Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

58.8K 1K 429

Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

The Move
Mystery Meat
Parental Bonding
One of a Kind
Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
Splitting Images
What You Want
Prisoners of Love
My Brother's Keeper
Shades of Gray
Fanning the Flames
Teacher of the Year
Fright Night
Public Enemies
Lucky in Love
Life Lessons
The Million Dollar Ghost
Control Freaks
Memory Blank
Pirate Radio
Reign Storm
Doctor's Disorders
The Fenton Menace
The Ultimate Enemy
Identity Crisis
The Visit
Secret Weapons
Micro Management
Flirting With Disaster
Beauty Marked
Double Cross My Heart
The Fright Before Christmas
King Tuck
Masters of All Time
Reality Trip
Eye for an Eye
Infinite Realms
Girl's Night Out
Torrent of Terror
The Birth of the Half-Ghost
Family Drama
Urban Jungle
Identity Swap

Kindred Spirits

1K 18 21
By AnimeMavy

At the Amity Park Golfing course, Sam hits her ball towards the end, but gets blocked by the windmill's fan. Her and Tucker were the only ones playing.

"Ugh darn it."

"18th hole Sam. I beat ya here, I win."

Sam growls as Tucker walks over to this ball, which is right near the hole. Tucker swings and misses, even though it was straight on. He gasps.

"That's one."

Sam smirks happily as Tucker continues to miss.

"And two. Three. Four. And five. Ha!"

Tucker growls and reaches for his ball, only for it to go intangible and Danny pokes his head out.


Tucker screams.

"Danny! Knock it off!"

"Yeah! You were supposed to be here an hour ago."

Sam turns to Tucker.

"By the way, that still counts."

Danny goes back under and de-transforms behind a rock. He walks over to them.

"Uh sorry I was late. But you'll be happy to know that the ghost king won't... be..."

Danny stops as he sees his friends glaring angrily at him.

"okay. I overslept."

"Ugh Danny. You have got to start being more considerate!"

Tucker walks closer to him.

"I don't think he just overslept."

Tucker picks a hair off of his shirt. Sam raises an eyebrow.

"Stopped by Aero's while she's training, huh?"

Danny nervously rubs his neck.

"I went to say hi before I came over here, since her dad's gone on another seminar. And things happened...."

"You guys kissed, huh?"

Danny smiles.

"She's really cute when she's shy."

Sam and Tucker groan.

"Dude, Lately you've been treating us like sidekicks instead of friends. And when you get into a fight, especially when Aero's not around, we're the ones who take the beating."

"Oh come on. Name one time."

They bring up the fight with Skulker at a molasses factory, the time they had to push the dog back into the ghost zone, and another lunch lady fight where they ended up getting stepped on by her big meat foot.

"Okay, okay I get it. I'll try to be a little more considerate."

Danny's ghost sense goes off.

"Starting tomorrow."

The three look over as the people inside the course scream and run away. There was a ghost covered in a bedsheet, flying around.

Danny transforms, flies over, and tackles the ghost into another windmill.

"What kinda ghost haunts a miniature golf course?"

"Well, there is a Box Ghost. Obviously all the good haunts have been taken." Sam mocks.

Danny and the ghost fight inside the windmill, until Danny gets tossed out. He gets up and sees the bedsheet ghost fly towards him. He meets him halfway in the sky and starts punching him. The ghost slams into a clock tower and falls to the ground.

Danny laughs.

"Seriously, a bed sheet? What do ya got under there?"

Danny pulls off the sheet, revealing a skeleton, and gasps. The skeleton pins Danny down.

"Change back!"

"What? Get off me!"

Danny destroys the ghost, and most of the golf course, with a massive ghost ray. Danny gasps, realizing what he's done.

"Gotta get out of here."

Danny bolts off as the Manager walks over to Sam and Tucker.

"Trashin the golf course, huh?"

"But we didn't do it!"

"Really? Anybody else you wanna pin the blame on then?!" The Manager exclaims.

Sam & Tucker Look up and see Danny fly off.


