Chapter Fourteen (The Avengers)

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All was well as I had walked throughout Asgard, and made my way for the Bifrost Bridge. But when I had made to the start of the bridge, I paused. My eyes were glued in front of me, staring down at the bridges bright colors. I let out a shaky breath. It was extremely difficult to come here. To be on this bridge. The same bridge which both of my brothers had their falling out. The bridge where Loki had lost his life. But I knew, I can't let it control me. I can't let it haunt me for the rest of my life, because it's part of my journey of moving on. It's part of me trying to heal my wounds, and feel better. I have to try. Besides... Don't I owe it to my deceased brother to try? For him. I owe it to Loki to use my strength. The strength that he had always seen in me in order to mend. I know in my heart that no matter how difficult it is, he would want to me to at least try. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try my hardest despite how hard it is for me to want to move on.

I looked back up, and I spotted Heimdall in the distance. There he stood, watching over all of the Nine Realms. As he always did. Ensuring that Asgard's borders were protected from those who's intentions were to do us harm.

Good ole Heimdall. Heimdall is a good man. Always has been, and certainly always will be.

To think that for thousands of years, Heimdall has has done this. Using his gift of seeing and hearing to know what happens in all of the Nine Realms. He's been the Gatekeeper of Asgard, and the Guardian of the Bifrost Bridge for longer than I have been alive. I do wish he would get more credit where it's due. His job is such a very important one, and I don't know if there could ever be anyone else more fit for the job.

I began to start walking.

Unfortunately, things weren't as simple as they used to be. When Thor had destroyed the bridge in order to stop Loki slaughter of the Frost-Giants, the Bifrost had been taken out along with it. Which complicated things. With no Bifrost, there was no way for anyone to leave or come to Asgard from any of the realms. But though the Bifrost was gone, it didn't mean enemies of Asgard couldn't find their way to our realm. Which is why Heimdall still remained on guard. To make sure that we're protected regardless. I'm grateful for that.

Asgard has no shortage of enemies. No shortage of those out there who want to see our demise. I suppose it's always been that way.

But though we will always have enemies, I suppose we shouldn't have to live our lives consumed with fear. We should be able to live. To feel free and not be held back by worry. As Asgardians, we must be strong. We can't let fear control us. If we did, I don't think any of us could truly live in peace.

My feet shuffled as I made it to Heimdalls position. I stopped beside where he stood guard at. When I did, his turned to look at me. He greeted me with a faint but genuine smile. "Evening, Sarah." He nods. I nod back at him. Heimdall turns his gaze back forwards. He let out a breath. "I take it, everyone is enjoying the celebration?" I suppose they are. The people of Asgard always love a good party. So I imagine that they are making the best of it with all of the drinking and dancing. I let out a slight laugh. "Oh yes. I believe they are enjoying it, as always." I didn't think there was a time where our people didn't enjoy a good party. Every celebration that was thrown the palace was always crowded with Asgardians.

"Then all is well." Heimdall remarked. "Things are quiet on my end."

"That's good, isn't it?" I quizzed.

"I would say so, yes." Heimdall nods. "It means that there are no dangers to our people from this side. Or any other, for that matter." That gave me some comfort. That there was nothing for any of us to worry about. Thank goodness.

"Well... Good, then." I nod. "Because the last thing we need is for another attack." I didn't want to see any more of our soldiers hurt or killed. "It's been a trying year for us, Heimdall." All of us. Trying to recover from previous events. Though, I feel like most of everyone has learned to move on. I feel as if I'm the only one who's truly still stuck in the past. Trying to move forward. "It has." He agreed.

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