"yea we wanted to piss off liam"

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i give you part 22 <3

mattheo pulled me away from her and calmed me down.

i tried to get out of mattheos gripp as i wanted to beat the living fuck out of her but mattheo would grab me by the waist and pull me back. soon mattheo got annoyed with me and pushed me against the wall "stop fucking moving" he growled stareing into my eyes. i pushed him off me and walked away i kicked her in the stomach one last time as i walked away. i walked potions class and took my seat as everyone else did to. liam sat next to me as we were partners for the project we where doing. lee walked in a few moments later and sat down in the back. liam kept tryna talk to me but i would ignore him or move my seat away. he started writing a note and i peeked over to see what it was as i pretended to be writing something else

"my dorm tonight?" he wrote. he folded it up "pass this to lee" he sed handing it to enzo. enzo glared at him in disgust and threw it at lee hitting her in the face. i let out a small chuckle even tho i was in so much pain. it had been one night not even a day since they broke up. he acted so hurt last night but just stopped caring. she sent back a note all i could see before he folded it back up was "see you tonight then baby ;)" my blood was boiling. i raised my hand and asked to be excused. "yes. miss. y/n" snape sed. i stood up and as i walked away kicked liams chair out from underneath him causing him to fall on his face. the whole class laughed as he stood up and glared at me.

i walked through the hallways choking back tears. i walked outside and to the forbbiden forest. i walked for a bit before i started punching a tree. "why why why WHYY" i yelled in pain as my nuckles started bleeding. i didnt care and countinued to punch the tree. "I LOVED HIM WHY WHY WHYY" i yelled out as i fell on the ground crying. i sat on the ground with my back to the trees as i layed my head on  my knees crying. i heard a tree branch break and i jumped up pulling out my wand and holding in my tears. "WHOS THERE" i announced still backed into the tree. "woah there Haylee its just me" i familer voice sed. a few seconds later mattheo poped out from behind a tree holding his hands up. "how long have you been there" i asked embarresed as i lowerd my wand and put it back wherever you store a wand {where do they put them dude-} 

"long enough to see your in pain" he sed as he walked closer and hugged me. i started crying again as i wrapped my arms around him skinking to the ground. mattheo lowerd himself to the ground to as i cried in pain. we layed on the ground as he held me close. we looked up at a opining in the trees looking at the clouds and sky. "dose it hurt?" he asked "dose what hurt" i asked back still staring at the stars as it calmed me down. "ya know love...getting cheated on....heartache..." he sed. i sat up straight as he layed down looking at me. i turned making eye contact with him. 

"love is the most rewarding thing i have experienced. getting cheated on is the most painful thing i have felt in my life and the heartache comes with love" i replied keeping eye contact. 

"why is it the most painful?" he asked tryna understand as he sat up. "being cheated on is losing the person you thought you would marry and spend forever with... the betrail that hurts so much asking yourself did they ever love me at all? when i think of love i think of happy ever after i think of spending eternity with that person not that they are gonna fuck another person and lie about it. so to answer your question yes... yes it hurts so much more than it should." i replied somehow not in tears.

mattheo leaned in and kissed me i kissed back as the wind blew in my hair. my hands glided through his hair as i held the back of his head. in that moment i felt invincible all my pain was gone for a moment in time. he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me on his lap as we made out. i relized what was happening and pushed away. "i cant" i sed in a low tone. "hey  its ok" he sed in a soft voice as he stoked my head. "its not that i dont want to its just...he may be able to move on fast but its wrong...i need time to fix my emotions before i have sex with someone" i sed still on his lap.

i need time to fix my emotions before i have sex with someone" i sed still on his lap

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"hey its ok pretty girl" he sed as he pushed my hair behind my ear. he layed down as i sat on top of him. "if we arent gonna have sex you atlea t have to cuddle me y/n" mattheo sed as he lifted his head up enought to see my eyes. i laughed and layed next to him as he cuddled me. he took his jacket that was on the ground next to us and set it on top of me as i fell asleep in his arms. as he rubbed and kissed my head

^^how yall cuddling just pretend its a forest same time of day tho^^

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^^how yall cuddling just pretend its a forest same time of day tho^^

i woke up in mattheos arms with his jacket over me the sky was know dark and filled with stars. i wanted to get up but i felt so warm in his arms. "mattheo" i sed softly. i shook his body a bit then sat up. something felt off. like someone was watching me. there where noises in the woods. the wind picked up and the sky filled with dark clouds. "mattheo..." i sed again scared. i shook mattheo and he finnaly woke up. "whats wrong love" he sed as the noises went away the wind stood still and the clouds moved quickly away. "uhm nothing just thought i heard something" i sed. "we should go" i sed. "im not moving devil" he replied. i grabbed his hand and apperated us to our dorm. there was a curtan in between mine and mattheos room and the main room that was pulled closed. we heard moaning from the main room.

i could tell it was liam and whats her face. "ugh" i  scoffed as we stood up from the floor. "why dont we walk out and act like we just had sex thatle piss him off Haylee" mattheo suggested. i was about to decline before i thought about it more. "lets do it" i sed. we walked to the bathroom on our half of the room and messed up our hair a bit matthe changed into some gray sweats and had no shirt as i changed into a black shirt mattheo wore often with no bra and a pair of panties. we walked out of the bathroom and through are room into the main one.

i had a bit of stained black mascara on my face making it more belevable. we walked out talking and acted out of breath. i turned to see her covering her chest and liam covering his dick. "ew" we scoffed as we countinued to walk out. liam looked pissed as expected. "lee sweetie theres nothing to cover" i sed pointing to her chest making her frown. we walked out and closed the door and walked to the common room laughing. i turned around to see tom and pansy who i hadent talked to in a while i hugged tom "hey tommy how are you" i asked. "im good" he replied as i hugged pansy. "Haylee please next time you hug me have a bra on" tom sed. "stop acting like you havent been hugged by a girl with no bra on" i replied. "Haylee your like a sister to me shut it" tom replied. pansy observed me and her jaw dropped a bit. "is that mattheos shirt?" she asked with a grin

"yea we wanted to piss off liam" i sed with a giggle as i sat down next to pansy.

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hey guys hope you enjoyed i havent been feeling like writing smut rn but i will add some soon i hope you enjoyed and tysm for 1.8k reads <3 ilysm  

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