before we got interrupted yesterday," the voice of Levi spoke from behind the door.

"Alright, give me five minutes!" The footsteps faded away after I yelled.

It's nice of him to remind me for breakfast, but that doesn't mean anything, right...?

I came downstairs and to the dining room where two people are eating: Mikasa and Levi.

I sat beside Mikasa and started eating, enjoying the silence.

"So, did my cousin helped?" Mikasa asks as she swallowed her food. "Yeah," I replied before I drank my hot chocolate. Levi listened to our conversation carefully.

"Why don't you two just date like you used to..." Mikasa whisperers abling for Levi and I to hear.

"What?" Levi placed his spoon on his plate and stared confusingly at Mikasa while I did so too.

"Mikasa? Are you spacing out?" I asked, I'm very worried about my friends at this point. They're just suddenly whispering something weird about Levi and I. "Yeah I spaced out, sorry, what were you two saying?"

"Nothing? Are you sick?" Levi furrowed his eyebrows. "No I'm not sick." Mikasa stared at the wall while she drank her coffee.

"This doesn't makes sense anymore," Mikasa whispered again as she stood up and placed her plate on the sink. "What the hell..." Levi looked confused like me as well.

Soon, Mikasa joined the others at the couch. It seemed like they are now talking about something important, more like a secret, because I could hear the whisperings.

Why are people becoming crazy?

I think Levi's asking himself the same question.

Hange's POV

"When will they both realize that-?! This is going on for so long." I freaked out quietly. "I don't know, it might take a little longer, this should've been done like, 2 years ago." Mikasa sighs. "I don't like seeing my best friend wait while worrying about his love life for until he will realize it."

"They need time, it's not something easy to be figured out," Annie says as she drank whatever is inside her mug. "It took me a long while to figure it out, so let's chill out and wait."

"But- for how long are we going to wait?!" Eren is getting impatient. "For until they will realize? For that long," Connie rubs his face. "Guys, let them be. Sooner or later, we'll just hear that they're dating. So, it's possible that that time they realized it." Jean says then he leans back on the couch.

"Maybe we should tell them, as I said, it's going on for so long." I repeated.

Sasha swallowed half of her potato before she opened her mouth to say something. "M- maybe just help them realize? If you tell them they'd not just easily believe in some reincarnation shit, and if that happens, your plan will be ruined and they'll think you guys are a bunch of weirdos whose a mind is full of shitty childish fantasies~," our jaws dropped as Sasha swallowed the last half of her potato.

"That hurts Sasha, but you just described a whole fucking you. Anyways, yeah she does have a point," Jean laughs proudly.

"And how do we even know if they like each other or not?" I ask. "Maybe let's test them, one of us makes one of them jealous, like that?" Connie suggests. All of us nodded in the idea.

"The plan is set."

We kept quiet, waiting for Levi and Armin to be done eating so that the plan can start.

"Shut the fuck up for a bit, I'm suspecting that they can hear us!" Mikasa scolds.

After being quiet for awhile, Levi and Armin approached us.

"Oh my dear friend Levi come sit with..." Who to choose...

A-ha, bingo!

My eyes landed on Sasha, the seat beside her was empty so WHY NOT?!

"Sasha! The seat beside her is empty." Sasha's potato dropped, after then she went back to reality after glaring at me for so long. Levi sat beside her and Armin sat beside Mikasa.

The others tried to hide their laughs. I kept the weird presence away as I entertained them, while gesturing Sasha to do something. Oh boy the plan is ongoing.

This is useless. Sasha couldn't understand what I'm gesturing for. So, why the fuck didn't I just talked to her by texting?! The others were looking at me with a look like 'Hange what the fuck are you waiting for?!' while waiting for me to come up with a plan.

I then slipped out my phone and pointed at it as I stared at Sasha, she somehow understood what I was saying because she slipped out her phone too.

Hange (Me):

Lean on him! I think it's the best thing to do because I could feel Armin staring at Levi!

