Hear Me Roar: Lions Pride One...

By Coolest-Cassette

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Some one shots based on my book "Lions Pride". Dedicated to my friend-and the only reason I've felt motivated... More

Welcome To My New Book
Panic Attacks on Halloween
I Didn't Wanna Know
Regina VS Raph
Spring Fling
Family Time
Hotel Room
Mission Cheer Up Clara, is a Go!
I'm @CoolMom
You're So Rude To Me
I'm In The Jingle Mood
Yard Sale
I Want This
Naming Party
Genius at Work
Baby Shower (Part 1)
Baby Shower (Part 2)
The Best Parts of The Hectic Season
Late Night Snack Run
Career Day (Part 1)
Career Day (Part 2)
Career Day (Part 3)
Maisie Rose Heron-George
The Friendship Book
Wedding Bash
I Like You, But You Like Who?
Let's Look For Eggs
Pointless Banter
Movie Night (Part 1)
Movie Night (Part 2)
Movie Night (Part 3)
Gold Star: I Hardly Knew Thee
Why You Acting So Weird
As All That I Am

Pranked Ya!

42 2 15
By Coolest-Cassette

Ithilien: *hiding in Regina and Cady's closet chuckling*

Regina: *enters the room just getting home from work* *tossing her suit jacket on the bed and getting ready to relax until dinner was ready*

Ithilien: *lightly taps on the inside of the closet's door*

Regina: *looks up* Hello? May...? Did you crawl into Momma and Mommy's closet again?

Ithilien: *taps again slower*

Regina: *sighs* Maisie? *stands up and heads towards closet*

Ithilien: *throws his ski mask over his face*

Regina: *opens the door* AHHHH!


Regina: *looks highly unimpressed* Ithilien Leo Heron-George....that was NOT funny!

Ithilien: Really? Then why am I laughing?!

Regina: *huffs* Guess you're pretty lucky you scared me and not your Momma.

Ithilien: Why? Momma is ALWAYS exempt from April Fools! I say we change that this year!

Regina: Are you suggesting I team up with you to prank my wife?

Ithilien: Yeah...pretty much.

Regina: ....Fine. Just making sure I understand. What did you have in mind? It better be better than hiding in the closet with a ski mask.

Ithilien: Ooohh no, we'll come up with something AMAZING! But first, we need a team. And I know just the group we need!

Regina: Clara, Raph, and May?

Ithilien: *huffs* Come on! Let me have my moment of creating a plan as a mastermind! You can't just swoop in and ruin my moments like that!

Regina: Guess you shouldn't make your plans so predictable.

Ithilien: *gasps offended* My plans are anything but predictable!

Regina: Ah I see....so their trash then. Because you said your plans are anything BUT predictable. And them being trash IS technically something that's not predictable.

Ithilien: Did you swallow a "mean" pill today?!

Regina: No, but I have to be honest and say I'm not entirely thrilled my son decided to jump scare me as soon as I return home from work.

Ithilien: A guy tries to have fun ONCE and suddenly he's a villain! Anyway, why don't you go acquire more allies? We only have until tomorrow to think of a plan to make Momma lose her sanity to the point she screams so loud she shatters all our windows, and makes every single dog in this neighborhood bark!

Regina: Are you going to pay for the windows she shatters with her scream?

Ithilien: Seeing her pranked will be reward enough to forget the costs. Besides, I barely have enough money for gas back and forth to school...Ya boi is broke!

Regina: *sighs* I'm leaving now.

Ithilien: Great! Go gather our team! If you do well I might even appoint you to vise president of our little gang!

Regina: No. *leaves*

Ithilien: *mumbles* She definitely had something get wedged somewhere today. *stops* Yeah, she probably was eating her lunch and got a piece of corn stuck between her teeth. Oh—OR she was eating celery and a strip of it got stuck in her teeth!

Maisie: Bubby?

Ithilien: *jumps* Oh! Hi May! How long have you been there?

Maisie: *thinks* Bubby weird!

Ithilien: *sighs* Long enough, huh? Alright, since you're here, let me fill you in on the plan. We're gonna prank Momma. You in?

Maisie: *giggles* Scare Momma!

Ithilien: *smiles* I knew you'd agree!


Regina: *knocks on Clara's bedroom door* Hey, are you decent?

Clara: *mumbles* Doesn't matter what I say...you'll still come in anyway.

Regina: *shrugs, goes in*

Clara: *gasps and quickly covers her bottom half as she was getting dressed* MOM! I didn't say you could come in!

Regina: Yeah I know. But as you were talking I realized you were right. I AM going to come in regardless. So I did to save time.

Clara: *rolls eyes* Well what did you need? I'm kinda in the middle of something here.

Regina: So there I was: minding my own business—

Clara: Oh dear god, why?

Regina: —I had just finished my JOB *clears throat* You hear that, Clara? My JOB!

Clara: *rolls eyes* Say it a little louder. I don't think Sonia next door heard you.

Regina: —I walked in the front door exhausted. I was ready to sit and rest upon my bed. Maybe watch some Netflix, or possibly nap.

