Farmer's Daughter

Por little541

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Farmer's daughter, Lennox Jackson is starting her first year of public school, since she has been homeschoole... Más

Chapter 1~ A Fresh Start
Chapter 2~ The Job
Chapter 3~ How Hard Did You Hit Your Head?
Chapter 4~ The Creek
Chapter 5~ Woah
Chapter 6~ First Day Jitters
Chapter 7~ What Kind of Person Are You?
Chapter 8~ Man You Are A Klutz
Chapter 9~ We Should Go Somewhere
Chapter 10~ It Is Going To Be Okay
Chapter 11~ Pack A Bag Today
Chapter 12~ Put Me Down
Chapter 13~ Romance at the Lake House
Chapter 15~ You Want To Come With?
Chapter 16~ Christmas Presents
Chapter 17~ Phone Call
Chapter 18~ Christmas Break
Chapter 19~ New Years
Chapter 20~ Sneaky Plans & Pain
Chapter 21~ Telling
Chapter 22~ Mystery Man
Chapter 23~ Supervising
Chapter 24~ Grocery Races & Mondays
Chapter 25~ Valentines Day
Chapter 26~ Hospital Days & Heart Break
Chapter 27~ Truth or Dare
Chapter 28~ The Truth
Chapter 29~ Daddy You're a Grandpa
Chapter 30~ Blakelyn Danielle Jackson
Chapter 31~ Baby Weekend
Chapter 32~ Road Trip
Chapter 33~ Night In the City
Chapter 34~ Camping.....on a beach?
Chapter 35~ Happy Birthday?
Chapter 36~ You Don't Have To
Chapter 37~ Prom
Chapter 38~ The Note
Chapter 39~ College & Baby Daddy
Chapter 40~ Graduation
Chapter 41~ The Wedding
Chapter 42~ Goodbyes & Hellos
Chapter 43~ Home

Chapter 14~ Payback is a Bitch

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Por little541

(Laurel's POV)

I woke up with my head on Mason's bare chest. It took a few moments to let my eyes adjust. Then I stood up put my bra and underwear back on and slipped a robe over the top. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped in the hot shower and sat in there for awhile before I heard a knock on the door I got out of the shower, dried off, and wrapped a towel around me. I opened the door to find Mason leaning against the door frame, with his sweatpants on.

"Morning beautiful." He leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

"Hey baby," I smiled. "Are you going to take a shower?" I asked.

"I wasn't but I can," he winked.

"I just got out and I am going to eat before Ben gets here with that frickin whistle and blow horn of his."

"Yeah, that might be a good idea." He chuckled. I walked towards the door and started to turn the knob, when Mason grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me toward him so that I brushed my lips against his. Before I knew it we were backing up and Mason was on the bed.

"Mason............not again." I whined

"Ok baby, but you might want to put some clothes on before you go down there."

"Oh right." I got dressed in a tshirt and some loose sweatpants. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and applied some light makeup.

(Kristen's POV)

I woke up with a jolt. I felt myself rock back and forth. I opened my eyes and realized that we must have fallen asleep in the boat. I was laying next to Jordan in the bottom of the boat, in the middle of the lake. I tapped him and he sprang up into a sitting position.

"What the hell happened?" He asked rubbing his head.

"Well good morning to you too. But I am guessing we fell asleep last night." I sarcastically said. Jordan quickly stood up and it rocked the boat. The next thing I knew he shifted his weight and I felt the chilly water surounding my body. I resurfaced with a gasp. I saw him pop up a few feet away from me. He looked around frantically when he spotted me his face relaxed.

"Sorry." He said apologetically.

"Its okay," I giggled and swam over to him. I kissed him softly before tipping the boat back over and climbing in. We rowed back to the shore and walked hand in hand upto the lakehouse.

