I ..❔.. YOU

By JessieJoy086

41.9K 3.6K 386

"I look at you I owe you I trust you But what do you think about me? Can't you give me a clear answer.." Repl... More

New Freshman..??
"Crazy person"
A memory..we may share
Unexpected person...
I'm not a bully
The bridge
I owe you
Not yet..
Mole's confession
Bad timing??
"I belong to you"
The News..
Unrequited Lo..
Past Love.!.!..
Destroy: Side Story
Coward: Side story
The victim??
The hidden culprit
A parent!!
In pretense of..
It's Hard to get together again after a break
' Whisper '

Mr. Bigmouth..

662 63 18
By JessieJoy086

After the arguments, other students dragged Wen and Hare along their friends to Dean's office. Dean promised to punished them. So Jin and others headed towards the council room. Tae too followed them.

Hoseok," Are you fine, Jin?"
Jin," I'm fine."
Yoongi," Don't worry Dean already warned them before.. I'm sure this time they won't be spared easily."
Jin," I hope so.."
Jimin," But I can't get it.. Why were they suddenly trying to harm you?"
Jungkook," Of course.. It was because Senior punished them before.. They just know to revenge others."
Yoongi," Right.. These sorts of people.. I hate them."
Tae," Wen and Hare.. I can't believe they will crossed their limits."
Jimin," For such worst people, there is no limitation."
Yoongi," By the way, At that place what were you doing with Kook, Jin?"
Jin," Ah! I remember.. I had something to tell you, Kook."
Jungkook," What is it?"

Tae got texted from Min.
Tae quickly," Sorry Seniors.. I need to go.. Please take care, Senior Jin."
Jimin," Actually I also had an emergency at my home.. I need to leave too."
Yoongi," Really?.. Then go.. Bye."
Tae and Jimin both left.
Hoseok teasingly," Now.. what is it?.. What sorts of secret you were going to share with Jungkook only?"
Jin irritatingly," Shut up.. Hoseok.. I am not in the mood for your joke."
Hoseok seriously," Sorry.."
Jungkook curiously," Is it that serious matter?"
Jin clenched his hand," Actually.. Maybe I'm wrong.. Or may be I am just suspicious.. But today I saw Min and Suhan together."

Yoongi confusingly," What's wrong if you see them together?.. Can't they be seen together?"
Hoseok," Now.. I remember.. Does Min not aware that you are not Namjoon's brother?.. I mean you still are.. But I mean real one."
Jungkook," He knows.. He knows everything about Namjoon.. That's what also make me confused when he asked Namjoon's well-being in front of you all even though he too knew that I and Namjoon are not in good terms."
Yoongi," It means he knew Suhan is Namjoon's brother.. Look Jin, Min was just talking to his friend's brother."
Jin," Really?.. So, I again suspect wrong."
Yoongi," Again?.. Are you going to be detective or something?.. These days you are suspecting everyone, Jin. "

Jin still was not satisfied with this conclusion.
Yoongi," Whatever.. I'm leaving too.. See you tomorrow."
Hoseok," Umm.. See you."
After Yoongi left.
Hoseok heavily sighed," Actually truth is Today.. I too thought Tae and Min were acting quite suspicious."
Jin," What?"
Jungkook," Acting?.. They were suspicious."
Jin," You too think that.."
Jungkook," Of course.. But everyone are convinced that Tae is a nice person so he shouldn't be doubted."

Hoseok," Actually.. I had never trusted Tae.. I don't know but I always think Tae had something that he is hiding."
Jin," What can he hide?.. I know I was suspecting Tae, but I don't think he can harm or hurt anyone."
Jungkook," Senior, are you innocent or stupid.. Didn't you see when everyone was present to save us, where was Tae at that time?.. Even though he was too in crowd, he didnot come at front."

Jin," What?.. Do you want Tae to get hurt because of us?.. Maybe he couldn't pass through the crowd.. or may be he was scared."
Jungkook smirked," Is he a kid or something to get scared?"
Jin," You.."
Hoseok," Stop fighting.. Fine Only Me and Kook are suspicious of Tae.. You believe in Tae.. We get it.."
Jungkook,'' Whatever.. do whatever with him, Senior." Glaring at Jin.
Jin angrily," I will trust him."

After a pause,
Jin couldnot hold anymore," Actually today I saw Suhan and Min together.."
Jungkook," Had you gone crazy, Senior?.. You already told... "
After a second Jungkook realized,
" Hold a second.. You saw them together.. What were they doing?"
Hoseok," What sorts of question is it, Kook?.. What do you mean.."
Jin quickly interrupted," I saw them hugging each other."
Jungkook clenched his hand.

