Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

58.7K 1K 428

Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

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Micro Management

820 17 4
By AnimeMavy

This morning, in Amity Park, we see Danny & Tucker jogging through the city, look very exhausted. Both were wearing their gym uniforms.

"So, *gasps* how's *gasps* the four minute *gasps* mile coming, Tucker?"

Tucker pulls out a stop watch.

"Nine minutes *gasps* and counting, dude."

Sam runs past them, running backwards. She was also in her gym uniform.

"This is just embarrassing."

"I know! How are you two going to pass the President's test on physical fitness if you can't even pass me?" Sam questions.

"So what? I have super powers. Why should I even care?"

"Are you guys tired already?"

The two boys look behind them as Aero runs past them and next to Sam. Danny smiles. Aero was also in her gym uniform, with her hair tied up in a ponytail.

"You're cute."

Aero chuckles. Sam rolls her eyes.

"She's wearing the exact same thing as all of us."

"Yeah, but when you're dating someone, anything they wear is cute." Danny explains.

Tucker nods.

"It's true."

All of a sudden, an ecto-blast blasts the ground inbetween the four. Danny, Aero, and Sam fall to the ground and Tucker lands bottom down in a trash can next to them.

Skulker flies over to them. 

"Hello, ghost child. I saw you running and thought 'Hey, I should give him something to run from!'"

Danny shoots an ecto-blast back, hitting Skulker's left jet pack wing and causing him to scream and fly away.

Danny laughs and turns to Sam.

"Ha! Let's see the president do that!"

He goes ghost and flies after Skulker.

Due to the instability of his jetpack now, Skulker goes flying into a dumpster; which closes from the impact. His head pops the dumpster open and he notices Danny racing towards him.

Danny uses both of his hands to shoot one huge ecto-blast, which hits the dumpster. Skulker is thrown from the dumpster due to the blast. He flips into a wall upside-down with a grunt. He quickly stands and turns to look at Danny again.

Danny fires off another ecto-blast with his right hand. Skulker ducks out of the way, only to be hit by several other blasts from Danny, which break his left forearm and right foot to expose his body's wires. Skulker falls to his side and looks back to Danny, who lands in front of him a few feet away.

"Hey, Skulker, without your suit you're pretty powerless. Maybe you need to learn to rely on your natural abilities!"

Sam and Aero run up behind Danny. Sam turns to Tucker, who has fallen behind.

"Tucker, hurry up!"

Tucker runs over, holding the Fenton Thermos; sweating and gasping for air. Sam grabs the thermos and aims the device at Skulker.

"No, no, no!" Skulker screams as he is sucked into the thermos.

Sam hands the thermos to Danny after Skulker is fully inside. She crosses her arms and looks at Danny, causing him to frown.

"Speaking of natural abilities..."

Cut to the four in the school gym. Danny is trying to do pull-ups. Tucker is slouching on the pole next to him

"I think I liked fighting Skulker better."

Danny sweats and kicks his legs as he does one pull-up.

"How many is that?"


Sam runs up to the bars next to Danny and effortlessly does several pull-ups, then swings into a flip off the bars with a perfect dismount and begins running backwards again.

"Hey Danny!"

Danny falls from the bar with a grunt and hits the floor. Aero walks over and sighs.

"You guys really aren't athletic."

Aero helps Danny up.

Later, Aero watches as Tucker struggles to help Danny climb the rope. They weren't the only two struggling with this stuff, a lot of other kids weren't doing as amazing as Sam. Danny falls from the rope. Ms. Tetslaff calls out to the kids.

"Listen up, people. This has to be the worst display of physical fitness I've seen in all of my days of Casper High."

"Apparently someone doesn't have a mirror." Tucker remarks.

Tucker then gets hit in the stomach by a dodgeball and sent flying back.

Danny stands up next to Aero.

"And apparently someone doesn't have a sense of humor."

Tetslaff blows her whistle.

"According to my reports the only thing funny here is how much you're bringing down your class average! So, I'm going to assign you both fitness buddies. Manson."

Sam flips over to Ms. Tetslaff.

"You help Foley."

Sam smirks.

"Um, I think I'm coming down with something."

Sam grabs the ball from Tucker and spins it on her finger.

"Yeah. A severe case of ab crunches."

