new year

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it had been a week since i left the malfoy manor and went with the weaslys. tom me and pansy all wrote to eachother as often as possible. I would sometimes receive a letter from mattheo but not nearly as often as when I first came to the weaslys. His letters had became short and messy.

But enough about letters me George and Fred had been setting up for a prank on harry since he was visiting for a week. Harry often came to visit Ron and the rest of the weaslys. I was busy distracting harry and Ron while the twins placed a glitter bomb in Harry's bag. This wasent a normal glitter bomb tho. It was tiny and round but filled with thousands of pieces of glitter. You had three seconds to place it after enabling it tho. Once it was moved it would explode.

They set it up on top of Harry's jacket since It was so tiny he wouldn't see it. After they set it up Fred and George came downstairs pretending to be in a argument on who will ask McGonagall to the yull ball for a prank they had been planning.  Harry headed upstairs and we followed. Ginny had the front door open so we could run before harry hexed us. Harry and Ron walked into the room talking. He picked up his bag and pulled out a hoodie it was on.

*POOF* glitter flew everywhere. We laughed so hard untill harry made eye contact with me. "RUN" I yelled. We sprinted downstairs and out the front door of the burrow. Ginny closed the door behind us. We ran to a big tree not far and hid. We watched harry and Ron run out and split up to find us. We sat and laughed for a while before heading back in .

A month later bc idk what to add

It was time to go back to Hogwarts. The weaslys ran around packing and grabbing there stuff and packing it tightly into the car. When we finally got the car loaded up we set out to kings crossing station. It was a long drive so in the meantime I read a book called task failed successful (hey that's my other book you should go read it:)) the twins planned pranks ginny and Ron played car games and pursy...well he was being a nurse bitch the whole time. He read out all the rules, read everyone's supply list, read out everyone's classes and the location etc.

After a few hours in the car we arrived. We all got out and grabbed our bags. We put the trunks on trolleys with the owls. We all walked in and ran through the wall to get to the platform. I sed bye to Mr and Mrs Weasley and went to find pansy and Tom. They were sitting on a bench far away from most people. I snuck up behind them "BOO" I yelled as I grabbed there shoulders scaring the shit out of them "OMG Y/N YOU FUCKING SCARED ME" pansy shouted scared. "You got me I'll admit" tom sed after with a chuckle.

We laughed and talked for a bit when I felt a cold gaze or eyes on me. I turned my head to see mattheo looking at me. He quickly looked away. "What's his problem?" I asked tom as I looked at mattheo. "I'll tell you later..." He sed as his face softened almost with a look of guilt on his face. I stayed silent as I knew my reaction would be bad.

The train arrived and we all got on. Setting our stuff in the back and finding a seat. We went and sat with draco, and Blaise. We all talked and caught up. After a bit I felt a new set of eyes on me. I turned to see Liam looking at me. He gesterd his hand for me to go over to him. "Oll be back guys" I sed as I stood up and walked near him.

"What Malfoy" I spoke annoyed. "Y/n I'm sorry for cheating on you....I really should have told you when I lost feelings rather then act as I still had feelings for you I hope you can forgive me as I miss talking to you like when we were kids..." He responded. I was shocked one I didn't realize he lost feelings I thought he cheated for no reason and two Liam's not the type to apologize. He always thinks hes right when he acts out like this. "I forgive you Liam" I spoke softly with a smile.

He let a soft smile appear on his face. "I have to go bye Liam" I sed before walking away. I went back to tom, pansy, Blaise, and draco and sat down.
We all talked and stuff.

We arrived at Hogwarts 2 hours later and started getting off. We all split into groups first years with hagrid and everyone else with Snape who led us up to the castle. We all arrived and started taking seats as we walked into the great hall waiting for new students to arrive.

Hope y'all enjoyed I have been absent but I'm here know so ye

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