(Juliet's POV ) 

I was in the middle of my bed when I woke up this morning. I still had my dress on but it was covered in rice and flour. My memories of last night are a little hazy. I think Shane and I may have had to much to drink. All I clearly remember is that we were supposed to make supper and Shane knew my favorite food. But then it starts to get really fuzzy, I don't know exactly but I think I kissed him. The problem was he was no where to be found right now. I got up and already felt my head start to pound. I clunked down the steps and saw that Shane, Laurel, Asher, Tenley, Jordan, and Kristen were already up and making breakfast. Shane came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He spun me around and kissed me, hard. Well I guess that answers my question about last night. That was when the whistles started. I felt him smirk against my lips. I unwillingly came up for air, wrapped my arms around him and pulled myself into his chest.

"Well looks like you guys owe us five bucks." Laurel, Kristen, and Tenley smirked.

"Here," Asher and Jordan handed them each money.

"Two questions, One, what are you paying them for?" I was clueless.

"Oh we made a bet." Kristen explained. "That we could get you and Shane together by the end of this weekend and we suceeded, so....."

"Wow. How come I was so blind to that?" I was surprised.

"I don't know honestly, but what was your second question?" Tenley asked.

"Oh, yeah. Why are you two wet?" I pointed at Kristen and Jordan.

"Thats what she said," Asher laughed.

"Real mature, and we kinda tipped over the row boat this morning." Jordan rolled his eyes.

"Well that explains that." I rubbed my head. "Ugh my head hurts like hell." Shane walked back into the kitchen.

"Here, drink this." Shane handed me a cup with red liquid in it.

"What is it?" I scrunched my nose up.

"I am not telling you till you drink or you won't want to drink. Oh and don't smell it." He replied.

"Fine," I swallowed it down. It was in simple terms digusting. I drank it slowly until it was gone. "Ok what was it?"

"It was tomato juice and vodka, thats what I drank this morning when I got up too." He stated.

"Ugh good thing you didn't tell me I would have never drank that."

"Thats what I thought." Shane smiled.

"Hey guys, look at the only ones not here," I turned around to see the person behind the voice was Mason walking down the steps.

"Lennox and Ben, what a surprise mister drill sargent himself." Shane smiled evilly.

"You thinking what I am thinking?" Mason asked.

"Yep, everyone upstairs lets go, quietly and I vote that Kristen has to be the one to make sure that they are covered up."

"What?!" Kristen exclaimed.

"Well I don't want to be scarred and you are newest member of the house."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes. We reached their room and Kristen peeked in and found them to both be under the covers, then she found the air horn and whistle. Shane put the whistle in his mouth and Mason shook the air horn. They held up three fingers and put them each down slowly. When their fingers ran out they both made the most noise they could. Ben shot straight up and Lex slowly sat up making sure that she was thoroughly covered. I watched as heat rushed to her face.

"Shit, seriously dude." Ben yelled. He flipped off Mason and Shane just before Lennox pulled his lips to hers to calm him down.

(Lennox's POV )

I was woken up by the fricken blow horn and whistle. Then I was very confused as to why it was being blown. I opened my eyes when I felt Ben jolt forward. Just then I remembered everything that had happened. I sat up slowly making sure that my naked body was all covered. I can't believe I did that with him after the Adrian incident.  I felt my cheeks warm up from embarrassment.

"Shit, seriously dude," Ben then proceeded to flip both Mason and Shane off. I could see the anger raising inside of him so swiftly turned him to me and pressed my lips against his to get him to calm down. After a couple of seconds I felt him relax, and I pulled back.

"Payback is a bitch, man." Mason smiled.

"Yeah, I will remember that." Ben winked.

"Oh shit, well we are going to leave so you can get dressed. We just thought that we would give the drill sargent his own personal wake up call." Shane continued.

"And how did I deserve this?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah sorry I guess you really didn't but we had to get him and you were just like a bonus I guess." Mason chuckled.

"Ok well you guys can leave. Oh but remember that we have to leave at one so that gives you three hours to pack." Ben warned. "And we are having a cherry knot competition in the back of my truck before we leave, so that leaves two hours for you to get your shit together."

"Sir, yes, sir. We will be there." They mock saluted.

"Ha ha. Very funny smart asses now get out," Ben called after them. He stood up and put on shorts and a random tshirt that he found on the floor. Which happened to be mine but apparently he didn't realize that.