Sam then drags Tucker away. Danny laughs. Tetslaff grabs Aero's shoulder.

"Fenton, you're in luck. Ms. Elkins isn't as atlethic as Mason, but she's enough to whip you into shape."

"Yes!" Danny exclaims.

Tetslaff and Aero look at each other. Aero nods and Tetslaff smiles, walking away. Danny blinks as Aero stands in front of him, with her arms crossed.

"uhh...why are you looking at me like that?"

After school; Sam, Aero, Danny, and Tucker were in the Fenton's backyard. Sam had her foot on Tucker's back as he does push-ups. Aero was squatted down next to Danny as he did sit-ups. Danny falls flat on the ground.

"Fenton, sit-ups aren't gonna do themselves."

Danny looks at her.

"We're dating! Why are you calling me Fenton?! And why are you making me do this?!"

Tucker falls flat on the ground as well.

"Come on, Foley. Keep going."

"I can't. Your boot weighs a ton."

He looks to Danny.

"Give me a hand!"

Danny lifts his hands up and claps. Tucker glares at him.

"Oh you're hilarious."

"I got super powers, I can afford to be."

Danny looks at Aero.

"Again, why am I doing this?! Why should I care about some stupid fitness test."

Aero gets close to his face.

"Because if you fail, I fail. I didn't spend my time doing the work myself, for you to bring me down."

"Ha! Fenton's getting whopped into shape!"

As they see Dash pop up from behind the fence. Tucker gets up as Sam removes her foot. Aero gets up.

"What do you want, Dash?"

"You think I miss these two nerds get beat by two girls?"

Sam and Aero glare at him. Tucker smirks.

"He's just glad he's not doing this because that would blemish his stellar D-gpa."

Dash jumps over the fence and pushes Tucker back onto the ground. Danny crawls over next to him.

"You don't have super powers. You don't get to be hilarious."

Dash grabs Danny by the head and pulls him up.

"What was that, Fenton?!"

"Aaaand that's our cue to run." Sam remarks.

"What do you mean our cue? I'm not running an..."

Tucker looks as Sam pulls out a brand, spanking new PDA; which is orange with blue features.

"Why do you have the smart tech 5000? It's not even on the market yet!"

"The real question is are you fast enough to get it from me?" Sam teases.

Sam runs away and over the fence. Tucker runs after her.

"Come back! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

Danny is left with Dash holding onto his head. Aero pushes Dash away, making him drop Danny.

"Get outta here, Dash."

"You got looks & strength and you're with Fenton?" Dash questions.

Aero squints at Dash.

"Stop making it sound like it's horrible!"

All of a sudden, Aero's and Danny's ghost sense goes off.

"Oh crud."

Danny looks to the sky behind Dash and sees Skulker. Skulker sends on a barrage of missiles their way. The three see them coming, but Danny quickly turns them intangible without Dash seeing.

Missiles hit, but leave them unharmed in a carter. Dash is passed out next to Aero and Danny. Skulker pulls scythes out from his wrists.

"We gotta get away from Dash. Ah! Ghost!"

Danny runs away with Aero from Dash as Skulker shoots down at them.

"Run! Run! It's a ghost!"

The two duck into an alleyway as Dash runs by, screaming, as Skulker chases after him. After Skulker passes by, the two slide back out; both ghosts now.

Dash passes by the Fenton house again as Jack opens one of the OP center windows. Jack begins to start blasting at Skulker. The things he hits, as he misses Skulker, look like they're disappearing or...shrinking.

Skulker corners Dash and is about to blast him when Danny flies over. Skulker quickly turns around and grabs Danny by the face, slamming him to ground.

As Aero flies over, Jack manages to blast her and she shrinks. Jack blasts Danny and Skulker as well. Dash runs over.


Jack also manages to hit Dash, shrinking him too.

Dash looks around and realizes what has happened. He turns and sees he's in front of a soda can, but to him; it was huge.

"I'm...I'm puny. I don't do puny!"

Skulker looks at himself and looks around.

"What is this? What did you do?"

Danny stands up and observes himself.

"I didn't. He did."

Danny points up to his dad as he shuts the window. Skulker pulls out his scythes.

"Big or small I will still have your head in my trophy room."

Danny chuckles, nervously.

"Uh, nice image. Here's a better one."

Danny blasts Skulker and hovers over Dash.

