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Y/N pov

after a while of me and Theo messing around we went back to the library to gather the rest of our stuff for classes, we went our separate ways as I walked to transfiguration class. "Y/n!" I heard someone yell behind me "Y/n!" I heard again before turning around to see Regulus behind me waving. I giggled a bit "Hii Regulus" I said as he walked beside me "did you need something?" I asked after a few moments of silence as we walked to class, "yea uhm if your not busy could you help me with something later?" he asked with a smile. I stayed silent trying to remember if I had something planned later before responding, "sure what do you need help with tho?" I asked confused earning a grin from him. "you'll see" he said as we walked into class.

confused at why he said i stared at him as he sat down before I took mine  at the back of the class, I hadn't been a fan of this class as mattheo sat right next to me, not behind me not in font right next to me. he often annoyed me by throwing small papers at me and putting his stuff in my way. I often tried to ignore it as the more I reacted the more he did it, the last few people came into class and sadly one of those people was mattheo. i rolled my eyes before looking at Regulus who sat a few rows ahead and to my left. mattheo sat down next to me and surprisingly didn't immediately start messing with me. 

surprisingly we where closer to the end of class before he started annoying me. "Pstt" "y/n" i heard him whisper i attempted to ignore him but when he started throwing small papers at me it was hard to. "What riddle" i groaned quietly looking over at him right as he threw another one hitting me in the face makeing him snort out a laugh. "Mr. Riddle, whats so funny?" McGonagall asked with a raised eyebrow. to my suprise he didnt stop laughing he just continued. "very well than, detention after school Mr. Riddle" she spoke wich made him stop giggling. as i looked around the class i cought regulus in my gaze makeing eyecontact with him, the corner of his mouth reached up into a soft smile. i smiled back before continueing with my notes.

"But for real y/n can i borow that muggle quilt thing you use" mattheo whisperd to me. annoyed i sighed before looking at him as i reached into a small bag i had that i kept quilts, pens, pencils, etc in and handed him a pen. "thank you..." he whisperd but his gaze still stayed on me scanning my body, his gaze was heavy as if someones hand was where his eyes where and it always has been even since we were kids. finnaly we were dismissed from class and i quickly grabed my stuff and left, "Regulus can you stay for a moment" i heard McGonagall say as i was leaving. i waited outside leaning aginst a wall waiting for him as that was our last class of the day.

Mattheo walked out shortly after and scanned the halls where his gaze soon met my body again. he let off a soft smile before walkeing up to me where it faded. "heres that pen thing, thanks" he said handding me the black pen. "your welcome" i said as regulus walked out. not saying anything to him i walked away and over to regulus where his eyes followed my every movement. "hey reg" i said earning a smile from him. "well hello pretty lady" he said as he lifted my hand up and kissed the back of it gentely makeing me smile. finnaly i felt mattheos eyes leave me as i heard footsteps walking away. 

me and regulus walked back to the slythiren common room talkeing and getting to know eachother better, when we arrived i went to my dorm to change into more comfy clothes and to put my stuff away before going to regulus's dorm to help him like he asked. i knocked on the door and stood there for a moment before he opend the door. "well hello again" he said moeing out of the way gesturing for me to come in, "hey, you didnt tell me when you needed help so here i am" i said akwardly as i took a few steps inside scanning the room before turning to him.

"yeaa about that i dont need help i just wanted to hangout" he said with a giggle, he had such a contagious laugh and smile that it was hard not to laugh no matter what the situation was. "well then what do you wanna do" i asked as i sat in a chair infront of a desk. "mmm i was thinking maybe some popcorn and any movie you wanted" he responded makeing me raise a eyebrow, "hmmm this sounds a lot like a date Reg". "whatttt no way" he said as he held up a bowl of popcorn and ate some. "fine but only since theres popcorn" i said standing up and stealing the popcorn from him.

900 words

Heyy guys heres part idfk i got tierd but sum yall been begging for next part so here ya go luv you all sm

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