Chapter Ffiteen (The Avengers)

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The sun shined brightly over Asgard and onto the royal palace. The sun illuminated the palace grounds and the surrounding buildings, bathing them in warm yellow light. Taking in a deep breath and exhaling, I let my body relax as I enjoyed the feeling of the gentle breeze brushing against my skin. I closed my eyes as I listened to birds chirp above me. It was nice to have a moment of peace. Leaning over slightly, I rested my elbows on the balcony edge. My eyes fluttered open, taking in the view of Asgard once again. The grand hallways were nearly empty, all expect for the stray guards patrolling along the halls. When you've spent your whole life surrounded by an army designed to protect the throne, you get used it. My gaze remained on the beauty of Asgard. I just needed a moment of peace. A moment away from everyone, and everything. Just once second where no one asks me if I'm okay, or if I'll be alright. After awhile, it just gets so irritating, you know?

I just want to try to move on.

But why does no one seem to see that's what I'm trying to do? Why is it so hard to just leave  me to deal with my grief on my own? Why?

Now it seems my Mother is trying to convince my Father to do something to help mend my broken heart. Though from their conversation, the All-Father doesn't seem that concerned. Not like it would matter to him anyways. I'm sure he's much more concerned with his stupid duties as King.

Since Loki's death, Father doesn't even speak his name. He won't even let me speak it in front of him.

I don't think it's because he's grieving. I think it's because he's ashamed. He knows. Father knows that his years of lying to Loki is what turned him back. And that everything could have been avoided if he only told him the truth! Loki only did all of those horrible things because he was hurting! He felt betrayed and unloved. He felt like a monster. Even though I tried so hard to get through to him, to show how much his family loved him, I couldn't.

Sometimes I can't help but think... Maybe Loki's anger was justified? I'm not saying that almost killing Thor, or slaughtering all the Frost-Giants could be justified. But... Loki had every right to be enraged by Fathers lies about his parentage. But what made Loki feel even worse about his adoption, wasn't that Father had kept it from! No... No, it was fact that Loki was just a pawn. An attempt to keep peace with Laufey, and to avoid going to war to Jotunhiem.

Now how did that go, huh?

Everything came crashing down so quickly. So quick that none of us had time to process it. None of us knew what to do.

As I leaned forward, feeling the breeze against my face I looked over when a Raven had landed on the balcony railing. The bird cawed as I stared at it. I titled my head. "Huginn?" The Raven dipped his head, before ruffling his feathers. "What is it you want, hm?" I hadn't the faintest idea. "I'm kinda trying to have a moment of peace..."

Huginn ruffled his feathers, before flying up and onto my shoulder. He dipped his head, gesturing for me to pet him. "Huginn, I'm not in the mood to play okay?" I sighed. The Raven reacted by dipping his head once again, but this time sadly. Huginn pawed at the ground, seeming to express sadness. I shook my head. "I'm sorry Huginn. Why don't you go and play with Munin?" I suggested. The raven shook his head, before landing on the railing to give me another sad look. I placed a hand on his head, stroking gently. "I'm sure Munin is around somewhere, he always want to play with you. I just want to be alone right now." I said, gently.

Huginn whined, but nodded. He ruffled his feathers, before flying up and away.


Being pulled from my thoughts, I was surprise to see Lady Sif walking in my direction. My brows furrowed. "Sif?"

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