Clara: Is there some payout at the end of this novel I'm listening to right now?

Regina: —So I headed into the kitchen and placed a kiss upon my dear wife's cheek.

Clara: You're straight up ignoring me right now.

Regina: She told me all of our LOVELY and KIND children were being antisocial and hiding in their bedrooms while she was working away in the kitchen.

Clara: Yes, we're being antisocial...says the woman who was going to head up to her bedroom and nap while her DEAR WIFE was working in the kitchen.

Regina: —She then told me dinner would be done soon. So I ventured up into my room for a nice relaxing nap. Going inside I took off my suit jacket and settled down on my bed. Then suddenly, from the closet, I hear a tap!

Clara: Oh god! A TAP! Call the police! Lock the doors! Close the blinds! We have a TAP!

Regina: I immediately thought my beautiful, kind, baby girl was hiding inside.

Clara: I'm assuming you don't mean me.

Regina: Maisie? I called!

Clara: And I was right.

Regina: No answer. But I heard the tap again! So I stood up and headed towards the closet door!

Clara: I'm also going to assume you didn't die because you're standing right here in front of me writing a "How to" book on "How to Annoy the Crap Out of Your Teenage Daughter."

Regina: When I opened it—I screamed!

Clara: Yeah...I heard. I'm fact, I'm pretty positive most of the neighborhood heard.

Regina: A man with a ski mask yelled....APRIL FOOLS at me! It was your brother.

Clara: Well, I'd hope so.

Regina: Anyway, you see what I'm getting at?

Clara: ....No? Should I be able to?

Regina: *huffs* We're all teaming up to play a prank on your Momma!

Clara: Okay, how in the name of corned beef hash was I supposed to guess that from what you told me?!

Regina: Are you in or not?

Clara: of COURSE I'm in but next time I'm giving you a character limit on your explanations.


Ithilien: RAPH!

Raph: *sitting on his bed strumming his guitar peacefully* *jumps*

Ithilien: Oh good, you're not busy.

Raph: *rolls eyes*

Ithilien: Mom, May, Clara, and I are all teaming up to prank Momma for April Fools. You in or are you in?

Raph: *rolls eyes again, but nods*

Ithilien: Perfect! And I have the most perfect plan! Everyone! Come on in! *holds open the door and welcomes Regina, Maisie, and Clara into the room with himself and Raph*

Raph: *wide eyes*

Ithilien: Yes, they were totally waiting outside our bedroom door waiting for you to agree, thanks so much for asking.

Clara: Alright, what's this masterpiece of a plan you promised?

Ithilien: Oh just you wait! First, let me gather my notes! *takes out a notepad and starts rustling  through his written plans*

Regina: *rubs her temples* Sometime today would be nice, Ithilien.

Clara: Yeah! Momma is gonna call us for dinner soon!

Ithilien: Alright! Alright! Sheesh! I've got big brain energy! You can't rush perfection!

Clara: In the words of Squidward: "I'm not rushing perfection, I'm rushing you!"

Ithilien: Anyway—we all know how Momma gets away with not getting pranked every year on April Fools! We're all too afraid! Well, that ends this year! I've cooked up three amazing plans that are not only amazing—but also incredibly funny!

Regina: And those would be?

Ithilien: I'm so glad you asked, Mom. So, I got thinking...Momma's been so lucky that...I don't think just ONE prank will be enough to truly get back at her for all those years she missed out on. Hence, my Three Part Prank Plan! I call it my TPPP!

Clara: Great. So...what does your "TPPP" dictate?

Ithilien: 1st of all: great word choice! 2nd of all: Let me explain! The 1st part: which will start tomorrow morning first thing, is when we'll start something called the Word Game! Every time Momma says a specific word: or a specific kind of word...we all do something simultaneously.

Clara: Oohh! Like maybe every time she says one of our names we'll all break out into fights! We'll argue for a couple seconds then go back to normal and pretend nothing happened!

Ithilien: Precisely! She'll be confused and we'll be all laughing so hard internally we all might burst a lung! Uh, but don't actually burst a lung, it'll really kill the mood we're going for.

Regina: Not bad, Ithilien. What's on the menu for part number 2 then?

Ithilien: Menu?

Regina: *rolls eyes* Shut up.

Ithilien: For part number 2, we'll start a little later in the day! After school, and work. Mom, you are taking May to daycare tomorrow right?

Regina: Yeah...?

Ithilien: Then that means you have to make Momma pick May up from daycare. We need Momma out of work sooner than normal if we want to fit all of the pranks in! Once Momma agrees to pick May up, you text us in the group chat on your phone labeled, "Totally Not a Suspicious Group Chat".

Regina: I know what a group chat is...How old do you think I am?!

Ithilien: I don't think you want me to answer that. Anyway, you'll text in the group chat once Momma is on her way to get May. Then we'll each call Momma saying we need something. Whether that be a ride, or something from the store—whatever. Our goal with the second part is making her drive all over the place for no reason. If you say you want a ride...make sure you aren't there when she arrives....when she arrives and sees you aren't there—she'll call you and you'll say you managed to get home by a different means.

