Memories Bring Back You ✔️

By ZiamArmour

14.9K 1K 830

[COMPLETED] "Here's to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not 'Cause the drink... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

724 49 24
By ZiamArmour

Liam taps on the counter as he is thinking about what the man in front of him just said.

Days have passed and everything seems normal. Zayn can now walk without the need for crutches. He is also gaining weight and has regularly exercised. He now looks healthier and more handsome. He also has been regularly meeting up with his psychologist who helped a lot regaining his childhood memories.


Liam snapped from his thoughts.

"I really need to work."

Liam frowned. He can support them both. All Zayn needs to do is sit tight and be safe. But the idiot wants to work telling him that, perhaps, the danger lurks no more. As if he was not lost in those two years. Liam's heart clenched.

"Liam, focus. I am informing you that I will work on night bars as singer." Zayn said flatly. He is informing Liam. He was not looking for approval.

No. No. No. Not the bars. No nightouts. No alcohol. No eyes on my Giant.

"No. I will lock you up if I have to! Do you not realize, Zayn, how dangerous it's gonna be?" Liam said while crossing his arms on his chest, eyes glaring at Zayn and feet kicking. "You studied for four years Zayn. Use your brain."

"Watch your tone, Liam." Zayn's voice was cold.

Liam is now shrinking back. He went to Zayn's side and linked his arms on him. They are now at the kitchen counter preparing for breakfast.

"Zayn, don't be grumpy. Hmmm. Why don't you work for me as my sex slave." Liam smirked playfully.

Zayn trapped Liam in his arms and Liam is still up to play the game as Zayn looks at him like how a predator looks at its prey.

He traced Zayn's chest seductively with his index finger. "Don't test me, Liam."

"Work for me." He continued what he was doing.

Zayn's hand immediately squished his face. The eyes of the man he was teasing are a shade darker. His lips form a thin line. Then, Liam laughed.

Zayn released his face.

"You should've seen yourself. It is really fun to rile you up, Zayn!" He said in between laughs while clutching his stomach.

Liam heard Zayn exhaled deeply and walked away from him. Liam frowned. Has he gone overboard with the teasing? He followed Zayn and Zayn was heading to the bedroom. He heard Zayn lock the door.

Oh no, no, no. Zayn is angry. He is now biting his lower lip. And stood on his place, unmoving. He will be late for work. But he does not care. He has the key to the door, but he will give Zayn space. Surely, Zayn will come out when he is okay.

After eight minutes of waiting, Liam heard the door open and saw a man wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks. Liam's mouth fell open and almost a drool came with it too.

Zayn came out wearing one of Liam's dress shirt which is a little smaller for him. So, Zayn's arms and torso are now so defined. The slacks hug his strong thighs perfectly well.

"I'll start my job today."

If Liam's jaw can slack up to the ground it would have.

When he did not move from shock, Zayn pulled him towards the car.

Liam was driving when Zayn said, "Liam, I am not working as your sex slave. I will be applying to any position your company has for me. I will email you my transcript and resumé."

"Impressive." Liam smirked. "You came prepared. You'll work under me. Your table will be inside my office."

"Liam, no special treatments."

"Oh, Zayn. You are special for me. I can't help it. I feel like I want to dance. For your first job, Mr. Malik, sing a song for me."

"Liam, my job is a serious matter." Liam glanced at Zayn and laughed. Zayn was frowning.

"Come on, Zayn!"


"You are so bossy and authoritative, Zayn. I am the boss. You should do as I say. Or else, I will fire you. Aren't you afraid of that?" Liam said, a sly smile on his face. Get that, Giant!

"Liam." Liam's ears perked up. That is the tone of the final warning.

Sheepishly, Liam said, "Zayn, you'll just have a table in my office. It is so I can easily ask for your assistance whenever I need you, okay?"

"Very well."

Very well? I even look like this giant's driver! Better than him working at nighttime, right? Liam can never let his guards down.

They arrived at the basement parking lot of Liam's building. Zayn got out of the car first and opened Liam's door.

