Twins of Love*

By japanese_bluefairy

13.9K 264 46

Musa has completed her studies in Alfea and is happily engaged to Riven. The young music fairy dreams of a qu... More

1. Shopping
2. Disappeared
3. When you least expect it...
4. Muse
5. Reckless choice
6. Caring for you
7. Living together
8. New Life?
9. Dreams or reality
10. The source of magic
11. Witch blood
12. Riven's marriage
13. The showdown
14. Together again
15. Restart
16. The new king
17. The tournament
18. Rhythm and melody
20. Changes
21. The penthouse
22. It's just the beginning

19. Orange Blossom?

623 8 0
By japanese_bluefairy

After about a month, Musa returned home with Riven and their baby chicks. Their time on Melody had lasted quite a while but they were still happy. Nymeria and Ho-Boé got to spend time with the two little fledglings and got excited. The witch princess loved Jayden, but she also adored Harmony, who was as beautiful as she and Musa. Ho-Boè had resumed playing the cello, an instrument he hadn't touched since the death of his Matlin... He had resumed it for the love of his grandchildren, Harmony adored the sound of that instrument.

Riven and Musa couldn't help but be over the moon...they had found their missing moments with the only parents they had left. Riven discovered the softer side of himself with his children and his mother was happy about that. Musa, for her part, had proven to Ho-Boé that she was a good mother even without having had the guidance of her own, who had passed away when she was very young.

When they arrived at their apartment, she was super excited about how she, Riven and the girls had worked on the nursery: before he left, in fact, Riven had painted the nursery in pastel colors and decorated the walls. While waiting for the cribs to arrive, Musa had left the guest bed, and on those very days when Ho-Boé was staying with his daughter, the cribs had arrived!

"Daddy was evicted from his grandchildren before they were even born," she laughs.

Riven didn't say a word, being enchanted by the way the Winx and the boys had arranged the room: the cribs were placed in the wall opposite each other; under the window was placed the rocking chair that Musa had chosen to rock her babies; next to the door of the room was placed the changing table with the chest of drawers full of diapers, clothes and everything you need.

"Geez... I wouldn't have imagined my life changing like that..."

"You ended up changing diapers..." she says sarcastically. Riven glares at her then putting Harmony in her crib. Musa puts Jayden in his place, who like a good mama's boy, whines whining.

"Oy oy, you had mommy all to yourself for nine months, now if you please, I'll cuddle mommy," Riven laughs kissing both of his children.

He then turns to Musa, picking her up and carrying her upstairs. The fairy giggles as she clings to him.

"Riv, I've got my pussy smashed, I don't feel like it..."

"Don't worry, I don't want to make love...yet," he winks at her. "I just want to cuddle you and... talk, yeah. Talk a little with you, I've missed you too much."

"I see, I've never heard you talk so much in the hospital, while you were telling me about the tournament!" she laughs "Of course you had to be a flirt with the new queen too eh..." she mutters fake angry.

"Oh come on, knock it off! I didn't hit on her, I'm just saying that she looked a lot like you and she was as beautiful as you... no, you're more beautiful..." he says pulling her by the hips and starting to kiss her back softly. Musa lets him cuddle her, she missed so bad her handsome tenebrous....

"Musa, speaking about serious things, here...we are a family now. I've already told you that as long as you're on maternity leave, I'll provide for everything and we'll help with my mother's inheritance. Then I would love it if you could fulfill your dream, you know..."

"Yes, I want to be a singer and I hope I can devote my career to my family without neglecting the two."

Riven nods. He then takes a deep breath before saying what he's been thinking about for months now.

"Muse, listen, I...I know you want more than what we are now but...I'm just not feeling it."

"What are you talking about, Riv?"

"Marriage. I don't feel ready yet even though I want to marry you with all my heart..."

Musa nodded, a little sad but she couldn't blame him. Within a year and nine months they had gotten together, left their relationship as bedfellows, wrestled to the end with their differences and become parents.

