In Love With A Psychopath

By mitsukis_mind

560 3 9

!!Mature Content Warning!! "Get on your knees, now." "Who are you, really?" "You saw the file. You know exact... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18

Chapter 10

22 0 0
By mitsukis_mind


I have to admit, driving in the dark wouldn't be so bad. If it wasn't foggy as hell, and in the middle of nowhere. It looked like something straight out of an old horror movie. No color, the snow muted due to the dense wall of fog creeping over the two-laned road through the grey toned trees towering over so high all I can see is a pathway of veiled stars.

I had only been driving for roughly six hours, Aurora passed out not 30 minutes into the drive. I could see she was exhausted. She's still having trouble sleeping, the most I was able to get out of her was she's been having bad dreams and since she doesn't go for runs anymore her body isn't managing.

I told her she can use the gym to run or do whatever she likes but I got a very.. Aurora answer. 'I prefer running outside, the morning mist is really nice. So is scaring the piss out of the crones speed walking with their friends'. I nearly laughed myself hoarse at that.

I look into the rearview mirror to see Holland lounging with his feet propped up on Aurora's seat, earbuds in pretending to sleep. Yet he was bobbing his head to a beat.

I look over at a peacefully sleeping Aurora, her seat is reclined back with her laying on her side curled up with that same grey blanket. I smile knowing she's gotten at least some sleep during the ride.

I decided to turn on the radio to see if the local news would give any insight into the upcoming weather. After almost an hour of pointless local news and nothing of the weather I leaned forward to change the station and notice Aurora starting to stirr. Not wanting to wake her I just turned the radio off.

When I look back at the road, to my horror a baby fox darts out across the lanes. I slam onto the breaks, praying I don't hit the poor thing. A loud strained "FUCK" roars from Aurora, filling the interior of the SUV joining the screeching of the tires outside, then a quick thump before we aggressively rock back from the car stopping.

I turned to see Aurora had slid down the seat. The seatbelt now hugging under her arms, her foot is pressed onto the glove compartment. Her hand on the door, the other grabbing my sweater. Her wide eyes looked up at me, frantically searching.

I hear a groan from behind me, turning I see Holland slid off the back seat onto the floor, all except his legs which were sticking straight up. I leaned over, moving his legs to see him looking up at me, a pained expression on his face.

Taking note that none was hurt I got out of the SUV, hesitantly making my way to the front, pleading I don't see a half squashed animal. Thankfully, that weak thing in my chest slows its erratic beating as I spot the fuzzy little white creature sitting at the side of the road. Staring at me.

I release a massive breath, placing my weight on the hood. I turned to explain why I braked, throwing them both around but a loud ear piercing shriek stopped me.

Aurora attempted to open, or rip, her door open but the door was locked. Which caused her to slam face first into the glass, as she screamed in a low, gravely voice.


She gets the door open, throwing herself out of it then gently closing it before she slowly walks towards the unfazed little creature.

Honestly I don't know what I was expecting, maybe for it to run, bite her even. Maybe the mother to come running and attack her. I was not expecting the little thing to walk to her. I also wasn't expecting it to let her pick it up either.

Holland finally got out of the back, saw her holding the fox then instantly ran to her, trying to pry the little ball of fuzz from her arms.

"Put that damn thing down! What if it bites you?! Lyle, why are you just standing there?!" He rants, the picture of an overprotective parent.

"It's cute" I shrug my shoulders, sliding my hands into my pockets as I lean my back on the front of the SUV.

As Holland went to grab the fox again, Aurora twisted away a few feet back into the snow off the side of the road. She holds the fox closer to her chest and narrows her eyes at him.

"You try to lay your filthy paws on this precious bean one, and I mean one more time I'll kick that tan right off of you. Got it?" She stood firm, feet planted solid. She meant every word, I could tell. I loved every second of this.

I could practically hear the grin on his face, he took a slow small step closer to her.

"I'd love to see you try, kappas." He crossed his arms.

Once her grin became something I hadn't seen her make yet I decided a dark eerie, fog consumed deserted road wasn't the best place for them to go head to head.

"Holland enough. Come on, let's see if we can find its mother." I said while I walked over to them.

"I'll stay here, you two go." Holland grumbled as he walked back to the suv.