Clara: Oh god...she's gonna hate us all after this...Fine...Whats part three's torturous event?

Ithilien: Invite a group of 5 of your closest friends over for dinner without telling Momma until a few hours before dinners done. Once dinner is served, everyone tell her they decided they want something else—like Pizza or something...then get up and leave. Then we'd obviously come back in and actually eat her food—then we can tell her that the whole day had been multiple different pranks played on her.

Regina: My poor Cads....Alright, let's do this. Remember, we start tomorrow morning everyone!

Ithilien: Yes! Tomorrow morning! What wonders await us!


(The next morning around the breakfast table)

Cady: *places a plate with cut up pieces of pancake on Maisie's high chair tray* Babe? Can you call that company over the security system? I can't take another night of that thing randomly going off!

Regina: *nods* Yeah, I'll call them today. *eagerly waiting for her to say someone's name*

Cady: Thank you! Oh! By the way, Clarabelle—

Clara: —Oh my god, Ithilien! Can you chew any louder?!

Ithilien: Eat my stinky socks, Clara!

Regina: I swear you two, we've barely been at this table for ten minutes! Grow up a little please!

Maisie: *screeches upset*

Clara: Oh, Theo, can you pass the syrup, please?

Ithilien: No problem, sis. Here you go. *hands her the bottle of syrup*

Clara: Thank you kindly.

Regina: I always loved that bush's flowers outside beside the patio.

Maisie: *giggles happily eating her food*

Cady: *blinks* Uhh...what? What was that about?

Clara: What's what about, Momma?

Cady: You were JUST arguing out of nowhere...but now you're fine?

Clara: Arguing?

Ithilien: I don't recall....

Cady: Come on, Ithilien—

Ithilien: —MOM! What the heck?! You keep kicking me from under the table!

Regina: No I'm not! Stop being dramatic!

Ithilien: I'm NOT dramatic!

Clara: Yes you ARE! You're ALWAYS dramatic! ALWAYS!

Maisie: ALL—AYS!

Cady: See! What's going on?!

Regina: Baby, are you feeling okay? *puts hand over Cady's forehead* Eh, you feel fine.

Cady: Of course I'm fine! You five are definitely NOT! Even May is—

Raph: *throws an orange at Ithilien*

Ithilien: *catches it* RAPH?! What the heck?! *goes to pick up orange again*

Cady: No! *grabs the orange* I want to know what's going on and I want to know NOW!

Clara: Mom, Momma's worrying me...

Regina: Me too, hon. Cads, seriously, please sit down. Nothing is wrong with us...we're completely normal...

Cady: No, no you're not! Tell me what's going on now!

Regina: Shhh. Maybe you should stay home today...

Cady: I'm fine—!

Clara: Oh, I better get going to school. *kisses Cady's cheek* I hope you feel better soon, Momma.

Cady: Clarabelle, seriously—

Clara: *growls* Stop, Ithilien! Stop trying to trip me!

Ithilien: I don't even wanna start with you! See, can't hear you, la la la la! *covers his ears*

Clara: Wow..real mature. *huffs and walks out of the room*

Ithilien: Oohh! Clara, can Raph and I catch a ride?

Clara: Sure, bro! Anytime!

*the twins follow Clara out of the room*

Cady: *wide eyes looking highly confused and bothered, as soon as their gone Cady turns to Regina* Babe, seriously, what is going on?! I'm feeling completely fine!

Regina: Cads, sweetheart, sit down please. Maybe you should spend today resting—

Cady: *huffs* I'm going to work. When I come home...everyone better knock off what's been going on! *gathers her bag, and marches to her car*

Regina: *chuckles* Well, May, I'd say the day is a success so far. Now, let's get you to daycare! *lifts her up and they head out*


Cady: *phone rings while she is in her classroom grading papers* Hello, Cady Heron-George speaking.

Regina: Hello, Cady Heron-George, this is your wife. I hope this isn't a bad time. *smirking*

Cady: *chuckles* Hi baby, is everything okay?

Regina: Well, something came up and...I'm not going to be out in time to pick up May from daycare. I would normally have Clara do it but May's getting out an hour before Clara and the boys. I was just hoping—

Cady: Don't worry, babe. I can get her.

Regina: Thank you, I gotta go but see you later tonight. *hangs up*


Clara: Okay, Mom just texted in the group chat...

Ithilien: Yes, we can see that. *holds up phone to show his screen*

Clara: *rolls eyes* I'm just saying! Momma's getting May. I'll call her first. *dials Cady's number pretending to sniffle and be crying*

Cady: *whose driving to the daycare, sees her phone light up with a call, puts her phone on bluetooth* Hi, Clara, is everything—baby, are you crying? What's wrong?

Clara: M-Momma...

Cady: Shh, what's going on?

Clara: I was in class today and...I looked down and I started my p-period. I don't have anything with me...I'm to embarrassed to leave the bathroom....Momma, everyone saw!

Cady: Ohh, baby, I'm sure nobody saw...

Clara: Yeah they did! A group of boys were laughing at me, and a girl scoffed and told me I should get an app that tracks it so I don't completely humiliate myself ever again!

