Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

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Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 11

5.9K 131 21
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

Vergil Pov

Vergil: Slow! Again! Do not hesitate to come at me with the intention to kill! Never underestimate your opponent and make sure your grip on your weapon is firm!

I barked at Wilmarina, who struggles to land a hit on me. Even with her so called "Blessing" as a Hero has little to no aid to her.

Vergil: Always keep your guard up!

I drew Yamato and aimed for her chest, to which she barely parried and used the momentum to try and land a hit.

Vergil: Good! Do not fight against it's momentum, just lead it to where you want to land it!

A bell sounded and we both stopped in our tracks.

Vergil: You have improved, even if it is only a little. For your first day, I must admit, you are quick to adapt to your situation. Now for everyone else. I want you all to improve your speed and strength.

I yelled to which the recruits and fully fledged soldier agreed with a yell.

Wilmarina: How come you never took off your cloak, I've already seen your face. So why not take it off here.

I resisted the urge to sigh.

Vergil: That is because I'd rather keep my image a secret. People may know my name, but never truly know myself. Plus, it adds to the mystery.

She sighed, allowing me to smirk under my cloak.

Wilmarina: Fine, you have your own reasons. Anyway, a close friend of mine wants to have a go with you. Is that fine?

I raised a brow.

Vergil: Is she perhaps the one with the dark skin and an eye patch over her left eye?

Wilmarina: Yes, wait. How did you know?

I pointed Yamato's hilt to the side

Vergil: She is walking towards us.

There enough, the very same person I've just described is walking towards us with a big grin.

Wilmarina: Mersé! I wasn't expecting you to be here, for a moment there I thought I had to bring you here myself.

Mersé chuckled and slung a hand over Wilmarina's shoulder.

Mersé: I was a little curios when you said something about you sparring someone. So I just decided to go.

Wilmarina: Well, that save some time. Anyway, I'd like you to meet Vergil.

Mersé: Well! Nice to meet you too Vergil! Say, you kicked Marin's butt there. Care to have a little spar with me next?

I raised a brow as Wilmarina blushed at being called by her nickname. Although, why am I reminded of Dante when I speak to Mersé.

Vergil: Hm, I suppose another wouldn't be much harm. First blood?

Mersé: Sure! Just don't go crying when I land a lethal strike first.

I smirked, causing Wilmarina to shake in her boots.

Vergil: We'll see about that.

Mersé went first and stood the opposite of me. A soldier then came and brought her weapon of choice, which is a Glaive.

I drew out Yamato and went to my usual and most honed stance, with Yamato next to my head and it's curve going downwards and pointed towards Mersé.

Mersé: First hit that would be lethal wins.

I nodded and Mersé charged as soon as the bell rang. Her confident smile and her Glaive already about to land a lethal strike, I moved. To them I was a blur and by the time Mersé realized she missed. My Yamato was already under her neck.

A bead of sweat rolled down her cheek as her confident smile slowly disappeared.

Vergil: So headstrong of your approach. A good strategy to fully maximize your strength but lacked the speed and flexibility to maneuver for a follow-up strike. But alas, I have won.

I withdrew Yamato from her neck and sheathed it. But much to my surprise, Mersé only laughed and slung a hand over my shoulder.

Mersé: Man you're strong! How long have you been learning?

I frowned at the contact and removed her hand from my shoulder.

Vergil: As a child, I have been diligent in my training as it interests me and gave me a chance to fight. However, even though I have fully mastered my way of the sword, I must continue to sharpen my skills or else it'll rust.

Mersé: Well cheers to you then, how about we all go to the Tavern later and have a drink? My treat! You too Marin!

I sighed. I have made it a promise to myself that I must return to them by sundown, so I have to decline.

Vergil: Unfortunately, my travel group are camping outside the walls. They couldn't properly defend themselves so I must return by sundown.

Wilmarina: But wouldn't staying in the wall be safer for them?

