Summoning the Union of South...

By Viper_Zer0

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Time and Fate, if you were given the former and knew about the latter, what would you do? Located in South Ea... More

Prologue: Last Ditch Effort
Volume 1, Chapter 1: The Refugees
Chapter 2: The Conquerors
Chapter 3: The Spears Ahead...
Chapter 4: ...The Arrows Above
Chapter 5: The Free Rodenius Forces
Chapter 6: Operation Homecoming
Chapter 7: Race Against Time
Chapter 8: Eviction Notice
Volume 2, Chapter 10: A Show of Force
Chapter 11: Towers of Glass In The Lion City
Chapter 12: Remille's Resolve
Chapter 13: The Nation from the Lost Continent
Chapter 14: The Empire of Inheritors
Chapter 15: Beneficial and Detrimental Developments
Chapter 16: In the Shadow of the Emissaries Part 1
Chapter 17: In the Shadow of the Emissaries Part 2
Chapter 18: Diplomatic Measures
Chapter 19: The Die is Cast
Chapter 20: Storm Clouds over Esthirant
Chapter 21: A Slave to History Once More
Volume 3, Chapter 22: The Broadcast
Chapter 23: A Game of Chess
Chapter 24: Under the Jackboot
Chapter 25: Cause For Worry
Chapter 25.5: A Day in Ragna
Chapter 26: Lourian Airlift
Chapter 27: Grave Robber Part 1
Chapter 28: Grave Robber Part 2
Chapter 29: Fallout
Chapter 29.5: A Sea of Crimson
Chapter 30: Lit Fuse
Chapter 31: Cross-Purposes Part 1
Chapter 32: Cross-Purposes Part 2
Volume 4, Chapter 33: A Fine Line on Fenn
Chapter 34: Skirmish in the Storm
Chapter 34.5: The Defector
Chapter 35: The Setting Moon, The Rising Sun Part 1
Chapter 35.5: The Setting Moon, The Rising Sun Part 2
Intermission: Crumbling Order

Chapter 9: With a Whimper

1.8K 74 15
By Viper_Zer0

Author's Note:  Short Chapter since I'm not sure what to write about since this is technically the end of the Louria arc and next chapter marks the beginning of the Parpaldia arc as well as the side arc of Operation Momotarou.


Jin-Hark, Parpaldia Occupied Louria

February 8, 1640

The morning sun had just risen in the sky over the Lourian capital of Jin-Hark. The sight of red clothed soldiers was common in the capital as the Kingdom of Louria capitulated to the Parpaldia Empire's finest soldiers. In the sky, flights of wyvern lords, a superior species to the regular wyvern, flew unopposed as plumes of smoke billow from below as the fighting died down.

The capital itself was defended by three massive walls. But due to the war with USEA, only a small number of troops were present when Parpaldia began its attack, as a result, they were easily overwhelmed by Parpaldia's elite and veteran musketeers backed by wyvern lords, land dragons and towed magic canons.

Within the royal castle, blue curtains were stained with blood while shattered pieces of glass littered the hallways of what was once the home of a monarch that had come so close to unifying a continent. 

The very same monarch was now lying in a pool of his own blood as a Parpaldia musketeer pulled out his musket mounted bayonet from the King's abdomen.

Another musketeer walks up to him.

"So, did he have any last words?"

The musketeer shrugs his shoulders while cleaning his bayonet with a rag.

"Mumbled something about how his country was the first but ours will be next. Goes on and on about how he saw 'visions' or something."

The other musketeer chuckled for a bit.

"Heh, ramblings of a dead man."

The Parpaldia occupation of Louria had begun.


FOB Quebec 4, Qua-Toyne Principality

February 11, 1640

The sounds of metal beasts rumbling reverberated around the Forward Operating Base as elements of the USEAN Army were now preparing to mount the final assault to push the Lourian army out of Qua-Toyne territory.

Their objective, the first Qua-Toyne city to fall, Gim. Down to the south, a similar operation is scheduled to take place at the same time by the USEAN Marines and Free Rodenius Forces and together with the army up north, push the frontline all the way to the border with Louria.

The sounds of vehicles ranging from tanks to supply trucks were occasionally muffled by F-15ESs flying overhead to conduct bombing runs on the remaining Lourian garrisons that stand between the assault force and Gim. As the lead elements of the spearhead left the FOB and were passing by Ejei that was secured the week prior, they could see both the Qua-Toyne and USEAN flag freely fluttering in the wind atop the main Ejei castle, a sign that this was the beginning of a new era.

Several SSPH Primus Self-Propelled Howitzers were seen in the fields nearby, elevating their barrels into the sky before unleashing 155mm High-Explosive shells to whom it may concern.


Wedge formations of Leopard 2Ss and ACV-300s now dart across the vast plains of the Qua-Toyne frontier as they approach Gim. Overhead, F-15s were seen screeching away from Gim after dispensing the remainder of their ammunition on the Lourian stragglers that had taken refuge within the town itself.