Aero was sitting in the lab, holding something of her mom's. She was trying to connect to her. She grumbles and sighs.

"Day 4....still nothing."

She rubs her neck and remembers what happened earlier. She blushes and lays on the ground.

"I can't believe the movies I watched were right...kissing is awesome."

Aero chuckles.

"With Daniel? Are you sure about that?"

Aero rises up and feels something zap her in the nape of her neck.


She falls forward and shakes a bit. The person walks around her and grabs her face.


"Hello, Aero. Noticed your loving, adoring father wasn't home. Thought I'd stop by."

She grabs his wrist.

"What...did... you do to me?"

"I shocked you enough to make your body slightly unstable. Can't have you fighting back."


Plasmius drops her face and she groans.

"Relax, we're gonna have a long flight. So be a good little teen and give up."

She looks up at him, angrily.


Her eyes go white and a cabinet slams Vlad into a wall. 


Aero gets up to her knees.

"I'm stronger than you think I am."

Vlad pushes the cabinet off of himself.

"That's the problem."

He disappears and grabs Aero's neck from behind. She grips his fingers.

"Guess. I'll have to shock you more."

His hand glows pink and Aero screams. Her hands release from his fingers and fall to her sides. Vlad smirks and throws her over his shoulder.

"You could've made this easy."

At that moment, Danny was talking to Sam and Tucker over the phone as he flies home.

"Guys, I'm sorry. But I stuck around somebody could have figured out my secret identity."

"Sorry doesn't get us out of having to clean up this golf course!"

Sam sweeps up some rumble and walks over next to Tucker so Danny can hear her as well.

"And sorry doesn't clean it either."

Danny flies down into his room and de-transforms.

"I know. I know. And I appreciate it, but-"

Danny turns and sees some random little girl sitting in his bed.

"Uh, can I help you?"

Sam yells from over the phone.


"No! Not you!" Danny yells back.

The little girl lowers the comic book she was reading and looks at Danny. Her hair and skin color was similar to Danny's. But her eye color, green, and nose shape was very similar to someone.

"Not so loud. I'm Danielle. Your third cousin once removed. I ran away from home. Hey, you got any food?"

Danny blinks in confusion.

"Uh, I gotta go."

"Of course you do!" Sam replies.

Danny winces and ends the call.

He feeds Danielle a bunch of food. She burps and sighs as she lays back once finishing everything. She looks at the wall and sees all of Danny's space posters. She notices one that is signed by an actual astronaut, with a note next to it. The note says 'Happy Birthday Danny, from Aero'. Danielle smiles.

"You wanna be an astronaut? Do you know they only chose one hundred people-"

Danielle and Danny speak together.

"-every two years to go into the space program."

Danny gives her a look.

"Yeah I knew that. How did you?"

Danielle turns to Danny's bed side table and sees a stack of band CDs.

"Dumpty Humpty. Those guys rock."

Danny walks over and takes the CD from her.

"Yeah, I know that too. You had enough to eat?"

Danielle nods and smiles. Danny grabs her hand and they start walking out of his room.

"Then it's time to talk to my parents."


Danny pulls her into the hallway.

"Look, you say you're my cousin and maybe you are, but we still have to call your parents."

"I said no!" Danielle exclaims and runs back into Danny's room.

"Hey! Come back!"

Danny runs after her and finds his room, empty.

"Man she's fast."

Danny transforms and flies out of his room.

"Okay, she's a twelve year old girl. How far could she possible have-"

His ghost sense goes off and he chuckles, annoyedly.

"Swell. After the bedsheet ghost, what's this gonna be? A spooky bat on a string?"

He hears a loud growl and turns to the sky. He sees this huge, Frankenstein looking ghost coming straight towards him. The ghost punches Danny into the ground.

"Man you look like I do on a bad day, but I'm gonna make you look worse!"

Danny flies towards him and attempts to punch the ghost. But his fist just gets caught. The Frankenstein ghost swings Danny's arm and chucks him to the ground. He bounces and crashes into a car. 

Danny gets up as the ghost crashes down on top of car, crushing. He grabs Danny by the head and lifts him into the air. Danielle runs over.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

"Get out of here!"