"I understand, you need time..."

"Yes, and besides, we're still so young, honey..." Musa feels a jolt every time he called her " honey". She squeezes his hands, so large and comfortable, in her small and delicate ones.

"To me, it's like we're already married...we share the same roof, the same emotions, the same adventures. By now, we have to think of our little ones, they are our rhythm and our melody, the most beautiful love song I've ever heard."

Riven merely smiles at her as he caresses her cheek.

"Musa, Musa... I always think you changed my life. What am I saying... you picked it up, threw it on the ground at full speed and turned it upside down. You've managed to soften this heart of stone a little."

"If I succeeded, it was because the stone was only a shell. Inside it, there was already a beating heart."

"Yes, it was beating for a silly little pixie with pigtails and tomboyishness!"

Musa laughs giving him a gentle shove.

"You stupid jerk, the fearless and reckless Riven, the handsome dark man of Red Fountain, the man for whom fairies and witches would do anything for, now he's with the music fairy and ended up taking poop off his two children!"

Riven can't help but laugh, Musa had hit and sunk him but she was right. He, who had a reputation for being a womanizer, with no intention of wanting a serious relationship, was now well and truly screwed. But he didn't care... He pulled his fairy to him and began to kiss her with desire, without going any further. He holds her close to his heart, touches her enjoying those delicate forms, smells her hair always perfumed and clean...


"Mmmmgghhu..." mumbles Harmony moving her little hands and feet.

"Ehh mmghu what? I'm giving you a bath, you little brat," chuckles Riven under his lips. He was as clumsy as Daddy but he was adorable in his fairy's eyes. "Your brother even fell asleep, mind you."

Harmony laughs trying to catch the bubbles. Muse watches the scene in silence leaning against the doorframe with Jayden in her arms, already in clean pajamas and diaper and half asleep.

"Ouff, how much do you weigh, little calf?" complains Riven as he carefully dries her. They were almost four months old and seemed to be growing fast. Harmony was a big eater, sticking to Musa's breast for quite a while, performing little magical wonders.

"Ppppa..." squealed the little one, calling out to Riven.

"Yes, yes!" Riven focuses his power lifting the little one up, thus helping to put her diaper and pajamas on. After getting her dressed, he gives her a little up and down magic making her laugh.

"Oh Riv, that's enough or she'll spit up the milk!" scolds Musa without being able to help but laugh.

"Opsss, I'm sorry!" he giggles taking the little girl back. Harmony laughs happily but leaves room for a tender yawn.

"I guess it's bedtime for you two..." Riven places Harmony in her crib, Musa tends to Jayden. Harmony moves a tiny hand, making the music box, a gift from Aunt Flora and Uncle Helia, ring. Jayden yawns, laying down on his stomach. Riven chuckles and softly closes the door; then he looks at Musa.

"So? Do you want to stay in your pajamas tonight?"

"Huh? What am I supposed to do?"

"You go change and don't ask questions..."


Riven, annoyed, pushes her towards the stairs to let her up. He follows her changing as well. Musa looks at him raising an eyebrow.

"Riv, but doesn't it seem over the top for a pizza delivery to dress like that? I understand that..."

"Damn but for once can you just not bother?"

Musa huffs and changes. He wears a simple light blue shirt, gray jeans with a black leather belt and matching shoes. He combs his weird magenta hair and then sprays two drops of his cologne, getting out and letting Musa get ready.

Riven goes to open the door hearing the doorbell.

"Oh good, you're just in time!"

"Don't complain, you should be paying us!" laughs Brandon followed by Stella.

"Chin up, start practicing for when YOU become dad!"

Musa walks down hearing the voices of her friends. She shakes her head and realizes.

"Why didn't you say anything to me?"

"Do I always have to ruin the surprise for you?"

The girl giggles on her way down. Stella squeals as she looks at her.

"You look hot!"