Potato Girl (Sasha):

What?! Isn't that weird?!

Hange (Me):

Trust me, it isn't. :>

Potato Girl (Sasha):

Fine... You owe me a pack of potatoes. And if Armin gets mad at me you owe me two packs of potatoes.

Hange (Me):

Yeah sure

And she did leaned back on Levi. The others had a shocked looked on their faces but then I think they realized that it was part of the plan so they just pretended they didn't see what's happening.

I turned to Armin who was just staring at Levi and Sasha with no emotions. Levi didn't seemed like he was uncomfortable with Sasha so he let her lean against him.

Potato Girl (Sasha):

Fuck, like, Levi ain't doing nothing. What the hell does this mean? Hange if I ever get in trouble because of you I swear...

Hange (Me):

Trust me, it's going on pretty well. Look, Armin is just staring at you like hell he wants to be at your place lol

Potato Girl (Sasha):

You ain't sure bout that

Hange (Me):

I could feel Armin's stare and yo I'm not even lying

Potato Girl (Sasha):

Oh fck

I looked up and saw LEVI LEANING ON SASHA like what?!

"Hold up this isn't part of the plan!" Connie yells as he jumped up, our eyes turned to him. He then apologized and sat down. Yes I know that ain't part of the plan but hell sure it's happening!

I'm not even sure if Armin likes Levi because they only met two days ago or so, but I'm sure I could seriously feel the jealousness in the air.

After awhile, Levi moved away from Sasha. The others only stared, even I just did so too.

Potato Girl (Sasha):

Now what??

Hange (Me):

I dunno, hmmmm... Talk to him, idk, tease him I guess ;)

Potato Girl (Sasha):

What?! I can't. I mean, I don't know how to tease ppl

Hange (Me):

I know you're good at it. Remember that night? I still have the video if you wanna see for yourself

Potato Girl (Sasha):

Fine, but don't expect that I'll succeed. And no thanks I don't wanna see the video xD

Alright. I hope this fucking works.

"Levi," Sasha turned to Levi. "What is it?" Levi spoke but still his eyes on his phone.

"U- uh... May I smell you?" The others, again, tried to stop themselves from laughing. Armin didn't had the urge to laugh, he was, disgusted! Levi stared at her completely shocked and confused.

Oh please I wanna laugh but I can't.

"Okay? What the hell..." Sasha then unexpectedly stood up and stood in front of Levi, she spread his legs then kneeled between his legs, her hands holding on to Levi's knees, as her body goes up slowly, sniffing Levi from his chest to his neck.

I could tell Levi is getting hard.

Sasha leaned over to Levi's ear as her stomach bumped and stayed on Levi's crotch.

How do I say this...

I. Am. Shocked.

Our jaws dropped, the tension in the air is, hot.

They're hot.

I think Sasha whispered something to him, Levi just stared at her with complete shock as Sasha stood up and sat on his lap, she turned her head around to see me then she smirked, and looked back at Levi who seemed to have no control of his body.

Because if he had control of himself he would've told Sasha to fuck off.

Or he was enjoying it...

I don't know.

This is a disaster. No it's not. Hange what the fuck did you do?!

I mean it's hot but-

Hange no that's not hot.

Okay but it is.

But no this is wrong! Did it went too far?

I looked at Armin, who had his eyes at Levi and Sasha. Then his gaze went back to his phone. He tried to ignore them as he leaned back on the couch aggressively.

Connie and Jean stared at me like they're going to kill me anytime soon! Or not.

Annie, well, she didn't give a flying fuck. She was busy caressing Mikasa as Mikasa has her eyes closed.

Eren was just watching Sasha and Levi carefully and interestingly like he's watching porn.

And I'm telling you what the hell they're doing.

Sasha then stood up and walked to the kitchen. Levi was blushing. Wait, did Sasha just... did she really... did she just humped herself on Levi's crotch?!

I'm jumping in to so much conclusions. I'm so sorry. I'm green minded I know.