Hoseok confusingly," What's wrong if they were hugging each other?"
Jin," Hoseok, I don't think it was normal.. Suhan's eyes..When I looked at him, I thought.."
Jungkook quickly," That he is in love with Min."
Hoseok shockingly," Huh?"
Jin was too surprised," It means they are together."
Jungkook twitched," Min is lying.. He is playing with Suhan's feelings."
Hoseok perplexing," But why?.. I mean why would he play with his friend's brother?.. Namjoon and Min are best friends, right? "
Jungkook," They aren't anymore.. Their friendship already broke 2 years ago.. To hurt Namjoon, Min could do anything.. So he is using Suhan to get Namjoon."

Hoseok," Did Namjoon knew about Suhan and Min?"
Jungkook," No.."
Hoseok," Why didn't you tell him then?"
Jungkook," It's not that easy.. We can't handle Suhan easily.. And involving Namjoon in it, will only make the things worst as Namjoon is Min's target."
Jin," Then are you going to leave them like that?"
Jungkook," No.. I will never let that happen.. I had to expose Min in front of Suhan.. It just I can't think of any ideas.. And Min sudden arrival with Suhan.. I still can't get it."
Hoseok," What do you mean by arrival of Min with Suhan?"
Jungkook," It was Min who asked Suhan to be here.."

Jin," What?.. But why?"
Jungkook," I don't know.. Suhan told me that he wanted to make Namjoon's happy by making him forget the pain that he got from his ex-lover.. I tried to ask him more but he don't want to talk to me properly anymore as I forbid him to meet Min.. I couldn't understand..Min is not such a simple guy to arrive here just for Namjoon's ex.. Not to mention he is dragging Suhan with him?"
Jin shockingly," Ex.. who?"
Jungkook," Jeremy.. Namjoon's ex lover, right?"
Jin," Hmm?.. Yeah.."

Hoseok looked at Jin. He knew Jin had complicated feelings towards Jeremy too. Jungkook relevation about Jeremy being Namjoon's ex lover would result to Jin to overthinking. To avoid Jin thinking too much,

Hoseok loudly," Ah.. Today is really a tiring day.. right.. Lots of things happened.. And lots of things are still on our mind.."
Jungkook," Right..I think My mind will burst because of this Min."
Jin," Why are you worried about Min that much?"
Jungkook," Who is worried about him?.. Truth is I'm not worried about Namjoon too.. I'm worried about Suhan.. Even though he had no faults, he will be the one who will get hurt.. That's why I'm going to meddle between Min and Namjoon."

Hoseok," What?.. Just for Suhan, you are going to risk yourself.. Do you have you any idea how dangerous this Min is?.. And Namjoon is also not such a good person.. Don't involve yourself."
Jungkook," I have to.. I need to protect Suhan."
Hoseok," Even though I always thought you are smart.. but right now I think you are the most stupid person, right Jin?"
Jin knew how Jungkook still felt guilt towards Suhan. So he didnot agreed with Hoseok.
Jungkook," Whatever...you can think anything about me.. And don't tell anyone about Min and Suhan.. I don't want Namjoon's informant to tell Namjoon."

Jin," What?.. Informant?"
Hoseok," Well, Namjoon had an informant who tells him everything.. I won't tell anyone..believe me."
Jungkook," Including that you knew that Suhan is Namjoon's real brother not me.. I don't think Min knew that you all know about me.. His way of talking was telling me that he too just think as Wen and Hare.."
Jin," Huh?"
Jungkook," I mean you are planning to bully Namjoon's brother..blah blah."
Hoseok," Fine.. It will be a secret too.. Anthing else?"

Jungkook thought even though Jin won't believe but Hoseok will believed on him if he told about them Tae and Min's relationship.

Jungkook hesistantly," I know you won't believe it.. Especially Senior Jin.. But I believed that Tae and Min are brothers.''
Jin shockingly," Huh?"
Hoseok," What?.. How did you know?"
Jungkook," I suspect them yesterday.. But today I got guarenteed.. They share same family's name."
Jin," What?.. Then why Tae is hiding about it?"
Jungkook," May be because of me..I think Min wanted to hide his weakness in front of me.. Or who knows .. Tae may also had other intentions.. When he first time met me, he don't look that pleasant.. Even if there is other reasons, I have to find out."

Jin," What do you mean by I?.. We will help you too."
Hoseok," Exactly.. Today you help our friend.. And Min is our old enemy too, so I won't leave this opportunity.. And Tae.. If he really is having bad intentions, then I will crushed him too for breaking other's trust."
Jin," Right now.. Min is important.. We can think of Tae later."
Jungkook," Then what's the plan?"
Hoseok," Don't you have any?"
Jungkook," Huh?"
Jin," For now.. Let's keep our eyes on Min."
Hoseok," What about adding others too?.. I mean Yoongi and Jimin.."
Jungkook," I don't want Jimin to be in troubled because of us.. So no.. He won't be participated on our plan."

