Slicing My Flesh

By greenmarisa

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Book 5 of the Gun To My Head Series 2nd Book of Zena's story I recommend reading the other books before this... More

Character List
Question Timeeee
Bonus Chapters
Acacia's POV: 1
Acacia POV: 3
Acacia POV: 4
Acacia's POV: 5
Acacia's POV: 6
Acacia POV: 7
Acacia POV: 8
Acacia POV: 9
Acacia's POV: 10
KIKI's book
Next Book to Read in Series

Acacia's POV: 2

294 18 24
By greenmarisa

I was finally able to leave and attend school. I know it's ironic that I'm thrilled to be going to school, but when you're a suppressed princess... damn, I really sound spoiled. Anyways, I was looking forward to finally being carefree without having to listen to my mother's criticism. I will miss my dad, my two idiotic brothers, and Freja.

I smiled and opened the shared apartment dorm. Only children of elites lived in this dorm (or if you're friends and are rooming with an elite).That was the case for Cara. Nat, Tia, and I came from distinguished backgrounds while she came from a middle class family. None of us cared about her financial upbringing since she was an amazing friend.

I walked in to see Nat having sex on the couch. I screamed and covered my eyes. I could hear laughter and awkward shuffling. I felt a breeze next to me, so I assume the girl got embarrassed and left.

"What the hell, Nat?! This is the common room!"

"Don't be such a baby... you could've joined." She kissed my cheek.

"Nat!" Thank God Tatia walked down the stairs. "What the hell were you doing?"

"More like who was she doing?" Cara walked inside from the patio. "I can smell sex in the air!" She ran over to playfully shoved Nat.

"Did you just get back?" Tatia hugged me.

"Ya and what an amazing sight to see." I narrowed my eyes at a laughing Nat. "What'd I miss?" I sat on the couch (but far from where Nat got busy with that girl).

"No idea." Tatia answered.

"I don't know." Cara flopped next to me.

"I've been here, but have been skipping class." Nat shrugged. "I've had to show some underclassman where to go, but that's it." Right, I forgot she's an RA. An RA that doesn't live in the dorm she works at. Privileges are greatly appreciated.

"How's everything been at home?" Tatia questioned me.

"Are you still betrothed to Jethoe?" Nat rolled her eyes.

I shook my head in amusement at her question. Every time I went home, my friends would hope that my parents would call off the wedding. And every time I came back, they were massively disappointed.

"No." I gave them a sad smile. "I did have to meet up with Jethoe and he was a hoe! I can't believe I have to be with him. Why can't he just settle with Eris." I grumbled into Cara.

"Because he's a hoe." Cara wrapped her arms around me.

"Ugh!" I groaned, causing them to laugh. "So what about the new students? Any idiots?" I turned to Nat.

"Any cute boys?!" Cara excitedly asked.

"I'm in an all girl section, slut." Nat smirked at a groaning Cara. "And most of them are okay I guess. Not the type I'd freely hang out with unless I was forced to as their RA... and some have been showing up to ask me questions-"

"More like getting to spend time with the sexy RA." I smirked at Nat, so she elbowed me.

"It's very annoying because they're shy and I can tell they're interested in me, but I'm not interested in young people... like I have an age requirement!" We laughed at her. "Oh, there were these two transfers getting it on though." We arched a brow at our friend. "Ya! They were so loud and knocked over furniture."

"Shit, he's rough." Cara chuckled.

"Well, I don't know which of the girls..." Our eyes bulged. "Yep, two girls going at it... hot, right?"

"On the first day?" Tatia was amazed. "Did they know each other before or did they just meet or-"

"No idea, but it was funny. I'll point them out to you at lunch." We nodded at Nat. "They're both really pretty by the way."

"Not sure why that matters." I breathed out. "You're the only one who's bi." Nat rolled her eyes at me.

"Aren't elves supposed to be all about free loving and shit." I arched a brow at Cara. "So shouldn't you guys be like pan and stuff... cause of nature-"

"And run around naked because of nature..." Nat smirked

"And sleep on leaves because of nature..." Tatia smirked.

"And kill you all with stones because of nature." I snapped, which made them loudly laugh. "And that's the case for every other elf except for High and Grey elves... they tend to be very conservative." I sighed.

"Good thing they have a forward thinking princess who's set to be the heir." Nat nudged me.

"Please. The only forward thinking I can do is go to the bathroom. And if my mom could have it... I'd have to request permission for that too!"

My friends and I spent the rest of the evening eating ice cream and watching movies. Halfway through Twilight, Tatia and Cara began arguing over Team Edward versus Team Jacob. Tatia (the human mosquito) was all for Edweirdo while Cara (dog person) called Edward a whiny bitch and stated that Bella should be with someone who doesn't sparkle.

"Bella should just find a hybrid." Nat whispered from in my arms. "Do hybrids exist in Twilight?" She looked up at me.

