Raphael x Parker Reader - Fan...

By skylarmoon71

60.9K 2.4K 350

Disclaimer: I dont own tmnt or spiderman or any other tv shows or movies. Or the music and pictures. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (A)
Chapter 14 (B)
Chapter 15 (A)
Chapter 15 (B)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21- Final
Extra 2

Chapter 19

1.8K 82 21
By skylarmoon71

"Hey, we have an emergency. How quick can you get here?"

You receive the text from Leo when you're at the table having lunch with your Aunt. It nearly makes you spit out your juice. You're coughing violently now, and May looks at you concerned. "Honey, I've told you many times to drink slowly. The food isn't going anywhere." She pats your back with a smile, and you collect yourself. 

"S-Sorry it's just that my friend just texted, I have to go."

"You know you're always running off now. Are you really that tired of your Aunt May." She's wearing a pout, and you smile. "Come on, you know I don't fall for that Aunt May. Listen, I promise we can spend the night together. Watch a movie."

"That's nice of you but I promised Principal Coulson that I'd assist with the fundraiser. He's low on staff."

"Been getting pretty chummy with him Aunt May." you raise a brow.

"Oh hush, I'm just being polite. He's a nice man managing all those kids. Poor man." Aunt May has always felt the need to take care of everyone, so it's nothing new for you. You're secretly glad that she's found something to occupy her time. It could have been much worse. Considering how long they've been married, and how in love they both were, you know it'll be a long time before she even thinks about another man.

"Have fun Aunt May."

"I will. Well don't keep your friend waiting. " She winks, and you just roll your eyes playfully.

"Bye Aunt May."

You're rushing upstairs to pack your suit into your backpack. Changing into your suit and jumping out the window wouldn't be too smart in broad daylight. So once you gather all you need, you're headed back downstairs. 

"See you later." With a peck on her cheek, you practically sprint out the door. Your legs beat against the concrete as you run through the streets of New York. Leo and the others reside all the way on the other side of town, so it's gonna take a while to get there by foot. Looks like you'll need to switch to a little shortcut. You turn down an alley, looking left and right, you grin, tightening your straps before you begin slowly climbing up the wall. In a matter of seconds you're already at the top. From here on out, the trip won't be as long.


Raph looks very disgruntled when he wakes up from his little nap. His brothers know better than to ever wake him up. The silence is what throws him off. As he leaves his room, something slides off his door and falls right at his feet.

"Went to April's, didn't want to wake you."

It's Leo's handwriting. It's a little weird that they would leave in the middle of the day, but knowing Mikey, he figures he begged them to go. His head follows the sound of someone entering the front. 

"Hey Leo I'm pretty sure we're out of pizza I'm hungry." His assumption is he's been sleeping so long that they're already back. But it isn't his brothers. In fact it's you. There's a look of urgency in your eyes, and for a brief moment Raph forgets your last encounter a few days ago. You both meet in the middle checking for injuries, or any kind of issue.

"Ya good?"

"Are you alright?"

You both pause, then you smile. "I'm fine Raph." You tilt your head to search for some type of danger, or anything out of place.

"Is there nothing wrong?" you drop your bag. "Leo texted me saying there was an emergency so I came as quickly as I could. Where is everyone?"

"They went to April's" your brows knit, then you hear a ding on your phone. Slipping it out your pocket you almost want to chug your phone.

"You'll thank me later."

That punk, he literally set you up.

"Something wrong?" you just shove it back into your pocket.

"N-No I.." you aren't sure what to say. "I should go. I have a lot to do today." Now you feel a bit uncomfortable. You aren't sure what Leo thought would happen, but you still aren't ready to deal with Raph. Not until he decided that he actually wanted to talk. You were done being the one always taking control. He needed to step up and tell you what he wanted.

"So ya just gonna walk off just like that." The bitterness in his tone doesn't help one bit.

"What do you want me to say Raph?" you've stopped to pick up your bag, and the air of indifference you give off is like adding fuel to the fire. He looks angry. Then again when did he not look like he wanted to hit something.

"I get it. Ya got a date with a pretty boy." There is venom in the way he says those words.