Danny struggles to pull the hand from his face.

"Forget it. I know who you are. And I came a long way to find you. And I'm not leaving now."

Danielle transforms into a ghost form in front of Danny's eyes. Her ghost form was just like Danny's, but the color of her powers, a mix of green and blue; a tealish color. Danielle hits the ghost with a huge blast, freeing Danny.


The ghost flies out from behind the destroyed car and lands a huge punch on the ground between Danny and Danielle. The two fly back and land next to each other.

"Do you wanna ask questions? Or you wanna kick some butt?"

The two charge up two big ecto blasts and blast a huge hole through the ghost, making it turn to goo and fall to the ground.

"Night's getting weirder and weirder. And I have a lot of questions. When we get back my parents are-"

Danielle pretends to faint.

"And I guess we'll have to answer those questions tomorrow."

Next day at school, Danny is explaining everything to Sam and Tucker. Aero wasn't there.

"So I hid her in the guest bedroom in the Ops Center and she was gone before I left for school. Also this exact time when I really need my girlfriend's help, she's not picking up her phone!"

Danny blinks as he looks at the two's very unamused faces.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Dude we rebuilt a miniature golf course from scratch yesterday. How do you think we are?" Tucker questions.

"Guys, I'm sorry."

"Broken record..."

"No, I am. I'm sorry. But I was busy with a super-powered cousin I didn't even know I had!"

All of sudden, Danielle appears in ghost form and bursts through the table. Knocking Danny's lunch onto Sam and Tucker.

"And this must be her."

"Can you excuse us for a second?"

Danny gestures Danielle to follow him. She de-transforms and walks overs.

"Look, you can't just come in here and use your powers like that."

"Aw c'mon. It was funny. Maybe it'd be funnier if I messed up that guy."

They look over as Dash is scraping something off Tucker.

"Bummer. Today's apple juice day."

"Wow. You like NASA and you already hate Dash. Maybe we are related. How about you tell me how you got those powers in the first place."

Danielle and Danny gasp as their ghost senses go off. A small ghost, surrounded by green starts flying through the place. Throwing food and flipping tables. It flies in between Danny and Danielle, then flies out.

"Shall we?"

"I-I still have questions."

"Let's catch that thing. And after that you'll learn everything."

Danielle runs off. Danny looks back with concern, but then follows after her. The lunchroom is left a disaster. Sam and Tucker groan.

"Three. Two. One."

Mr. Lancer pushes open the doors and gasps.

"To Kill a Mockingbird people! Who started this?!"

Dash points at Sam and Tucker.

"We'll get the mop."

Outside, Danielle & Danny, both in ghost form, are chasing after the small ghost.

"Race ya."

Danny chuckles.

"You are on."

They race a bit.

Danny looks back and smiles.

"No sign of her. I am totally winning."

"Are you? Are you really?"

Danny turns and sees Vlad. He stops right in front of him.

"What? Vlad?"

"Of course fool. Who else?" Vlad remarks and blasts Danny into the ground.

Danny gets up and holds his arm. Vlad punches the ground in front of him as Danny hops away. Vlad continues to try and hit Danny, but misses. He eventually gets a land and sends Danny rolling in front of the school. Danny groans and stands up.

"Aren't you at least gonna make some stupid crack about my father? Or a lame come on about my mom?"

"No dear boy, funny joke around Vlad isn't here today."

Vlad starts the attack with a blast from his hands; Danny counters with his own. Their blasts cancel out the others. Danny looks behind him and sees Danielle with her hands glowing.

"Help me. Do something."

"Oh I am."

Danielle blasts Danny in the back, causing him to fall to the ground. Danny de-transforms. Danielle lands next to Vlad.

"I-I don't understand."

"Did I do good, daddy?" Danielle questions as she looks up at Vlad with a smile.

"You did excellent, child. I could not wish for a better daughter."

Vlad laughs maniacally as Danny passes out.

Cut to Sam and Tucker taking out the garbage.

