His dream, My nightmare

By Jadahx_

152K 6.9K 9.1K

She was complete, her life feeling whole. She had everything she could ask for. Her job, her happiness, her f... More



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By Jadahx_

August 1st

"What time is she coming?" Cassia tiredly mumbled into the crook of Cepheus' neck, her naked body laying on top of him under the thick white comforter that covered them. Placing his hand on the small of her back, Cepheus adjusted himself slightly to hold his phone in his left hand while holding her with his right.

"Around 10, it's almost 8 now so you got to get up." Groaning, Cassia moved her body to the side to lay on top of him more, her entire being now covering him. Chuckling to himself, Cepheus moved her hair from out of her face to give her a small kiss on her forehead.

"And you dropped Crystal off with Anthony and Jamila?" Nodding his head, Cepheus carefully pushed his body back against the headboard to sit upright. Making sure to take Cassia with him until he was leaning back with her on his lap wrapped in the covers sideways. Her head on his chest as her fingers traced at his tattoos.

"With the way you was screaming my damn ear off last night, you would have known if I ain't drop her off." Playfully rolling her eyes, Cassia let out a loud yawn before leaning her body back. "Breath hot as a motherfucker, take your ass in the bathroom, my God." Cepheus spoke with disgust, his hand flying up to cover his nose.

Gasping, Cassia immediately brought her hand up to cover her mouth, blowing into it before sniffing, but she couldn't smell anything. Doing it a couple more times, she straightened out her face to stare at a laughing Cepheus blankly, not in the mood or having the energy to play with him this early in the morning.

"You're so annoying." She mumbled, tightening the covers around her body as she stood to her feet. Doing a small stretch, she left him in the bed as she began on her way towards the bathroom, jumping once seeing her reflection in the mirror. "My goodness..." She mumbled, using her free hand to run through her wild hair.

Shaking her head, she didn't even want to attempt to fix it because it would take hours, so wearing her natural hair for the day would have to do. It wasn't like she was going anywhere, but Cepheus asked Renae to come over so he could have a "talk" with her, and he told Cassia he wanted her there too. She didn't know why and she didn't know how it would go, but either way she wasn't there to try and attempt to one up the mother of his child in any ways. So she didn't all that care about her appearance.

"Bun, ponytail..curls...?" Cassia mumbled to herself, standing directly in front of the mirror. It didn't take long for both her and Cepheus to get themselves together, finishing what was started the night prior in the shower, since Cepheus claimed he needed a little something to make sure he didn't end up strangling Renae when she got there.

"Curls, I get a better grip-."

"I'll do a bun, thanks!" She smiled, giving him a small kiss on the cheek before walking back towards the bathroom. Smacking his lips, Cepheus waved her off as he fixed the chain around his neck just as his security system went off. Calling out to Cassia, he waited a couple minutes until she emerged from the bathroom with a messy bun on top of her head, her hand extended to grab onto his tightly.

"So you're just going to talk to her right? No violence or anything like that?" Scoffing, Cepheus looked at her as if she was crazy.

"I seem like a violent person to you? I'm all about peace, peace maker Cepheus. New month, new me right?" Looking at him with slight uncertainty, Cassia only nodded her head slowly because she didn't know what to say. She didn't believe him, and he knew that which he didn't blame her for because he was lying straight through his teeth. But he didn't want her down his back.

"I'm going to grab a bottle of water while you let her in." Not giving him a chance to respond, Cassia quickly let go of his hand before rushing off. Staring at her for a minute until she disappeared, Cepheus ran his tongue over his lips slowly as he turned back towards the door, doing a small pep talk before opening the door to let Renae in.

"Don't speak, just go." He pointed towards the living room, his hand gripping the door knob tightly. Rolling her eyes, Renae crossed her arms around her chest, but she didn't hesitate to follow his orders. Walking straight to the living room with Cepheus not too far behind.

"Why in the hell is your little hoe here for something that concerns our daughter and our daughter only." Renae spat, her eyes sharply fixed on Cassia who reluctantly sat next to Cepheus.

She honestly agreed with Renae, not understanding why she should be anywhere near this conversation. She felt it wasn't her place, knowing that Cepheus was probably only including her to spite Renae, since ultimately Cassia did kind of take him from her. It was never her intention, but things just happened to come about in that way.

