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meet lee hicks. a ravenclaw. she will be a part of the story for the next few pages 

 she will be a part of the story for the next few pages 

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When we arrived back to Hogwarts it was already night time outside. We hot to the entrance as we and a bunch of other people walked in. Dinner had ended 6 minutes before arriving back. We stayed in the hallway talking till we were the only ones left in the halls and entrence. We walked to the main hallway and took a few turns till we were at a dead end with a painting on the wall. "Hidden" draco sed after looking around for people We snuck into the know open painting. There was a secret grove where party's and so much more were hosted. The slytherins we're hosting but we weren't allowed to host party's at this time so we had to be sneaky about it.

Music was loud flashing led lights dancing drinking and so much more was happening Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dance floor. He spun me around and pulled me into his chest making heavy eye contact with me. We smiled at eachother as he leaned down and kissed me passionately. We danced for a bit before walking over to a couch hidden away where draco, Astoria, pansy, tom, Blaise, mattheo where. "Hey guys" pansy sed smiling at us. Liam sat down and pulled me into his lap as draco handed us drinks. "Hi!" I replied as I took the drink from draco.  Pansy was sitting with her legs over toms lap, stories was sitting in between draco and mattheo, mattheo was sitting with his head all the way back looking up with his eyes closed looking very very drunk. 

We sat and talked for a while when I felt Liam push my hair to one side and kissing my neck softly while sliding his warm hand up my thigh. I ignored him to annoy him. "So Y/n how's life been with my brother?" Draco asked laughing and looking at Liam's hand on my thigh that was slowly going up and down on it. "You know it's good having sex with your little brother any time I want" I sed smirking knowing it would annoy him. "I did not need to know that...y/n" draco sed.  We all laughed as  draco became more and more flustered. After a bit of making fun of draco for getting flustered as much as he did. after a while of sitting around and talking we all headed back to our dorms. we walked down the hall before we ran into a randome girl "oh hey liam" she sed with a smile. "hey lee" he replied "who is this" she sed looking at me. "this is y/n " liam responded "hi" i sed as i held out my hand. she looked me up and down and scoffed then looked back at liam as i lowerd my hand confused .

"i got to go see you tommorow liam" she sed as she walked away. "who was she" i asked still confused. "oh lee i tutor her in charms" he sed as he pulled me through the hall to the common room. "oh ok" i sed still kinda confused but thought nothing of it. we countinued to walking .

we got to the common room where everyone was  playing truth or dare with truth syrums. "hey guys wanna join?" pansy asked. "sure" i sed pulling liam over there with me. mattheo and liam exchanged a odd look but i didnt pay alota attention to it and sat down. "ok tom truth or dare" draco asked. "dare" tom responded. "i dare you to do 7 minutes in heven with pansy" draco sed. "bet" tom sed with a smirk as he got up and helped pansy to her feet. "see you in 7 minutes then" blaise sed laughing a bit. they walked away and into there dorm as we countinued to talk till they where done . after 7 minutes draco got up and knocked on the door letting them know there time is up for know and sat back down. after a few minutes they both walked out of there dorm and sat  back down. "alright mattheo truth or dare" tom asked.

Blinding lights {Matteo riddle X Y/n} DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now