"As soon as we get rid of this trash I'm gonna find Danny and give him a piece of my-"

Sam and Tucker gasp as they see Danielle and Vlad fly off with Danny.

"Danny!" Sam exclaims.

"Aw man. I should've know that girl was bad news when she dumped all that food on us."

"Uh Danny did that, too." Sam points out.

"Yeah but he's our friend. We have history."

"Vlad has to be the reason Aero's gone. If she was skipping school to practice, she would've told us."

"Manson. Foley."

The two turn as Lancer walks over.

"Can you tell me why you're not still in the cafeteria?"

Tucker whispers to Sam.

"We have to help them."

Sam looks to Lancer.

"Why aren't we in the cafeteria? Umm, because we're meeting Danny and totally ditching school."

"And there's nothing you can do about it... old man!" Tucker adds on.

"Old man?!"

Lancer starts chasing after Sam and Tucker.

"You two are in a world of trouble!"

He stops and holds his hip.

"Ow. My hip."


Aero struggles against her restraints and screams. She was being held in a container, trying to be forced to go ghost. The shocking stops and her head drops. Danielle walks over to the container, next to Vlad.

"She does look like me." Danielle remarks.

Aero looks up slightly and sees Danielle for the first time. She turns a bit towards Vlad.

"How much longer are you gonna do this to me before you tell me what's going on..."

Vlad lowers down to her and smirks.

"I guess. This is Danielle. The first time I mixed your and Danny's DNA to create the perfect ghost child."

Aero goes wide eyed.

"What? You do realize that you technically made our daughter?!"

Danielle gives her a look.

"He's my dad. Not you guys."

Aero pulls at her restraints.

"You're lunatic! Let me out!"

Aero's eyes go white. Vlad quickly snaps and Danielle turns on the machine. Aero screams again.

"Sorry, but you're not going anywhere."

In another part of Vlad's lab, Danny wakes up and finds himself floating in Vlad's lab. He was trapped in some sort of high tech cube. As he wakes, he sees Vlad's face. He turns and sees a bunch of footage of himself going ghost.

"You've been spying on me? Okay, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You really are one seriously crazed up fruit loop!"

"A fruit loop would have been able to make his first million with a series of invisible burglaries. A fruit loop would never have thought to overshadow enough millionaires to become the riches men on the planet. I. Am. Not. A. Fruit. Loop! And I am not a villain. All I wanted was love."

Vlad opens pod with an almost exact copy of Danny. Danielle was watching, invisible.

"It's taken months, and the good clone still needs more time before he can accept your DNA."

"So those ghosts..."

"Bad clones. Mistakes. And I would watch a hundred more failures devolve into ectoplasm to get the perfect half clone ghost son."

"Oh yeah."

Danny chuckles.

"Nothing loopy about that."

"Are you under the impression that you're getting out of this? I need a DNA sample of you mid-morph and more of Aero's powers to complete my work."

Danny goes wide eyed.


Vlad smiles. He presses a button on a remote and Aero inside her container appears on the monitor.


Aero turns towards the camera, slowly.


Danny growls.

"Oh, she's as stubborn as you, Daniel. I just need her to go ghost so I can study her. But no."

Vlad presses another button and shocks Aero.


Danny pulls at the cube.


The shocking stops and Aero passes out. A tear goes down Danny's face.

"You'll be lucky to live after I've seen what you've done to her..."

Vlad smiles.

"You haven't realize it, huh?"


"Aero did. Danielle was my first try, she was the first combination of your and Aero's DNA."

Danny gives him a crazed look.

"You made a kid... You are crazy! We're only 15 and you made a child?!"

Vlad chuckles.

"Schematics. Right now, I need that mid-morph sample."

Vlad snaps his fingers. The small ghost from earlier flies inside of Danny.

"Get out of me!"

The ghost takes control and Danny's eyes go fully green.

"And then you two will be obsolete."

Danny is then moved into the same room as Aero. The two were in containers next to each other. Both were leaning forward, tired and in pain. Danny looks to Aero.