"Not bad for your first day, Zayn."

Zayn rolled his eyes. What the hell? Did he just rolled his eyes on me? His boss?

Zayn did not even wait for him as he walked straight to the elevator.

"Zayn, why are you in a hurry? Why would you leave your boss? Zayn, Zayn, Zayn." Liam said while jogging towards Zayn, small giggles escaping his lips.

"I am 33 minutes late for work." Zayn said while his eyes looked straight ahead.

Liam can't help but laugh. Oh, what am I gonna do with you, Zayn?

They ride the elevator together in silence, until Liam tiptoed and kissed Zayn's cheek. He saw the tips of Zayn's ears turn red and he smirked triumphantly.

"Follow me, Mr. Malik," Liam said as the elevator opened.

Liam walked out of the elevator first. The whole floor became silent. His aura changed from playful to deadly.

Instead of going to the top floor, he dropped first at the Human Resource Department first to add Zayn to the employee list and give him all essential things his position require of him.

Liam could have just let the HR Head drop everything in his office. But Zayn said no special treatments. Who is he to deprive Zayn of his first day experience?

The whole floor was gawking at Zayn. And Liam perfectly understands that. The man's overall physical appearance is godlike. But Liam does not appreciate the stares.

So, in his cold loud voice he said, "Get. Back. To. Work."

The employees snapped out of the enchantment and got back to their works quickly, while stealing glances at Zayn. I should have locked him in my room.

Liam shook his head at the thought. His body became hot.

He cleared his throat and gestured Zayn towards a clear glass door. It was the HR Head's office.

"Just go inside, Zayn." Liam can't help but speak in a softer tone. Damn it. Zayn saw my boss aura. What does he think of me now? Liam snickered.

Now, they are on the elevator on the way up to his office. Zayn is already wearing the company I.D., a laptop bag on his other hand and on the other are office supplies. Such a cute giant.

The elevator opened. The floor is excusively for board and client meetings and his office.

As they walk in, Liam saw Harry's jaw drop.

"Harry, close your mouth." Liam said.

"No, Boss. Who is this lovely person?"

"Watch your words, Harry." Liam warned. And Harry paled when he snapped back to reality.

"Goodmorning, Harry. I am Zayn Malik."

"What the heck? You were handsome back then. How can you get more handsome? Can I take a pic-"

"Harry, do you want to get fired?" Liam glared at Harry.

Harry sheepishly laughed and said, "Aiya! Boss, I'm just kidding. The table on your office is ready."

Liam just walked in his office and Zayn just followed him.

When they entered the office, Zayn immediately said to Liam, "So, you kept it?"

"Of course. How could I not keep such an ugly portrait of me?"

Zayn just chuckled silently. With fondness in his eyes he said, "I can still remember the feelings I had when I painted that one. It was of happiness, desire and longing."

"Hey, the model, the inspiration, the flesh is here! Why can't you look at me the way you looked at that painting, huh?"

Zayn settled the things he was carrying on his assigned desk carefully and quietly. Then sat down on his chair.

"Liam, let's get to work."

Liam just rolled his eyes and lazily flopped himself on his comfortable chair. His feet on his table.

"Liam, sit properly."

"This is my office, Zayn. I will sit properly when somebody comes in."

Liam did not hear Zayn complain. Although he wanted to, just to hear his voice.

Liam decided to start working.

"What the fuck is this work?" Liam exclaimed as he threw the design to the ground.

His employee flinched. "I gave you two fucking weeks to just complete simple promotional poster. A highschool student can do better than you."

The man in front of him trembled. The work really was a trash. It was unpolished and unprofessional.

"Submit a work like this again and consider yourself fired. Scram!" The man bolted.

Just as the man went out, before the door could even click close, another man entered and gave him a financial report.

"The heck are these numbers? I am not an accountant for a reason. Tell the one who prepared this to put this in graph and put some interpretation shits on it. Get out!"

Then, Harry entered as the man excused himself.