Vergil: I suppose, but being new mercenaries, they don't really like being in Order Territory. They say that they'll be bad for business.

Mersé: Eh, your loss then.

With that, she left us while Wilmarina stayed for a little longer.

Wilmarina: Before you go, can you give these to Sasha?

She handed me an envelope and a basket full of fruits.

Wilmarina: I have forgotten to give them earlier and I apologize for the trouble.

I sighed.

Vergil: It is fine I suppose, now go and catch up to Mersé, you need to unwind and at least be given a moment to forget about everything.

She smiled.

Wilmarina: Thank you Vergil, if you do end up leaving early. When you return, I will defeat you.

I smirked.

Vergil: I will be waiting then. Do not forget about what I told you, now good-bye for now.

With that, she gave her goodbye and jogged after Mersé who was waving her hand at Wilmarina.

Hm, to think she would hate her own family name. But that is an issue that will be fixed over time. For now, I have to bring these to Sasha.

As I walked towards her Orphanage, I couldn't help but notice the stares from the people. I ignored them, but there is this feeling that I am being watched by someone else.

I arrived at her Orphanage and luckily caught her before she went out.

Sasha: Sir Vergil! What a surprise! What brings you here to my little establishment?

Vergil: Greetings as well, Sister Fullmoon. As you can see, I am here to give you a gift and a letter from Wilmarina. I suppose you aren't busy but seeing you dressed to go out, you are.

She blushed with embarrassment.

Sasha: Well, yes but. I have something to do outside the walls, apparently there is a holy statue left there by a priest and I was tasked to bring it back.

I nodded but felt her lying.

Vergil: Very well, I suppose being your escort wouldn't hurt. I, after all camp within the forest with my hired mercenaries.

She slightly panicked but gathered her herself.

Sasha:  I appreciate your offer Sir Vergil, but I must-.

Vergil: No, I insist. After all, I have heard rumors of Monsters living inside the forest.

I cut her off. She sighed in defeat and accepted. We moved after leaving the basket and letter inside her Orphanage, much to the joy of her orphans. Once we were outside, the feeling of someone watching me grew slightly stronger, but I ignored it.

Vergil: Sister Fullmoon. You know, lying is a sin.

She flinched.

Vergil: But I suppose I understand that hiding a secret is quite difficult.

She flinched again and turned around.

Sasha: H-How did you know?

Vergil: A lucky guess. But your actions are obvious hints, that and I am quite personally well acquainted with secrets and lies.

Sasha: I suppose, but how could I trust you to not report me?

Vergil: I hold no love for your Order nor give a single damn about what they are doing. As long as they stay out of my goal, I will ignore them.

She shuddered at my cold words but continued walking. Soon enough, we ended up in an abandoned house.

Sasha: Please wait.

I nodded and she entered, I heard the obvious pitter-patter of small footsteps within the house and finally, Sasha motioned me to come in.

Once inside, I was greeted with the sight of five Mamono children. A Lamia, a Lizardman, a Hellhound, a Holstaur, and a Vampire.

Sasha: Sir-

Vergil:Just Vergil is fine.

She cleared her throat and continued.

Sasha: Vergil, these are my other orphans. The Lamia is Fionne, the Lizardman is Hana, the Hellhound is Fotia, The Holstaur is Mei, and the Vampire is Violet. Everyone, please be kind to Si-Vergil.

The four of them then reintroduced themselves, while the Hellhound only crossed her arms and glared at me.

I suppose a little discipline wouldn't hurt.

As I stared at her, her glare intensified. But suddenly, her body jerked and froze. I let my focused assault of Demonic Energy stopped and she started to move again. Only this time, she is glaring at me with wariness and fear in her eyes. As cruel as this is, it's only to humble her not to try something at me.

Sasha: Please sit down, it's not much but it's functional.

She pointed at a mix and match of wood to make a somewhat usable chair.

Vergil: Hm, it's better than nothing. Good afternoon everyone, as Sister Fullmoon said, I am a friend.