"Ah, babe?"

"Yeah?" He replied

"Thats my shirt." I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Oh so thats why its to small, I thought I just gained weight over night."

"Yeah you gained weight but still have a six pack cause that makes sense." I jokingly stated.

"I am a little tired okay?"

"Yeah so am I but you might want to take that off."

"Yeah, why are you still sitting there?"

"Because you are standing right there and I don't have clothes on." I used that duh tone on him.

"So, I don't see your point." He raised his eyebrows.

"I am not getting dressed in front of you number one and number two I. Am. Naked." I said like it was obvious.

"That didn't seem to bother you last night." Ben wiggled his eyebrows.

"Whatever just turn around, would you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine but you have to make it up to me then," he said as he turned around.

"How?" I asked as I slipped out of the bed and found my bra and underwear. I clasped the bra in the back when he responded.

"You have come and kiss me in whatever you are wearing right now."

"But thats not fair I only have my bra and undrwear on." I whined.

"Its not my fault it took you so long to get that far now get over here."

"Fine, but in my defense I had to search for all of my clothes on the floor, our room is a mess." I defended. I stood in front of Ben when he opened his eyes. "Is this what you wanted?" I put my hands on hips.

"Exactly." He reached forward and grabbed me as he checked me out. I pressed my lips to his. Then took a step back.

"You know my dad would kill us if he knew about any of this."

"Yeah thats why we are telling him you slept in Tenley's room." He answered. "Well lets get going I can't wait to smoke you in this competition."



We were sitting in the back of Ben's truck smushed against each other while Mason explained how tie the stems. I was tuned out and just watching until he tapped the floor and startled me. We each grabbed a cherry, and started the timer. Ben was done first, of course. Then the order went, Mason, Me, Kristen, Laurel, Tenley, Shane, Juliet, Asher, and last of all Jordan.

"Damn, how is that easy for you guys?" Jordan asked.

"Hey, its okay I will teach you sometime and we practice a lot and its still not easy." Kristen comforted.

"Thanks, Kris."

"Okay well we should go, everyone use the bathroom I don't want to have to stop more than twice." Ben instructed.


"Are you guys fricken serious?" Ben exclaimed.

"Yup." Laurel answered confidently.

Ben just rolled his eyes. He was pretty annoyed and I could understand. It is now three o'clock and the fourth time they have had to go to the bathroom.  We were about half way home and we were all just wiped. We signaled Shane and Juliet who were in the front driving that we needed to go to the bathroom. We decided to skip going shopping just go home, since we were all ready to pass out.


After we dropped everyone off it was ten at night and we had to go to school in the morning. I kissed Ben good night and walked up to the front door with my bags. I almost walked right into my dad when I stepped through the door. I dropped my bags and hugged him tightly.

"Hi, daddy." I squeezed him tighter.

"Hey, princess. I missed you." He kissed the top of my head. "I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" I looked up at him wide eyed.

"I wouldn't call me a surprise." A familar voice said. I looked passed daddy and saw Jackson standing there. I was so shocked. I let go of dad and ran over to him I jumped into his arms and he spun me around, just like he did when we were younger.

"I missed you so, so much." I whispered in his ear while the tears rolled down my cheeks. I hadn't seen J for a year and I was so close to him. Which made it hard.

"I missed you too." He kissed my forehead.

"What are you doing here?" I was confused.

"Thanksgiving is next week and I have off from now until after new years." He explained. I had lost my track of time. I didn't even realize it was that late in ths year.

"How come no one told me, I would have come home earlier."

"That is exactly why we didn't tell. We wanted you enjoy yourself." He smiled. "We have a lot to talk about but we can talk about that in the morning. Right now you need to go to bed."

"Okay, night J love you." I started up the steps when dad spoke.

"And what am I chop liver?"

"Sorry daddy, I love you too."

"Night Lex." Jackson said.

This was sort of a filler chapter. I love suggestions and comments so feel free. What do you feel about Juliet and Shane together? Thanks!

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