"We have to move."

"Danny Phantom? If I weren't so terrified this would be really cool."

"Uh thanks?" Danny replies.

Aero flies over after blasting Skulker away.

"Let's go."

Dash blinks and leans against the soda can.

"Skye, How you doin'?"

Aero cringes.

"I'm gonna be sick...."

The three jump as a blast goes by. They start to run away, Skulker isn't far behind them. He sends out another barrage of missiles their way. Danny grabs Dash and they fly up the fence. Danny finds a hole in the fence and the three fly through that.

Skulker flies through it as well, also shooting off some blasts. Danny quickly ducks into the grass with Dash.

"Oh man. We're dead. Dead!"

"No, we're not. All we have to do is get into Fenton Works and unshrink ourselves."

All of sudden, the three are blow back by wind and Danny & Aero lose their ability to fly. They all fall to the ground. Aero rubs her neck as she gets up.

"Okay, that's not normal."

Danny stretches out his back.

"Must've been the wind shear."

Skulker looks at this happen from above as the three run away.

"Hmmm. Seems to be losing their ghostly power."

He then gets caught in the clutches of a bird.

"So am I. But my suit works fine. Advantage Skulker!"

After running for a bit, Danny climbs onto a piece of grass to look out. He grabs Aero's hand and lifts her up next to him.

"H-how much further?"

"Ten feet." Danny replies.

The two look out at the backyard and sees his backdoor. It look like miles away from them.

"Or at this pace, ten years." Aero remarks, annoyed.

Danny turns and sees Skulker flying towards them, sending out more missiles. Dash climbs up on a piece of grass next to him.

"Is it really that far?"

Dash turns and screams. Danny uses an ecto blast to launch an uproar of grass to block the missiles. But the explosion sends the three right up to the back door.

"Hang on. I'll use my powers to phase us through the door."

Danny grabs Dash and tries to go through the door, but he just slams into it.

"Okay. Can't blame the wind this time. Something's wrong."

Aero tries as well, but her hand just pats the door.

"Definitely wrong."

A sword then lands into the door next to Danny.

"He's closing in. We've got to find another entrance."

"Over there. There's a mouse hole!" Dash shouts as he points.

Danny blinks.

"We have mice?"

The three begin running.

"Fly!" Dash shouts.

"We can't!"


"Just run. It's good for your heart!" Danny rebuttals.

Aero smirks at him, like 'oh now you wanna excerise?'. He looks at her.

"Don't start with me!"

The trio run into the mouse hole and find themselves in complete darkness. Danny and Aero use their ecto energy to give themselves some light.

"What kinda mouse hole is this? Where's the matchbox sofa and the coffee table made form a spool of thread?"

"You watch way too many cartoons." Danny replies.

The three then wince as they hear a growl behind them. They turn and back away as they see a very angry rat. They turn again and see Skulker. Both ways were blocked by some sort of danger. Danny and Aero holds up both their hands up, with ecto energy.

"Get back!"

Slowly, the two's ecto energy disappears.

"Oh man. That shrink ray must have shorted out our powers."

"Maybe you need to learn to rely on your natural abilities." Skulker mocks.

Danny glares at him.

"Will you just let it go?!"

Once their energy is fully gone, they are in complete darkness.

"I can't see!"

"Dash, get down!"

"Say farewell ghost children." Skulker threatens.

He lights a stick, lighting the area again. But all he sees is Dash and Aero.

"Where'd Phantom go?"

"Well I was hunting the ghost boy, but I could just as easily mount your tiny head in my trophy room with hers."

Dash looks at Skulker, confused.


"Ew is right."

Dash turns around and sees that Danny has overtaken the rat.

"Get back!"

Danny whips his tail around and slams Skulker into a wall. He drops his light and Dash picks it up.

"Dude, that's awesome. You took over the mouse."

Danny starts to toss and turn.

"Not for long."

Rat then pushes Danny out of him. Aero catches him as the rat growls at Dash. Dash runs over to the two as he notices another hole. Danny grabs the stick and runs towards the rat.

"Run! Go!"

Aero grabs Dash's wrist and they run for the hole as Danny distracts the rat. He grabs a piece of cheese and places it on Skulker with the light.

"Uh dude. Hold this. And this."

Skulker looks as the rat walks closer and the light goes out.

"This does not bode well."

