Twins of Love*

By japanese_bluefairy

13.9K 264 46

Musa has completed her studies in Alfea and is happily engaged to Riven. The young music fairy dreams of a qu... More

1. Shopping
2. Disappeared
3. When you least expect it...
4. Muse
5. Reckless choice
6. Caring for you
7. Living together
8. New Life?
9. Dreams or reality
10. The source of magic
11. Witch blood
12. Riven's marriage
13. The showdown
14. Together again
15. Restart
16. The new king
18. Rhythm and melody
19. Orange Blossom?
20. Changes
21. The penthouse
22. It's just the beginning

17. The tournament

358 10 0
By japanese_bluefairy

That damn week that seemed to last an eternity had finally passed. The tournament was about to begin, everything was organized in detail: in addition to the help of the boys, Riven had received the help of former advisors of his family who, out of fear, had surrendered to the young king. Among them, there was the good old Laetius, who had helped Nymeria to escape. The trials consisted of magical battles, divided into several trials. Sky, an expert in the field, had divided the participants according to their number and, before the actual tournament, a pre-selection test would be held.

"I'll never know how to thank you..." mutters Riven, indebted to his friends.

"Take us back home to our women after this experience and you'll have paid off your debt!" laughs Brandon.

"Yeah... " he sighs. Two more days and he would be back in the arms of his fairy. Being in those ridiculous sorcerer king robes annoyed him even more, on top of the whole situation. He faces the balcony, clearing his throat.

"People of Obscurion... witches, sorcerers, wizards and dark fairies. Welcome to the tournament that will decide who sits on the throne of this place!" he says in a solemn tone. "Today we will begin with a pre-selection test of basic spells. Those who are able to perform them without any problem will move on to the next phase, and so on. The last test consists of a magical duel between the finalists. The best, will be crowned as the king or queen of Obscurion." he says more convinced than ever to leave.


All of the challengers prepare to perform their spells; some were simple but others, as basic as they were, had difficulty performing them. Riven watched bored, sitting on the throne with his feet resting on the balcony sill...he hadn't lost his bad boy prince frown, that was his title. Sky wanted to tell him to keep his composure but Helia stopped him, shaking his head.

"Let him show his true self. He's already tight in his kingly robes, not to mention following protocol."

"All right, Helia...How about we warn the girls?"

Helia shakes his head "I'm sorry Sky, but the transmission went down due to magic overload" he says pointing to the presence of the tournament participants.

"Ah, we missed that too! Alright, thanks anyway, man."

The tournament seemed to proceed. Having passed the preliminary round, with eight winners, they moved on to the first round: potions. The wizards and witches present there had to be able to make a flower sprout by creating the right potion. To be chosen for the test, randomly, are a wizard and a witch. Riven gives a slight smile of one who knows better....

"These little beasts don't even have the faintest idea of what life is, what nature is..."

"You wanted to start off with a bang, huh, Riv?" Brandon tells him.

"Yeah. Magic has to be used for everything, even for the most unfavorable conditions. When I hung out with that geek Darcy, I used to take a few classes in Cloud Tower. I learned a lot from those witches..."

"If Musa could hear you..."

"Musa is no fool, she knows. She knows that I am one who observe, assimilate, and then raise." He says crossing his legs on the windowsill.

"And that's how Riven Carter, the man who never opens a book, gets the same grades as Timmy," laughs Sky's squire. Riven chuckles softly, he was glad to be in the company of those three, they made him forget a little about the situation they were in.

The potions test ends with the young witch winning. Riven clapped smugly, the girl resembled his pixie in a way: petite, brunette, almond shaped eyes, bangs all neat but definitely darker and gloomier with her icy eyes.

"What's your name, witch!"

"My name is Yana, Your Highness!"

"Well, Yana, you have passed the first test! Take the loser away!"

The wizard was kicked out of the arena and they proceeded to the second test, another wizard and witch were selected. The test consisted of having to enclose one's powers within an artifact: the one that would withstand the power of the spells the most would bring victory to the owner.

In devising the tournament, Riven and the boys had put Codatorta's lessons on magical tournaments into practice, lessons that had fascinated the young magenta-haired sorcerer...

The challenge was won by the wizard, Tryvers, who had enclosed his powers in a ring. The witch had lost because her scepter had collapsed.

The third and the fourth test consisted respectively in the creation of a magic weapon using only an object, of insignificant value and in deciphering an ancient runic text. The two tests are brilliantly passed by a young sorcerer, Beck, and an older witch, Romilda.

