Bucky x Maze

By GoldenWitchXelle

3.5K 105 12

After being rescued by the Avengers, Lexi Ahren a.k.a Maze, an old friend of Natasha and an ex Red Room assas... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Final Part
!Note from Author!

Part 12

114 4 0
By GoldenWitchXelle

They take Nat's car and drive to the city. Nat brings them to a little store downtown.

Nat: I always find something here.

They walk in and look around. After a while Wanda comes to Lexi, a beautiful sparkling dress in hand.

Wanda: I think I found something for you Lex.

She hands her the dress and Nat gasps behind her.

Nat: That is totally you. Go try it on.

Lexi smiles before walking to the dressing room. She puts on the dress and looks at herself in the mirror. The dress is beautiful. She walks out and the girls smile with satisfaction.

Wanda: That's it. You have to buy it.

Nat: If you don't buy it I will.

Lexi: Yeah, I am definitely buying it.

They laugh. Lexi puts her clothes back on and helps find dresses for her friends. Wanda found a beautiful blue dress with a plunging neckline. As for Nat, she chose a cute fitted red dress.

Once they are all set, they go to the cash register and pay for their purchases. They go back to the car to drop their shopping bags and then walk to a french restaurant across the street.

Hostess: Good evening, table for three?

Nat: Yes please.

Hostess: Follow me.

She grabs three menus and the girls follow her into the dining room. She drops the menus and smiles at them while they are sitting.

Hostess: A waiter will come take your drink order shortly. I wish you a good evening.

Lexi: Thank you.

She leaves and as the hostess said, a waiter comes by.

Waiter: Good evening ladies. What can I serve you?

Nat: Can you bring us a bottle of pinot grigio and three glasses please?

Waiter: Right away.

He leaves and the girls chat about the upcoming party.

Wanda: You'll see. Tony is great at throwing parties.

Lexi: Why am I not surprised?

They laugh and the waiter brings them the wine, pouring it into the three glasses. He lets them look at the menu before coming back to take their orders.

Wanda: I'll take your coq au vin please.

Nat: It will be the duck for me.

Lexi: The duck looks tempting, but I think I'll settle for the salmon.

He notes down their order and leaves for the kitchen. The girls drink wine and enjoy their meals. After a few hours they are back at the compound.

Wanda: The dinner was delicious. I have to remember the name of that place.

Lexi: I agree and the service was really good.

When they arrive in the living room, Steve and Sam are watching a basketball game.

Steve: Found anything?

Nat: Yep, we all got a dress and then ate at the Château Froment.

Steve: Isn't that the french place you brought me to two months ago?

Nat: Exactly.

Steve: That's a great place.

Lexi: It really is. Now excuse me, I'll go put my new dress in my closet.

She leaves for her room and puts the garment cover containing the dress in her closet. She sits at her desk and unlocks her laptop to look at her emails. After a few minutes, someone knocks on the door.

Lexi: Come in!

Bucky comes in, leaving the door opened and sits on the end of the bed.

Bucky: I thought I heard you. How was your shopping?

Lexi: Good! I found a dress for the party. It was a little expensive, but it was worth it.

Bucky: I can't wait to see it.

She smiles at him when Steve appears in the doorway.

Lexi: Steve?

Steve: Oh sorry, I'll come back later.

Lexi: It's fine, what's up?

Steve: I just wanted to let you know that I'll be the one training you tomorrow morning.

Lexi: Oh, ok then. I'll see you at 6am?

Steve: Yep.

He looks uncomfortable which she finds odd, but he leaves without another word. She looks at Bucky, confused.

Lexi: Do you know if there's something up with him? He's been weird lately...

Bucky: I noticed too, but when I asked he said he was tired and dodged the subject.

Lexi: Maybe Sam knows?

Bucky: I'll ask him.

Meanwhile, Steve walks over to Nat's room. The door is open so he enters and closes the door.

Steve: I need a favor.

Nat: Hello to you too.

Steve: Let me train Lexi tomorrow morning.

Nat turns to him with a frown.

Nat: Why?

Steve: I went over to her room to talk to her, but Bucky was there and I didn't want him to hear what I had to say, so I had to think fast and said the first thing that popped into my mind. I said that I just wanted to let her know that I was going to train her tomorrow.

Nat: Steve, what is going on?

Steve: Can you just-

Nat: No. If you want me to help you, you have to tell me what is going on.

He looks away, uncomfortable.

Steve: I like her and I don't know what to do because Bucky likes her too. I am not thinking straight right now and...

Nat: Who else knows about this?

Steve: Only Sam.

She sits on the bed, looking at him. She pats the bed, inviting him to sit which he does.

Nat: Listen... I know Bucky is your best friend and that this complicates things a lot for you, but you owe it to yourself to tell her.

Steve: You think I should tell her?

Nat: I do. I know she likes Bucky, but I think that you'll regret keeping that to yourself. By telling her, you'll know how she feels and you can either move on or get involved.

Steve: I don't know Nat... I don't want to make things awkward and I don't want to ruin my friendship with Bucky. Maybe I should just forget about her.

Nat: Only you can decide if you want to tell her, but I think you should. You can train her tomorrow morning, I'll say I have an appointment or something.

Steve: Thanks Nat, I appreciate it.

He stands up and leaves. He walks past Lexi's room and hears Bucky is still in there. He clenches his jaw, trying to bury the jealousy away. He goes back to the living room and sits back on the couch next to Sam.

Sam: Where were you? I went to the bathroom and when I came back you were gone.

Steve: Went to talk to Nat. She wants me to train Lexi tomorrow morning. She has an impediment.

Sam: Oh... how do you feel about that?

Steve: I'm ok. It's just training.

He forces a smile and focuses back on the tv. Bucky walks in after half an hour.

Bucky: Hey Sam, can I talk to you for a sec?

Sam: Sure.

He stands up and follows Bucky into his room.

Sam: What's up?

Bucky: Do you know if Steve is mad at me or something?

Sam: What do you mean?

Bucky: He's been off lately and Lexi noticed it too. I tried asking him what was going on, but he dodged the subject and said everything was fine. We were thinking that maybe you know something.

Sam: I'm sorry, I don't.

Bucky: Ok then... I just hope he'll talk to us if something is wrong.

Sam: I'm sure he will. Was there anything else?

Bucky: No, that was it.

Sam: Ok. Well, don't worry. I'm sure it's nothing.

Bucky: Yeah...

Sam leaves the room and goes back to Steve.

Sam: Dude. We have to talk.

Steve: What?

Sam looks around, making sure there's nobody else in the room.

Sam: Bucky and Lexi know something is up.

Steve: They do?

Sam: He just asked me if I knew why you were acting weird. I said I didn't and tried to tell him not to worry about it, but you have to get it together man.

Steve: I decided to move on and forget about all of this, so I'm sure that once they see I'm back to normal they'll forget about this.

Sam: I hope they do.

The rest of the evening was calm. Everyone went to bed early except for Steve who stayed in the living room until he fell asleep on the couch.

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