The three make it into the kitchen.

"Okay. Just follow our lead and...Dash?"

Aero and Danny see Dash, sitting on the floor; crying.

"I can't do this. I can't. Everything's bigger than me!"


"And you guys. You're losing your powers. We're doomed. Doomed!" Dash exclaims.

"Dash! Stop! Listen to me!"

Danny sighs.

"Why did you come to Fenton Works?"

"I wanted to mess with Danny Fenton in front of his girlfriend."

The two look at him with unamused looks.

"She was supposed to help him because he was too puny, weak, wimpy, scrawny, and-"

Danny cuts him off with an even more unamused look on his face.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Can you get to the point?"

"He's not strong enough to pass a fitness test."

"Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, I need your help because I'm not strong enough to do this alone. So, fitness buddies?" Danny questions.

Danny's & Aero's feet then glow and turn back to their normal shoes.

"Hey, what happened to your guy's feet?"

"Uh, they're special high speed ghost shoes?" Danny lies.

The three gasp as the ground shakes. They are then thrown back as Jazz stomps down next to them.

"And one. And two. Keep moving. Keep sweating."

Jazz was wearing the Fenton Battle training suit to exercise. She takes over the helmet and shakes off her sweat. Dash, Aero, and Danny scream. They start running to safety as the sweat to them is huge, almost pool size bodies of water.

They make it to a safe place and rest to breathe. The three spy another hole as Skulker emerges from it, riding on top of the rat.

"To the hunt!

They begin running again as the rat leaps towards them.

"Keep running whelps. I'm about to make mouse meat out of you!"

"It's mince meat, bonehead!" Danny mocks.

"Not this time it's not."

Danny, Aero, and Dash cut a corner into the living room. The rat & Skulker don't make it and slide into a wall. This leads to Maddie trying to get rid of the rat with a broom.

"You filthy animal. You are not leaving mouse droppings all over my clean kitchen."

She smacks down, missing the rat & Skulker, but she releases dust bunnies as well.

"Dust bunny!"

The three jump over it.

"Woah. Nice air."


Danny gasps as his pants go back to his jeans. Aero's pants go back to her leggings.

"Oh great."

He looks to Aero.

"We're losing so much power that we are reverting back to-"

"Hey. What's with your pants?" Dash questions.

Aero and Danny look at each other. Danny looks back at Dash.

"Uh, um, it's casual Friday?"

Dash thinks to himself.

"Today's Tuesday."

Another dust bunny comes by and traps them inside. They hit some grass and the dust bunny evaporates.

"Oh man. We're back outside."

Danny grabs a piece of it and examines it.

"Wait. This isn't real grass."

The trio see 3 golf balls with ghost faces on them. As they continue to look up, they see Jack with a golf club.

"Jack Fenton on the 18th hole of the Ecto invitational. If he sinks this, it's all over but the Ghost Zone."

Dash turns to Danny, afraid.

"Where do we hide?"

"Have you ever seen him play golf? The only safe place is the hole." Danny replies.

Dash, Danny, and Aero run over to the hole as Jack sends a barrage of golf balls everywhere. Danny starts to help Dash in, when his arm goes back to human and then changes back to ghost. He quickly grabs his arm back, making Dash fall and then he falls in as well. The three watch the balls past over them.

"Man. Is everybody in this family bad at sports?"

Danny glares at him. Aero chuckles a bit. 

The trio escape the small golf area and make it half way up the stairs.

"Yeah. We did it."

"But we're not nearly close enough."

Danny's top half changes back to his regular shirt, but instead of white & red, it's his ghost colors. The same happens to Aero.

"How many costume changes are you guys gonna go through? What is this, Vegas?"

The trio see Skulker lower himself down in front of them. He launches out a bunch more missiles. They dodge them and start to climb up the stairs quickly. The missiles hit the stairs and make a small explosion. The two make it to Danny's room and slam the door on Skulker.

"Very well."

Skulker takes off downstairs and out the front door. Inside his room, the three race to the window.

"Hurry! Out the window and up to the Ops center."

Dash jumps onto a hanging out wire and starts climbing towards the center. Danny looks around.

"Skulker's not following us. Unless he's coming up around the back."

He then sees Skulker heading towards the window. Danny eyes a bag of chips on his desk. Him and Aero drag it over to the window.