Cady: Baby girl....okay, um, I'm on my way to get May...can you wait for me to pick her up and—

Clara: Momma! I need them now! If I wait in here too long I'll get in trouble! But I can't go out there! Everyone will see!

Cady: *sighs* Alright...um...hold on. I'll have to be quick but I think I can make it to you before May gets out. *turns and pulls into the parking lot of a convenient store*

Clara: *nods at Theo to call her now*

Ithilien: *nods and dials Cady*

Cady: Oh, Clara, your brother is calling me. Don't worry, pumpkin I'm getting your pads now.

Clara: Kay...thanks, Momma. *hangs up*

Cady: Theo? What is it bud?

Ithilien: Momma! I'm so mad!

Cady: *sighs* What happened? *holding the phone to her ear as she's running into the convenient store*

Ithilien: I was painting in my art class and some kid bumped into me and spilt his lunch all over me and my painting! There's sour cream IN MY HAIR!

Cady: *winces* Why did somebody have their lunch in the art room anyway?

Ithilien: People work on their projects during their lunch period! So the teacher lets them bring their food into the room to eat while they work! Momma, I'm COVERED in food!

Cady: Don't you have gym clothes you can change into?

Ithilien: No! I brought my gym clothes home to be washed yesterday, remember? I don't have gym today so I knew I wouldn't need them—or THOUGHT I wouldn't need them!

Cady: I can bring you new clothes Theo...but it's going to be a little bit. I have to pick your baby sister up from daycare, and Clara needs me to drop something off to her too. I still have to run home and grab you some clothes.

Ithilien: I don't think you heard me the first time, there's SOUR CREAM in my HAIR! His milk has completely drenched my shirt! And today was FISH tacos....you finish the puzzle!

Cady: *sighs* Okay! Okay! I'll grab you some clothes here at the convenient store! Just sit tight!

Ithilien: Fine. But hurry! I smell so bad I think rats are going to start running away from me plugging their noses! *nods to Raph to call now*

Raph: *nods and pretends to be crying too*

Cady: Ithilien, I'm going as fast as I can! Please just...sit tight—oh, your brother is calling me. I'll be there soon!

Ithilien: Kay. *hangs up*

Cady: Raphy? Sorry, I was talking to—oh bud, why are you upset?

Raph: ...My...ears..hurt.

Cady: Aww, buddy...do you have your earbuds?

Raph: ...They...broke....

Cady: Um...I can get you some here—

Raph: No....I wanna...go home...

Cady: Raphy, are you sure you can't—

Raph: .....please, Momma....

Cady: *sighs* Alright, alright. Can you sit tight for a little bit? I have to run to the school anyway for your brother and sister.

Raph: ...Kay. *hangs up*

Cady: *takes a long breath* All at once...? Really..?

*about 15 minutes later*

Clara: *calls Cady*

Cady: *picks up frantically* I know, Clarabelle! I'm coming, baby! I'm just pulling into the school's parking lot now—

Clara: Oh don't worry! Naomi let me borrow some clothes!

Cady: W-What?

Clara: Yeah! She really came to my recuse! Oh! Also, apparently the boys weren't laughing at me! They were watching one of those "fail videos" on YouTube! And the girl came up to me after everything and showed me the app she uses. She also told me that the same thing happened to her last year and now she can't go without the app! She was super nice about it too!

Cady: O-Oh...well that's great, sweetheart! I'm happy everything worked out!

Clara: Yeah! Oh! I gotta go! We're about to play Badminton in gym class and Shepherd bet me twenty bucks I can't bounce the birdie off of Kenny's face!

Cady: *chuckles* Well..have fun with that, honey. *they hang up* Okay...so that wasn't pointless at all...that's fine.

Ithilien: *dials Cady* Hey Momma!

Cady: Oh Theo! I'm here with your clothes—

Ithilien: Eh, don't worry about it! I got it handled!

Cady: Y-You do...?

Ithilien: Yeah! That kid helped me clean up! He's super chill! Also, Raph let me borrow some extra clothes he had! So we all gucci!

Cady: *blinks* Gucci...? Isn't that like...rice cakes from Japan?

Ithilien: ....I think you're thinking of Mochi. But sure. Yeah, we all Mochi....

Cady: Anyway...I'm glad everything's okay now. Also, you said Raph's with you..?

Ithilien: Oh yeah! He's hanging around a friend of his...I think her names Adeline...You wanna talk to him?

Cady: If I could...yeah.

Raph: ...Hi Momma...

Cady: Hey, buddy...how are your ears doing?

Raph: ...Fine...

Cady: Oh! So...you're good then...?

Raph: ...Yeah...I'm..good....

Cady: Alright then...I'm off to pick up May then. I'm gonna be late if I wait around—are you sure you are fine? I'm at the school right now...if you wanna come home still...

Raph: ...No..thanks. I'm..good...bye. *hangs up*

Cady: Okay then...bye. *sighs*

Regina: *calls Cady* Hi Cads!

Cady: *rubs her temples* Hey, Gina...

Regina: Aw, you sound stressed. You okay?