A glitchy hologram of Maddie walks over to the machine and turns a dial. It starts to shock the two and they scream. The two start to morph, but fight it. Vlad walks over.


"Subjects are still resisting morph, dear heart."

The hologram turns up dial. The two scream and struggle. The machine starts to overload.

"Containment chambers beginning to overload."

It explodes.

"Oopsie. Has overloaded."

Both containers explode, releasing the two. Vlad covers himself from the debris, with an ecto shield. Danny transforms and grabs Aero. They fly through Vlad and escape.

"Agh! I will-"

Vlad turns and is face to face with Danielle.

"Danielle. How-how long have you been floating there?"

"Am I an imperfection? A mistake?!" She exclaims.

"What? Haha dearest, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the other clones."

A clone leaves a pod and dissolves. Danielle shrieks.

"I know. It's horrible, isn't it? That's why I need their DNA. To stabilize you. My greatest creation."


"Uh huh. But here's what I need you to do."

Meanwhile, Sam and Tucker are using the boooomerang to find Danny & Aero. They're following it with the Specter Speeder.

Danny flies himself and Aero into Vlad's living room. He lands down and holds Aero.

"How are you?"

"In pain...he's been trying that on me since yesterday. I don't know how much longer I can hold on."

Danny holds her head to his.

"Don't worry. I'll get us out of here. Now which way should I-"

Danny screams as he gets blasted by a ghost ray and Aero falls to the ground. Danielle lands in front of Aero.

"You two are not goin' anywhere."

Danny blocks a blast from her with an ecto shield.

"Stop fighting. I know you're too weak to beat me."

"I'm not gonna fight you. Every time I fight a clone they turn to goop."

Dani looks down and sees her feet melting. She shrieks. She stops charging an ecto blast and her feet go back to normal. Danny gets up and holds up Aero.

"But you're not mindless like those other clones. I don't wanna hurt you."

"Then let my father have your guy's DNA. So he can save me."

Aero speaks.

"He's not going to save you. He's using you. You're nothing but a mess he's not gonna clean up."

Danielle glares at the two.

"You're liars!"

She blasts the two and they pass out.

"And I'm going to prove it."

Danny and Aero wake up in two more pods. The "perfect" clone was in a pod in front of them. Danielle was messing with the machine in middle of the pods.

"All secure, dad."

"I still don't know how I'm going to get him to morph. Unless... Unless you could overshadow them for me, dear. Force the transformation."

Danielle looks at him, concerned.

"But the last clone that tried that melted. What if it's too much?"

"Oh it won't be." Vlad assures.

"But what if..."

Vlad snaps.

"You. Exist. To Serve. ME! JUST DO IT!"

Danny and Aero gasp.

"You are not the boss of me!"

Danielle releases Danny and Aero.

"No! No!"

Danny jumps out next to Danielle. Aero sighs and slides down to the bottom of the pod.

"You're helping me now?" Danny questions.

"You wanna ask questions? Or you wanna kick some butt?"

The two transform and knock Vlad backward into the wall, knocking the pod with the clone, right down onto him.

Danny chuckles.


The two gasp as Vlad gets up and knocks the pod off himself. He gasps as he sees the clone melting. The Maddie hologram walks over.

"Prime clone destabilized, lambchop."

As she says this, the clone begins to melt into ectoplasm.

"Degeneration happening, sweetness."

The clone reaches out and fully disappears.

"No! No! No!!"

Vlad angrily turns to Danielle and starts stomping towards her. Danielle starts charging up.

"I can do this."

"You don't have to. Cover your ears and get behind me."

Danielle feels someone grab her arm. Aero pulls her into her pod and the two cover their ears. Danny releases his ghostly wail. It begins destroying everything in the lab and keeping Vlad back.

"Systems damaged. Going critical. Losing coherence. And I never loved you. I love the Jack program."

A Jack hologram slides over to the Maddie one.


The two kiss and disappear. Vlad de-transforms as he is pushed against a wall. Danny stops and everything falls to the ground. He de-transforms as well and falls to the ground. Aero and Danielle crawl out to him.

"Out of power. But worth it to take this place down."