"Good. The next test will be the same for all four of you, but you will always fight one-on-one." Says Riven. "In this test you will not have to make use of your magic, but of your pure and simple skill."

Riven claps his hands as a signal and four dragons are shown from inside their cages.

"Whoever is able to tame these wonderful creatures will earn a place in the finals!"

Riven thus initiates the fight: young Yana against elder Tryvers and young Beck against elder Romilda. Riven is amused to see the two generations of witches and wizards confront each other.

"I bet the women will prevail...women like to be in charge" laughs the young king.

Yana narrowly manages to beat Tryvers, making use of her small height and agility, but the wizard was an ancient dragon master and does not take defeat with sportsmanship. Romilda, on the other hand, is disqualified halfway through the challenge because she had used magic thinking she would not be seen. Yana and Beck compete for the throne.

"Well, you have earned your place in the finals. The last test consists of a magical duel. All spells are allowed, except death spells. The test ends with one of you being defeated, but not killed" Riven thus starts the last challenge. It was almost sunset and he was quivering... a few moments, a few more moments and he would be home...

Riven followed the challenge with interest...he liked that Yana, she was charming. He imagined his adorable singing pixie in place of that peppy little witch as she battles with that blowhard Beck.

"Damn, Yana is tremendous with crashes!" Sky exclaims.

"Good, I like her... I'm rooting for her, I can see her commanding this horde of monsters, witches and warlocks."

"If Musa could hear you..." repeats Brandon.

"You think you're better than me just because you beat a dragon master!"

"Oh no, honey, I don't think that because of that...I think that because I am!" Yana says hitting Beck with a strong wave of energy.

"You're not getting off that easy...dark illusion!" He says using a blow Riven had already seen Darcy use.

"Black Barrier!" Yana yells defending herself and sending the blow back with enough force to land Beck. The young wizard ends up unconscious on the ground. The elders of the Council declare Yana's victory. Riven claps his hands smugly....

"I can see Harmony fighting like this... If she gets her mother's temper, she'll be a handful."

The boys laugh at the joke. They laugh because the agony was over. They laugh because they were going home.

Riven takes the scepter that was once his grandfather's and proclaims the new queen.

"Congratulations Yana. With the powers vested in me, I officially name you as my heir and new queen of Obscurion!"

The young witch laughs in satisfaction, proud and triumphant at having achieved her goal. Riven smiles at her and entrusts her with the scepter, crown, and insignia. The court had planned a great feast for the new queen.

"Long live the queen! Long live the queen!"

Riven wouldn't have stayed, as happy as he was, but there was his REAL queen waiting for him at home. He changed into his specialist suit but was stopped by the one who had been his advisor for those days.

"Highness! Highness!" Laetius calls to him.

"I have already told you that I am no longer the king..."

"You still remain the son of dear Nymeria," the man repeated. He was a middle-aged gentleman who had only reconnected with the court when he had learned of Riven's arrival. He, loyal to Princess Nymeria, had been banished from the palace and replaced by Argok. Nymeria, before the man was kicked out, had entrusted him with the task of finding her son Riven and returning to him what was his due.

"Unfortunately, I was not able to find you, prince, but at least I can fulfill my last task before retiring," he says, opening a splendid casket: inside were precious gems, gold coins and a key.

"This is a symbolic treasure, your mother entrusted me with her possessions and asked me to keep them in a safe room in Magix. It is your inheritance, prince."

Riven is taken aback. His mother had managed to take his possessions away to live with the one he loved and had taken care to save them for his son.

"I don't...I can't accept that."

"You must, Prince...your mother has asked me to. You will not wish to bring her such pain, I hope..."

Riven sighs and accepts. He takes custody of the casket and greets the man with a hint of affection and emotion.

"Please visit me on Magix. I would love to, and so would my mother."

"oh, I will do so with immense pleasure! Have a safe journey Your Highness. Safe journey to you too, Prince of Eraklyon, boys..."

The specialists greeted him thanking him... finally they could leave. Riven takes the wheel along with Brandon and Sky while Helia consults the maps.

"It's back home, crew!"

Riven and the boys rush to his house, knowing they would find the others there. But greeting them, there was only a note.

"But... what's going on? Where's Musa?" Riven asks, walking around the house. Then he reads the note:

Join us on Melody, her water broke this morning.


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