Soon, the column of tanks and armoured vehicles stopped along the ridgeline overlooking the town. The grassy fields sway in the wind, uncaring of the armoured beasts that sat nearby.

The company commander opens the top hatch of his Leopard 2. The afternoon sun beaming down on him as he proceeds to survey the town and surrounding area with his binoculars. He could see that the outer perimeter of hastily built wooden spike barriers had been shattered and that some of the buildings of the outskirts of Gim have also been destroyed.

As he scans the town, he notices three Lourian soldiers walking out of the town and heading towards them. The middle Lourian was carrying the Kingdom of Louria flag. The company commander proceeded to issue orders to his subordinates through his headset.

<<All units hold your fire. Rhino 2-2, go check it out.>>

As the company commander turned to his left, he could see mechanized infantry dismounting from the ACV-300 APC. The squad then walked through the grassy fields to meet the three Lourians. From his position in the Leopard 2, a communication from the squad came through.

<<Sir, they're surrendering. They say there's no point in fighting since their nation is gone. Most of the Lourians hiding in Gim are mostly the old, women, and children.>>

A look of disappointment manifested on the company commander's face as he thought to himself.

'Tch, and we just got here damnit.'

<<This is Rhino 1-1, tell them to gather all the Lourians in town out into the open fields facing us. Tell them that whatever weapon they have are to be thrown into the ground to clearly indicate they are surrendering.>>

<<Roger that>>

The USEAN infantry squad could be seen talking to the three Lourians. After a while, and some back and forth looks from the Lourians, one of them walked back into town. And soon thereafter, he brought with him a whole bunch of Lourians out of town and into the fields. The few soldiers with them seemed well off, big bulky armour along with ceremonial capes but many of them were in fact the elderly, women, and children.

<<This is Rhino 1-1 to Quebec-4 actual do you copy over...requesting additional manpower from the military police and medical corps over...yes sir, whole bunch of them just surrendered...roger that, we'll hold position in town and watch our fire for any potential unknowns. Rhino 1-1 out.>>

The loader of the Leopard 2 turned to him and spoke.

"We're expecting more sir?"

"Yes and no, command says recon spotted an army with a completely different flag marching towards the border. HQ hasn't determined if they're hostile yet, so our top priority is to just secure the pre-war borders for Qua-Toyne and Quila before we make our next move."


Esthirant Port, Parpaldia Empire

February 11, 1640

The evening sun bathed the city in an orange hue as the day was about to end in the Parpaldian capital of Esthirant. At the grand port facilities that housed not only merchant ships but the various combat vessels belonging to the Imperial Parpaldia Navy, a single ship bearing the crest of the Imperial family was about to set sail with a full wyvern carrier group as escorts.

This ship was carrying none other than Madame Remille, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Audit Bureau, Kaios, the Director for the 3rd Foreign Affairs Office, as well as various support staff from their respective departments. 


The day prior, Parpaldian scouts encountered USEAN army units on the border with Qua-Toyne. After a relatively peaceful encounter, it was decided that the Parpaldian military will inherit the pre-war borders for Louria while USEA will take control of the pre-war territory of Qua-Toyne and Quila.

After this agreement, the local Parpaldia commander had reported to Supreme Commander Arde on the situation, a report that was subsequently passed on to the Foreign Affairs Office. To establish ties with USEA, Madame Remille had decided to personally take up the task of conducting diplomacy with USEA while Director Kaios would serve in an advisory role.

The ambassadors to Parpaldia from the Holy Milishial Empire and the nation of Mu had decided to send separate delegations to USEA in the next two weeks or so, scrapping the original plan of sending diplomats to follow Parpaldia's lead.


Remille stood at the stern of her ship, admiring the sight of the capital city as the sun began to slip beneath the horizon. She had always admired how the city's magical lights at night gave this sense of pride for her. In this dark corner of the world, the lights serve as a beacon of not only civilization but also hope.


Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

February 11, 1640

Esthirant is always considered the beating heart for the Parpaldia Empire. Here, all state affairs were handled by a large bureaucracy that catered to different needs and sectors. Be it managing the demonic invasion to the north of the Philades or securing trade deals and influence in nearby nations, anything that has to do with the Parpaldia empire, goes through Esthirant and its various levels of government.

However, unseen to many, there exists a rotten cancer that eats away at the Empire. In a mansion located within walking distance to the Emperor's Palace, a group was gathered to hold a meeting. A meeting that would have severe consequences for the future of Parpaldia.


Gathered around a roundtable were nine people who hold considerable sway in not only Parpaldian politics but also its industry both domestic and colonial. The room only illuminated by a single magic light mounted above the table. A man in his late 40s smoking a cigar started to speak, asking a question directed to a blonde woman in her early 30s sitting across from him.

"Remille has departed, yes?"

"Yes, she just did a few hours ago, I was there at the port to send her off."

"And our friend?"

"Is with the diplomatic team since he works for that stooge Kaios. He will gather as much information as he can while he is there."