She'd worn a mustard-colored, half-sleeve sheath dress with ruffles; her hair was down and she'd paired her beige stilettos with a handbag of the same color. Riven holds out his arm to her like a gentleman. Brandon and Stella look at each other giggling.

"Um, Riv... catch!"Brandon tosses him a pack of condoms "you know how that last time ended."

The four of them laugh, saying goodbye afterwards. Riven gets Musa into the car, taking her to a beautiful restaurant by the sea.

"We have to celebrate today, there's no way we're staying home in our pajamas!" he blurts out.

"Of course...a year ago our lives changed," she says smiling as she enjoys her big plate of spaghetti. "Brandon wanted to tell us now no more babies at every anniversary."

Riven laughs,  out the wine he was sipping.

"Muse! Come on!"

The music fairy suddenly shushes him as she wipes her mouth with her napkin.

"Hear that?"


"The song, you idiot!"

"Well, we're in a restaurant, what did you want to hear? Helicopters?"

Musa suddenly gets up, grabbing him and dragging him to the center of the room that had been set up by the club owner for the guests to dance.

"May I have this dance?" the little fairy says to her specialist.

Riven remains petrified, Musa amazed him more and more every day, living with her had shown his true nature. He shrugs and does as she tells him, holding her close and beginning to dance. A sweet smile is printed on her face, it looked like that of a little girl who had been granted a whim.

"You're a child, more than our children!"

"Come on, Riv! Don't be as grouchy as you usually are! Come on, hold me..."

Riven shakes his head laughing softly, she was indeed a child, but he loved her for it. He's sorry for saying no to her for the wedding, and he knows she'd been really hurt but it was in the past now. What did it matter to have a ring on her finger? What did it change? They loved each other enough that they had two beautiful children, their lives were going strong and Musa hadn't stopped learning and growing as a fairy.

Thoughts had made him forget that the song was over and it was time to finish their dinner. Musa sits tired, she never had a moment to herself or to be quiet but she was happy to be able to devote herself to her babies.

"oy oy, my feet hurt..." she says massaging her ankle.

"You're not used to heels anymore, pixie. You've gone from being the Winx in wedges to being the Winx in flip-flops!"

"Well, just think, in a few years the slippers, instead of keeping them on my feet, I'm going to throw them at those two if they get up to any mischief! And not just to those two...there's some for you too!"

Riven laughs heartily, by now since he was with her he was always laughing, both he and she always had a ready answer to each other's jokes. Musa laughs back, sitting down again with composure. Dessert arrived, Riven orders a liqueur.

"Hey, look we drained two bottles of white!"

"So what? It means you'll be using powdered milk for a week, the time you dispose of it..." he says, downing the last drop of wine in his goblet.

Musa eats her dessert, she'd had vanilla ice cream with berries; Riven eats his chocolate parfait, glancing occasionally at his girlfriend. He remembers their first date, when they had decided it was time to stop just fucking and start seriously dating.

"You're a slug when you're eating ice cream..." he murmurs, thinking he's not heard by her, who promptly glares at him.

"Oh yeah, huh..."

" I'm telling you because...because it's melting..." he says as he unbuttons the collar of his shirt, feeling the alcohol take effect. Muse looks at him biting her lip, like the first time they met.

"Muse I know that look..."

"Well then pay the bill," she says winking at him and finishing the last bite of ice cream.

Since that restaurant is by the sea, Musa decides to take a walk before leaving. She removes her heels so as not to sink and lets the cool sand tickle her feet. Riven walks a few steps behind her, watching her: if there was one thing he hated about Musa from the start, it was her being a bit childish. He sees her scampering along the beach, her face lit up by the moon... now he couldn't help but love her even when she was acting like a little girl. He walks over, picks up a fistful of sand and blows: a burgundy swirl transforms that fistful of sand into a small boat. Musa freezes upon seeing it.


"Would you like a little ride? Let's go all the way to the marina and then go," he barely smiles.

