Found (Loki Soulmate Story) {...

By DontTellAuntieTasha

393K 12.3K 4.5K

After growing up believing love could never truly exist, Y/N Stark discovers that she indeed has a soulmate... More

Prologue 1/2
Prologue 2/2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Six

8.9K 334 118
By DontTellAuntieTasha

(A/N: I'm back everyone!!!! So sorry I left- and so sorry it took so long. I'm slowly coming back though, but I'm rusty so give me some time to get back on track- Thanks for reading!)

(Your Pov)

That night there was yet again a team dinner. This time Steve cooked his genius ravioli recipe, which was something his mom had taught him. And something the whole team could enjoy, even Loki.

"I had no idea you could cook this good Steve." Your dad said as everyone started digging in. It really did taste amazing and you weren't surprised when there soon was none left in the pot.

"Thanks." Steve seemed to almost blush under the praise although it really could have been anything. Perhaps eating too much while the meal was still too hot.

"So Dad, have you found anything about Peter yet?" You ask next, concerned over your friend. When he showed up drugged the other night, your dad had instantly started searching for his assaulters. But there still hadn't been any results.

"Not yet kiddo. But I will." He said, determination written all over his face. If there was one thing your dad was good at it was finding the villains. "We will."

You nod, as the topic changes yet again. It continued bouncing like this for a while, the group slowly heading into the common room. It seemed it was movie night- or maybe you'd play games this time. With everyone's playful and spontaneous mood- it didn't seem like you would ever settle on either.

"Natasha." Tony said a few moments later, as solemn as he could have made it sound. Everyone instantly quieted, focusing on whatever horrible confession he was about to make. "Truth or Dare?"

Oh no.

Hearing this, Natasha's smile tripled in size, as the rest of your group of misfits breathed a sigh of relief. "Dare."

"I dare you to battle me in shots." Although most of the group rolled their eyes- you couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited. The group had never played truth or dare before, and there were many secrets that probably shouldn't be exposed yet.

"Vodka or Scotch?"

'What is this game?' Loki asked you a few seconds later, as Tony and Natasha took their places at the bar. Bruce was behind it, setting up each glass of Vodka.

'It's a game of confessions or dares. You pick either truth or dare, and you have to do or answer what the 'it' person says or face the consequences.' You answered, feeling your explanation spark mischievousness within him. Three glasses were already down, each person looking strong.

'What are the consequences?' Another two shots.

'The curse of the game. But if you give a trashy answer or do it halfway then you'll have pretty much everyone pinned against you, making you do or answer more stuff.' That made eight each. How could they still be drinking?

'I thought midgard had no magic?' One more glass. They were definitely slowing- although by pure pride and spirit they still weren't letting up.

'We don't. It's more of just a superstition.'

The group watched as Natasha downed the twelfth glass- looking a little regretful- as your dad slowly brought his twelfth one to his lips as well. But he couldn't finish- his arm soon slacking back down on the table.

"That was fun Tony, we should do that again." Natasha said, flashing him a snarky smile and sitting down. Wow- that did not go as you expected. Who knew Nat had so much tolerance? She soon turned to her next victim though- Clint. "Truth or dare?"

He seemed to really weigh his answer. Which was smart, as Nat would probably know his exactly weak points. All his secrets that he never wanted to admit.


She smiled. "What happened in Budapest?"

His face was priceless. The complete shock, the 'are you serious' look. The complete 'how could you ever ask that of me', mixed with 'you know exactly what happened' glare. (-_-) to a 't'.

"You already know what happened- it doesn't count." He said, as she scoffed in protest. So much for embarrassing him in front of the whole group.

He turned to Thor before anyone could refuse his refusal. "Truth or dare?"

"I choose Dare!" He bellowed, making your dad jump slightly- as you flinched.

"I dare you to tell everyone what happened when we first met."

"You guys knew each other?" Bruce asked instantly, as most of you became confused.