"Boss, Sir Sitwat called. He wants the board to have a meeting again to discuss the dividends something."

"Who the fuck is Sitwat?"

"The bald man, Sir. The one who compared you to William Payne."

"The fuck his audacity. Tell him I am busy to entertain his ass."

"Yes, Boss." Harry said as he closed the door.

The door to his office opened again. "WHAT?!" Liam exclaimed.

It was a delivery guy. What is he doing here?

Zayn took the package and hand him a tip. Where did he get that money? Oh right, I gave him an allowance or as what Zayn insisted, I lent him money.

Zayn dropped the package in front of him. Liam can see Zayn's emotionless face as he sat back again on his chair and do something in his laptop.

Liam opened the package and it was a tub of vanilla ice cream, his favorite. My heart. Oh, my heart is gonna burst. Liam wants to cry. For the first time, in this office, somebody gave him an ice cream without the need to ask. This is what he missed for two fucking years. Two fucking years of nobody caring for him.

"Aaah~ How are you so good to your boss, Zayn. Good boy receives reward. What do you want, Zayn?" Liam said as he eats the ice cream.

"And very naughty boys get punishment." Zayn said in chilling voice and his eyes glint in mischief and something else.

Liam swallowed hard and decided to keep quiet.

"Why is the room so hot? It doesn't make sense?" Liam mumbled absentmindedly as he fans himself with his hand and the other hand scooped an ice cream.

"Liam, you have not assigned a work for me yet."

"Oh no, no. I don't want to assign this one to you. I can have this delivered by other employees." He waved his hand dismissively.

Zayn stood up and took the papers. "Where?" Are you the boss, huh? Why are you so bossy?

"Just on EK Supplies. Just tell the cab driver. It is quite known. The exact address is on the top of the paper. Just ask Harry for some fare. Be very careful, Zayn."

Zayn nodded and closed the door behind him.

Liam does not want Zayn to go out. But he cannot just have him cooped up in this office or in his house because he just wants to. He needs to learn to trust Zayn. He is a strong and capable man after all.

Liam read and signed too many papers that he did not notice the time.

What the fuck? It has been an hour and Zayn has not yet come back when it should only take him 15 minutes. He was about to take his phone to call Zayn when he realized Zayn did not have a phone.

Liam can feel his gut drop. What the fuck. What the fuck. He can't help himself from breaking down. Why am I so dumb not to let him bring a phone? Or even buy one? Why am I so careless as if I haven't lost the person once?

Liam tugged his hair painfully in frsutration. He got up and checked outside of his office and no Zayn was there. He even ask Harry to ask the guards if Zayn was seen enter the building and to also call the EK Supplier if they have received the papers. All answers are no.

What if he fainted? What if Zayn leaves him again?

Liam waited for another 15 minutes and still nothing. So, he called his men to look for Mew.

Dread consumed Liam at the familiarity of the situation. The feelings he once experience flooded his system again.


2018 - Flashback

It was the day before Zayn's graduation and Liam was waiting for Zayn in the university's field.

Zayn was practicing for their graduation. And Liam just finished his summer classes for that day.

Zayn has been a great friend who tolerates his antics and annoying ass and Zayn has been his only friend in the university.

He would be sad that Zayn would be the first to graduate. And sometimes, he chose to forget that fact. That is the only first he would not have the chance to win because he still has another school year to complete and it sucks thinking that Zayn won't be around the campus anymore.

Who will accompany me during lunch? Who will give me snacks? Who will be my motivation to wake up early, study harder, and achieve greater?

But he is proud of his bestfriend. His heart beat fast. What the hell? I must be tired from the class. That's it. I'm tired.

Somebody held his eyes close with a hand. He touched the hand and knew exactly who it was. Thump! Thump! Thump!

Liam cleared his throat and said, "Zayn! Let me go this instant! Why are you sneaking in my back, huh? Are you done with your practice? Treat me to some dinner, will you? My stomach is getting angry at me. If you will no-" The hand released its hold on him and when he opened his eyes, he choked a sob.

