Boboiboy Academia ( A Boboibo...

By CosmicSonicStorm

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This Story takes place after the events of Boboiboy Movie 2. Boboiboy and his girlfriend ,Yaya (yes I ship t... More

The Beggining
New World
First day in the high school of UA
The Quirk Assesment Test
Return of an old enemy
Im taking a break...sorry guys
Memories and Truth
Internships and what breathing?
New Story
Reason why i have been gone.
New Book
Discontinued/Adoption and New Story Sneak Peak


1.3K 36 32
By CosmicSonicStorm

Previously on Boboiboy Academia....

"A one on one battle....let's give it all we got Yaya." Said Boboiboy as he was holding her hand

"Let's do this Boboiboy!" Said Yaya as she was holding his hand.

And now.....

3rd person POV:

"Alright everyone. Here are the contestants that are going against each other." Said Midnight as she shows a list of the students fighting each other. "I'm going against someone named Hitoshi Shinsou?" Said Midoriya. "And I'm up against Sero...." Said Todoroki with his straight face. "I'm up against Ibara Shiozaki. I wonder who's that?" Asked Boboiboy. "Looks like I'm up against Iida....great...." Said Kaminari with his sarcastic voice. "Mei Hatsume? Who's that?" Asked Yaya. Aoyama vs Mina, Tokoyami vs Momo and Kirishima vs TestuTetsu . "Eh?! Uraraka?" Asked Bakugou. Uraraka heard him and was feeling scared.

So there began the first match. Shinsou went on to brainwash Midoriya but Midoriya was able to break free of his mind controlling brainwash and was able to win the first round. The second battle went on and Todoroki won by encasing Sero in ice and leaving half of the arena frozen.

"Alright! The third match is up. He's a boy that starts with a B and can manipulate 7 elements in one quirk, from the Hero Course, BOBOIBOY!" Said Present Mic. "Eh?! Manipulate 7 elements? How is able to that?! Is he really that strong?!" Everyone in the Stadium kept on questioning about Boboiboy having the ability to manipulate 7 elements. "VERSUS....a girl with thorns as her hair and very pricky, Ibara Shiozaki!" Present Mic said as he introduced everyone to Shiozaki.

"Nice to meet you Ibara Shiozaki. Let's give the audience a great match. It's great to meet someone who has a thorn quirk." Said Boboiboy. "Oh my. Nice to meet you to Boboiboy. Let's see who will win this match." Shiozaki replied. "Alright begin!" Present Mic started the battle. Shiozaki kept on attack Boboiboy with her hair-like thorn vines but Boboiboy kept on dodging them. 'It's a good thing that Tok Kasa trained me so I can dodge attacks easily' thought Boboiboy. "If I keep on attacking him. He won't be able to change into his elements. What I've learn, there's a split ten seconds where Boboiboy is vulnerable when he shouts 'Elemental Power! Boboiboy...' and I think that's when I should strike." Shiozaki whispered to herself. 'I see. She's planning to keep on attacking me so I can only concentrate on dodging and unable to change into my elements. But I think I know what to do' thought Boboiboy as he was planning something.

Shiozaki was about to attack Boboiboy once again. "Here Take this-....what?" Shiozaki stopped as she saw Boboiboy in his 'Unique Stance'. Everyone was silent when they saw Boboiboy in stance.

"Haha Behold! The Fusion Kuda-Kuda Supra Stance." Said Boboiboy as he was doing his stance. Everyone was laughing at Boboiboy not knowing what was he doing. Yaya saw this and facepalmed but she giggles as Boboiboy was actually quite funny while doing it. "Boboiboy my bro...what are you doing pfft...." Kirishima watching as he was laughing with Sero, Kaminari and Mina. "Is...pfft...that...part of Boboiboy's plan...pfft..." Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida said as they were trying to hold their laughter as they thought it would be rude to laugh at their friend. "Whoever trained Boboiboy must be a whacko..."said Bakugou and Todoroki in unison.

Shiozaki was being distracted by laughing at Boboiboy however she doesn't know it was part of his plan.  "Now's my chance! Elemental Power! Boboiboy Thorn!" Boboiboy said as he changed into Thorn.