"First things first, watch ya fucking mouth. And second, this girl the only reason why you breathing my air right now, learn to thank the people who save your life. Cause you know I got guns all up in this bitch, one wrong word out your mouth and ain't nobody sparing you baby." Cepheus smiled, but it was far from a happy one as his green eyes glistened.

"So what, y'all together now or something? Just that fast when I could barely get claimed until like our third year of fucking? Babygirl I hope you understand that the way you get them is the same way you'll lose them, he won't give a fuck about you once y'all go beyond a year or two...if y'all even last up to then." Renae laughed to herself, causing Cassia to suck in a sharp breath.

Sucking his teeth, Cepheus could only shake his head to stop himself from acting out in the way he really wanted to. "Don't fill her head with bullshit cause I didn't give a fuck about you-."

"Bullshit Caicey? Really? You're abusive, possessive, controlling, manipulative, and a damn psycho. If you know what's good for you, you would leave while you can girl-."

"Nah, that open leaving window closed now. She locked in for life, ain't going any damn where." Raising an eyebrow, Cassia burned a hole in the side of his face, but he never once turned to face her. "And I'm really trying my best to take the calm route with this shit, which you again need to be thanking her for cause she really here to make sure I don't knock your head off your fucking shoulders. I fight niggas and bitches bitch-."

"Baby" Cassia whispered, her left hand squeezing down on his right as her thumb caressed the back of his palm.

"Very pathetic behavior to do this in front of me when you were the main one trying to reassure me that it was nothing more than a patient/doctor relationship between the two of you. You're a sorry excuse of a woman." Furrowing her eyebrows, Cassia turned her head towards Renae with a blank look on her face.

"Look, I'm not going to disrespect you or anything of that nature if that's the reaction you're looking for. I will say, it was absolutely wrong of us to engage in anything past a patient and doctor relationship while we were still committed to other people. However, you don't think it's a little hypocritical to claim I'm a sorry excuse of a woman when you're the one laying hands on your daughter-."

"Yeahhh, get in her ass!" Cepheus nodded his head, his eyes fixed on Renae whose breathing began to get a bit choppy. Patting Cepheus' thigh to shut him up, Cassia turned her attention back towards Renae to continue.

"I have no children of my own, but I have encountered many and it's clear to see and understand when abuse is happening at home. If I really wanted to, I could file a report to get your parenting rights taken away forever since I have control of Crystal's file right now. But I don't want to do that, so however Cepheus chooses to deal with you from here is his business. But whatever anger and animosity you currently hold towards me because of the relationship I have with your ex, you need to let it go." Cassia spoke calmly, her voice never raising an octave higher than what it needed to be at.

"Bitch let me tell you something-."

"Bitch let me tell you something." Cepheus interrupted, his body scooting to the edge of his seat. "You know I ain't a talker Renae, you've watched me kill niggas bout my kid, ain't no baby momma excluded from that. If you sit in my presence any longer then imma be forced to knock your ass out, so imma just tell you to watch your hands when it comes to my daughter and we gon leave it at that. After today, imma file for full custody anyways since-."

"Full custody of fucking what?! Not my damn child." Raising an eyebrow, Cepheus stood to his feet, amused by the challenging look that fell over Renae's.


"Shut up Cassia." He pointed, not even turning in her direction once as he made his way towards Renae. Giving her no chance to think twice, his right hand gripped her arm tightly to yank her body up, sparing her nothing as he began to roughly drag her towards the front entrance of the house.

Cassia only sat in shock as she watched Renae scream and attempt to fight him off, but all of her attempts fell upon deaf ears as Cepheus never slowed his feet down. Turning her head back in Cassia's direction with a certain look on her face, Renae began to scream whatever popped in her head to say.

"He's fucking crazy! He's a monster, he's a murderer, he hits men and he hits women too! He killed somebody while he was in jail, but he threatened everybody working the case so he-." Not getting the chance to hear anything else once Cepheus opened and slammed the door shut behind them, Cassia shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She didn't know what to say or think, not wanting to believe a word Renae spoke, but she also didn't want to play dumb and naive. So she chose to just wait for Cepheus whenever he finished up with what he was doing.

