In Love With A Psychopath

By mitsukis_mind

560 3 9

!!Mature Content Warning!! "Get on your knees, now." "Who are you, really?" "You saw the file. You know exact... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18

Chapter 5

31 0 0
By mitsukis_mind


As I entered the dark room where my beautiful Aurora was sleeping, I couldn't help but be nervous.

Sure I haven't done something like this in a couple years, but I think it's because of her..

I took a deep breath as I closed her door softly, to not wake her. I gathered all my nerves and straightened my back and turned. I nearly gasped aloud when I turned.

She was sitting straight up, legs crossed, hands in her lap and her head was tilted slightly. Her brows were scrunched close, but she didn't look angry, but like she was straining to see. To see me.

I took a breath and released it quickly before shoving my hands in my pockets to hide my nerves, and slowly sauntered over to her. I stopped in front of her bed and watched as her face changed.

Almost too softly to hear her breath hitched, her brows rose and her eyes widened. Just as fast as her surprise showed, it vanished. Her face now held soft calm.

She's.. Not screaming..?

"When did you wake up?" I asked quietly as I walked around her bed to sit in the armchair beside the nightstand, facing the bed.

"Only moments ago" she said with equal quiet as she shifted to face her body to me.

We stared at each other for long agonisingly quiet moments. She didn't seem panicked, she just studied my face with that sweet calm look on her face.

"I have a question." She said as she tilted her head slowly.

I cleared my throat softly.

"Ask then" I said, waving my hand for her to speak.

"What exactly are your intentions? Be honest, please." She said as she moved her legs to hang over the edge of the bed as she propped herself back on her chained hands.

I was thrown so off guard I didn't know what to say. My brows involuntarily furrowed and I said the only thing I could think of to get out of her room, without seeming rude.

"I'll get you something to drink, are you hungry?" I stood and started walking to her door.

"Green tea if you have any, and surprise me, but I'd like a side of honesty when you return." I stopped in my tracks and turned to see her slightly smirking at me.

I closed and locked her door and walked as fast as I could down the stairs where Holland was reading a book on the couch. His eyes lifted to mine and sat up, closing the book.

"Well, how upset is she?" He said while raising a brow.

"She wants green tea, and.. Honesty.." I said slowly.

"Wait, what?" He questioned as he stood.

I walked towards the kitchen to make her tea and find something for her to eat.

"Wait, what happened?" Hollard asked as he followed me into the large kitchen.

I turned to see him leaning against the island in the middle of the room. I opened the cabinet and grabbed the jar that had the label "green tea w/ rose and chamomile". I started a pot of it and turned to him again.

"She was awake, sitting there when I went in. Once she saw it was me she looked calm. There's no way she didn't notice the chains on her wrists." I said as I rested my forearms on the cold marble countertop.

"She didn't cry out begging to be let go?" He questioned.

I shook my head as I chewed on my lip. It doesn't make sense, her reaction doesn't make a lick of sense.

"What do I tell her? Do I just go in and be honest? Any other time I've told a girl outright I took her to be mine and live with me she lost her shit." I said as I opened the fridge.

"Well... She did ask for honesty, no?"

I nodded my head as I gathered fresh fruit for her in a glass, low lipped bowl. I made her tea, slightly sweet with a few drops of honey then placed everything on a tray to carry to her room.

"Can I come? I'll stay outside the door. I.. Just want to hear what she says." He says as he looks to the stairs thoughtfully.

"Sure" I told him before walking ahead.


I left Holland right beside her door as I entered to see her still sitting at the side of her bed, staring towards the windows.

"I hope you brought a side of honesty" a smile formed on her lips as she continued to look at the curtains.

"I brought fresh fruit and green tea" I said with a smirk as I placed the tray next to her before sitting back in the chair across from her.

She held the mug in her hands and breathed in slow and deeply.

"You added honey." She mumbled before sipping the tea.

She stared at me intensely before setting the cup down and plucking a strawberry out of the bowl.

"So, since you seem reluctant to give me honesty, how about we play a game." she slowly bit into the strawberry, her beautiful full lips tinting pink from the juices.

"What sort of game" I asked as I tilted my head

"Well first, I'm dying to know your name. Regarding the game though, I ask a question. You can either answer fully and truthfully, or just simply nod." She takes another bite from the strawberry.

"Alright. My name is Lyle." I dip my chin, for her to start the game.

I honestly wasn't ready for her questions. I nearly choked on air when she asked her first question.

"Lyle...You were the man who ordered me the dry martini, weren't you?"

I nodded.

"The drink was spiked wasn't it?"

I nodded again.

"This ones a little obvious but you were the man helping me walk?"

"Yes" I said while nodding.

"How did you know I was there?"

"I've been.. Watching you" I looked anywhere but at her intense gaze.

"Were these chains necessary?"

I snapped my head to her, confusion taking over my face.

"Oh I get why, but you could've at least gotten something.. Less barbaric" she says with laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" I scoot to the edge of the chair, resting my elbows on my thighs.

"Because, your face is a picture of confusion! It's just.. Funny." A wide grin takes over her face.

"I honestly don't know what to say.." I said as I leaned back in the chair.

"Well you can start with why I'm here" she softly laughed again.

I felt my cheeks heat up, felt the confusion turn to frustration and something else. I stood slowly, walked to her and grabbed her jaw roughly.

"You want to know why I took you?" I said with a deep whisper, as I brought my face an inch from hers.

She nodded the best she could, staring into my eyes beneath hooded lids.

"I watched you, drugged you, and took you because you're mine" I growled slowly at her.

Her eyes widened barely, then she did what I least expected.

She tilted her head back, then licked my lips before giving me a feline wide smile.

I pulled back quickly, then rushed out of her room. When I closed the door I leaned my back against it and stood there trying to catch my breath.

"What the fuck just happened?" Holland asked as he stood in front of me.

The feeling of her tongue brushing my lips played in my head.

What the fuck..

"Why are you blushing?" A hint of a grin in his voice.

I looked into his dark eyes as I touched my lip gently.

"She licked me.." 


Comment, vote, give me your thoughts.
I love you all.
Much love,


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