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By gothiickuromii

9.1K 206 251

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268 7 8
By gothiickuromii

The weekend passed as fast as it came. You fall onto the bed and scroll through your phone.

"Hey kid, did you pack your bags?"

Hawks asks as he walks into your room. You hum a response while still looking at your phone.

"Good, Mirko will drop you off at your school, I convinced her to."

He says.

"Oh, Mirko, something going on between you two?"

You tease. His face slightly tints with a red shade.

"What! No way, she's a good friend."

He stammers.

"Mhmm, a good friend."

You mock him as you chuckle and look back to your phone.

"Whatever! Just make sure you have everything packed, I don't want you complaining in the morning because you forgot something."

"Yeah, sure."

You tell him as you continue watching random videos on your phone.


"Alright, she's waiting outside, put your shoes on and get outside!"

Hawks yell as you quickly stuff an apple in your mouth.

"Mm, okay!"

You say muffled as you take a bit of your apple and grab all your bags. You walk outside to see a small white car waiting outside.

"Y/n! It's been forever!"

Mirko says as she tries to hug you from behind, your wings blocking her from doing so.

"Damn! Your wings really grew!"

She joked as she grabbed your bags.

"Oh, it's okay Mirko, I can put them in the trunk."

You say as you walk over to her car.

"Don't sweat it bunny, here."

She opens the trunk and places your bags into the back.

"Sit in the front, I'll meet you in a bit."

You nod and sit in the front seat, looking out the window.

"The training camp, we have a big surprise for those damn heroes."

You shudder, remembering the events of the weekend.

What does that crusty ass have planned?

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!"

Mirko says as she gets into the seat next to you and starts the car. She had a little carrot dangling from the rear view mirror.

"Hey, isn't that?"

You start.

"Yup, it's the keychain you gifted to me when you found out I got my hero license, I remember how excited you were."

She laughed.


You hold out a small carrot keychain.

"What's this?"

Mirko says as she takes the little keychain from your hands.

"It's a keychain, uncle told me you got a hero license, I don't know what that is, but it sounds important!"

You smile.

"Aw, your (niece, nephew, etc) is just precious!"

She says as she looks at Hawks.

"Yeah, their quite something."

He says as he ruffles your hair.

"Do you wanna be a hero too?"

Mirko asks as she kneels down to your level.

"Yes! I'm going to be the best hero ever! I'm going to take care of my mommy and make sure nothing can touch her!"

You jump into a hero stance, throwing punches in the air.

"Well your mom is so lucky that she'll have a big strong hero like you taking care of her!"

Mirko giggles.

"Hey, can I tell you a secret?"

You whisper into Mirkos ear, trying to make sure Hawks couldn't hear

"Of course, tell me what's the secret?"

Mirko asks as she kneels down to your level.

"I think my uncle likes you, he always talks about you."


She says as she picks you up and spins you in her hands.

"Yup, he can't go one day without mentioning you."

You tell her. You quickly cover your mouth.

"Please, don't tell uncle I said that, he'll get me in trouble with momma."

You tell her.

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul."

She promises as she holds up the keychain.

"Alright! We've arrived!"

As she turns off the engine, Mirko remarks.

"Do you need help in removing your luggage?"

No, you say with a shake of your head.

"It's alright, I can do it myself," you tell her as you open the car door says.

As you open the trunk to retrieve your belongings, you smile at her. Someone approaches you from behind and grabs a bag.

"Hey daisy, need help?"

He asks as he grabs one of your bags.

"Ah, thanks!"

You say.

"Woah, when did this happen?"

Mina says as she walks next to you and Denki.

"You were there when we kissed."

Denki says.

"Yeah, but I didn't know you guys were dating!"

She says excitedly.

"Woah! You guys are dating that's awesome!"

Uraraka says as she holds her thumbs up in front of you two.

"But you found out yester-"

Denki starts, getting cut off by Monoma.

"What? Some class A kids are getting extra lessons? That means some of you failed?!"

You hear monoma say from behind you.

"How weird is that, everyone knows that class A is superior to class B, but this!? Wow!"

You laugh as you watch a girl hit Monoma

"Sorry about him!"

She laughs awkwardly.

"We don't resent you for that stuff from the sports festival, we are glad to be working with you class A!

"You too!"

You say cheerfully.

"A beautiful babe buffet!"

Mineta says as he drools.

"Dude, this is starting to cross the line."

Kirishima tells him

"Class A, the bus is this way, line up in order!"

Iida says as Denki holds you back from throwing punches to Mineta. You wave to Mirko and mouth 'bye' as you follow Denki onto the bus. You take a seat next to the window and he sits next to you.

