Blinding lights {Matteo riddl...

By novaplayZzz

116K 1.2K 520

y/n and mattheo have been enamys for as long as they could remember but somethings off with them this year... More

...why now??
could things get any worst....
" good night y/n"
what if-
walked me to his dorm
"Better then you could do"
please read
"well hello devil"
"did you sleep with my brother"
scary y/n unlocked
"fine riddle"
moving dorms
TYSM I fucking love yall
the date
butter beers
1.3k reads woo
"yea we wanted to piss off liam"
whats wrong?
"Enjoying the view?"
"shes my wife know then bitch"
Season 2 of blinding lights hehe
Ty for 3.4k reads omfg
"How rude y/n"
new year
new boys
the test
abusive friend "eye roll emojie i dont have ;-;"
Veritaserum or no?
"i hope that hurt"
Feeling possesive Hmmm?
"Why are you here Riddle"
not part of story
"I call you Devil because......"
New story


3.3K 34 2
By novaplayZzz

ok so i needed a reason as to why tom would be so pissed about them hooking up so uhm ya ima take a bit of inspo from kissing booth but make it a bit different so full credits on the set of rules to them :)


1. if one of us had a crush on someone they were off limits for the other 2

2. always support eachother

3. mattheos off limits

"y/n" tom sed looking at me. "did you sleep..... with my brother"....{i could lie and say it didnt happen} i thought to myself. "dont try and lie y/n" he sed while standing up looking at us. "yes its true" mattheo sed looking at him. "...." it was silent for a minute. i felt pansy holding my hand as she knew he was very mad at me. "y/n you know the FUCKING rules and you broke the biggest one". i didnt say anthing i just stared at the floor. "get out...both of you" he sed pointing to the door. i walked out without saying another word and went to my dorm. and changed into my pjs.


i layed down on my bed and tried not to cry. a few minutes later mattheo walked in. "im sorry i dident know that would happen" he sed sitting behind me on my bed. "its fine..i knew what i was doing when i had sex with you...its my fault" i sed. he went to the bathroom and changed and came back into the main room and got on my bed and cuddled me. i could tell he was really sorry. {what are theas feeling my god} i thought



i havent talked to tom since truth or dare and hes been keeping pansy away so i havent gotten to talk to her either. me and mattheo have became decent friends but have been avoiding each other at the same time. i was walking to potions class when i saw tom and pansy kissing. i had waited so long for this moment but couldent even say anything to either of them without being pushed away or ignored so i just kept walking. i could feel there eyes on me. one set of eyes felt very heavy and angry and the other very sad and worried. when i got to my class i sat at the very back and layed my head down on the table. i just wanted to cry. tom and pansy walked in but the only seats left were one next to me and one at the front next to cedric. tom pushed pansy twords the front seat and sat next to me. i knew it wasent to talk but because he didnt want me to tell pansy about anything so he would have to hear her telling him to apoligize.


i walked into potions to see only two seats left open. i pushed pansy to the front and sat next to y/n. a few minutes into class she leaned into me "congrats to you and pansy assuming yall are dating know" she sed leaning backover away from me after saying that. she scooted her chair away after. {am i over exadirating?} i thought to myself {no she broke a rule} i also thought

after class me and pansy met in the hallway. y/n walked out and looked at us giving us a fake smile i felt bad but i couldent bare to talk to her at the time. mattheo ran after y/n tryna talk to her about somthing but she shook her head and i could barly hear them but i heard "mattheo im not in the mood tell me later" or atleast i think thats what she sed. she walked away going twords the common room. mattheo turned around to see me still waiting for pansy and shook his head at me. i could tell he was upset with me but i didnt care. when pansy walked out we walked to the library together to go study.


as i was walking out of class mattheo stopped me tryna tell me somthing but i told him to tell me later as i wasent in the mood. i walked to the common room and read a book to keep my mind off things. after school ended for the day pansy and tom walked in. tom scoffed at me and dragged pansy to there dorm. a few minutes later pansy walked over to me and hugged me. "i love you y/n dont forget that" she sed. she pulled away from the hug and walked back into ther dorm. tom shut the door after. it made me feel a bit better but not fully. the was a qudditch game later today so i got up and walk into my dorm. i walked into the bathroom and i turned on the bath and let it fill up as i took off my clothes and set them on the counter. i sat down in the bathtub i filled it with bubbles and layed back and closed my eyes to relax. a few minutes later i heard mattheo walk in. "well hello devil" he sed smiling at me. "hello" i sed as i closed my eyes again. he turned on the shower and got in. we got out at almost the same time and wrapped ourselfs with towls.. {he looks so cute} i thought to myself as i walked past him. i forgot to grab clothes so i walked to my closet and grabbed this.

i walked back to the bathroom and change when i walked back into the main bathroom area he was making faces at himself in the mirror. as i walked by i pushed his back with my hand laughing at him. "oh know your gonna get it" he sed laughing at me. he picked me up over his shoulder and threw me on his bed. but lost his balence and fell he cought himself barly by putting is hands above my head. we are know face to face. we both kissed as he picked me up. "wait mattheo we much as i want to we cant it will just make things worst" i sed as i broke the kiss. he set me down "its ok it was a one time thing anyways so i shouldent have got cought in the moment" he sed looking at me. "see you at the qudditch game y/n" he sed walking out. i really wanted to kiss him more but i want my friends back to so i had to stop myself as i let my feelings get in the way. i finished getting ready and walked to the qudditch area and took my seat. pansy set next to me and tom sat on the other side of her. "hey y/n" she sed smiling at me "oh hey" i sed smiling back. i leaned into her "is tom still mad?" i asked "ya but i told him he needs to stop keeping me away from you since hes the one pissed not me" she sed leaning into me. i layed my head on her shoulder enjoying the moment. the game was slythiren vs ravenclaw

when slythiren and ravenclaw went aginst eachother no matter what we knew there would be a party tommorow night for the winning team as thats what we always did. every house was invited to them and the house that wins went out and celebrated there win the night they won. the slythiren team walked out. draco, blaise, mattheo and enzo were the ones we knew personally on our side of the team.

time skip

it was a very close game but ravenclaw won by one last second score. both teams were good sports about it thank god as i have been to a few games that got very out of hand.... me and pansy were talking as the game ended as we wanted to do a girls day. we went over to hermione and luna and asked if they wanted to join our girls day at my dorm since tom banned me from there dorm currently.

1414 words
Ok I'ma end this page here it's a bit later then usual when I post so sorry hehe but I hope you all enjoyed 🖤

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