Musa nods and gets into the boat helped by him. Riven paddles a bit along the shoreline while Musa enjoys the breeze that ruffles her hair a bit. They remain silent, as they always do during their dates: Riven was one of few words and always had that aloof demeanor, as he hated flattery, but his fairy didn't mind....

"Silence is music..." she murmurs.

"It's an oxymoron..."

"Yes, but without silence there would be no sound and vice versa. It's like light and darkness," she says stretching a little and closing her eyes. Riven raises an eyebrow, understanding what she meant but not in the mood for philosophical discourse. Docked in the marina, the boat turns back into a pile of sand, leaving the fairy always surprised.

They return to the car, still remaining silent. Riven touches her thigh uncovered by the little dress gently, then approaches her and captures her lips.

"I am your silence and you are my music, pixie..." he says kissing her more fiercely and creeping his hand under her dress.

"Not here, Riv..." she replies panting.

"We're secluded, don't worry. Are you forgetting that we already did it in the car?" He says kissing her neck.

"No, I never forgot a single time..." she murmurs feeling desire rise in her throat.

"Let's go in the back, there's more room..." says Riven getting out of the driver's seat. She follows him, both sitting in the back seats.

"Where were we...? Ah, yes..." he resumes kissing her neck and mouth while with his hand he bullies his way between her legs. Musa gasps, her chest bobbing up and down, breathing heavily.

"Riven..." saying his name excited her to no end.

The specialist, with lust, leaves little trails of saliva from her neck to the neckline of her dress, giving her little hickeys on her neck and breasts. Musa tries to unbutton his shirt, leaving his muscular chest free. Riven quickly gets rid of that snag, sitting up and pulling Musa to him, making her sit astride him. He holds her by the butt, small but firm and high; he lifts the dress off her skirt going up her back with his hands searching for the zipper.

Musa giggles as she unbuckles his belt and jeans, kissing him eagerly. Riven, like a good burglar, manages to storm the fortress, pulling down the zipper and freeing his fairy from her dress. He smiles slyly as ever, basking in the sight of her, left in a thin black lace thong and no bra.

"Ah we're back in the early days pixie, bras are banned" he laughs.

"Just ask your kids, they massage my nipples at least five times a day" she giggles.

"Mmm ... tonight it's my turn..." he says kissing and licking her small breasts, being careful not to hurt her. Musa meanwhile continues to caress him, reaching down to his visibly aroused sex. She pulls down his jeans and boxers, starting a little blowjob. They had both shed the few inches of fabric that separate them from their desire to love each other. Riven pulls at her hair, panting loudly as she gets busy. Moments later, Musa pounced on him, straddling him again, feeling his hard member rub against her moist vagina.

"Wait, wait pixie..." Riven rummages through his jacket pocket grabbing the condoms Brandon had given him, putting one on.

Moments later, he enters inside her holding her to him and beginning to move gently. The windows fogged up, it was starting to get really hot...but no matter. Their moans were loud, vibrating, no one could hear them. Although the space was small, they still managed to have a more than satisfying relationship, the important thing was to love each other. Riven was no longer cold, disinterested, detached... he had become sweet and loving, though in his own way. However, even when there was no feeling, he respected everything: her desire, her will, her body, when it was yes and when it was no.

"Riven...." She groans calling his name.

Riven holds her close, loving her with passion and eagerness. He kisses her, leaves small bites, caresses her hair, her breasts... she was his, just his.

Waking up in the car and naked was certainly not a good thing but for Musa it was. She tries to compose herself, it was dawn and they needed to get back in before the twins wake up and disturb Brandon and Stella.

"Riv...damn," she says softly, laughing.

Riven grumbles stretching and composing himself.

"I'm hungry, pixie. You destroyed me last night!" he laughs.

"Like you don't know me. You know I don't understand anything anymore when I see you naked and eager!" she laughs back.

"Riven, listen to me..."


"I'm okay with it even if we're not married..." she caresses his face "We have our whole lives ahead of us and then... we're still a family!"

Riven nods and kisses her lovingly before returning home.

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