Broken Promises (Marvel Fanfi...

Galing kay SarahCobbler

3K 29 26

Nothing but broken promises, and lies followed young Asgardian Sarah Odinsdottir, and her family. Her family... Higit pa

Author's Note
Chapter One (Thor)
Chapter Two (Thor)
Chapter Three (Thor)
Chapter Four (Thor)
Chapter Five (Thor)
Chapter Six (Thor)
Authors Note
Chapter Seven (Thor)
Chapter Eight (Thor)
Chapter Nine (Thor)
Chapter Ten (Thor)
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve (The Avengers)
Authors Note
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter Thirteen (The Avengers)
Ask About My OC!
Chapter Fourteen (The Avengers)
Chapter Ffiteen (The Avengers)
A Sense of Belonging (My other Loki Fic!)

Chapter Eleven (Thor)

103 2 0
Galing kay SarahCobbler

Third Person POV:

After a not so friendly reunion with Loki, Thor had been blasted by energy from Gungnir, and had plummeted several stories down the palace, landing in the pools just below. The impact had knocked him out, but not for very long. The God of Thunder groaned as he had awakened from unconsciousness. He had been woken from a loud noise. The noise of the Bifrost being turned on. Thor stared when he saw the beam of energy being shot up into the space. However, his eyes grew when he had realized where the Bifrost was aimed at. "Jotunhiem...." Loki had activated the Bifrost with the intent of destroying it, along with every last Frost-Giant. All because he wanted to prove himself. But it wouldn't make a difference, not with all of the destruction he had caused already. Thor knew he had to act fast. He grabbed Mjolnir, and swung the hammer before it pulled him off into the air.

Thor soars through the wind above the Bifrost bridge and towards Heimdalls observatory.

He lands just outside of the huge door. The energy from the Bifrost routed. As Thor entered the observatory, he shielded his eyes from the bright light. Thor looked over to the controls in hopes of being able to shut it down. But the console was covered in ice, unable to be used. Loki stood at the controls. "All these years, and no one's ever dared to use it as a weapon." He spoke loudly.

Thor rushed to the ice covered console. He raised Mjolnir up, going to smash the ice to get to the controls. Loki stops him.

Loki raises Gungnir, and shoots energy out of it. The blast hits the ice, and Thor is blasted back across the floor. Thor stumbles on his feet, and looks to Loki as walked down to him. "You can't stop it. The Bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart." Loki told him.

"Why have you done this?" Thor quizzed.

Thor didn't understand why Loki was doing all of this. It was his goal to get him to stand down, and stop all of this before it was too late. He was holding onto the belief that Loki was in there, and that he could be stopped. "To do what Father never could. To destroy their kind forever. When he awakens, he'll see the wisdom of what I've done."Loki remarked. Thor shakes his head. Had Loki truly thought their Father would agree to this? Thor knew he wouldn't. It was madness! Killing an entire race was wrong, even if they had proven to be strong, and dangerous. "He won't! You can't kill an entire race!" Thor protested.

Loki titled his head? If he recalled, Thor was the one who wanted to destroy the Frost-Giants. Why the change of heart now? "What is this newfound love for the Frost Giants? You, who would have killed them all with your bare hands."

"I've changed." Thor replied. See...While being banished on earth Thor had met someone, a woman. Jane Foster. She had helped him see clearer.

"So have I." Loki hissed. He raises Gungnir, and strikes Thor across the face. "Fight me."

Thor didn't have much time to react, but once again Loki swings the weapon at him. Before it can hit him, Thor catches it in his hand. With his other hand, he wields his hammer. At first it seems as if Thor is going to strike back, but instead he flys over Loki, and to the controls. Loki swings around, and blasts Gungnir at Thor once more which immobilizes Thor. " Is the throne really worth what you've done? What you would become?" Thor quizzed. Loki faced Thor, as anger boiled inside of him. The throne had never truly mattered. "I never wanted the throne. I only wanted to be your equal. Now fight me!" He hissed. Gesturing Gungnir, Loki flings Thor to the ground. Thor stands to his feet, facing his brother. "I will not fight you, brother!" He remarked. He refused to fight Loki. Loki was his family. His brother.

Loki stepped towards Thor. He growled. "I am not your brother. I never was." Things had changed for Loki now that he had known the truth. He wasn't Thor's brother, and he never would be. "Loki, this is madness..." Thor spat.

Loki stared, his head titled. "Is it madness? Is it?" He knew what had to be done. Loki fires again, but Thor dodges him. Loki's brows furrowed. He definitely could see something had changed Thor. "What happened to you on earth that turned you so soft? Don't tell me it was a woman." Thor remained silent, not wanting to speak of it. Loki could not help but laugh, amused. "It was. Perhaps when we're finished here I'll pay her a little visit myself."