"What? You have a thorn quirk?" Asked Shiozaki. "Yup it's my second-tier form of my leaf element. But how do you grow these thorns on your hair?" Asked Thorn. "Well I use sunlight and water to make them grow." Shiozaki replied. "That Bastard, this isn't a garden tutorial. It's a battle." Bakugou said to himself. " oh well now let's get back into the match!" Said Thorn. "Right! Now take this!" Shiozaki tries to trap Thorn with her vines but Thorn dodged them all. "My turn! Binding Thorn Vines!" Said Thorn as he tied up Shiozaki and making her immobilise.

"I can't break free!" Said Shiozaki. "Ibara Shiozaki is immobilise! Boboiboy has won!" Said Present Mic. Thorn raised up his hand and asks "um sir? Why are we fighting? Did someone steal the food or something?" "Um what's wrong with Boboiboy?" Asked Class 1-A. They were all confused except Yaya of Boboiboy's personality. "Oops I almost forgot." Said Boboiboy as he freed Shiozaki from his vines. "Thank you Boboiboy. But I want to ask you something. Why didn't you use your fire element? Won't that make you win this match easily?" Asked Shiozaki. "Why would I use my fire element? If Fire was battling, he won't hesitate to do anything in order to win. He's a living camp fire as that's what Lighting calls him." Said Boboiboy. 'Boboiboy is saying like his elements are totally different people. No that can't be possible.' Thought Shiozaki to herself. "Besides, isn't hair like the crown beauty of a women? It won't be great if a women loses the beauty of their hair. With that being said, here you go." Said Boboiboy as he made a thorny crown with flowers for Shiozaki. "Oh...thank you." Said Shiozaki.

"Gyah! The youth!" Said Midnight. "So manly, Boboiboy!" Said Kirishima. "Aren't you jealous, Yaya." Said Mina teasing Yaya. "Not really. That's how Boboiboy is when he uses his leaf or thorn element." Yaya replied. "What do you mean?" Asked Midoriya with his notebook and pen ready to write whatever Yaya is going to say while the rest of the class is rather interested to know more. "As you see, all of his different elements has different personalities of Boboiboy. If you see, when he uses his Lightning element, he will become cold and serious while his leaf element is his innocent and naive personality." Yaya explained and the class nodded as they understood on what she meant.

After Boboiboy's match, the rest of the matches began. Iida was against Kaminari and Iida won easily. Tokoyami went against Momo and Tokoyami won easily. Aoyama went against Mina and Mina won the match. Kirishima was up against TetsuTetsu but they ended up with a tie. Next was Bakugou and Uraraka and Uraraka gave it her all while Bakugou was attacking her head on. Uraraka ran out of energy to use her powerful attack and was not able to continue to fight. So Bakugou won the match.

Next was Mei Hatsume vs Yaya. "Hi I'm Mei Hatsume from the support course and I will introduce you to my babies." Said Hatsume. "Babies?" Asked Yaya. "It's my gadgets" said Mei. "Oh" said Yaya with a sigh of relief. Hatsume's 'baby' was targeting Yaya and kept on firing rockets but Yaya keeps on flying around to dodge it. However, Hatsume's 'baby' malfunctioned. While it was malfunctioning, Yaya was able destroy the 'baby' which end up making Hatsume unable to do anything. So Yaya won easily.

"Alright! The ones who won, they are moved on to the semifinals!" Said Present Mic. "Contestants get ready for the first match!" Present Mic.

"Now here's the list of the contestants who's are battling each other for the semifinals!" Present Mic said as revealing the matchups.

"Wait. What?!" Said Boboiboy with a shocked expression. "Oh no...Boboiboy." Said Yaya feeling very worried. "The first match is....Boboiboy vs Yaya?!" Said Class 1-A as being shocked.

"We need to fight each other...." Said Boboiboy and Yaya.

Dun Dun Dun!

To be continued....

Well guys I hope you love the chapter and hope you guys are surprised with the ending of the chapter. Remember to vote, comment and follow me. I'll hope you guys will love the next chapter.

Will Boboiboy and Yaya will be able to fight against each other? We shall see in the next chapter. BYE!!

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