It was really enough for Armin, he stood up then left the living room and went upstairs.

Sasha came back with a potato, then sat beside Levi after she grabbed her phone from her seat.

Potato Girl (Sasha):

How did I do? Was it not enough?!

Hange (Me):

Uh, that's more than enough. Armin walked out... And what did you whisper to Levi? Your play was great btw :D

Potato Girl (Sasha):

What?! Oh gosh Hange you owe me two packs of potatoes. >:( Oh and what I whispered is 'You smell good' and I just nibbled his ear for a bit.

Hange (Me):

Fine sorry :'( wait- you nibbled... WHAT-

Why did I even told Sasha to tease Levi. This is all so ridiculous.

"What the hell." Levi says as he stood up and went... somewhere.

When it seemed like Levi was gone, we started panicking. "Sasha what did you just do?!" Jean exclaims. "I don't know! Hange told me to tease Levi so I did! I didn't know I went too far!" Sasha yells as she ate her potato.

"What-?! I didn't expect that it'll go far!" I yell too. "What if Levi fell in love with Sasha- and what if- what if... What if!" Connie yells as well as he bit his nails. "That wasn't a part of the plan!" Jean yells so loud.

"Will you all shut the fuck up?!" Annie stoods up aggressively then stomps on the floor.

Mikasa sighs. "Well, Armin walked out so maybe that means he was jealous. Can that confirm he likes Levi?" Makes sense.

"What if he was just tired? Or he wanted to sleep." Connie asks. That made my hopes go down.

"Are you stupid or stupider than stupid? How will he be tired if he just came down and finished breakfast awhile ago," Jean smacks Connie on his shoulder. Ah, that made my hopes go up again.

"Maybe he was just jealous, but he didn't had any feelings?" Annie asks.

"I don't know, but why would he walk out and all of us stayed?" Connie asks again. "Maybe because we're the ones who made the plan to see what's Armin going to do, idiot. If we walked out as well what are we going to do? Be Sherlock Holmes and try to be detectives to figure out what they did while we walked out?" Jean rolled his eyes then smacked Connie, this time on the head but not too aggressively.

I wanna laugh at them both but I NEED TO BE SERIOUS.

"What the hell is wrong with you two? Anyways, I should check on Armin." I said as I stood up and went upstairs.

I headed straight to Armin's room, when I was in front of his door I placed my ear on the door. When I heard a few bangs, I knocked slowly with some part of myself hesitating to.


There were no response.

"Armin, are you there?"

Still no response. I realized the door wasn't locked.

"Armin... I'm going in."

I twisted the door knob. After stepping inside, I was shocked.

The room was a mess! The pillows are everywhere, books are everywhere, the blanket is on the ground. Everything was a mess!

Armin sat on the bed still throwing whatever he saw.

"Armin what are you doing?!" I asked freaking out as I dodged the pillow that was thrown at my direction.

I closed the door then approached Armin. "Armin what the fuck is happening to you?!" He kept throwing stuff.

After a few more times of attempts to stop Armin, which resulted that Armin didn't stop, I slapped him.

"Ouch." He stopped. "Sorry! Did that hurt?!" I asked. "No it's fine."

"Why are you doing this?"

No response. Armin only stared. He wasn't at himself.

"Oh-! Hey Hange, I'm practicing for uh- my throwing skills! How did I do-?" Lies.

"No. What's the reason for doing this?" I asked again, sounding a bit serious now. "Tell me the reason."

"It's nothing! It's just that my application for a job wasn't approved, yeah!" Lies, again. Armin just told me a few weeks ago that he's not into job hunting.

"That's a lie. Now tell me," I am getting impatient. I just wanna go straight to the point. See? He lied about the 'practicing my throwing skills' like when the fuck will his throwing skills be needed? It's very possible that he's still telling lies.