That had done it for Thor. He wouldn't allow anyone to threaten to Jane. Thor went at Loki, but he had only done the same. Both they, and their weapons collide. While Thor doesn't want to fight, he knows he has no other choice but to defend himself from Loki's madness.

Anger filled the both as they battled...

Thor wants nothing more to get Loki to stand down, but he knows Loki won't go down that easily. Loki fires at Thor, sending him flying across the room, and knocking his hammer from his hand. The hammer slides in the direction of the Bifrost. Thor raises his hand in hopes of coujuring the weapon back to him, but the Bifrost is too powerful. Mjolnir disappears into the stream of energy. "If you care so much for the Jotuns, then die with them." Loki snarled. The power of the Bifrost pulls him in, but Thor uses all of his strength to fight back. Thor swallowed. He could do this. He reached his hand out towards the Bifrost, and to Loki's surprise Mjolnir comes flying into Thor's hand. Loki tries to fire again, but Thor flys into the air and rushes for his brother.

The two brothers come crashing out of the observatory and onto the Bifrost bridge. Thor grunted as he stood up to his feet. He looks up, and sees Loki dangling from the edge of the bridge. "Thor! Help me!" Loki begged. Thor steps over, he could see how desperate he was. "Please..." Loki's finger began to slip, but Thor reaches his hand out to grab Loki's. Just as he was about to, his hand went through Loki's. An illusion.

The true Loki appears behind Thor. Realizing it had been a trick, Thor swings around. Loki stabs Thor with Gungnir, impaling him.

Loki lifted Thor into the air, and throws him across the bridge. Thor lands pretty hard.

Though he is now bleeding from being impaled, Thor attempts to stand once more. Nothing seemed to keep him down for long, which only irritated Loki. Frustrated and annoyed, Loki comes up behind Thor to finish him off. Thor swings Mjolnir at him, but it only goes through him. Thor gritted his teeth. "Enough illusions, Loki!" He yelled. He was growing tired of Loki's tricks. Loki however, hadn't. Instead of just one Loki, multiple Loki's surrounded him in an attempt to throw him off. Thor swings and swings, hoping to hit one which is not an illusion. From all of the force of the swinging, Thor however falls backward. The Loki's grins. "I was always more clever than you." They taunted.

"Yet still not clever enough." Thor remarked.

Thor raises his weapon upwards, and with the power of Mjolnir he manages to summon lighting. A bolt of lightning strikes Mjolnir, before flying outwards and hitting the Loki's. All of them disappear, all except for one. The real Loki. Loki fly's backwards, and Gungnir is knocked from his grasp. He lands on his back.

Loki lays there, and he winces from the pain. Thor stepped over to his brother. Loki had been prepared for the worst. Loki try's to stand, but he is unable to. This confuses the God of Mischief, but when he looks down he then sees the issue. Mjolnir is laying on his chest, pinning him down with all of its strength. Thor looks to Loki, but then to the Bifrost. It continues to fire at Jotunhiem, and Thor knows it's only a matter of time before it destroys everything. Loki cannot help but give a smug smile. "Look at you, the Mighty Thor. With all your strength, what good does it do you now?" Though he hates to admit it, Thor knows Loki is right. He's powerless to stop what's coming. Thor looks down at the bridge as it vibrates from the force and energy of the Bifrost.

That's when Thor knew what he had to do. He had to destroy the bridge. It was the only way.

Thor swallowed. He extends his hand towards Loki, and Mjolnir flys off of Loki, and into his hand. This of course confuses Loki.

Thor raises Mjolnir. Just above him, clouds form, and the rumbling of Thunder could be heard. He channels the storms power. Lighting bounces off of the hammer, and he strikes it down on the bridge.

It delivers a powerful blow.

The bridge rumbled and shakes. Where the blow is delivered, a crack appears. Loki's eyes grow wide when he realizes what Thor is done. He raises to his feet, shaking his head. "Stop! What are you doing?!" Thor doesn't stop. He raises his hammer again, and strikes again. The crack only grows. The energy from the Bifrost begins to stream out of it. "If you destroy the Bridge, you'll never see her again!" Loki yelled. Loki was trying to get Thor to stop, but it didn't seem like he would, even if it had meant he never saw the woman that he cared for again. Thor knew the sacrifice that he was making, and he was willing to make the sacrifice. Loki races for Gungnir, and downed hesitate to strike Thor. "Forgive me." Thor muttered. With the last bit of strength he had, Thor raises his hammer one last time and delivers one last hit to the bridge.

That had done it. The Bifrost shatters, energy exploding out of it. The blast was strong, hurling both Thor and Loki across the bridge.

Nothing but destruction follows the blast. Thor and Loki and been blow off the end of the bridge. As Thor and Loki fell, Thor grabbed one end of Gungnir. On the other end, was Loki who was holding on with what strength he had.