I feel weird after saying that.

Fionne: So. Are you and Miss Sasha a couple?

My brows twitched a d Sasha blushed. This girl. Yep, she's a Mamono alright.

Vergil: No.

The bubbly Holstaur then followed up another question.

Mei: So how did you and mIss Sasha meet?!

Her eyes has sparkles within them. That is scientifically impossible.

Vergil: We've met when I have just arrived in Lescatie.

And so, the bombardment of question began.

Moments passed and finally they ran out of question. Luckily, Sasha was the one answering them after I got tired of answering their rather personal questions.

Sasha is now cooking Dinner for them while I watch the children interact and play with one another, except for Fotia. Who decided to sit on the corner, watching my every step.

Vergil: I'm guessing that you have seen the cruelty and discrimination the Mamono face from the Order? Correct?

Sasha flinched but nodded with a sigh.

Sasha: Yes, but at first I thought that all Monster were out to kill us all but when I saw how their Families are destroyed by the Order. I've started to doubt wether or not what they teach us are correct.

Vergil: Physically correct, but not Morally correct. I've traveled far and wide, discovered things that helped me and things that are ancient. But seeing The Order brutalize a Mamono friendly town, I was disgusted. They were innocent yet they were butchered like pigs.

Of course, this is a lie. But should I appease her, I could gain more than just the public library. All of their books are heavily biased and some pages even torn.

Sasha: So how is your memory recollection? Has anything surfaced?

Vergil: So far? None. However, I feel obligated to at least tell you my own secret after you showed yours.

I stood up and went to grab the door handle, only for Sasha to stop me.

Sasha: Wait, where are you going?

Vergil: To give them a better shelter.

I then walked out, confusing Sasha from what I just said. If only this person watching me would stop, I would've used Yamato to quickly travel back at camp. But alas, I must not reveal any abilities.

So I walked for minutes, until I finally found the tent and campfire Topaz and Meera are staying.

Meera: Alpha, you're back.

Meera immediately greeted me.

Vergil: Everyone pack up, I have found a suitable place for us to camp.

They were confused but followed nonetheless. Soon enough, we are back at Sasha's Monster Orphanage.

I knocked and Sasha answered after checking who was behind the door. To say she was surprised is an understatement, so she let us in and agreed to shelter Meera and Topaz. However.

Topaz: But I don't want to stay!

Meera: Alpha, I must disobey this order. I have submitted myself to be your loyal ally. I have no wish to abandon my duties.

She certainly is loyal, Topaz however clinged onto my cloak as if it is her lifeline. She pleaded with me and from the looks of her eyes, she is afraid. It seems she has fully trusted me to protect her.

Topaz: I don't feel safe here at all.

Her trauma of being left alone truly has hit her hard.

Vergil: Fine, but since I still have business to do. You two must behave, and Meera.

She tilted her head to the side, I must admit, that is cute.

Vergil: You have to protect the children at all cost.

Meera: I will Alpha.

She then sat down like a dog, her tail wagging and her eyes has a positive gleam in them.

I sighed and patted her head, to which she pressed her head even more on my palm. For a stoic one, she does seem to like head pats. Which is hardly surprising.

Sasha: Uhm, Vergil? Why does she call you Alpha?

Vergil: Other than she seem to be extremely loyal to me? I have not a single inkling of a clue.

She accepted the answer, however. I noticed a slight frown on her lips but ignored it.

I surveyed the room once more, still finding Fotia glaring at me, but the visible shaking is not really helping her.

Vergil: And you.

She flinched.

Vergil: Behave.

She glared but from what I can tell. She will behave.

And that's for the new chapter peeps! Anyway it seems the Alpha and Omega has done not even the Gods of the world of MGE could do. And that is to scare a Hellhound into fearful submission. But then again, the character will be a bridge to the other Hellhounds so calm your Cavaliers, I ain't turning Vergil into a Pedophile. Anyway, that's all for now and SOUL out!

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