"Why are you here Riddle"

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Tysm for 30k reads!! sorry its taken so long i havent been motivated or had the time to write

"fine but only since theres popcorn" i said standing up and stealing the popcorn from him.

Regulus gave me a smile before sitting down to find a movie,  i sat down on the bed next to him as i ate a few pieces of popcorn and watched as he tried to find a movie. eventully he found one we both havent seen and started it, we both sat on the bed eating popcorn and laughing as the movie went on.  i slowly felt myself sink into the bed as my eye lids slowly met eachother as i drifted asleep.

Next morning

i woke up to a unfamiliar arm wraped around my waist and warmth on my back. i opend my eyes and looked around the room and remeberd i had fallen asleep at regulus's dorm last night. i slowly moved his arm off of me and got up from the bed. i walked into the bathroom to quickly wash my face with some water and fix my hair and by the time i walked out of the bathroom regulus was sitting up in bed with his head on the backborad of the bed. "Did i wake you?" i asked, he quickly looked at me with a suprised look, "uh no, thought you left you suprised me" he said with a giggle, "well im gonna head back to my dorm and change and what not ill see you later reg" i said.

i picked up my bag and put on my shoes and started twords the door. i opend the door and looked back at him and gave him a slight smile, "i enjoyed last night, thank you regulus" i said before walking out into the dorm hallway. i closed the door behind me and quickly felt a pair of eyes on me, i looked down the hallway to see mattheo stareing "what riddle" i said in a bit of a agressive tone beofe walking twords him to get to my dorm, "nothing just suprised your at regulus's this early" he responded as i walked around him "i stayed the night, you of all people should know i dont willingly leave my dorm this early riddle" "I have a name you know" he said makeing me stop and turn to him. "right ya is that name by chance, the guy i trusted and who let me down, the guy i was vonurable with after i let my stupid feelings grow for the person i hate and i mean HATE the most?" there was a slight pause of silence "Because if not then i dont know who im talking to right now" i finished before turning around to see tom and pansy watching, i quickly walked to my dorm closing the door as soon as i got in the room.

i pushed my body aginst the door and closed my eyes, i sat there for a few minutes thinking to myself before leting out a sigh and takeing off my shoes, i headed to the bathroom where i turned on the hot water for a bath. i took out the small elastic band that held my hair up before i started undressing, i let my clothes lay on the ground as i stuck one foot into the tub and then my other, slowly i sank down into the tub. i grabbed the bottle of bubbles we had laying there and put a tiny bit in the tub of water and swirled the water around a bit causing bubbles to appear. i hummed a tune my mother use to sing to me when i was younger, before the war against me and my parents started, i started to doze off a bit and shorly it went black.

voices started appearing in the bedroom as i slowly opend my eyes, {how long have i been in this tub} i thought, it couldent have been to long as i wasent to wrinkly i quickly got out and wrapped a towl around me, i walked out into the bedroom to see tom and pansy looking at me, "what" i said in confusion as i grabbed a small round brush i kept on my bed most times, i started to open my mouth to speak but was interupted my a knock, i quickly grabbed my clothes and headed twords the bathroom again as tom let the person that had knocked in "Riddle..." i said as i saw a glimps of him before reaching the bathroom, as i turned to close the door i heard him respond, "Y/n..." i changed and then walked straight out the dorm without looking at tom pansy or espetally Mattheo, i headed to the libray i place i could go to think and not be inturupted by riddle as i wouldent be suprised if he couldent read. i had never seen him in the library after all, i opend the library door and started walking to my ussual spot i sat and read but saw lee and liam where in the library, quickly i turned around and walked out of there. {astronamy tower will do} i thought, i headed to the astonamy tower and thankfully when i arrived no one was there

Blinding lights {Matteo riddle X Y/n} DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now