Both brothers are only moments from being blasted not the energy. When they're stopped.

A hand catches Thor's leg, holding onto him. It's Odin. Odin stands on the edge of the broken bridge using his might to try to hold onto his sons. Loki looks to his father, almost as if he's search for the one things he's always wanted. Approval. But there is no such thing. Odins look is filled with nothing but guilt, and disappointment. Loki sees this. In the moment, he knows that he has failed. It had all been for nothing. Loki's hand is gripped firmly around Gungnir, but he's hardly holding on. Loki stares up at his father, and brother. "I could've done it father! For all of us!" His voice breaks. He knows that there is no point. This is it for him. Thor sees it, and he shakes his head. Begging Loki not to. "Loki no!" He plead. But Loki doesn't listen. He gives them both one last look. One of guilt, and regret. One of hurt. Then... He simply lets go. Loki falls into the abyss, Thor and Odin are forced to watch.

He is gone...


Silence creeps through Sarah Odinsdottirs room as she sits alone. The young Asgardian girl sits against the wall, her back resting against it. Not far from her is a plate of cold, and uneaten food placed on her bedside table. After the battle had ended, a feast had been thrown to celebrate. Many Asgardians such as Sif, The Warriors Three, and even Frigga had attended the celebration in the banquet hall. But for Sarah, it was no time for celebration. Even though her mother had insisted she come out to socialize, Sarah had refused. Instead of pushing her into it, Frigga simply sent her a plate of food, and went on her way to let Sarah be alone if need be. The plate of food had remained untouched, which is why it had gone cold. Food was the last thing on Sarah's mind. Loki was gone. Her brother, someone that she loved and cared for the most was gone.

It didn't feel real to her at first. When the guard had come to tell her about the news, she had felt this lump in her throat.

What if it was all a dream? Surly it was not true? It was all just a horrible illusion.

But it wasn't an illusion. It was real.

Sarah had her knees pulled close to her chest. She was gazing at the floor. "This can't be real. He's not gone." She croaked. She didn't want it to be real. She wanted to look up and for him to be there. Standing there with a smile on his face, letting her know that everything was okay. That he was okay.

Loki had made a promise to her. He promised her he would always come back to her. No matter what. Because he loved her, and he would never let her be alone. That's what he had told her, and it was what she had always believed. She knew her brother would come back to her. He would never let her down, he always promised. Right? She needed to see him, she needed to talk to him.

She needed him to know how sorry she was for everything she had said. She had to tell him how much he meant to her, and how much she loved him.

Footsteps could be heard in the room, and the floor creaked as someone had entered.

Sarah's head peered up to see who it was. Every part of her wanted it to be Loki. But it wasn't. Instead of Loki, it had been her brother Thor who now stood in the doorway. He had a far away, but saddened look in his eyes. Thor exhaled, stepping further inside of the room. "Sarah." He spoke, gently. Tears welled in the back of Sarah's eyes. "Loki's okay. He is. He's alive, and he's okay." Though, Sarah was lying to herself. Of course she didn't went to accept that her brother was gone. She knew that she couldn't handle the pain from losing him. Thor could see how Sarah was holding back her grief. Thor walked over to her. He placed himself down on the floor bedside her. He knew she would need him now. He understood what she was going through, and he knew he had to help her. Comfort her.

"Right? He has to be. He just has to be." She didn't want to give into the truth. Thor pressed his lips together. He was trying to gather the right words. Thor placed a hand on Sarah's back. "Sarah, I'm sorry. But...Loki's gone."

"No, he's not." Sarah croaked.

Thor's expression softened. He knew she didn't want to accept it, and he understood that. But by accepting it, she would be able to grieve properly. "Sarah, I'm sorry." Thor looked down. The tears began to stream down her face. This was real. This was truly real. Loki was gone. He was dead, and he was never going to come back.

"No. No." Sarah felt this awful pain in her chest. Like a part of her had been taken from her.

Thor could see how much Sarah was hurting. "I know. I know." As she began to sob, Thor wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him. She buried her face into his shoulder. Tears that she had been holding in were now spilling. Thor was holding her as close as he could. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to comfort her. He knew how hard this all was. Thor knew how much Loki meant to everyone, especially to Sarah. It had all set in for Sarah. Loki was gone. He was gone and she had never got to tell him how sorry she was. Or that she forgave him, and still loved him. He didn't even get to know that before he died.

"I don't want him to be gone. I have to tell him so much." Sarah cried. Thor cradled Sarah in his arms. He didn't think twice about letting go. Thor closed his eyes, as he tried his very best to comfort her. "Shh it's okay, little one. It's okay, I'm here." He cooed. He didn't move. He simply let her cry into him.

One thing was for certain, now that Loki was gone. Things couldn't ever be the same for either of them...

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