Author's Note

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Hi everyone! 👋 This is just a chapter to fill you guys in on a few things before I post the first actual first chapter. The first being, this story is going to take place among multiple MCU films that are focused on Thor, and Loki! The list in order will be below.

The Avengers
Thor: Dark World
Avengers: Age of Ultron (maybe)
Thor: Ragnarok
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame (maybe)
Loki Series

Secondly, I wanted to give some basic background on my OC. Sarah Odinsdottir.

She is the adopted sister of Thor and Loki. She was taken in my Odin when she was abandoned as an infant. No one really knows who Sarah's parents were, or what happened to them. Though Odin and Frigga became Sarah's parents. Thor and Loki played a role in helping look after, and raise Sarah. Sarah is close with of her brothers. However, she has been most closest with Loki.

If you have any other questions about my OC, feel free to leave a comment, or shoot me a message through PM!

See you guys! ☺️

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