"shes my wife know then bitch"

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i woke up naked next to mattheo. it was early in the morning and the dorm was a mess. i sat in bed for a moment as i rememberd what happend last night. i couldent help but smile. my smile soon faded tho as i rememberd today was the last day of school . i got up leaving mattheo in bed asleep. i walked over to my closet and grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.  

i closede the bathroom door behind me and set everything on the counter. i got in the shower turning on the hot water. i let the water hit me as i stood there enjoying it. i soon washed my hair and body . i got out of the shower and dried off. i soon looked in the mirror and smiled as hickys coverd my body and "Riddle" was wrote in black sharpie under my breasts. i stared at the new marks and writings all over my body for a moment before i finished getting ready. 

i walked out of the bathroom to see astoria and mattheo packing there stuff for the end of the school year. unlike most people i hated the end of the year as my parents always promised a summer of fun but could never keep them. insted it was always filled with fighting, crying, and broken promises and sometimes some physical abuse. my phone started ringing witch brought me back to reality as i dozed off for a minute. i picked up the phone and answerd. "hello?" i sed counfused. "hi hun we are gonna be staying with the malfoys this summer so just go with draco insted" my mother sed into the phone. "ok" i responded and hung up without another word. 

i grabbed my trunk and started packing. i packed all my clothes, shoes, books, makeup, decorations etc. when i finished i walked down to the great hall where the whole school was. every seat was filled and it was quieter then ever. i walked over to pansy, tom, astoria, mattheo, draco, larenzo, and blaise. i took a seat that pansy had saved for me. every year there was a end of the year speach every year it was different unlike every other speach. 

"Goodmorning students" doumbledore sed "as we end this year we shall start with the house cup. you have all done well with gaining points but as you know only one can win it. we have hufflepuff with 567 points....ravenclaw with 784 points......slythiren with 1098 and gryffindor with.......1097 points!."

the whole slythiren table cheered as banners hung from the ceiling all turned to slyhiren ones. the whole table clapped and cheered as it was the first time we had won since harry came to hogwarts. "know.  i expect all dorms packed up by tommorow. hogwarts dorms will be renevated over the summer. i want you all to be reminded to stay safe as always if you have any questions feel free to ask a professer or a prefect" he sed gaining clapping and wispers from all around. he sat back down and all the food appered.

the feast was always the best right before summer as the 8th years most would almost never be at hogwarts again so it was a way of saying goodbye to make sure it was bigger and better the first and last day of school. we all started talking and eating when pansy grabbed my hand making me turn twords her. "whats wrong?" i asked. "who gave you the hickys y/n?" she asked with a smirk. out of the cornner of my eye i could see mattheo smirking. "wouldent you like to know" i responded going back to eating. after a while tom pated my shoulder to get my attention and then pointed at liam who was just a bit down the table. i made eye contact right   as his eyes traced the hickys all over my neck.  he looked back up at me  making eye contact again. [ew eye contact -creator]  his tounge angrily traced the inside of his cheek as he broke eyecontact and looked away then at his food.

mabey staying with the malfoys wont be that bad as i can get my revenge on liam possibly. a smirk grew on my face as i looked away then at mattheo. "hey you are staying with the malfoys arent you?" i asked. "yea why" he responded. "just wanting revenge on liam possibly..." i mumbled. he smirked and looked up at me. "im in" he sed with a smile. draco and tom also smirked at us.


we had all arrived at malfoy manner. {tom, mattheo, draco, liam and y/n}. we walked into the manner and set our atuff down. mrs. and mr. malfoy walked in along with my parents. draco and liam hugged there parents as tom and mattheo looked around. my parents stoped infront of me and opend there arms for a hug. i looked at the gester and at them before a walked past them and went upstairs. my mother sighed as she watched me walk away.

tom followed behind me as i went into a office they had upstairs. i sat on the chair as tom walked in. "you ok?" he asked "yep.." i responded "y/n we are best friends you can tell me anything". he sed as he sat next to me. "whats there to say you grew up watching my relashinship with them fall" i sed annoyed. we sat and talked for a few minutes when liam walked in. "lunch is ready.." he sed. we all walked out and went to the dinning room.

liam sat next to draco and his parents as tom sat next to mattheo. my parents sat in the middle with a empty seat in between them gestering for me to sit there. i looked them up and down and then sat next to bellatrix lestrange as id rather sit next to a crazy lady rather then my parents. everyone stared at me as i sat down. "is there a problem here?" i asked annoyed. "yes daling your supposed to sit next to family" narsica sed. "well mabey if they acted like a family when i was growing up i would but insted they were shit parents so bellatrix is my new family thank you" i sed making everyone look at me shocked. vouldmart walked in and looked at me. "ahh y/n hello" he sed with a weird smile. "you stole my seat next to my wife y/n" he sed. "shes my wife know then bitch" i sed as i took a bite of food. 

mattheo, tom, draco and liam bursted out laughting not being able to keep it in. "feisty huh? you would do well as a deatheter" he sed sitting down next to me. "no thanks mr. no nose" i sed making the boys laught harder. "well if you change your mind you know where to find me. he sed. "actully no i dont know where to find you nore do i want to" i responded as i stood up taking my plate to the kitchen. 

1250 WoRdS

OI i hope you all enjoyed what im know gonna be calling season 1 of my story. im thinking of doing another introduction for season 2 as i plan to add a few new people and all but i hope you all enbjoyed y?n being a sassy queen/ king/ ailen ruler {new word for non bianary hehe} and ill see yall in season 2 bby

Blinding lights {Matteo riddle X Y/n} DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now