Cady: It's a long story. I'll tell you later. Anyway, what's up? I'm on my way to get May now..

Regina: Oh don't worry! I got out in time! I have her with me right now!

Maisie: *giggles in the background*

Cady: Are you serious?

Regina: Yeah! Oh! I ran out of milk this morning—could you grab some more if you're already out? I forgot to grab some when I was in town.

Cady: S-Sure. Just to be clear—You actually NEED this milk right? Like, I'm not going to get it and then you change your mind?

Regina: No? Why would I—?

Cady: Like I said: long story. I'll go grab some milk now then...

Regina: Thanks, baby! Muah! *hangs up*

Cady: *grips the steering wheel as she goes to BACK to the convenient store*


Clara: *smirks as she calls Cady again* Momma!

Cady: What?

Clara: What's wrong—?

Cady: Don't ask. Just. What's wrong?

Clara: So...you're not going to LOVE hearing this but...my car won't start.

Cady: *hopelessly sighs*

Clara: Yeah...that was my reaction too. So..Theo, Raph and I are all stuck at the school. Can you pick us up?

Cady: Yeah. I'm getting milk for your Mom right now. Be there soon. *hangs up*

Ithilien: Man, she seemed....short with you.

Clara: *smirks* Yeah. That means the plan is working* Now, come on. In the car with you both. We need to get outta here and back home before Momma gets here. *they get in and drive home*

*Cady arrives BACK at the school to find an empty parking lot with the exception of a few teacher's vehicles and cars belonging to sports kids there for practice*

Cady: *dials Clara furiously* Clarabelle Lyra Heron-George you have a total of ten seconds to tell me why you aren't in this school's parking lot with your brothers.

Clara: Oh crap! Sorry, I completely forgot to tell you! My car started! It just took it a minute for some reason. Anyway, yeah, we're not there anymore.

Cady: WHY?! Why didn't you think to tell the person who was coming to pick you up that you—you know what?! Never mind. I'm on my way home. The house better be clean by the time I get there if you know what's good for ALL of you—yes, that includes your Mom too! I am in NO mood to clean after that day I had!

Clara: O-Okay...

Cady: What? What's wrong now?!

Clara: So...we MAY have invited some person over for dinner—

Cady: WHAT?! NO! I'm NOT cooking for a whole party of people tonight! Tell your friends you'll have them over a different night—

Clara: We can't!

Cady: Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?

Clara: Cause they're ...already here...?

Cady: Are you...kidding me? *takes a long breath* I'll be home soon. Make sure everything is clean. *hangs up*

Clara: *winces* Everyone? Start cleaning. Now!

Ithilien: *grabs a broom* Ah man, this is supposed to be a prank on her—not on us!

Regina: *dusting EVERYTHING* What's the big deal? These are your chores anyway.

Ithilien: Yeah but...it's not chore day! I didn't get a chance to mentally prepare myself for cleaning! Any cleaning outside of chore day is actual just straight up torture.

Shepherd: I was promised dinner...not a cleaning party! *wiping down the coffee table*

Naomi: I honestly find this incredibly exciting!

Kenny: We're cleaning. How is this "incredibly exciting"?

Naomi: Well, Kenneth, this is a simply fantastic way to bond! We are working as a team to disinfect an area we share a common space with! How much more entertaining can this get?!

Kenny: How much of a childhood did you have...?

Naomi: I had an incredible childhood experience! I adored the weekend cleaning sessions with my Mother. We would join together to clean our whole house while also partaking in a little "jam sesh"

Kenny: You ate jam...?

Naomi: ....No...we listened to music. I'm terribly sorry if I wasn't clear. Shepherd has been trying to get me to use more..."street slang"

Shepherd: You nailed it, honey. Kenny's the nitwit.

Kenny: Hey!

Clara: Guys! Focus! If Momma comes home and this house isn't just as she wants...we're all gonna have a bad time.

Jack: *one of Theo's friends* W-Why? W-What's she gonna d-do?

Clara: *sighs* First...she'll burst through that front door with her teeth bared...ready to pounce if given a reason. Her eyes will narrow as she'll make eye contact with every single one of us—regardless on if she knows you or not. She'll then...start to approach.

Ithilien: ...As she approaches...she'll continue to eye you up..as well as the cleaning you had been doing. She'll scrutinize every detail...down to the smallest dust fragment. God forbid you left one behind. If you did...stand as still as possible...don't act afraid...she can smell fear...

Jack: *turns to Regina* T-They're joking...r-right?

Regina: *straight faced* Be sure to not make eye contact. Wait for her to begin her lecture...which may or may not be partly—or fully in Swahili. Or if you're lucky...she'll just shake her head disappointedly and walk to the next person.

Clara: She's a Mom so...she's got the disappointed head shake down to a science.

Ithilien: I'd say she's got the scolding down too. Flashback to our terrible grades....

*Suddenly Cady's car pulls up into the driveway*

Clara: *sets a hand on Regina's shoulder* Look alive, Mom. Remember the plan. *hands Regina the full carton of milk she'll need to make Cady lose her sanity*

Ithilien: W-What?! She's here already?! B-But I'm not done!