Slamming Renae into the cement wall as hard as he could by the grip he held on her throat, Cepheus' face turned dull and red, his anger finally getting the best of him. Reaching into the back of his pants he pulled out his beretta, the head of the gun pressing into Renae's temple hard as she clawed at his hands, struggling to breathe.

"You don't know how bad I want to pull this trigger right now, finger twitching on it as we stand here. But I ain't tryna get into it with my girl because of your bullshit, but I don't ever want you to forget who the fuck I am Renae. You know better than anyone else that I'll lay your ass out quicker than you can blink, keep up playing like I'm retarded. You're nothing, you'll never be anything, you're a nothing ass, worthless ass bitch. You're broke, you don't even have a dollar to your damn name and you think you somebody? You ain't winning in no custody battle, and you damn sure ain't winning against me in anything. So stay in you fucking place, learn to respect my lady, and pray that I don't change my mind in the next 24 hours and choose to blow your brains out your head. Do you understand me?" He grit, his hand squeezing down tighter as he felt her body begin to grow limp. "Answer me."

"Y-yes." She croaked out, her voice nearly inaudible from the lack of air that entered her lungs. Staring at her for another second, Cepheus finally dropped her to the ground where she laid gasping for air.

Pulling his phone out, he shot a quick text to the two people he needed to carry out his next task. It wasn't long until the four females came from around the side of his house, each holding an object in their hand. One held a metal bat, another held brass knuckles, a third held rope, and the fourth held a knife. Smiling to himself sinisterly, Cepheus stepped over Renae's body to meet the ladies half way.

"Don't kill her- well...nah, don't kill her. I'm thinking brink maybe, anything where she ain't dead or can't be repaired." Cepheus said as he glanced to each of the females while going in his pocket to pull his wallet out. None of them said anything, only nodding with their eyes fixed on what he was doing. Pulling out 5 100 dollar bills for each of them, he handed the money to each of them separately before giving them a quick send off and walking back into the house.

He hoped Renae had known better than to think she would just be let off the hook. In his mind, Cassia had only told him not to hurt the girl, but it was crickets when it came to others hurting her and Cepheus noted that.

Closing the door behind him, he nearly moaned at the aroma of food filling his nose. He loved Cassia's cooking, since he wasn't used to having a female who could actually do something in the kitchen. Renae always tried but she sucked, and he didn't trust the other girls to eat from them.

Entering the kitchen, he ran his tongue over his lips seeing the way she bent over to grab something from out of the oven, placing it on top of the hot stove.

"Aye, let me talk to you real quick." Cepheus caught Cassia's attention as soon as she turned the stove off. Turning around with a small smile on her face, she brushed her hair from out of her eyes, moving to the side a little bit to grasp the marble countertop from behind.

"You okay?" She watched as he walked around the kitchen island, his lips pulled into his mouth as he nodded his head. Grasping her waist in his hands, Cepheus pulled her into him close, leaving no space between their bodies as he leaned down to give her a passionate kiss.

Both of their eyes closed as their lips moved in sync, Cassia's arms going up to wrap around his neck as he lifted her by the backs of her thighs, gently placing her down onto the countertop behind them.

"Hold on, let me say what I got to say first before we get into that." Breathlessly pulling away from him, Cassia simply nodded her head as she spread her legs apart a little wider, allowing Cepheus to stand directly between them in front of her. His hands resting flat on either side of her as their faces sat just inches apart.

"The shit I said to Renae, about you being my girl and all that, I was serious. I know we still going through all that other shit with ole boy and finalizing this divorce or whatever, but if you mentally and emotionally tapped out of that quote on quote "relationship", then don't nobody give a fuck bout no legal bounding. Now I'm not even gon hold you, I've never been in no committed ass relationship...but I know what I want with you and nobody got time and shit to be wasting. I can't promise you shit and eventually imma open up about the shit I go through. Not tonight, but one day, but to get to that point I want to move a lil further with what we got going on. So if you allow me to, I want to be the nigga for you."

Widening her eyes, Cassia opened her mouth to speak, but only ended up choking on her spit. Rapidly patting her chest as she coughed, she pushed Cepheus away to grab the cup of water she had, downing it once she got the chance of air. Blankly staring at her, Cepheus clasped his hands in front of him, waiting her to finish up.