"Hey Skulker. Still think your abilities beat mine?"

The two begin pouring the chips down onto Skulker. Skulker begins to get beat down with chips and spits.

"Lime and vinegar? Who eats those?"

He thinks missiles again will help him, but it just breaks them into small pieces and creates more things to hit him. Once he looks up, he sees the bag.

"Oh for crying out loud."

He gets trapped in the bag and falls to the ground. He cuts through it and shouts to the sky. At that point, Danny and Aero were climbing up the wire.

"We don't' have much time!"

Danny swings a bit and lands on the OPs center. Aero swings over as well and Danny catches her by the waist. He kisses her on the cheek. Dash swings and lands as well, but on the edge. As he starts to fall, Danny catches him too.

"I gotcha."

"You gonna kiss him too?" Aero joke whispers.

Danny gives her look and blinks as Aero's hair goes from bright white with cloud blue streaks to half of that and half her natural color of light blonde.

Aero blinks as his hair goes into half black and half white. She clucks her hair in fear.

"Oh man. We're one makeover away from blowing our secret identities."

"Good thing, Dash is a total moron." Danny remarks.

Skulker starts his way back up. The trio run over to a window and luckily open it.

"We did it. What do you think we just benched, proportionally?"

Danny gives him a look.

"I don't know. I'm not that good at math."

"You've gotten better." Aero points out.

Danny smiles at her.

"Soon you won't be good at breathing, either." Skulker threatens as he comes up behind them.

The three look in fear. All of a sudden, the rat from earlier comes out of nowhere and tackles Skulker.

"Get off of me!"

They start flying around the sky. The three run inside and Danny spots what they've been looking for.

"That's gotta be the device."

"And that's how we're going to get to it."

Dash points out the piece of pizza with a thing of cheese dripping all the way down to the floor. They slide down a slope and run over. As they start climbing up the cheese, Skulker and the rat break through a window.

"Thank you for opening the window for me. Your services are no longer needed."

Skulker blasts the rat with ecto goo and sticks it to a wall. He starts climbing the cheese after the three, since the rat destroyed his jetpack.

"You'll never be able to climb fast enough to save yourselves."

Danny and Aero make it to the top and immediately, turn back human; except for their eyes. They look at each other in fear. Danny sees Dash making it up as well, so he grabs Aero's hand and the two hide inside the device.

"Hey where'd you guys go?"

"We're in here. We need you to pull the trigger, quick."

"You okay in there?" Dash questions.

"Just flip it to un-cram and push the trigger!" Aero shouts.

Danny's eyes glow for a second and then turn to back to his bright blue eyes. Aero's eyes do as well and go back to her green eyes. Dash hops up onto the device and changes it to un-cram. Skulker makes it up on the station.

"You can't escape me. I'm faster than you. I'm stronger than you. And you're weak. Weak!"

Dash presses the trigger as Skulker gets close to Danny and Aero. The blast hits the two, turning them back to normal size and giving them their powers back.

Danny smiles and turns to the table. Skulker looks at him as he towers over him.

"Actually, I'm a lot stronger than I thought."

Danny grabs Skulker and flicks him into a nearby freezer. Danny grabs the device and turns Dash back as well.

"Ha! Way to go dude. I knew I could count on you."

"Yeah well without my powers, that made one of us. So, thanks. I couldn't have wished for a better fitness buddy. Maybe you're not that bad after all."

"Thanks. Hey. What do you say we hang around here and stuff Fen-turd's head in the toilet. You know, just for giggles."

Danny, unamused, flips the device back to cram and shrinks Dash again. Aero walks over and gives Danny smile.

"I don't do puny!"

The next day; Tucker and Danny do their fitness test. They finish next to Tetslaff, Aero, and Sam.

"Well it's not record time, but it's good enough to pass."

Danny and Tucker reply with; 


"Not you two. You two."

Tetslaff turns to Sam and Aero. She hands them both a medal.

"Good job whipping those wimps into shape."

Aero looks to Sam.

"You had a lot of fun, didn't you?"

"Of course."

Sam holds the medal up to Tetslaff.

"Does this come in black?"

Tucker and Danny stand up, breathing heavily and sweating.

"Well ghost beaten."

"Test passed."

"And self worth restored. Ready?" Danny questions.


Both boys fall backwards.

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