moving dorms

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"fine riddle" i sed as i put my head on his chest from the hangover i had. after a few moments of just laying there i relized i could hear his heartbeat. it  was so peaceful. i wanted to lay there all day. "y/n?" he mumbled "mmmm" i groned back so he knew i was listening "we have to get up" he replyed. "mmmmm nnoo" i mumbled back "why not devil?" he asked as i looked up at him making eye contact. "your warm" i replied as i burried my head into his neck. "y/n i have to go" he sed. "fineee" i grunted as i rolled off of him. he got up and changed as i drifted back asleep. i woke up a few hours later to the feeling of someones eyes on me. i rolled over and looked around but no one was there. {weird} i thought. i got up and wrapped a small blanket around my naked body. just as i was about to take a step mattheo walked in. "hello devil" he sed smirking "mmm hi" i grunted half asleep. i took a step but imediently fell. ..."ow" i sed as i just layed there. he laughd as he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. "ill run you a bath darling" he replied. he turned on the warm water and let the tub fill up as i sat on the counter of the bathroom. he poored in bubbles and set me in the tub. "better?" he asked smiling at me as i relaxed. "mhmm" i replyed. there was a knock on the door. mattheo stood up and checked the door. i couldent hear anything but muffiled talking. mattheo walked back in the bathroom talking as the voice got clearer and louder. "hello y/n" sed the voice next to me. i turned my head and opend my eyes to see liam. "hi" i sed looking at him.

"i heard we have taken your ability to walk darling" he sed laughing a bit. "yes the fall hurt quite a bit" i sed as i scooped up a bunch of bubbles and threw them at liam and mattheo. they both wiped them of of their faces and looked at me. "so you dont wanna walk for a month?" liam sed standing up. "even more of a reason to sleep all day" i replied smiling at him. "you would say that" mattheo sed right as pansy walked in. "oh hello" she sed looking at both them. "theres a whole ass party in here damn" pansy sed as tom walked in to. "why are there 4 people in here while im taking a bath god" i sed. liam tom and mattheo left as pansy stayed. "how you feeling love i asked as she sat on the counter. "a bit better" she sed 


I was sitting in my dorm reading a book as everyone else was at lunch when liam walked in. "hey y/n" he sed as he walked in. "hey liam" i sed smiling as i put down my book. "since we took your ability to walk i brught you lunch" he sed as he sat down at the end of my bed with a plate of food. "aww thanks liam" i sed in a soft voice as he handed me the plate. we talked for a bit as i ate. before he had to go as he had to eet his parents and draco somewhere i geuss. pansy came in my room "can i stay here for a bit y/n?" she asked "ya but why??" i replyed confused. "tom has to go do some stuff" she sed sitting next to me. a few minutes later mattheo came in and grabbed his jacket and left without a word. "weird" i sed looking at pansy laughing. "so how was your night with riddle??" she sed smirking at me. "riddle and malfoy" i sed correcting her with a smirk. "wait what" she sed as her jaw dropped. "you heard me". i replyed. "both of them?!" she sed playfully hitting my arm. "do you like either of them? like romanticly not just in bed??" she asked as she layed next to me. "i like both of them but i think i like" i replyed as i stared at the ceiling. there was a moment of silence. "so if i marry tom and you marry mattheo...dose that mean we will be like...sisters??" she asked with wide eyes as i looked over at her. 

"...idk im not married why would i know pansy" i sed laughing at her "you should tell him before its to late" she sed pulling me up. pansy tried to pull me out but i fell again. "that hurt way more owww" i sed laughing in pain. "shit sorry y/n" she sed 


it was later at night when we were heading to dinner as i somehow was able to walk... when we got there doumbledore started his speech when he sed. "we will be giving a few students new rooms with the same or new roomates if you would like a room switch to a bigger room or a one person bedroom please let the head of your house know" he sed. he swooshed his hand through the air and food appered. "y/n we should see if we can get a bigger dorm" mattheo sed. "sure" i replied. we stood up and walked over to snape and sat down. "what. do. you. two. want." he sed as he was about to take a bite of food. "heres the dealio.. we want a bigger dorm" i sed in a business tone. "mabey another roomate we dont care but we want a bigger dorm as she sed." mattheo sed after me. "...if i say no you wont leave me alone will you" snape replied. we looked at eachother the back at snape "correct" we sed at the same time.  "ugh fine meet me in the common room after dinner you two" he sed shooing us away. we walked away laughing as we sat back down next to everyone. "i wonder why they are switching dorms in the middle of the year" pansy sed. "i dont know" i replied as i grabbed some mashed potatoes. we all talked as dinner went on.when dinner finished we all walked back to the common rooms where we waited for snape. after a bit of waiting me mattheo and a whole lota other people were in the common room waiting when he finally walked in. he walked over to the large group of people and started assighning new dorms. he gave us all they keys and 24/hrs for us to move dorms. me mattheo, astoria, and liam all got a dorm. we were able to get the biggest dorm. we all went back to our dorms and started putting all our stuff in boxes to move them.

Blinding lights {Matteo riddle X Y/n} DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now