"You done?" Wiping the tears that leaked from under her eyes, Cassia did a light sniffle before running her hand down her red face.

"I'm sorry, you just- you just caught me a little off guard...you're asking me to be your girlfriend? Like, you're my boyfriend?" She smiled wide, her deep dimples showing as she shyly swayed from side to side.

"I mean shit, you was already my girl without the title. I done dropped all my hoes for you too and we only been knowing each other for a little over 4 months. But yeah, if you ain't ready and you tryna get the divorce and shit together first then that's cool, but a nigga ready whenever you are."

Shocked was an understatement for how she felt, since according to everybody, and even Cepheus himself, being tied down to somebody just wasn't his thing. He wasn't faithful and she seen that first hand since she was technically the other woman at a point in time.

"You feel comfortable being with me while I'm still married?" Boosting himself from off of the fridge he leaned on, Cepheus made his way towards her once again. Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he dipped his head to give her a small kiss on the side of her neck.

"From the second day we met I told you I don't give a fuck that you married, ain't nothing change. Marriage ain't shit if the feelings ain't involved." Blushing, Cassia held the back of his head as she tilted her head a little more, allowing him more access to her sensitive spot as he rubbed at her sides.

"Then yes, I'll be your girlfriend." She spoke softly, her fingers running through his curls as he picked her up once again, this time her legs wrapped around his waist as her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Wait, wait, wait, I got you some shit too. Cause I was planning on asking today anyways-."

"What would have happened if I said no?" Straightening out his face, Cepheus immediately let go of her, dropping her right on her ass in the middle of the kitchen. "Cepheus!"

"Nah cause relationship ain't even 5 minutes old and here you go playing, you better not had said no. The hell, would've got your ass shot." Tilting her head, Cassia planted her palms down onto the ground to help herself up.

"But you said if I wasn't ready then I didn't have to."

"Yeah, I had to say some sweet shit to get you caving without force. You can't say no to me anyways so fix ya face and walk." Turning her pout into a bright smile, Cassia looked up at him before skipping off towards the stairs. Throwing her head back once approaching them, she groaned out loud seeing the multiple flights. "Oh and you moving in with me baby, you already here but...ain't no reason for you to go now, unless you want hoes walking in and out of here-."

"2 seconds into this relationship...Can you carry me pleaseee." Sucking his teeth, Cepheus reached down to pick her up bridal style, making her giggle as she gripped onto the front of his shirt

"We not bout to be doing this everyday, I'm only carrying you right now cause I'm tryna be a boy- a boyfriend. If you hurt me imma have to kill you, if I hurt you...imma get a second chance. Deal?" Blinking slowly, Cassia looked up at him in confusion before he placed her back on her feet.

"No deal, just don't- oh my God baby!" Cassia gasped as she opened up the master bedroom door. The entire room was scattered with rose petals, the lights off but a trail of lit candles made a path up to the bed. Multiple bags scattered around, most being of designer labels and others being unknown with a stack of money in the corner.

"Imma assume you like it..." He trailed off, his eyes bright and sparkling as he stared down at her. She had never seen him nervous before, but it was clear he was in this moment as they descended further into the room.

"I've seen you every second of today, when did you even- how did you do this?" She whispered, astonished at everything she passed. Closing the door behind them, Cepheus held her from behind, his arms wrapped around her waist as his head rested on her shoulder.

"I don't know, a nigga just different I guess." He smirked, stopping as soon as Cassia's knees hit the edge of the bed. Backing up a little bit, he allowed her to turn around to face him before he gently pushed her onto the bed, wasting no time in crawling on top of her to speak in the best way they knew how which was through physical communication.

Piece by piece their clothing flew to random places in the room, both making sure not to hit any of the still lit candles as soft music played in the background. The open patio doors allowed a swift breeze to fill the room as Cepheus gave her his promise to be the best man he knew how to be through the connection of their bodies. Cassia accepting every last movement and gesture that he offered out to her, caught in a state of euphoria by him.

She felt like she was living a dream...however, there was no guarantee on how long the state of bliss would last. Since dreams always have the possibility to turn into a nightmare.


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