Clara: Welp, it was nice knowing you, Theo. Don't worry, we'll pick out a nice gravestone for you.

Jack: I-I d-didn't know your Mother w-was this s-scary...

Ithilien: *starts desperately sweeping with the broom* I'm not gonna make it! I'm not gonna—

*Cady throws open the front door—just as Clara said she would*

Regina: O-Oh, hi, baby. Welcome h-home!

Cady: *narrows her eyes*

Regina: Oh you look...r-really tired...Rough day?

Cady: *silently hands Regina the milk carton she just bought*

Regina: Oh y-you got it! I meant t-to call you! I found another unopened o-one in the fridge...

Cady: *narrows her eyes even more*

Regina: B-But that's okay! Now we have two! W-Which is completely fine! N-No problem!

Cady: *scrutinizes where Regina was dusting*

Regina: I was in the process of—

Cady: ...Bado ni chafu. Endelea. Sasa.

Regina: Uhhh...babe, I don't know—

Cady: Ulisema nini?!

Regina: *jumps* Uh...I don't know! *starts desperately dusting again*

Cady: *turns to Clara quickly*

Clara: M-Momma...? Are you...okay?

Cady: Nyamaza!

Clara: Ah! Okay! I'm going! I'm going! *starts vigorously cleaning again*

Shepherd: What did she even say...?

Clara: I DON'T KNOW!

Raph: *rolls eyes at everyone and approaches Cady* Momma, ni sawa. Nifuate? *smiles*

Cady: *takes a breath and smiles too* Asante, Raphy. Nakupenda, mtoto wa kiume...

Raph: Nakupenda pia, Momma. Chajio? Nitakusaidia nayo? *leads her to the kitchen*

Cady: *kisses Raph's cheek* Kubwa!

Ithilien: *blinking wildly* What the hell?! What did they even say?!

Shepherd: I've said it before and I'll say it again—your family is weird!

Simba: Meow.

Shepherd: AH! Not the cat again! Get him away!

Clara: Shep, I've told you so many times...Simba doesn't want to eat you! He likes his pray....meatier.

Shepherd: Oh Ha, ha! Keep the jokes coming! The are hilarious! You are one top notch comedian, Clarabelle Heron-George.

Clara: *shrugs* I mean...I KNOW I'm funny but I wasn't really joking.

Regina: Hey, just because Raph tamed her...doesn't mean you're off the hook with the cleaning!

Ithilien: And I'm sorry, but what about you?

Regina: What about me what? *getting comfortable in the recliner chair while setting her feet on the ottoman*

Ithilien: You look super comfy there, Mommy...

Regina: Yeah...I've been looking forward to relaxing all day—AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??

Ithilien: What? Me? I don't know what you're talking about. *holding down the recliner's button making the chair tip all the way back*

Regina: Ithilien Leo! Stop! *flailing trying to reach the button to pull herself back upright*

Ithilien: Hey, you look SUPER comfy now! Would you like me to get you some blankets and a pillow, your highness? Then you can watch the rest of us work our tail ends off cleaning so the wild lion we call Momma doesn't attack us with loud scoldings and possible groundings.

Regina: FINE! I'll help! Just—let me back up!

Ithilien: Hmm...should I..?

Regina: You will if you know what's good for you! I may not be Momma but I can still punish you the same way!

Ithilien: *sighs* Fine. *lets her up* Only because you asked SO nicely and were so eager to want to help us! *smiles cutely*

Regina: *rolls eyes* Let's just get started. I wanna finish before dinner gets done.

Clara: Dinners already done! Momma had something cooking in the crockpot thingy all day!

Ithilien: Why did you add the word "thingy" to that sentence? It's a crockpot. There's no need for the word "thingy" after it!

Naomi: I don't mean to intrude in your conversation, Clarabelle—

Kenny: —But she's gonna do it anyhow.

Naomi: ...Kenneth, it might do you some good to listen to the constructive criticism I was about to offer Clarabelle. You often make the same mistake—more often than I think you wanna realize.

Kenny: Damn...

Naomi: What...? Did I say something unkind?

Charlotte: Yes. And it was amazing.

Naomi: Oh, I'm so terribly apologetic! I was just attempting to inform Kenneth that he is constantly using words where none will do!

Shepherd: *cackles* It got even better!

Naomi: *blinks* Oh dear...

Kenny: I don't know why...but I'm feeling highly insulted at the moment. *sarcasm*

Cady: *walks back into the room*

Ithilien: AH! I'm going! I'm going—

Cady: You may relax now Ithilien Leo. Regina?

Regina: Y-Yeah, babe?

Cady: I forgot to ask you if you had called that company over our glitching security system?

Regina: Oh yeah! I called them this morning about that. They said they'd be here tomorrow around 3:30 ish to fix it. So kids, you'll have to watch out for someone when you get home from school.

Cady: Alright, well, I'm shutting it off until they fix it. Otherwise it'll just keep waking us all up. And getting May to sleep is hard enough....we don't need to have to do that TWICE a night. Anyway, dinner is done. Everyone grab a plate. *goes into kitchen*

Shepherd: *whispers to Clara* When do we do the thing?

