Chapter Eight (Thor)

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Nothing in the world was going to stop me from getting to Thor now. Nothing. I wouldn't let Loki kill him! I ran as fast as I feet would take me, and I didn't think twice about stopping for anyone. I grabbed Callus from the stables, and rushed to the Bifrost. Heimdall was generous enough to send Sif, and The Warriors Three to Midgard. I imagine he is willing to do the same for me. Especially, if I explained the situation to him. Heimdall had a good heart, and he only wishes for the best for our people. As neared the end of the Bifrost, my eyes grew wide at the sight of Heimdall. I quickly hopped off of the horse, and rushed to his side. I felt my stomach in knots at the sight of Heimdall. There he stood in front of the observatory, frozen from head to toe. "Heimdall?!" I exclaimed. "Oh god."There had only been one thing capable of this. A relic belonging to my father.

The Casket of Ancient Winters.

Loki had done this to him! He knew Heimdall as well as Sif and The Warriors Three had betrayed the throne in order to bring Thor home.

I placed my hand on the ice. "Heimdall, I have no idea if you can hear me or not, but I'm going to stop Loki, I promise." I told him. Heimdall opened his mouth, but no sound came out. I closed my eyes tightly, shaking my head. With Heimdall incapacitated, there was no way for the others to return to Asgard. I was the only left to end Loki's madness. I was only one who could stop him, and I had to try.

I lowered my hand, and walked past Heimdall into the observatory. I instantly stopped in my tracks when I had seen Loki. His back was turned to me, and he held Gungnir in his hand.

I didn't say a word, or move a muscle. I wanted to see what was about to happen.

Loki had placed Gungnir into the observatory control panel, and opened the Bifrost. I stared. I didn't understand what he was doing. He gestures, and, my eyes grew wide at what had been unveiled before him.  The Destroyer. The stories of the Destroyer had been told as bed-time stories to me. A sentient robot designed to protect the throne, and destroy anything that would harm it. The Destroyer was a weapon of mass destruction. A weapon that could only be activated by the Kings command.

Now that Loki had been King, he had that power. The Destroyer was a weapon meant only to be used when it was necessary.

With a fiery glow, The Destroyer walks towards Loki. Loki stares up at it. "Ensure my brother does not return. Destroy everything." He commanded. My eyes widened at Loki's words. He was sending The Destroyer after Thor!

"No!" I yelled.

Loki swung around when he heard me. The Destroyer had already went off into the Bifrost, making its way to earth. Thor didn't stand a chance against it, not with being stripped of his powers, and being mortal! Thor would die! "I suggest you stay out of the way, sister. There is nothing you could possibly do to stop this." He told me.

Nothing I could do? Like hell I would stand here feeling powerless. "You can't do this, Loki!"

"I already have." Loki remarked. "The Destroyer is going to ensure me that Thor will never return." I clenched my fists. This wasn't the day that Thor dies. And even when that day comes, it sure as hell isn't going to be this way. "Thor was never going to be worthy of King. He was always going to put us in danger, and this is the only way that we'll be safe." By letting him die?! How was killing him going to make us safe? I felt this anger well inside of me. An anger I've never wanted to feel. I walked to Loki, and raised my hand, striking him across the face. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled.

Loki looked at me, hardly moving a muscle after what I had just done. I stared at my hand, slowly lowering it. I just hurt Loki. I never meant to, but I just felt the anger boiling inside of me. "I know that you are angry, but it's better for the both of us if you accept this." I looked back up at Loki. "Accept it?" Did he expect me to just accept Thor's death? Did he truly expect me to move on, and forget any of this happened!

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