It was a portrait of him, on a canvass, painted using oil paint. The colors burst from it. Dark to light. Dull to bold. It was brushstrokes forming his face.

"Aiya! Zayn, why did you make me so ugly? You can draw me realism style but you chose not to. What a good friend you are."

His friend just chuckled quietly.

"Thank you for being a great company, Liam."

Liam cannot help but hug his friend and he teared up a little.

"You are an annoying giant, Zayn. You make me cry easily. I hate you!"

Zayn kept quiet and wiped his tears away. Thump! Thump! Thump! Maybe I am just hungry.

"Zayn let us go eat at the restaurant two blocks away from here!" Liam said excitedly, masking his beating heart. He dragged Zayn who was holding the portrait. Zayn really knew that he can be clumsy and might ruin the canvass.

After they ate that night, Zayn got back to his dorm while he went home. Carefully carrying the portrait Liam gave him.

When he received the painting, he was actually ecstatic. Zayn never gave him a painting before. That giant was stingy as hell.

So, Liam kept the painting carefully. He was planning to hang it after Zayn's graduation.

Liam slept with a happy heart thinking about his bestfriend's subtle smile when he waved goodbye as they parted ways in the restaurant.


Liam woke up earlier than usual. It was, after all, Zayn's graduation day. He looked at his phone and there are no messages. Good. I will be the first to say goodmorning. Again. He texted Zayn 'Goodmorning, Zayn. Today is your day. See you, later.'

Liam prepared to go to school to attend Zayn's graduation. He is his friend's plus one. Zayn said his aunt would not want to come. Liam, actually, felt so honored.

After looking at the mirror and found himself presentable, he looked at his phone. There was no reply. Maybe, Zayn is just busy preparing to look sharp and handsome. Like he always does. W-What? Thump! Thump! Thump!

He arrived at the school with no text from Zayn. Liam scanned the whole auditorium and the specific place where the BFA graduates should be. There are only 30 students who would graduate from the said course, so it would be easy to look for that giant. But Liam did not find any Zayn.

So Liam waited outside the auditorium. Maybe Zayn really is just late, right? Liam calmed down his raging heart. He can already hear the program starting inside the auditorium. Liam tried to call Zayn a hundred of times but it went unanswered. Just endless ringing.

Liam was biting his lower lip. Where are you, giant? It's your graduation and you told me to come here. Liam is still standing outside the auditorium. The BFA students had already marched. But Zayn was not there. Liam's lower limbs were now numb from standing.

The graduation ceremony ended.

Liam never saw Zayn. I trusted you, giant. He wanted to cry. Why must Zayn not attend his own graduation? Why must he play with me like that? That time he was thinking wrong. I'll give him an earful! But he always answers my call. He was excited yesterday.

He did not text me goodnight. Could it be? It crossed Liam's mind that something might have happened to his friend. But he refused to acknowledge it right away. Liam was a person who just wanted peace and had no activities outside college. He would just stay in his dorm after he school. So it was unlikely that something would happen to him, right?

Nevertheless, Liam's feet moved on its own and he ran fast towards Zayn's dorm. He was hoping that, at least, Zayn was seen maybe with big bags going somewhere. If that would be the case, there would be greater chance of a safe Zayn.

Liam right away asked the landlady while catching his breath.

"I-Is Zayn here?"

"Zayn?" The landlady paused before answering. "He did not come to his dorm last night. There are no logs of him doing so." The landlady's face also showed her confusion. It really was unlikely for Zayn not to be home.

"Can I go check his room? Just give me five minutes" The worried-looking landlady nodded and gave him a sparekey. The landlady already knew of Liam over the years.

Liam opened the room. Everything was just the way it was before. Countless paintings, neatly folded clothes, made up bed. Zayn was not planning to go somewhere

Liam was now sweating cold. Tears are on his eyes threatening to fall down. He really could not imagine Zayn being in danger. He could not bear it.