"Come on little one, show me where your mum is" she whispered to it before setting it down.

"Aurora love, you know it can't-"

I couldn't finish because the little thing ran back to where it emerged from 15 minutes ago, then stopped to turn to us. As I walked closer I saw why it stopped.

The mother wasn't far, right off the ride of the road Maybe 10 feet into the tree's laid it's mother. She had clearly been hit by another driver, then dragged off the road and into the tree's. She laid in a small patch of crimson stained snow, a trail of it leading from her to the road in clear drag marks.

"Aurora, stay over there." I said, still looking at the poor fox.

"We need to dig her a grave." Aurora says right behind me, startling me.

As she went to grab the mother she stopped and whispered.

"Oh my goddess"

I moved around her to see a small orange ball curled up against the mother. A second baby. She looks at me with a heart breaking, sad expression.


After an hour of digging with our hands through snow and dirt we finally had a grave for the mother. Aurora had gone and found beautiful leaves and rocks to lay into the grave.

She shooed me away to go "look after the pups" but I lingered for a moment. She got down and knelt, bringing her head down to the ground. She whispered some words before kissing her finger, reaching upwards then touching the grave.

I quietly scurried away to the two babies and waited. Her dirty yet beautiful figure appeared through the trees then stopped to look at them.

"We can't leave them, they're too little" without looking away from them she spoke then regressed a sigh.

"There's exotic animal shelters around here. Let's take them to one so they can be cared for." I said as I reached down for the original fox we had seen.

I turned to see Aurora giving me a look I couldn't make out, but she had a smile. A small beautiful smile.


We had stopped by a 24 hour supermarket to get a crate, water bowls, and fresh fruit as their food. Holland tried to argue with her about it, saying they're "basically dogs so dog food should be fine". Aurora was having none of it.

She didn't stop there though, she bought them separate little baby blankets as well as a dog bed for inside the crate. Even got them separate little toys. I didn't object to any of it. She kept leaning over, arms full with both fox's, to tell me when we got home she would pay me back for everything.

By the time we walked out of the store, a cart full of stuff, she had finally stopped denying me when I told her she would not be paying me back. A quick reminder that she was mine and will not have to worry about "paying me back". Especially for something that made her smile this much.

For hours she sat in the back petting and playing with the babies, eventually falling asleep hugging the crate. The babies laid close to where she had slid her hand into the crate.

By the time we reached the closest exotic shelter it was morning. I had woken Aurora up letting her know it was time. The look on her face was devastating, she was holding back tears as she carried their crate inside.

What made her finally break down was watching the babies try to claw out of the cage to get to her. They whined and stuck their arms out towards her. She had to walk back outside, I followed quickly behind her.

"Aurora?" I softly say as I walk up to her.

"You don't have to say it Lyle, I know I'm being ridiculous, dramatic even." She wipes the back of her hand across her eyes before turning to me, looking at her dirty winter boots.

I walk up to her and pull her to my chest, wrapping my arms around her small frame firmly.

"I don't think so. I really liked how they made Holland squirm."

She laughed for a moment then held me back. We stood there until Holland walked out of the shelter holding folded papers in his hand. He walked up to us as we stepped apart and pulled her into a hug, ruffled her hair then stepped back.

"The ladies inside told me to give this to you, they saw how upset you got and "couldn't help themselves"." He handed her what looked to be a photo.

As she took the photo I was able to look over her small frame to see it. It was a Polaroid, the date and time written on the bottom. It was the two of them laying on the bed she bought them, with their little stuffed toys and blankets, staring right at the camera. The white one had its head tilted to the side, the red one had its body lounging against the white one slightly upside down.

"Did you bring my purse with us? The one I had that night at the bar?" She said as she stared at the photo.

"I did, everything is inside, your phone included. It's in the back next to your bags."

"I don't care about the phone." She softly said as she walked towards the back of the suv.

She grabbed her purse then went and sat in the passenger's seat, took out her pen and lazily smoked it. I could slightly hear somber music playing inside the suv.

Both Holland and I sighed, then walked to the vehicle. Somehow I knew Holland realized, just as I did that it was going to be a quiet ride.


Comment, vote, tell me your thoughts.
I love you all!

Would you have kept the pups?

Much love,


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