"So what if I did, what do you care!! It's none of your business, remember?" He growls, shoulders set like an animal that's about to rip into its prey. He starts moving forward, and although you're positive Raph would never hurt you, his body language makes you want to submit. You stagger back, nearly tripping on your bag. 

"R-Raph!!" your back hits the wall the minute those syllables leave your lips. Raph's hands brace at either side of you, caging you in. The scowl is still planted on his face.

"Ya really like testing me don't ya."

His tone sends a chill throughout your body.

"Stupid body, now is not the time to get distracted by his voice!"

His piercing gaze has you locked in place. You feel like the air has been stolen from you. What kind of retort can you give him without sounding like a quivering mess. Your mouth opens and shuts a couple times. You can't get out coherent words.

Raph observes you. 

"She's scared of you." 

It's the voice back in the recesses of his mind. The revelation causes his head to lower. He hated this. Why the hell did he fall for you in the first place. He knew from the beginning that it would only bring him problems. His hand balls into a fist, and he wills his body to move back. He's retreating. Your eyebrows shoot up, and he doesn't bother to send you even a glance. That look of fear, he never wants to see it again. Keeping his head low, he just keeps striding forward.

You're still braced on the wall, no longer able to understand what's really going on. He looks utterly defeated. If you just leave things this way, then there won't be much to salvage. This whole time you've been trying to get Raph to say what's on his mind, but now you realize that for him, it's not that simple. 

As tough as he tries to act, he has insecurities just like any other teenager. For him those are amplified. Rejection is possibly his expectation from most things. This particular situation being one of them. In this moment, you have to be honest and forward about everything, otherwise there's a chance you'll lose Raph for good. With trembling hands, you step forward.


Raph stops mid stride.

"I-I've liked you s-since that the day I saw you on that roof. T-That night I couldn't get you out of my mind. At first I told myself I was just curious. I wanted to figure out what I'd seen that night. I'm a scientist at heart. I couldn't help it." His back is still to you.

"Then I finally found you guys. I was scared, excited, confused. Nothing made sense to me. Yet, the more I got to know you, the harder it got to deny that what I felt for you was just friendship. " You've convinced your body to inch closer, so with each word you walk forward. Standing directly in front of him, his eyes are still trained on the floor.

"You're one of the few people that I'm not afraid to be myself around." you want to reach out for him, but you hesitate. You close your eyes and take another breath, then extend your arm. The second your hand touches his skin, he's tense, and he closes his eyes. It's defensive. He still doesn't fully believe your words. 

"Truth of the matter is, I've been falling in love with you Rapheal. That's why I kissed you. I'm not someone who does something like that just for kicks. You're the first guy I've felt so safe around, emotionally and physically. I could care less if you're human or not. So if you don't feel the same, then tell me to my face." You remove your hand, and his eyes open the minute he no longer feels the warmth of your palm.

"But if you do feel the same, then kiss me Raphael."

He's stunned by the bold declaration. Now he's looking at you, really looking. You looked terrified. But nothing like your earlier expression. He knows that look. He's seen it too often not to. It's a mirror of his own. You're just as scared of being rejected as he is.

"Kiss me.." you plead.

This time he's the one that reaches out, and the kiss is tender, slow and filled with pent up passion. A soft sound releases from you when his arm wraps around your waist, and you grip at the straps on his chest. He's so tall, you're standing on his toes and still tip toeing. Raph's hand circles your petite form, pulling you as close as physically possible. Neither of you have the control to part for a significant breath. 

Your lips move in perfect harmony, joining and parting in sync. Your hands have worked their way up his shoulders. Locking around his neck. Raph's venture down, lightly groping your soft skin. His touches feel like absolute heaven. You squeak softly when he suddenly lifts you off your feet. His hands have found purchase under your thighs, and he pushes you up against the wall. The kiss has morphed from soft to hungry. The minute that he gives you a chance to breathe, he's heaving just as much as you are.

"(Y-Y/N) I-" you pull him back in before he has a chance to say much. He's not complaining.

You'll have plenty of time to talk, right now you just need to make sure this isn't some illusion or dream.

Conversations can wait. 

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