Jin," And Yoongi.. Forget about him.. He has a bigmouth.. Because of him this bullying misunderstanding started.. Not to mention he can't keep secret for long.. We don't know when will he spill the tea."
Hoseok," Right.. He is Mr. Bigmouth.."

Next day,
Outside the infirmary,
Laine," Aah.."
Jin," What's wrong with you?.. Why are you looking so irritating?"
Laine," Don't even ask.."
Jin," Why?.. What happened?"
Laine," Last night I heard my wife singing.. You know she is worse than me."
Jin smirked," So what did you do after hearing her?"
Laine," Of course.. I have to compliment her.. Too make her happy, I lied.. but she ended up singing for all night.. I still can't over that voice.. Aah.."

Suddenly Dim arrived carrying Suhan  alongside Yoongi and Tae. Tae had blood on his hands.

Laine," What happened?"
Yoongi," Actually Tae got hurt. After seeing blood, Suhan got fainted."
Laine," Come quickly then.."
After bandaging Tae, looking at fainted Suhan.
Laine," Does he have fear of blood?.. Last time too he fainted."
Yoongi quickly," Who knows?.. I think we have to ask Kook about it."
Laine confusingly," Kook?.. Why him?"
Tae too got confused of this sudden Yoongi's answer.

Yoongi," What do you mean by why?.. Oh! You don't know right actually Kook is Suhan's brother."
Dim," Huh?"
Tae got flurtered," What?.. How did.."
Jin wanted to shut Yoongi but..
Yoongi quickly," Actually Suhan is Namjoon's little brother.. Kook is their step brother.. That's what Suhan told us last time, right Jin." Looking at Jin.
Laine," What?..  Is Yoongi telling the truth?"
Jin don't have any choices so he too admit it.

Jin," Yeah!.. Yoongi is right."
Dim surprisingly," What?.. But they told that they are just from same Highschool."
Yoongi," Ah.. It was a lie.. Actually An Idiot informed Namjoon that we are planning to bully his brother when he will admitted to our university.. So to avoid such situation, Kook was sent here by Namjoon."
Suhan woke up too," What?.. Kook was here to save me."
Tae got confused," What?.. How did you know about it all?"
Yoongi," Last time when Suhan was here.. Kook confessed everything Because of Suhan, Jin.."
Jin quickly covering Yoongi's mouth.
Jin," Stop it.. Yoongi.. No one had asked you more details."
Tae thought," It means you all knew everything. That's why Kook was not doing anything against you, Seniors.. Even he was protecting Senior Jin infront of Wen and Hare..All these time, Kook was making everyone fool."

Jungkook quickly arrived at the infirmary after finding out Suhan got fainted.

Jungkook," Suhan.. Are you ...?"
Suhan," I'm alright."
Yoongi," Oh!.. Kook is also here.. Now you can ask him?"
Jungkook confusingly," Ask.. What?"
Suhan," You came here because Hyung asked you to replace me?"
Jungkook shockingly," What?"
Suhan,'' Answer me.. You are here because you wanted to avoid me to get bullied right?"
Jungkook assuring Suhan," Suhan.. No one is going to bully you.. Everything was misunderstanding.. Senior Jin and others Seniors are very nice, they won't harm or hurt you."
Suhan teary," You are stupid, Kook."
Hugging Jungkook.
Jungkook," Hmm?.. What do you mean?"

Aftersometime Suhan went to his class with Dim. Suhan didnot tell the reason why he was suddenly crying and Jungkook didnot ask either. Jungkook thought maybe Suhan got scared after finding out about bullying plan.

Laine," So.. you are here because Namjoon asked you to be replacement of his brother?"
Jin interrupted," Hyung.. Stop interrogating Kook.. We already cleared our misunderstanding."
Laine," Don't tell me Jin you trust this Kook?..  Do you think it is believable that Kook came in replacement for someone else even being aware of danger?.. Don't you think he is lying?.. No one can be so good enough to make himself to danger for someone else.."
Jin," Why can't he, Hyung?.. You even don't know, Kook.. Then why are you judging him?"
Laine," Of course.. I'm judging him because he is from Namjoon's family."

