Bonded (Niklaus Mikaelson)

By niklausssmikaelson

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After being sent away Adelaide comes back after 3 years. She already knows about the supernatural world but s... More

Part 1
Werewolf curse
Hello father
Moving in
Ricky Ric
He's back
The Curse
Werewolf bite
Werewolf hunt
Night affairs
Cupcake loss
Short story
The reckoning
Phone calls
Ghost world
OG witch
Coffin chase
Birthday ball
Find me
Karma's a bitch
My little target
One more stake
Rupert, Emmy and Mila
Back to the 20's
How far does my bond go
Come back to me
A day of peace
And then there were 10

The Martins

338 8 0
By niklausssmikaelson

I never actually passed out, I was still conscious I just didn't want to go through the trouble of having to kill them and then washing blood off my car plus this way I would get a lovely adventure out of it. I turned my head to see Elena next to me which didn't surprise me at all knowing who she was and how sought after she is to the supernatural world

The car stopped and I heard footsteps coming towards the boot. I quickly closed my eyes and resumed my role as an unconscious captive, slowing down my heart rate to make sure I played my part right. He took Elena out first carrying her to wherever he was going to keep up. He came back for me taking me to the same place. Once we had gotten to a certain area a strong stench hit my nose, I felt myself being lowered and I just knew I couldn't fake being knocked out anymore


I screeched and wiggled in the man's arms before he let me down on the ground. I wanted to slap him for even trying to put me on that couch. It had holes in it and stains mixed with dust. I understand you kidnapping me but don't disrespect me by laying me on such a thing

"Well looks like one of you is awake" he looked at me studying my face before reaching his hand out to touch my chin. I quickly swatted his hand away and moved back from the strange, and might I say stinky man. It was quite clear he hadn't bathed in days and if he did he was using just water and no soap.

Elena had awoken due to my screams and also started taking in the scenery

I looked around and scrunched my nose when I saw the state of the house.

Some of the floor boards were missing and the ones that were there were tarnished, the curtains had holes and rips in them with stains colouring the curtains a brownish orange colour. The walls looked dirty and old the whole house looked unstable even the coffee table was tilting to it's side. The rug that was on the floor was covered in blood mixed with the crumbs of fallen food

The amount of grime that surrounded me made me want to break down and cry but the place was so discusting I didn't even like the fact the my shoes were stepping on it. The place made me feel unclean, I wanted so desperately to take a shower but seeing how bad things were down here I can't even imagine how upstairs looked.

I continued to look around and saw a broken window with cracks everywhere and glass missing. I completely lost it when I saw the rat I screeched and quickly ran behind Elena using her as a human shield I know rats can't hurt me but they're diseased animals and I can't even stomach thinking about how much filth they've come across.

The man came in again and picked up the rat "You can't scare our guests like that, you might give them a heart attack" he talked to the rat. Psychotic, this man was psycotic don't get me wrong i'm grateful he got the rat but why is he talking to it like it's his friend, it's a bloody rat for fuck sake and why is he holding it with his bare hands, he needs to wash his hands before he tries to kill me or at least kill me with gloves on, in fact he should take me outside and execute me there I can bet you £500 it's cleaner out there than it is in here.

He walked back into the room and went close to Elena

"Please i'm hurt" Elena pleaded

"I know just a taste"

"Trevor control yourself" a woman said walking in, she had short brown hair that sat on her shoulders and brown eyes. The man she called Trevor walked out whispering something I couldn't quite hear.

"My God you look just like her" she said to Elena

"Yh but i'm not" Elena argued

"I know be quiet"

"But i'm not her my name is Elena Gilbert"

"I know I said be quiet"

"What do you want"

The woman rose her hand and slapped Elena across the face causing her to fall on the couch unconscious.

"I want you to be quiet" she said
I just stood there quietly not wanting to get knocked out aswell. When Elena woke up, she started walking around the house while I stood in what I think was the living room. I don't understand how she could go exploring after she just got bitch slapped, maybe she liked it.

The only part of the conversation I could hear is when she got caught and when they said something about Elijah being our worst nightmare to which I smirked and happily walked around the house. Rose was explaining to us about how they wanted to trade us for their freedom

"Because you're a Petrova doppelgänger you're the key to breaking the curse" she said

"Great then why am I here"

"Because you're a Martin"

"And so...."