Clara: When we're sitting at the table with the food in front of us. Ithilien's giving the signal. *turns to look at Theo* Right?

Ithilien: Yeah, yeah, I got it! It was my plan wasn't it?

Clara: Yeah but...this is you we're talking about.

Ithilien: I hope you have one of those falling dreams tonight!

Regina: Now, now...let's keep it...civil. *rolls her eyes* Come on, dinner is done. We definitely don't want to keep your Momma waiting....especially given what's coming.


*everyone is seating around the table with their food on their plates in front of them*

Ithilien: *glances down at the dinner Cady made* Uhh, Momma...?

Cady: Hm? What's wrong, Theo?

Ithilien: *looks to Jack* Can I tell her...?

Jack: Y-Yeah. S-Sure...

Ithilien: Jack's allergic to carrots.

Cady: O-Oh! I'm...terribly sorry, Jack...I wasn't aware...that you'd be here for dinner....

Jack: I-It's fine! D-Don't worry!

Clara: Uh, Momma?

Cady: Yes, Clarabelle...?

Clara: Naomi's vegetarian...remember..? *looks down at the pieces of beef*

Cady: O-Oh...

Clara: Also, Shepherd is vegan....

Ithilien: Hey, it's all okay. I have some money...I'll just order a pizza.

Cady: W-What....?

Ithilien: What kind of pizza does everyone want?

Clara: Oohh, can it have mushrooms on it? I like mushrooms! Also, the pizza place down the street has vegan options, so you should probably order from there!

Ithilien; Oh, good idea!

Regina: Get black olives on half.

Cady: *looks to Regina in surprise* You're gonna have pizza...? After I cooked...

Maisie: Pe—za! *claps*

Cady: *sighs hopelessly* Fine. Since no one is eating my food...I'll just...put it in the fridge for...later. *stands up*

Ithilien: *glances to everyone* 1...2...3

Everyone: APRIL FOOLS!

Cady: *jumps* W-What...?

Ithilien: You MAY have noticed some strange behavior all day today. Well, it was all a big prank! On you! Happy April Fools!

Clara: Yeah! This morning, every time you said one of our names...we'd start to fight for a couple seconds—then go back to normal. Then, we made you drive all over for no reason—and now, we just made you think you cooked for all of us for no reason! But it was all a joke! Got you!

Cady: *blinks* You mean to tell me...everything I did today...was planned out to make me miserable...?

Clara: Uh...well, I wouldn't really word it THAT way...it was all in good fun!

Cady: *sighs* Fine. Ha. Ha. I'm laughing.

Ithilien: Really? Because I'm actually an expert in making people laugh...and I've never seen someone laugh so....dryly.

Cady: I am impressed you all teamed up. Just—next year if you HAVE to prank me...I'd rather you DON'T force me to drive everywhere using my gas and making me worry about you all. Deal?

Regina: Deal.

Cady: Oh, you're in trouble. *looks to Regina*

Regina: What?! What did I do?!

Cady: The real question should be—what DIDN'T you do! You were completely involved in this prank on me!

Regina: Well yeah, but only because we wanted to involve you in the April Fools festivities!

Clara: Smooth.

Regina: Clarabelle, don't make me ground you.

Clara: I'm not even doing anything!

Cady: Alright! Enough! Everyone just sit and eat—unless you actually can't eat it because of reasons...

Ithilien: Well...there were SOME truth. Naomi IS actually and vegetarian and Jack IS actually allergic to carrots. But Shepherd—is NOT a vegan.

Shepherd: Nah, I salute those who are...but I love meat and animal products too much.

Cady: ....Does this mean I actually HAVE to order the pizza...?

Clara: Mushrooms please!

Cady: *groans and grabs her phone*


*later that night after everyone had went home*

Cady: *yawns* Alright, Goodnight everyone. *stands and picks up May*

Regina: You're going to bed already...? It's still kinda...early...isn't it...?

Cady: *gives her a look* After the day you subjected me to...it's a wonder I hadn't gone to bed hours ago.

Regina: *shrugs* Fair.

Cady: Kids, in bed by 11. Understand me?

Clara: Yeah...you know, I'm 17 years old...I don't need you to—

Cady: *puts her hand up* When you can start waking yourself up for school—then I'll stop giving you a bedtime.

Ithilien: *growls* Don't call it a bedtime!

Cady: Sure. Whatever you want to call it then. Still means the same thing. Don't let me find out you disobeyed me.

Clara: Whatever—Just go to bed already!

Cady: Clarabelle? *gives her a warning glance* that's 2 strikes. One for how you spoke to your Mom, and one for just now.

Clara: What?! But—

Cady: You wanna go for three?

Clara: *pouts* No. I can't afford to be grounded this week...I have stuff going on... Sorry, Momma. Sorry Mom.

Cady: Okay, good. Goodnight. *walks upstairs with Maisie on her hip*

Ithilien: The fact she still has us on a "three strike your out" system is...highly embarrassing.

Regina: Then stop proving you need to be on a "three strike your out" system.