A sinister smile crept on the man's face as he removed the cigar from his mouth and blew puffs of smoke into the air. He looks to the cigar in his right hand, a cigar that was imported from another nation in the midst of a war.

"Excellent. Once find out more about this 'USEA', send the relevant information to our 'friend' in Riem."

"As you wish, Iussum."

The meeting of this secretive group continued into the night.


Antonio Luna Base, Near Qua-Toyne City, Qua-Toyne Principality

February 15, 1640

Located several kilometers away from the city of Qua-Toyne sat the largest planned overseas USEAN military base to date. The Antonio Luna Base housed the command centre for the USEAN Forces Rodenius or UFR which oversees all USEAN military activities on the continent of Rodenius. 

Landing on one of the two completed runways was a Boeing A319 twin engine airliner that was operated by the USEAN Air Force. The sounds of squealing were heard as the tires from the twin engine airliner's landing gear touched down on the tarmac, emitting small puffs of smoke as the rubber made contact with the solid asphalt and concrete.

As the aircraft slowed down, it taxied to a nearby zone to allow its passengers to disembark. Honour guards stood at attention as the aircraft came to a halt and an airstairs was brought close to the front passenger exit of the Boeing A319. The door was opened, and an air force officer salutes the first person to leave the aircraft, the Prime Minister of USEA, Sue Hui.

The Prime Minister of USEA had travelled all the way from the capital Singapore to Rodenius for several purposes. From visiting USEAN troops stationed on the continent, to holding meetings with the Qua-Toyne Principality and Kingdom of Quila governments. But one purpose stood above all and that was holding a meeting to formally establish ties with a nearby nation regarded by many of the natives as a superpower.

A few days ago, Sue Hui was informed by her staff that a delegation from the Parpaldia Empire had arrived in the former territory of Louria which is now under Parpaldia control. The delegation from Parpaldia had expressed interest in establishing ties and learning more about USEA.

But what truly spurred Sue Hui to take personally take up this task was the mention that the leader of this delegation was a member of the Parpaldia Imperial Family. To show respect, Sue Hui had decided to personally go to Rodenius to open up relations with Parpaldia as opposed to delegating that task to someone else from the Foreign Ministry.


Sue Hui was now walking through one of the halls on base as her Minister of Defence, Arief briefed her about the upcoming meeting.

"They have just left the former Lourian capital of Jin-Hark a day ago and are scheduled to arrive at Gim in 2 days. When they arrive at Gim, we will have helicopters transport them to this base where the meeting will be held."

"Good work. What about the military showcase?"

"Ah yes. As they fly from Gim, the helicopters will fly relatively low so the delegation inside can see one of our tank platoons on the ground conducting live fire exercises near Ejei. This should at least give them the message that we are not some primitive or barbaric nation and that they should take us seriously."


"Ah one more thing."

Arief handed her a folder containing the details of counter terrorism operations on Rodenius.


Abandoned Village, Near Gim, Qua-Toyne Principality

February 16, 1640

Night reigned on the Qua-Toyne countryside. Storm clouds were starting to gather as hooded figures started making their way through an abandoned village before entering a large house that belonged to the former lord.

The hooded figures started to lower their hoods, revealing an assortment of demi-human features. From beastmen to elves, the ones that had gathered in the large house were mostly former slaves that were freed when USEAN forces had swept through the country. 

Yet despite the freedom given to them by the USEANs, they still harboured a deep hatred for humans, believing that the USEAN behaviour they encountered is a mere façade before they show their true colours.

An elven man looked around him, carefully observing the demi-humans in the same room before peering out the windows of the house.

"Were any of you followed?"

Many shook their heads.

"Alright, I think you all are familiar with the plan, but I'll run through it again."

Before the elf could continue, he and along everyone else in the large house departed this world in a fiery blaze. Their lives forfeited by those they cannot even touch.


As the grassy fields swayed due to the magnitude of the explosion, a fair distance away, a female elf was standing alongside her horse drawn cart, trying to calm down the horse from the loud sound of the explosion. As the horse calmed down, she reached into the cart, slipping her hand beneath the cloth that was used to protect and conceal her cargo. She grabs on to a brick like device and began speaking into it.

<<This is Cloak, good hit on target.>>

<<Copy Cloak, Scythe is moving into position to sweep the area and neutralize any survivors. Hold position until further notice.>>

<<This is Cloak, roger that>>

As the female elf placed the radio back underneath the cloth cover inside the cart, she could see in the dark that more figures dressed in black have started to emerge from the treeline surrounding the abandoned village, converging on the bombed-out ruins of the large house. Although it was dark, she could still see them brandishing rifles and submachine guns.

Being told to hold position, she again rummaged through the cart's contents and pulled out a small packet of snacks and ripped a small opening. She tosses one of the snacks into her mouth and savoured the spicy crab flavour. As she looked up to the dark sky, she could barely make out the silhouette of a drone flying high above. As the first drops of rain fell down around her, a simple thought crossed her mind.

'Never bite the hand that feeds you.'


Equipment featured in this chapter


Leopard 2S

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