"It is a cruel tale." Thor said, giving Clint the stink eye. "I was attacking a Shield camp trying to get back Mjolnir-"

"Wait, are you the guy from New Mexico? You're the guy from New Mexico! Coulson hasn't stopped talking about how he- how you broke your way in and tried to get to the satellite claiming to be able to pick it up, only for it to still be stuck on the ground! That's hilarious!" Natasha exclaimed, laughing as if she had never laughed before. Apparently she got 'hilarious' when she got drunk. 

Thor sighed, although soon dropping the subject and turning to Steve. "Do you choose Truth or a Dare!"

"Truth." He responded nearly instantly, as if he was afraid to choose dare. Surely Thor wouldn't have too bad of dares...

"Do you ever miss your previous life?" Thor asked, catching everyone off-guard. Turns out he could be deep when he wanted to.

"Yeah. I do." Steve said, the air in the group slowly becoming solemn. "So Sky, truth or dare?"

You were caught mildly off-guard, soon getting your head back. Truth or dare? From Steve? He seemed like the type of person to know the power of dares... So maybe you should do truth.


"Why are you afraid of drunk men?"

"What?" Your dad answers instantly, dad-mode activating, before the single word could leave your mouth either. You were caught so off-guard that you couldn't even form words, let alone thoughts. How did Steve know? Why did he even ask that? When did he figure it out? Had he told anyone?

"Steve-" Bruce said, trying to opt for a back door of this touchy situation. Did he know too? Based on the looks you were receiving from most of the team- they all knew.

"If something's going on I think we should know. I'm not trying to embarrass her- I'm just trying to help."

"Maybe she does not want your help." Loki blurted out a moment later, in your defense. He knew your answer... He had seen your memory play out that night. Years had passed and you never told anyone, yet you trusted and told him within mere months. You had gotten better- yet it still hurt.

"It's fine, Loki." You say, your voice shaking slightly. You try desperately to rein in all your strength- which isn't much. "You all know?"

"We figured it out a while ago, if it was a problem we figured you would've said so." Clint said, looking sheepish. They all looked embarrassed, sorry, or pitiful- or all three combined.

"You don't have to answer-" Natasha started, only to be cut off by your dad.

"But if there's something going on please tell us. We're here for you."

You give a small smile, still thinking of how to even tell your story. How to explain where it all started- which story would be best. Your dad didn't know- MJ knew a little- but only Loki truly knew. And you could feel his encouragement and support through the connection for whatever choice you chose. He wanted you to be happy and would be there for you through anything.

"The reason why I'm... afraid of drunk men-" You started, taking a deep breath and speaking slowly. You didn't want to do this, but there was practically no other option. Not one that didn't tell the group something was horribly wrong with you. That didn't tell the group you didn't trust them. And you didn't, it was just...

"-is that I've had bad experiences when those types of people are around." When everyone seemed to only grow more confused, you kept going. "It was before I knew Dad was my... well, dad- and before I lost my mom." God, even talking about her hurt. It still made your chest ache to talk about her being gone- despite whatever mistakes she had done. She had still loved you. "She didn't exactly date the right people."

"Sky. We didn't know-"

"It's okay. I know." You interrupt Natasha, taking a deep breath to help control your emotions. "I'm fine." You were fine. You were always... fine.

"I'm sorry no one figured it out sooner-"

"I should have known." Your attention was brought to your dad, who was staring guiltily at the floor. "I'm sorry- I should've known!" He grit his teeth as he spoke, running a stressed hand through his hair.

"Tony no one knew."

"I still should've-"

"Dad. It's fine, really. It's not a big deal. It's not your fault."

He looked heartbroken as you said that. It really wasn't a big deal though, at least you kept telling yourself that. You were okay. You didn't deserve all the attention- you didn't need it. Even as they kept insisting- you kept replying the same. It didn't matter. It was in the past. It's not like the could change what happened.

You were fine. 

You're fine.

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