Ithilien: YOU should be on the system too!

Regina: Theo...?

Ithilien: What...?

Regina: That's two strikes.

Ithilien: WHAT?! How?!

Regina: One for trapping me in my chair—and one for just now.

Ithilien: *huffs* Fine. Sorry.

Regina: Hmm...that didn't sound too sincere.

Ithilien: *mumbles* That's because it wasn't....

Regina: What was that? Should I be giving you a THRID strike right now...?

Ithilien: NO! I'm sorry!

Regina: Good. Anyway, I'd say the prank went well. So...good job everyone! Even May played along!

Clara: Yeah! Except for the part she got US to clean....

Ithilien: Yeah...that was pretty sucky. But—the look on her face was SO worth it!

Clara: Agreed. Now if you'll excuse me—I'm gonna head up to my room to inevitably scroll through my phone until WELL passed 11.


(Around 1:30 AM)

Regina: *awoken by a loud bang from downstairs* Hm..? *rolls over* Cads, did you—? Cads?

*the bed is empty*

Regina: *sits up* What....was that..?

Clara: *rushes into Regina and Cady's room* Mom, did you and Momma hear—where's Momma...?

Regina: I...don't know.

Ithilien: *rushes into the room too* Mom! Raph is gone and...where's Momma?!

Regina: Wait...Raph is gone too?!

Clara: Oh my god...I can't believe May didn't wake up too—MAY! *runs out the room and to May's nursery—she's gone too*

*Dommy starts barking intensely from downstairs*

Regina: S-Shit...but don't worry! It's okay, remember we have the security system that's—off...Shit!

Clara: *starts crying* M-Mommy...where's Momma, Raph, and May?!

Regina: I don't—

*from downstairs they hear a scream*

Regina: That sounds like—

Clara: MOMMA!

Regina: *hurries out of bed, rummages in the closet for a second then comes out with a metal baseball bat and wastes no time running to her wife's aid*

Cady: *screams again*

Regina: Cady?! Where are you?! *tears rolling down her face*

*there's a tapping on the living room window*

Ithilien: *gasps* Holy— *sees a man dressed in back standing at the window*

Regina: Ithilien, what are you doing down here! Get back upstairs NOW!

Ithilien: No!

Regina: I'm NOT playing with you! I want you safe!

Ithilien: NO! That's my Momma, my baby sister, and my TWIN brother! I'm not leaving any of them! Not to mention you! I'm not leaving you! *has a baseball of his own in his hands*

Clara: Y-Yeah! I'm not leaving them either! *has a piece of her doorframe that had fallen off a few months ago.*

*the tapping gets more intense, before stopping and the man stepping away*

Ithilien: Where's he going...?

Clara: *shaking* I...don't know....

Regina: We gotta find your Momma, sister, and brother right now. Clara...call the—

Clara: My phones upstairs....

Ithilien: So is mine...

Regina: Great. So is mine. Fine...guess we h-have to find them first...

*they slowly approach the kitchen, making sure to watch around them like a hawk*

Clara: *screams*

Regina: WHAT?! What?!

Ithilien: *protectingly takes Clara and Regina in his arms*

Clara: *points at the front door to see the man standing there with something in his hand*

*the man starts to approach*

Ithilien: Get behind me.

Regina: Ithilien Leo—

Ithilien: I said get behind me dammit!

*the man is getting closer and closer until finally stopping inches from them*

Clara: W-What...what do you want...?!

The man: .....April...Fools...

Regina: ......What..?!

Cady: *walks out of closet with Maisie on her hip* Alright, Raphy, good job.

Raph: *takes his face mask off*

Ithilien: What the actual hell?!

Regina: Cady! Seriously?!

Clara: That was NOT even a little funny! Momma—how could—

Cady: I didn't do it to be funny. *straight faced* I did it to prove to you all how unfunny it is to prank someone!

Clara: All this—just to teach us a lesson?!

Cady: Yes. Now, no one will be pranking me ever again. Correct?

Ithilien: We had a good thing going! You ruined it!

Cady: Prank yourselves all you want. But leave me outta it. That's all this lesson is teaching you.

Regina: Cads, I didn't know you hated pranks that much!

Cady: I don't mind the small fun ones! But what you did today...sucked.

Clara: *blinks* Wow. Momma...watch that potty mouth.

Cady: I'm sorry I scared you all. But...I'm happy we all understand each other now.

Ithilien: Yeah, yeah, whatever—what about HIM?! He was pranking you too! *points to Raph*

Cady: *giggles* Well, yes, but Raphy's already made it up to me. He helped me make dinner for all of your friends. He's a good boy.

Ithilien: And I'm not?!

Cady: Says the "good boy" with two strikes.

Ithilien: ....Whatever. I'm going back to bed...

Clara: Wait—why is May with you?!

Cady: Do you honestly think I'd ever scare my toddler like that? I wouldn't have done it to you—and I'm not gonna do it to May. She's...too little to be pranked like that.

Clara: Fine. I guess that reasoning suffices.

Ithilien: Note to self...never prank Momma again...it isn't worth the heart palpitations....

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