"What do you mean i'm the key the moon stone is what breaks the curse?" Elena asked confusion present in her voice

"No the moonstone is what binds the curse, sacrifice is what breaks it"


"The blood of the doppelgägner you're the doppelgägner which means in order to break the curse you're the one that has to die"

"I don't have to die aswell right?" I ask

"No they just need a bit of your blood but i'm almost 100% sure the originals will want to take you with them"


We hear a knock on the door and Rose goes to answer it while Trevor stays with us. I couldn't stop the smile that was spreading across my face. Of course I spoke to Elijah every day but I haven't been seeing him in person. I missed him, not that I would ever tell him that. I was waiting for him to come in the room so I can see him I immediately got happy and stared at the door in anticipation when I heard footsteps. I sprinted to Elijah crushing him in a hug and wrapping my legs around his waist. He hugged me back and stroked my hair a bit before letting me down and questioning me

"I was kidnapped obviously" I respond. He gives me a knowing look which I return with a cheeky grin before saying "I wanted an adventure"

"Is there a reason you have brought my sister here?" Elijah asked

Rose and Trevor stared at me with shock while I returned their looks with an innocent smile rose and Trevor both stuttered over their words , the only coherent sentence being that they didn't know.

"munhu here" is she human Elijah asks

I nod as he vamp speeds towards her and sniffs her neck

"Human. It's impossible" the man says, Elena continues to shake her eyes glazing over "hello there" Elijah says

"Come we have a long journey ahead of us we should be going" Elijah says turning around

"Please don't let him take us" Elena pleads

"One last piece of business. Then we're done" he walks towards Trevor

"I've waited so long for this day. Elijah. I'm truly very sorry" Trevor apologises

"Oh,no, your apology is not necessary" Elijah states calmly

"Yes, yes, it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you"

"Well , yes, you are the guilty one. Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That I Honour. Where was your loyalty?"

"I beg your forgiveness"

"So granted" and with one swift motion Elijah decapitates his head. Rose let out a blood curdling scream and Elena turned away from the sight crying a little bit into my shoulder

"You-" Rose says

"Don't, Rose. Now that you are free" Elijah says  before walking towards me and Elena. Elena looks up desperately and quickly tries to negotiate

"What about the moonstone?" Elena asks as Rose cries in the back

"What do you know about the moonstone?" Elijah asks his eyes flickering between me and Elena

"I know that you need it and I know where it is" Elena says

"Yes?" Elijah says

"I can help you get it" Elena says with a tight grip on my hand

"Tell me where it is" Elijah says

"It doesn't work that way" Elena replies

"Are you negotiating with me?" Elijah asks then turns to Rose

"It's the first I've heard of it" Rose says tears still clouding her eyes.


"I'm new to town, I don't know much"

Elijah turns back around to us and stares into Elena's eyes

"What is this vervain doing around your neck?" Elijah rips Elena's necklace off and stares into her eyes

"Tell me where the moonstone is" Elijah says grabbing the back of her head

"In the tomb underneath the church ruins" Elena replies in a monotone voice, which used to scare me but after a while of living with vampires you get used to it

"What is it doing there?" Elijah asks

"It's with Katherine" Elena replies

"Interesting" Elijah says, we all hear some sort of movement and Elijah questions Rose on it to which she responds with a simple "I don't know"

"Who else is in this house?" Elijah asks

"I don't know" Rose replies

Elijah grabs Elena and drags her into another room with me following behind

I see a blur moving around the room reminding me of the Flash AKA Barry Allen but I force my mind to concentrate on the current situation

"Rose" Elijah says in a warning tone

"I don't know who it is"

The blur zooms past again and I hear Stefan's voice "up here" Elijah super speeds to the top and another voice says "down here" it sounded like Damon but I wasn't paying to much attention. A wooden stake is shot through Elijah's hand and me Elena and Rose are sped away. Damon had me up against the wall with a hand over my mouth and a finger to his lips telling me to shush

