Eyes on the prize- Sebastian...

By BeeYourself12

70.8K 1.9K 526

Joey, Irish born female racing driver, has been offered the experience of a lifetime to support the FIA safet... More

1. First meetings
2. The penny drops
3. You're on, O'Shea
4. Australia pt. 1
5. Australia pt.2
6. Out with the red team
7. Monaco dining
8. Family time
9. Canadian matchmaking
10. Bad news
11. Ireland
12. Brotherly advice
13. Welcome to the family
14. What happens in Hockenheim...
15. The Summer break begins
17. Expect the unexpected
18. The date
19. Swiss bliss
20. Making it official
21. The L word
22. Ireland
23. Ireland pt.2
24. An unexpected guest in Suzuka
25. Better to think before you speak
26. Partying in LA
27. Birthday treats
28. Making up
29. Spending time together in Austin
30. You win some, you lose some
31. Family bonds
32. First week in Switzerland
33. One last ride
34. When in Ireland
35. The wedding pt.2
36. FIA party
37. Christmas time
38. Rallying in Finland
39. Reminiscing in Silverstone
40. German races
41. Family time
42. A wedding

16. Homely meals

1.6K 49 14
By BeeYourself12

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading this little book of mine! If you have anything you'd like to see more of, or less of.. or any ideas that you might like me to explore, please give me a shout! Any thoughts and comments are really appreciated!

Joey woke up with a jump. She had just had a dream about the FIA calling her to tell her that her contract had been cut due to her relationship with Sebastian. She grabbed her phone from the bedside table to check the time, but instead she found an email with the subject "urgent meeting". She clicked on it, hands shaking.

Dear Ms O'Shea,

The FIA has been informed of matters that need to be discussed with yourself, as an employee of our organisation. Please make yourself available for a phone call at 9 am, BST.

'Fuck' she quietly swore. Maybe the dream had been more of a premonition. She checked the time, it was already 8.00 am so she threw her legs over the side, startling the sleeping German next to her.

'Was ist los, Engel?' Seb mumbled, scratching his eyes. 'Jo?'

'The FIA is calling me in an hour. I guess I am fucked.' She replied.

'Jo, Britta went through all the rules; there is absolutely nothing they can do.' Seb reassured her. 'That's why I called her, I needed her help because she's way better at this than I am.'

'And what did she say?' Joey asked.

'To stop thinking with my penis and that I owe her overtime' Seb chuckled. 'But then she sent me a text that confirmed there is nothing in the driver's rulebook that says we are not allowed interpersonal relations with FIA personnel'

'Is she 100% sure?' Joey finally started feeling slightly less nauseated.

'Yeah, here.' He grabbed his phone and showed her the messages from Britta.

'You do owe her overtime, she's amazing.' Joey stated, after reading the words on the screen.

At precisely 9 her phone buzzed. Joey had been nervously playing with her necklace and she was startled by the vibration on the table. Seb squeezed her hand sweetly before she could reach for the phone.

'You'll be fine' he whispered, kissing her sweetly.

'Hello?' Joey picked up. 'Yes, this is she'


A few hours later:

Matt: dinner, tomorrow night. Carmen is extremely unhappy you haven't told her anything about this new man, but she's asking to ask him if he's OK with paella.

'You like paella?' Joey looked up to face Seb. The two were sitting on the sofa, watching a TV show that according to Joey everyone was watching but that Seb had never seen before.

'Yeah, sure. You said your brother's fiancée is Spanish, right?' Seb replied.

'Yeah, she was born here but her parents are from Spain'

'I'll gladly have paella, then' he smiled, wrapping his arm around her to pull her closer.

He's ok with it. We'll see you tomorrow, we'll bring the wine. Tell Carmen I will tell her everything tomorrow. X she typed as a quick reply.

'Why is there so much sex in this?' Seb asked, pointing at the television. Joey had insisted they'd watch Game of Thrones. 'It's not needed for the plot, It's just there for no reason.'

'After what you did to me yesterday, I did not think you would be such a prude' Joey teased him.

Sebastian tried to not look too embarrassed. Since they had arrived in London they hadn't been able to keep their hands off each other, and the love bites on both of his and her neck were proof for everyone to see it.

'Yeah, but I have a reason for what I did to you yesterday' Seb replied. 'And the reason is that you're really, really, hot and you drive me insane just by sitting next to me.' He added suggestively, pulling her closer to kiss her lips.

'What? Now?' She asked, pretending to be shocked.

'Now.' He groaned, pulling her top over her head.


The following day, Joey and Sebastian drove the short distance to Matt's House. Sebastian had insisted on buying an extremely expensive bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers for Carmen.

Joey rang the doorbell, noticing a sudden change in her partner's demeanour.

'They don't bite, I promise' she reassured him. 'Now you know how I felt in Germany'

'Are you sure your brother won't just punch me in the face for those?' He nodded to the darker patch of skins she had clumsily covered with some make-up.

'It's more possible Carmen will beat you than Matt. He's the most chill person on earth.' She giggled.

'Hola! Look at you, you're glowing' Carmen greeted, as soon as she opened the door. 'Come in, come in.' She hugged her. 'Sebastian, very nice to meet you.' She added.

'Likewise. Thank you for having me' he said, stretching his hand out to shake Carmen's.