"Damn cutie, you look like a whole snack, want my number?"

Denki says as he grabs your chin.

"You already have it?"

You tell him confused.

"Come on, don't be so serious, just a little flirting."

He says as he relaxes.

"Wanna listen to some music?

He asks as he holds out an earplug. You nod and put one in your ear.

"Oh, imma pick the first song!"

He says. You giggle a little as you hear A Whole New World playing in the earplugs.

"What's so funny?"

He asks.

"I didn't know you really liked this movie."

You say as you close your eyes and rest your head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, Jasmine is pretty hot, isn't she."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. If she was real I would definitely dump you for her."

You respond.

"Well, can't say I wouldn't do the same."

He jokes as you playfully hit his shoulder.

"Damn it, why did that hurt?"

He asks as he rubs his shoulder.


"Time for a break!"

Denki says as he grabs your hand and leads you out of the bus. You walk outside expecting to see a gas station or rest stop.

"Hold on, what kind of rest stop is this?"

Kirishima asks.

"Right, and where's class B?"

You question as you rub your eyes.

"Of course we stopped here for a reason."

Aizawa says.

"Heya Eraser!"

You hear someone say.

"Sorry, haven't seen you in a while."

Aizawa says as he walks in front of the heroes.

"We're the wild wild pussycats!"

Both of the girls say.

"These pro heroes will be helping us this time."

Aizawa says.

"They're a four member team, who all work under a single agency! This veteran team specializes in mountain rescue operations, they've been in business for 12 years now-."

Midoriya starts.

"We're 18 at heart."

One of the pussycats says as she covers his mouth.

"How old?"


"This whole area is our territory, your lodging is at the foot of that mountain over there!"

Mandalaya says.

"Huh, then why did we stop halfway?"

Ochako asks.

"Let's get back to the bus, hurry."

Sero says as he tries to walk back.

"It's 9:30, I'm thinking around noon the earliest."

Mandalaya chuckles.

"Ah crap, no way!"

Kirishima says.


Mina starts to run back to the bus.

"Get back to the bus, quick!"

Kirishima yells as you watch them try to run to the bus.

"Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"

Sorry kids, training has already started!"

Aizawa chuckles as the ground shakes and sends everyone in a cave.

"Ew, sand."

You say as you cough out sand.

"This is private property, so feel free to use your quirks, you have three hours to reach the facility, make it through the Beast's Forest!"

"The beast's forest!?"

Midoriya says.

"Seriously, it's like a name straight out of dragon quest!"

Denki complains as he gets up from the ground. You walk up to Todoroki.

"Hey, I'll bet you ten bucks I'll reach the facility before you."

He chuckles.

"If you want to waste your ten bucks like that, then go right ahead."

"Mh, cockey aren't we."

You tease. You hear a rumble and feel the ground vibrate.

"An actual beast!"

Denki and Sero say in unison.

You quickly pull out a feather."

"Mh, I'll wait for you at the finishing line."

You tell Todoroki as you slash through the beast and fly straight through it.


"Damn it, three hours my ass."

You say as you stretch and watch as the rest of the class piles up behind you.

"Not bad especially, you five."

Pixie-Bob says as she points to you, Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Bakugou.

"I'm guessing your past experiences allowed you to act without hesitation?"

You all nod.

"Yeah, after that stain guy, I've just started fighting without thinking sometimes."

You say as you look at your shoulder, your shirt had ripped while you were trying to get to the facility, showing off your scar caused by stain.

"Hey, I've been wondering, who's that kid over there?"

Midoriya says, cutting your train of thought

"Oh, he's my nephew. Kota! Come say hello."

Mandalaya waves over to the boy.

A small kid with a red cap with little horns on it, and black trainer boots walks over to Mandalaya.

"Hey, I'm Midoroya from U.A high school's hero course!"

Midoroya says as he holds his hand out and slightly bends to be eye level with the boy. He smiles at him.

"Nice to meetcha."

He says. Kota looks back up at him and punches him in the you know where. You cover your mouth and try to restrain yourself from bursting out laughing.

"Hey nephew! Why did you punch Midoriya in the junk!?"

Iida says as Kota starts to walk away.

"I can't abide jerks who wanna be heroes."

That makes two of us, I guess.

You look up at Denki.

Maybe I can abide one jerk.

"Cute kid."

Bakugou smirks.

"You two are a lot alike."

Todoroki says. You walk up to the front while Bakugou and Todoroki fight.

"Drop your things in your rooms, then come to dinner in the mess hall, after that you'll bathe and then go to bed. Because the real training begins tomorrow."

Aizawa says as he leaves.


"Mhm, time to eat!"

Denki says as he sits next to you.