"I don't know if witches even exist?" I turned to the others, who shrugged. "But it'd be cool to be with someone who's a hybrid-"

"Or tribrid!" Cara squealed. "Someone who is part vamp, wolf, and witch. Wouldn't that be awesome?!"

"I feel like that person would be hot headed and easily angered. I doubt a tribrid could be mild mannered and sweet." I shrugged.


I have no idea how Cara convinced us to miss first period so that we could get pancakes. And not like, oh let's make pancakes, but more like let's have Nat teleport us to an IHOP in America. Nat and I fought over the strawberry syrup while Tatia and Cara had a war for the blueberry syrup.

Anyways, Tatia and I were going to our spell class. It was so cool that Tatia was born to a witch mom and a vampire father. Unfortunately, her mother had been killed so she didn't have a teacher. That's why she heavily relied on the magic classes at school. Tatia and I were both high achieving students, so we always partnered up and would practice after school hours.

Tatia and I walked into the class to see Nico give us a mock salute. We rolled our eyes and politely greeted the bubbly teacher. He waved even more enthusiastically at us. How does he have so much energy- oooooh, the giant coffee thermostat. Tatia dragged me from him and walked to our usual spot. We stopped dead in our tracks to see a girl occupying our bench top!

I left Tatia and marched to the newbie. Everyone knew that was Tatia and my table! I approached the girl to see her head down as she texted away. I slammed my hands on the bench, causing the girl to jump. She looked terrified as her eyes met mine. I was momentarily frozen since she was drop dead gorgeous. I quickly shook my head and returned back to planet earth.

"You're in our spot! Leave!" I yelled, but she stared at me like a deer in headlights. Did she not understand English or...

"I'm sorry, what?" OMFG, her Italian accent is so hot. FOCUS, ACACIA!

"So you do speak English!" I responded with an attitude. "Are you mentally challenged, so your responses are delayed?!" She seemed to have difficulty responding. "Jeez, you really are retarded." I muttered. "I said for you to scram." I pointed for her to sit with the weird kid, Daryl.

"I'm sorry?" Her voice is so hot! Wait, I wonder if her responses are delayed since English isn't her first language. Now I feel like an idiot!

"You're in our spot." I gestured between Tatia and myself.

"S-Sorry." The gorgeous girl began to pack up her stuff, but Nico decided to twirl over here.

"I'm actually gonna have fun and assign partners." He deviously smiled. "And since you're getting along so well, you two will be partners. Tatia, go with Daryl." He gave me a mocking smile. I'm a split hair from wiping that humorous smile off his face.

"I don't want to be with that loser!" Tatia complained.

"Either you go with him or you'll have to find yourself another class, sweetie." Nico snapped and twirled around.

"It's fine, Tatia. We'll both just have to put up with this unexpected change of events." I said through gritted teeth.

I reluctantly sat next to the girl and focused on Nico demonstrating a spell. He was showing us how to melt matter and then rearrange the particles back together. This is an advanced spell for the first class... well, we did have class last week, but no one really comes the first week of school. Well, I tried to give him my undivided attention, but the girl was staring a hole through my head.

She hadn't stopped staring at me since I sat down. She was trying to be discreet... I'll give her that, but I could still feel her eyes. Ugh! She's making me uncomfortable. I snapped my head in her direction, causing her to deeply blush and face the front. I then began glaring at the side of her head.

I was watching Nico tell us the common mistakes that people make with the particular spell. I then noticed the girl staring at my neck. Why was she... oh, she's looking at my necklace. I whizzed my head in her direction and began glaring. The girl quickly looked at the ceiling. I arched a brow since she was desperately trying to make it seem like she hadn't been staring at me. Does she honestly believe I'd think she was staring at the ceiling and not me? I rolled my eyes and focused back on Nico.

Nico then told us to perform the spell ourselves. I noticed she was craning her neck to see what the other students had written down. Had she not been paying attention- obviously not since she was focused on staring at me!

"You have no idea what we're supposed to be doing." I rolled my eyes at her. "We're partners..." I bitterly spoke. "That means that my grade also depends on how well you do in this class." I then moved close to her, so that my breath fanned her lips. "That means you better focus on the lecture and not my face in the future." I smirked since she began to blush. "Now, pay attention."

I removed my watch and did the spell perfectly. I smiled since I knew I amazed my new partner. I don't know why, but I found the need to impress her. It was weird since I never felt that way with Tatia or-or anyone. I never cared what people thought about my abilities. Yes mother was overbearing, but I didn't constantly try to prove myself to her.

I was caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize she reached out to touch the liquid. I slapped her hand away, which made me lose concentration. The liquid silver splashed onto the ground and stained Nico' shoes. When did he come over to assess us?!

Nico shook his head at me and gave me... wait for it... he gave me a bloody B! What the hell?! Other students here got that grade for not even getting the object to change matter! How dare he compare me to people of less skill?! When he left, I crumbled up the paper. I then turned in anger to the hot girl next to me. She's not hot! Stop thinking that Acacia! I couldn't stand my inner thoughts, so I hastily left the room.