'Oh we don't do that in this house.' She laughed, pulling him in for a hug. Joey couldn't contain a laugh as Seb was bear hugged by her future sister-in-law.

'These are for you' he added, when she eventually let him go.

'Wow, these are so pretty. Thank you so much! Please come in, make yourself at home. I know it's probably not much compared to Joey's or the places you usually stay at'

'It's lovely' Seb said, sincerely. It was a small terraced house, but it was definitely homely. He followed their host towards the living room, where Joey had joined her brother.

'Matt, nice to see you again' Seb spoke. 'We've got some wine'

'Thank you, Sebastian!' He grabbed the bottle, with a smile. 'Would you two like any?'

'Just a little glass for me, I'm driving' Joey replied. 'Seb will probably need a glass to loosen up'

'Hey!' He protested.

'Can't believe you drive at stupid speeds and you're afraid of a little Irish man and his fiancée' she mocked him, wrapping her arm behind him once Matt and Carmen had left.

'I don't think I like you anymore' he pouted.

'I guess you can sleep in the guest room tonight, then'

'Oh, no... I will sleep in your room and I'll show you how angry you made me'he said suggestively.

'Oh yeah?' She stared straight in his eyes and bit her bottom lip.

'Mhmh' he leaned in to kiss her.

'Ew' Matt interrupted them, making Seb jump. 'Why do I feel like we're back to school when I always caught you snogging somewhere?'

'Shut up, Matthew' she laughed.

'Always? How many people did Matt catch you snogging?' Seb asked, curiously.

'A fair few' she teased. 'I was a busy girl growing up' she laughed. 'I am just going to help Carmen with the food' she said, before leaving a shocked Seb alone in the room with her brother.

'Excuse my sister. She's... one of a kind' Matt explained.

'She most definitely is' Seb said with a smile. 'You two seem really close'

'We had to. When we lost our mum, dad had to become our sole provider and role model. We grew up quickly, Joey was only young but she took it upon herself to be "the woman of the house" if you allow me to use the term. She's always cared for me and our dad, even when she was only a young child. When she started karting, dad could see she was going to go somewhere, so when he worked a couple of extra jobs to make ends meet, Joey and I would be at home. I would help her with homework, we would cook, do the housework... we would spend loads of time at Carmen's.. her family is like a second family to us.'

Seb listened intently, Joey had never really spoken much about her past and he could really see how her humble beginnings had made her the exceptional woman that she was.

In the meantime, Joey was being interrogated by Carmen in the kitchen about Sebastian and their relationship.

Joey had prepared herself for the third degree and had guessed what most of their conversation would be about. She had answered Carmen's questions as best she could, with the lady wanting to know anything from birthplace to family history to shoe and shirt size.

'What did work say?' She eventually asked.

'Well, I had to have a call but there is nothing in the rulebook against two people dating. I have been told that as long as it doesn't affect the FIA's image, we're fine'

'Really progressive of them, I am surprised. I guess, maybe, just don't snog him on the podium and you'll be fine' Carmen joked. 'Talking of snogging, how's he in the sack?'

'CARMEN!!!!' Joey turned bright red. 'What tells you I know that?'

'The huge lovebite on your neck, hermanita' Carmen smirked. 'So... how?'

Seb suddenly appeared in the kitchen to ask if they needed any help. Joey took a relieved sigh, thanking her lucky star Carmen had finally gone quiet.

'Anything I can do?' Seb asked politely.

'No, don't worry! You're a guest, you don't need to do anything.'

'Why am I cooking, then?' Joey asked, laughing.

'Because you're here more here with us than at your own place, so you need to pull your weight' Carmen joked.

'Cabrona' Joey stated.

'Manners!' Carmen warned her, with a smile. Seb was watching the two interact and he couldn't help but notice how Joey seemed like a completely different person when at home with her family. She had already noticed it in Ireland, but being at her brother's had only confirmed it. She seemed more at ease, more natural, happier. He wondered if he had really met the real Joey before then.

'Could you stop staring? I feel rather uncomfortable' Joey's voice reconnected him to the real world.

'Sorry, sorry, I was in my head' he replied.

'All good?' She asked, smiling.

'All good' he reassured her. He wrapped himself around her back, stamping a light kiss on her cheek. 'I was just thinking how more at ease you look here in the UK than back at the paddock.'

'Am I? I guess it's "safer" here. These people have known me most of my life, if not all my life. I don't have to care about the way I speak or the way I act. I can be me. At the paddock there is so much... scrutiny. Even more so now that people seem so interested in our lives... I have to behave for my sake and yours'

'You don't have to worry about me' Seb interjected.

'But I do, and I will.' She replied. 'Because I care about you... I care about us'

Seb hugged her a little tighter. He was really falling for this woman.

'Now, please take the wine to the table. I think this is ready. Carmeeeen! Creo que la paella esta lista' she shouted for her sister in law.

'Before I go... that Spanish accent... think you can use it in the bedroom?' Seb concluded his thought in German.

'Halt die Klappe, Vettel!' Joey said, turning bright red. The man really had a way to make her feel fired up inside. Joey watched as he childishly giggled and left the room, after having stolen a kiss from her.

'I like him. I really like him.' Carmen stated.

'I do too. Maybe too much' 

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