"Hange I told you-"

"You did that because you were jealous and raged about what happened between them right?" It was enough. I needed to go straight to the point. "'Them'? Which people are you talking about?" Armin asks, as if I believe that he doesn't know about who I am talking about. "Them, Sasha and Levi. I'm right, am I not?"

Armin crosses his arms as he looked away, "No. Did I looked like I fucking care about them?"

"Actually, you very looked like you cared. Based by how you looked at them like you're the fucking boyfriend of Levi who doesn't approve of what's happening? yeah. And why the fuck would you just walk out after?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I just told you, I walked out because the... boss of the job I applied to texted me saying that my application wasn't approved so after reading the text I immediately walked out and raged in my room." After his explanation, I laughed. "What's funny?"

"It's just that, I don't believe you, pffft..." I continued laughing. "And why don't you believe me?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Because you haven't even focus on your screen for at least three seconds, and before you walked out you were staring madly at them like you could throw your phone at them anytime. Your fists were tightly folded as if you wanted to punch Sasha, and your eyes were glossy as fuck like you wanted to cry anytime! Don't make anymore lies, cuz I could see you through the reflection of my phone," I laughed. "Plus, I know you like Levi," I winked.

Armin was stunned as his face began to blush, even his ears are Red.

"Okay, fine you're right! I don't like Levi though, that's out of the question." This is his Third lie for today.

"I thought no one noticed," he shyly whispers.

"Lies, I know you like Levi. And you liked him before too," I say as he got confused. "I didn't like him before? What the hell do you mean?"

"You'll find out what I'm saying soon. Armin, now everyone knows you like Levi." I chuckled.

"You planned this shit, right? To experiment me?" Fuck.


"Nevermind," he sighs. "I don't like Levi in an 'in love' way, I would like him only as a friend. I think it's cool being friends with him. When I first saw him it felt like I've seen him before! And, I had that adoration to him, cuz he's good looking," Armin says.

'It felt like I've seen him before'? Yes! Sooner or later he's going to realize what's happening!

"Hange? Could you help me out?" Armin asks. "Of course!" I said.

"Is that weird? Having to like someone even though you just met them days ago?" He asks again. "No it's not weird, it's normal actually. It happens to, hmm, more than half of the people in this planet!" I explained happily.

"You like Levi?!" I ask excitingly. He shook his head then smiled. I gasped dramatically, then started stomping on the floor, I eventually stopped. "I don't like Levi. I barely know him, it'll just make things awkward."

"Uh no it won't make things awkward. Well, to me it won't, I don't know." I smiled.

"But, are you sure Levi isn't going to do a rebound with Petra?" Armin asks.

"Rebound?! That ain't happening, Petra was always meant to be with Floch, even last time," I chuckle.

It was always Petra and Floch who got to be together. Sadly, Petra died last time. But I'm sure she won't die this time! If you know what I mean, hehe..

"What do you mean?" Oh Goodness just realise it already! "Nothing." I smile widely.

"We- well, let's just say I'm attracted? That's all, and besides, I'm not gay. And I'd rather Levi as a friend." He stood up and started cleaning his mess.

After I told Armin that I was going downstairs, he immediately replied with: "Of course, I'll see ya later."

When I got downstairs, the others went running to approach me. "What happened?! What did Armin say?!" Eren panicking asked.

"Armin doesn't like Levi, and he said he'd rather Levi as a friend..."

Connie and Jean yelled as to rage. Mikasa and Annie took a deep breath then pouted. Sasha pouted too as she ate. Soon after Levi came.

"What the hell are you all pouting about?" Levi irritatingly asked.

Sometimes Levi needs to cool down.

"It's nothing. We just heard a very horrible news," Mikasa answers. "And what is that?"

"It's something that you don't need to know, if you are to know, that'll be soon." Jean answers as he sighed.

"Levi! I am SO SORRY about my wild behavior awhile ago!" Sasha apologized. Levi made a 'tch' sound then nodded.

Armin came downstairs then asked: "I found this bottle under my bed, what should we do with it?"

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