I sulked on the bench outside as I waited for class to be over. It was lunch next period, so I'd at least have my friends to rant to. Thankfully, it didn't take long for the bell to ring. I got up and began walking back inside, but I saw Cara running up to me. I smiled and waited for her to pick me up in a hug. I giggled when she spun me around.

She placed me down and walked inside with me. Cara noticed my demeanor and was about to question me, but Nat jumped on her back. Nat then looked at me and asked what was wrong. I was about to answer, but Tatia swung an arm around me. Nat jumped off Cara's back when we walked into the lunchroom. I felt all eyes on me, but I didn't care. We went to our usual table, in the middle of the room.

"Cia." I hummed at Tatia. "That girl gave me this to give to you."

Tatia handed me my silver watch. How'd she make it a watch again?! She was much more talented than I previously thought. I craned my neck and started searching the room for the girl's eyes. What was her name again? It was on the paper... Zoila? Zaviya? Zayn? No, the last one is a boy's name... or is she a boy?

"Who ya lookin for?" Cara ate her burger.

"A girl messed with Cia during class today. She made Cia lose concentration, so Nico gave her a B." Tatia rolled her eyes.

"Who?" Nat asked.

"Zena." Tatia stated. Ahhh, so that's her name! I remember now!

"Who's Zena?" Cara narrowed her eyes.

"The girl that was pounding away with her roommate." Our eyes widened at Nat's words. "She's the one who had loud and rough sex with her roommate." Nat pointed at Xavina and Inara's table.

We glared at the table, which seemed to catch Lizzie's attention. Since we were supernatural, we had advanced hearing... not like they were trying to whisper for anything.

"Zena, did you do something to infuriate a group of girls today?" Lizzie teased the new girl.

"Maybe." Zena ate her pasta.

"I guess that makes sense why we're receiving daggers from the royal bitches." Xavina smirked.

"We're what?" Cameron jumped. I smirked at his petrified face.

"Yeah, I can feel their gazes, but I'm ignoring them." Zena shrugged and continued eating. I scoffed in offense that she was ignoring us. Cara and Tatia tried to calm me down, but I was furious. How dare she ignore me?! I'm ME!

"You do realize they can hear you, right?" Zena stopped mid-bite at Cameron's words. "I'm guessing you didn't know that." I chuckled when she groaned. Huh, so she thought their conversation was private.

"Black haired murderess is Tatia." Xavina smirked when Tatia showed her the finger. "She's a vamp that can do magic."

"I met her in class." Zena mumbled, causing us to smirk.

"And we know Natalie." Another blond commented. Who is she? I turned to Nat, who said her name was Hailey. Hmm...

"Less intimidating blond is Cara." Jordan said. "She's a wolf." Cara proudly nodded at his words while the rest of us rolled our eyes.

"And bitchy blond is Acacia. She's a fairy." Xavina said to which I scoffed. Bitchy?! She described me as bitchy?! My friends giggled at the descriptor, so I shot them a harsh glare.

"Like tinkerbell?" Zena asked.

I huffed at her words. How dare she- I stopped to see my friends loudly laughing. They got the attention of Zena and her table. I shook my head in disbelief at my friends.

"Exactly like tinkerbell." Inara laughed.

"So she has fairy dust? And we have to say we believe in her, otherwise she dies, right?" Zena smirked.

Cara and Nat fell off their chairs laughing. I crossed my arms and glared a hole through Zena's head. She gulped and averted her eyes. I kept stewing about how she compared me to tinkerbell. I'm not- I growled since my friends kept asking me to give them some fairy dust. Ugh!

When the bell rang, I stood up and was about to confront Zena, but Tatia and Cara pulled me back. They knew exactly what I was about to do. I pulled myself free and was about to walk towards Zena, but she walked out the room. I then focused on where I thought she was going and teleported.

When I materialized in the hall, Zena had stumbled into me. I yelped when I fell backwards. Zena shrieked and grabbed ahold of me as we fell down. I felt electricity pass through me from Zena's touch. Unfortunately for me, Zena grasped my breasts! I shoved Zena off me and quickly stood. She joined me in standing up. I noticed my friends saw and began snickering at me, especially Nat.

"Pervert!" I yelled at Zena.

"I'm so sorry." She stumbled out. "I didn't-"

"First you tried screwing with my grade and now you groped me in broad daylight!" I jabbed her chest with my finger. I was perfectly aware of the crowd I was drawing, but forgive me for being a drama Queen.

"Chill. You appeared in front of us and she ran into you. It was an accident." Hailey pushed Zena behind her. "Clearly, you wish to speak to her since you teleported to her." She smirked at me. "Say what you wish." She moved out of the way so I could speak to Zena.

"I'm not like tinkerbell." I then teleported back to my room. I jumped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. "FUCK YOU, ZENA!"

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