Liam ran, frantically tracing the way from the dorm to the restaurant where they parted. There was no sign of him or anything that could lead Liam to Zayn.

Liam was getting frustrated. He had no means to look for Zayn. No connections. No power.

Liam went straight to the police station to report the disappearance and was just told to wait if ever something would come up.

Still disoriented, Liam had no choice but to go home.

He found his father sitting on a sofa, tired.

"Father, can you help me with something?" Liam asked bravely.

"What?" His father replied with a rough voice.

"Find my friend, Zayn, for me, father. I do not know where he is and I think someone took him."

Liam's father gave him a disapproving look.

"I will not look for a useless person."

Liam was taken aback. What useless person? How could he?

"Please, father." He was desperate. "Please." If he could kneel, he would.

"No." His father stood up and walked away from him.

"Please, I don't know what to do." Liam whispered and went to his bed, thinking about where Zayn could be.

Liam could not sleep. All he could think of were there memories. The happy ones, the pressured for exams ones, the annoying ones. And he did not know whether to smile or cry or do both at the same time.

Nobody prepared him for this.

Liam went for sleepless for many days. If he slept, it would be for an hour or two. He could not even eat. There were no news of where Zayn could have been. Liam went to Zayn's home address but he got nothing. Zayn's aunt did not live there anymore and Zayn was not seen too.

Liam's health is slowly declining. He could not understand a thing discussed in his summer classes. He skipped classes and only showed up in quizzes and exams.

Where are you, Zayn?

It frustrated him how little he can do to look for his friend.

His father entered his room without knocking.

"Why do you look like as if you lost your spouse? I did not even grieve like that when I lost your mom. Grow some balls! You are a man and stop sulking."

"Get lost!"

"Young man, stop being nonsense. Being useless won't bring that friend back. I suggest you start to move forward." Liam flinched at the words. I can't not until I see Zayn safe.

"Get lost!" Liam heard his father 'tsked' and slammed the door.

Lost my spouse? Why am I grieving like I lost my spouse? Why? That was the moment it sank in. I love Zayn. I have been in love with him since. That was why it never crossed my mind to date anyone. Why I feel the happiest when I'm with him. Why I feel like I lost half of myself.

Liam stood up and dashed out to find his father. He opened his father's door without knocking.

"Father, please, find Zayn for me. Please. I can't, please." Liam was begging for the love he could never let go. He was frustrated at himself of how late he realized it. Maybe, he would have taken care of Zayn a lot better. Maybe, he would have convinced his father to live in a dorm with Zayn and maybe Zayn would not have been alone that night.

"No, Liam. Look for him yourself and get your shit together. And maybe you'll find him when your capable enough."

No no no. I could not last a day, father. Tears streamed down his face as he go straight to his room. I love him. Why did I have to be so stupid not to realize it? And now, I lost him. I lost my love. Zayn, where are you? I am going crazy.

Days passed and still no news of Zayn. Liam became thinner and sickly. He has lost weight and could not function well. He was used to a life with Zayn and suddenly he was taken away from him.

Liam felt numb. He can feel nothing. I have to be better. I have to be stronger to see Zayn again. I have to be more powerful to find him.

Just when he was about to stand up, his phone notified. It was a message received in his e-mail. It confused Liam. He only used his e-mail for classes and now he's on break before another the June classes start.

He opened it and the message just contained a single image. He waited for it to load. And when it did, Liam knew he lost his world. No, no, no. He resented the world who dared touch a beautiful soul. A soul who did not wrong anyone.

It was an image of his love. Lying on a pit in the ground, half of his face covered with soil and his body fully covered with it. Bruises all over his face and a blood trickled on his forehead. The Zayn there was not his strong giant. He was pale. He looked dead.

Liam wanted to cry but he can't cry more. He threw his phone away. He broke too many things in his room that day. His eyes never leaving the painting Zayn gave him.

I lost the love I have not experienced.

That day, Liam was never Liam again. He died together with Zayn.

I vow to make myself stronger and powerful to get justice in my own way. I will avenge you, Zayn.

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