"Delicious! This rice is amazing!"

Kirishima says as he stuffs his face with rice.

"The flavors seeping into every part of me! Each grain is just as good as lunch rush's, I wish I could eat this stuff forever!"

Denki says.

"I'm you used that much description in your essays, you'd be a great student."

You joke as you eat the rice.

"It's good, but it needs a little spice don't you think?"

You tell them, as you put the bowl of rice onto the table.

"Yeah, maybe it does need a little spice."

Kirishima says.

"Don't listen to them, their level of a 'little spice' is like ten ghost peppers."

Denki says as he finishes his bowl.

"Yeah, whatever."

You say as you get up from the seat and place your bowl in the sink.

"Where are you going?"

Denki asks.

"Oh, i'm going to take a bath, I'm not comfortable with people around me, so I'm going to go while there's nobody there."

You tell him.

"Okay, sure!"

He says as he continues eating. You quickly get into the hot bath and soak for a little. The knots in your back became loose as you slowly relax into the warm water. You heard rustling in the bushes and quickly stand up.

Damn it, are the villains here already?

You think as you slowly walk to the bushes. You split the bush and a little bunny stares back at you.

Thank god.

"You scared me."

You laugh as you chuckle and pet the small bunny. You hear laughter coming from the entrance to the bath houses. You quickly get up and leave the bath house.

"Hey, you're y/n right?"

Mandalaya asks as you walk out of the rooms for a night walk.

"Yeah, that's me."

You sheepishly say.

"I saw you at the sports festival, you made quite an impression."

She laughs.

"Yeah, third place and ended up losing the whole damn thing because some pomeranian was stomping on my wing."

You scowl. Mandalaya looks at you and chuckles.

"You remind me of someone."

She tells you.

"Hello? Am I disturbing something?"

Midroiya says while holding Kota in his arms.

"Oh my god! Is he alright, his nose is bleeding!"

You say as you grab the boy in your hands and place him on the couch.

"Must've passed out from fear of falling, thanks Midoriya."

You look at the boy on the couch.

"You sure did act fast though."

"I'm just glad no one got hurt."

Midoriya says.

"Kota, he seems pretty opposed to heroes"

You tell Mandalaya as you fill up a bowl of water, placing ice cubes in it and a towel.

"Yeah, all my life I've been surrounded by people who wanted to be heroes so I did too, isn't it unusual for a kid his age to be like this?"

Midoriya mutters as he looks down at his hand.

I've never seen anyone like that.

He thinks to himself. You nod as you hand Mandalaya the cold towel.

"Right. Naturally there are quite a few people who don't think much of heroes, he'd probably look up to heroes if he had been raised normally."


Midoriya mumbles questioningly.

"Mandalaya cousins were Kota's parents, they were heroes who died in the line of duty."

Pixie-bob says as she walks out holding a tray of teacups. She hands you and Izuku one.


He mumbles.

"Two years ago they were protecting civilians from a villain."

"There is no better way for heroes to meet their end. An honorable death."

Pixie-bob says as she sits down next to Kota.

"But he couldn't understand that, he was a young boy and his whole world were his parents."

You look down at the boy.

Guess that makes two of us.

"To him, it was like they chose to leave him, it seems he doesn't likes us either. To him, heroes are nasty people he can't understand."

Mandalaya says.

That definitely makes two of us.

"I don't blame him for thinking that."

You say, catching everyone's attention.

"What do you mean y/n?"

Izuku questions. You smirk.

"My mom was burned right in front of my eyes when I was 13. Two damn years later and I still have ptsd from seeing large amounts of fire. I can't imagine how a child would feel to know someone killed his parents."

You mumble as you walk past them to your room.


"Why do we have to train at 5 in the damn morning."

Kirishima whispers as he rubs his eyes.

"Mornin' kids, today the real training camp begins."

Aizawa says as he glares at Kirishima.

"Bakugou, here."

He says as he throws a baseball in Bakugou's hands.

"Remember, when school started your record was 705.2 meters. How much have you grown since?"

Bakugou smirks.

"After three months, he should be able to throw it a whole kilometer or something!"

Denki excitedly exclaims.

"Whatever, I bet I can throw farther."

You mumble.

"What, are you jealous or something?"

Denki teases you.

"What! No way, I just know that I'm way better than the explosive porcupine."

You say.

"Here we freaking go."

Bakugou smirks as he swings his arm.


He yells as he blasts the ball.

"709.6 meters."


Denki's jaw drops.

"Heh, I'll definitely be able to throw farther than that."

You whisper in his ear.

"Starting today, you will improve on your quirks. This'll be so bad you'll wish to be dead, so try your best to stay alive."

Aizawa grins.

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