Vlad transforms and stomps towards them. Danielle jumps to protect them.

"Get away from him."

"I don't think so girl. You don't dare use your powers again."

Danielle looks down at the pool of goop at her feet.

"And they're beaten. This is over."

Vlad glows at sky blue. Danielle gasps and turns to see Aero's eyes white.

"You forgot I can do this power without transforming."

Vlad floats up and Aero begins slamming him against the walls. He passes out and falls to the ground, changing back again. Danny looks at Aero as she rests against him.

"You're amazing."

Aero smiles. Danny lifts her chin and the two kiss. Aero blushes as the two rest their foreheads together. Danielle sits down in front of them, they blink.

"I'm sorry about everything."

Aero rubs her head.

"It's alright."

Danielle smiles. Danny and Aero look at each other.

"But this is still incredibly weird to think about how she is-"

"It's not if we don't think about it." Aero butts in.

The three look at each other and chuckle.

All of a sudden, the boooomerang hits Danny in the head.


The Specter Speeder crashes into the lab. Tucker runs out and puts the Specter Deflector on Vlad

Danny gets up and runs over to Sam & Tucker.

"Man, am I glad to see you."

"Of course you are. We're here to help you. And apparently so is your cousin."

Vlad wakes up slightly.

"I can't focus my powers."

"Which means I don't need mine to do this. So, dad. Stay away from them."

Danielle punches Vlad.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble we're in right now? And for what? Not even so much as a-"

Danny hugs the crap out of Sam and Tucker.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, you guys! I'll never take you for granted again. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Tucker and Sam release themselves.

"Okay dude. Easy."

"Yeah, apology accepted already."

Sam turns as Aero lifts herself slowly. Sam catches her as she stumbles.

"Thanks Sam."

"Glad to see you're okay."

Sam holds Aero's waist. Danny turns to Danielle.

"And we wouldn't have gotten out of this without you, Danielle."

He blinks as he finds her nowhere.

"Danielle? Where'd she go?"

Cut the Danny, Sam, and Tucker sitting on the couch at FentonWorks. Maddie, Jack and Mr. Lancer are yelling at them.

"You are in so much trouble!"

The trio frown at the three. Jack looms forward.

"Skipping school. Stealing and wrecking the Specter Speeder."

"Calling me old man." Mr. Lancer adds on.

"Tucker. Sam. When I call your parents you are gonna be grounded-"

Suddenly Maddie changes demeanor out of nowhere.

"...but there's no need to call their parents really, right?"

Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jack, and Mr. Lancer blink at her.


"Now just wait a minute-"

Suddenly Mr. Lancer changes demeanor as well.

"No she's right. I mean, you can always build a better and more cool version of speeder. Right?"

Jack blinks and smiles.

"Hey that's true! I'm gonna start building a cooler ship thing right now."

Jack runs off. The trio look at each other in confusion and head to Danny's room.

"I didn't know you could overshadow people from a distance. Thanks." Sam remarks with a smile as she sits on Danny's bed with Tucker.

Danny is leaning against his open window.

"I- I can't. I- I didn't."

"And the best part is, we didn't have to waste any energy on your dad."

Danny looks as Danielle floats behind him.

"We?" Tucker questions.

"This is the times I'll allow takeovers to get out of situation."

They look over as Danny's desk chair turns. Aero is sitting in it, crosslegged in ghost form, eating an apple.

"I also made it so I wasn't absent today. Felt bad to do, but I was kidnapped so its allowed."

The three smile at her and turn back to Danielle.

"It's Dani, with an 'i'. And don't worry. You'll see me again."

Aero walks over to the three as Danielle flies off.

Danny turns to Tucker and Sam.

"Wait, Did I say thank you?"

Sam rolls her eyes.

"Only about a million times."

"Um, did I say I appreciate-"

Tucker cuts him off.

"We're your best friends, dude. It's not necessary."

"Well, *chuckles* seriously. Thank you for-"

Sam and Tucker cut him off together while shouting;


Aero laughs and watches Dani fly off.

"Reminds of myself..."

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