"To whom it may concern. You're making a grave mistake if you think that you can beat me, you can't. You hear that? I repeat you cannot beat me" I hear Elijah say Damon begins to slowly take his hand off my mouth as Elijah continues to speak

"I want the girls on the count of three, or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?" Elijah says

"I'll come with you, just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out" I hear Elena say. 'Stay' Damon mouths to me

"Where's Adelaide? What game are you playing" I hear Elijah say, I hear an explosion and Elijah screams which then stops almost instantly. I flinch when I hear the sound of shots being fired, Damon covers my ears but speeds away after a few seconds. I listen to what Damon says and stay put but Rose runs out the next second

"Just let her go" Elena says

"Can I come out now?!" I ask and I hear Stefan chuckle

"Yes" Stefan says

"No" Damon says at the same time as Stefan

I come out and see Elena run down the stairs into Stefan's arms. I see Damon off to the side with a kind of hurt expression on his face but I see him mouth your welcome

"Ok, let's go" Damon says

"I'll clean this up" I say gesturing to the 2 bodies on the floor

"Your not coming?" Elena asks

"I think I'll walk" I say with an awkward smile

Elena should've taken my calmness as a sign that Elijah's not dead. If Elijah wasn't going to come back I would've murdered all 3 of them on the spot.


I drag Trevor's body to the middle of the room where Elijah was stabbed, I may or may not have played football with his head a little bit so now I'm currently trying to find where I kicked it to. I hear grunts behind me and I turn around to see Elijah pulling the coat rack out from his chest.

"Took you long enough. Now help me find Trevor's head"

"Adelaide" Elijah says in a scornful tone

"I know, I know, I'm not supposed to be playing football with body parts. This was just to tempting"


Elijah took me to his apartment and has been surprisingly nice to me. Last time I allowed myself to be kidnapped he allowed me to stay with the kidnapper for 3 more hours before coming to retrieve me. This time he bought me dominos, clothes, shoes and even played a video game with me

"You seem to have made many friends" Elijah says while scrolling through my phone

"They keep calling you" he says

"I don't actually have a lot of friends, it's cause I recently got kidnapped and I'm kind of like a supernatural encyclopaedia and they need help" I say getting up to get a bottle of water.

"Still as anti-social as ever. I want to see you make 1 friend just 1 that you haven't been forced to have a relationship with since birth"

"I refuse, my friend list is as amazing as ever" Elijah shakes his head continuing through my phone and I don't stop him seeing as he probably knows everything that's on there anyway

Elijah really doesn't care what I do as long as I don't leave the house, he didn't care when I ordered clothes on his phone.I've tried to jump on his back multiple times but he doesn't fall down. The only thing he repeatedly tells me not to do is jump on his bed to wake him up, oh and swearing, he doesn't like it when I swear. I remember the last time I swore in front of him he sat on me. I try not do it in front of him anymore, I may be strong but I'm not that strong.

"Come Adelaide" Elijah says standing up from the table

"Whyyy just let me stay here" I whine

"I can't trust you not to misbehave"
Elijah says

"I'm hurt by your lack of trust in me"

"Let me at least change" I say running up the stairs before he can even answer

We get to an apartment and Elijah compels a man to talk to someone on the phone. I wasn't really paying attention, I was just waiting till I got to go back to the apartment

"Very nicely done" Elijah says

"Thanks. I have a degree in theatre. How can you compel me? A vampire can't compel another vampire" the man says

"He's a special vampire" I say from my place on the couch. I see Elijah smirk a bit at the man's sudden realisation

"What, because your an original?" He asks

"Hmm" Elijah responds

"Now I want you to take this and drive it through your heart" Elijah says handing the guy a stake

"But that would kill me forever" the man says

"I know. But it's necessary" Elijah says looking into his eyes, we all watch as the man desiccates on the floor

"Was it really?" The man that I've come to know as doctor Smith says

"It had to be done, he delivered his message. Won't be long now" Elijah says

"Such a lovely apartment going to waste." I sigh
Dr Prescott shoots me an amused smile as Elijah begins to speak

"If no one claims it by the end of the week I'll compel you the deed" he says stepping over the body

"Really" I say jumping up from my seat
Dr Prescott chuckles and we all walk out of the apartment and go back to Elijah's

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