Jin angrily," I know you hate Namjoon.. But why are you hating his family?.. Kook had not done anything to you."
Laine," But Namjoon had.. He had hurt you.."
Jin interrupted," Still.. Kook hadn't done anything to me.. Why do you hate him that much?"
Laine," Hate?.. Not just hate.. I don't want me or my family to associate with him.. even not you."
Jin," Really.. Then what will you do I tell you that Kook is your..."
Jungkook loudly," Stop it.. Stop arguing because of me.. I'm sorry, Doc.. I ..I.." Clenching his hands," I too don't want to associate with you or your relatives."
Jin," Kook.. But..".
Jungkook," Senior.. Stop it.. Don't argue with your brother.. Thank you for taking care of Suhan, Doc.. Then I'm leaving."

Jungkook left hurriedly. Jin followed him after looking angrily at Yoongi.
Yoongi confusingly," What did I do?"
Tae thought," It means Namjoon's Hyung's plan got exposed. I should tell him about it."
Tae," Then.. I'm leaving too."
Laine looking at Yoongi," Was I wrong, Yoongi?.. I was just asking Jin to be away from danger."
Yoongi nodded.
But inside he was thinking," I don't know... But right now I think I did do something terrible mistake."

Jin," Kook.. Stop.."
Jungkook," Stop.. Following me."
Jin ran fast to reach Jungkook. He grabbed his hands,
Jin," Kook.. I'm sorry.. Yoongi told everything.. I tried to stop him.. But.."
Jungkook avoiding Jin's gaze," It doesn't matter.. It will have been exposed someday."
Jin," Look at me.. Why are you avoiding me?"
Jungkook," Senior.. Just go.. Did you forget Neither your brother nor I wanted to associate with each other or anything related to each other?"
Jin," Are you sure?"
Jungkook still avoiding Jin's gaze,
" Yeah.. I'm sure.."

Jin," Even though you or Hyung don't want to.. But I will.. I will meddle in your matters.. I will help you when you are in need.. I will do it.."
Jungkook irritatingly," But why?.. Did you forget I am someone who is related to that person who scares you?.. Did you forget I'm from Namjoon's family?"
Jin loudly," I know.. I know who you are.. But you are also part of my family."
Jungkook," What?.. How am I.. How am I part of your family?"
Jin," If sister-in-law is part of my family, then her relatives.. her brother is also my family."
Jungkook," Why are you..."

Jin interrupted," You told right you will feel guilt if your presence destroy your sister's happiness.. Just like that I will also feel guilty if just because of me my sister-in-law can't accept her brother.. when it was neither her nor your faults.. You don't want to add one more guilt right.. Then just like you I also don't want to have any guilt.. I am feeling guilty towards you, Kook.. Just because of me you are hiding yourself from your sister.. Just for me you are distancing from her with whom you always wanted to live.. If It wasn't me, then you will be happy with her.."
Jungkook," Why are you feeling sad for me suddenly?.. It is you who is hurt Senior.. It is you who had a trauma.."

Jin," Even though I'm hurt.. I know you are also feeling pain.. Yesterday when I got scared you tried to protect me.. But I also realized that time that whenever you felt scared or lonely, there is no one beside you.. There is noone who is holding you.. That's why I'm asking you to hold your sister's hand..I'm asking you to be part of my family.. I know I can't help you with anything that's why I want to give you your sister.. I want to give your home back..I.."
Jungkook quickly hugged Jin.
Jungkook," Th.. Thank you, Senior.. Thank you for thinking about me.. But I..."

Jungkook let go of Jin.
Jungkook moved backwards," But I don't want to be part of your family.."

Jin loudly," Then make me your part of your family.. If you can't be part of my family, then make me part of your family.. If you don't want to feel guilt towards your sister, then avoid me to feel guilt towards you too, Kook.. I don't hate you.. And you doing everything for your sister by avoiding her just because of me makes me wanted to hate myself.. I feel bad why am I so weak to help you.. when you always help me.. Kook, I also wanted to help you.. I wanted to grab you and tell you that it's fine.. No need to get scared.. So please give me a chance to help you.. Give me a chance to tell you that just like me you are also not alone."

'You are not alone' statement is something Jungkook always wanted to heard. Jungkook don't want to move towards Jin but he can't helped it. He can't help himself to move towards Jin. Jungkook step forwards to Jin.. But his everystep make his heart beat louder. Jungkook was surprised at himself, why he is feeling suddenly excited to move towards to Jin. Jungkook doubts at his hearbeats.
Jungkook whispered," Don't tell me.. Don't tell me.. You are beating because of that.. Don't do it.. Don't beat for this person.. Don't beat at this time.. Please Don't.."

Jungkook reached to Jin.
Jin smiled," Thank you.. for believing me too.."
Jungkook heart beats more louder.
Jungkook thought," Stop my heart.. It's not a good time to beat for him."

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