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Av ThatOneChaoticChild

110K 3.6K 1.3K

๐“๐ก๐ž๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐š๐ข๐ ๐†๐จ๐๐ฌ ๐๐ข๐๐ง'๐ญ ๐ž๐ฑ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ. ๐๐จ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐›๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ ๐ข๐ญ...๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐ฅ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐œ๐š... Mer

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โ˜…ๅฝก[แด„สœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ ๊œฐแดแดœส€]ๅฝกโ˜…

5.7K 177 143
Av ThatOneChaoticChild

★彡[ᴅɪᴀɴᴀ ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ]彡★

I walked back towards the cabin ready for some shut eye. The entrance ceremony earlier was tiring from the tremendous heat to standing for what seemed like hours. I just wanted to lay down and fall into my world of dreams.

I was still a distance from the cabin when I heard someone shriek nearby. I quickly picked up the pace and ran towards where the sound came from, wondering what could be happening at that time of night.

"I'm sorry there is isn't more. It's all I could take." I heard a soft feminine voice speak. Walking closer, I saw Sasha kneeling on the floor with a roll of bread in her hands with another female. She had long blond blonde hair that reached her mid back and large blue eyes. She was pretty, if I do say so myself. I then turned my attention back to Sasha.

"You do realize you could have gathered unwanted attention with that scream." I said as I walked out of the shadows making them both gasp and look at me.

"Eat that slowly otherwise you'll choke and die." I informed Sasha to which she immediately began wolfing down the bread, not heeding my warning. I rolled my eyes and looked towards the blonde girl who held what seemed to be a water bottle for Sasha as she continued to stare at Sasha eating the bread.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I kneeled in front of her making her look at me in surprise.

"I-I'm fine, thank you." She answered, her voice soft as soft as her expression. I couldn't help as a small smile made its way towards my face. Although her voice was soft, it sounded off, almost like it was forced rather than natural. I then looked towards what she was holding near her chest.

"What's that?" I asked as I nodded my head towards her own hands.

"Oh, it's some water I brought for Sasha." She answered as she held out the bottle. I hummed in response as I took it out of the blonde's hold and turned towards the brunette.

"Oi potato girl." I called out to her. She turned to face me. "Drink some water. Your throat's probably dry from all that running." I saw her eyes widen as she looked at us. 

"You are both goddesses, aren't you?!" She suddenly exclaimed as she placed her hands on both mine and the blonde's shoulders. "Glory onto you!" She continued to shout and praise us. I was about to shut her up when I heard footsteps walking towards us.

"Hey. Just what are you three girls up to?" I looked up to see who was it that had approached us. My eyes widened as I my eyes met a familiar gaze. It was the girl I saw back in Trost who had broken into one of the churches of the walls and stolen the food. She also had heard about the illegitimate child who was sent to the Cadet Corp. But why was she here?

"Well uh, she's been running all day, without any food or water." The petite blonde answered.

"Don't get me wrong. I happened to be walking by when I heard someone shriek." I added.

"I see. So you're trying to be nice, huh?" The standing brunette asked making the short blonde lean back in surprise. Just as soon as she had asked that, Sasha took the last gulp of her water before she passed out, her head landing on my lap. As soon as her head hit her lap, she fell asleep and began to snore as she got some crumbs on my tunic and skin making me slightly pissed off.

"What's the point for breaking the rules for potato girl?" She asked as she looked at Sasha's sleeping figure. "That mindless act of kindness gets you absolutely nowhere." Her eyes hazel eyes darted between the blonde girl and I as if she was waiting for an answer.

I sighed quietly. "How troublesome." I mumbled loudly before taking Sasha's arm and draping it over her shoulders. I stood up along with potato girl and began to walk away, effectively dragging her feet as I walked. 

Suddenly, I felt Sasha's weight on me decrease which made me confused. Looking at my right side, I saw that the brunette had draped Sasha's other arm over her own shoulders helping me carry her.

"So why are you being nice all of a sudden?" I asked her before she smirked at me.

"I'm helping you so that you'll owe me one in the future." She answered before turning her gaze over to Sasha same with her. "Her too. I plan to make use of her stupidity." I hummed before turning to the short blonde who was looking at us with wide eyes.

"Let's go. I'm tired and I don't feel like leaving anyone outside right now." I said to which she scrambled to stand up and began to walk beside me. We walked in silence as we made out way back to the cabin.

"So I don't get your name." The blonde's soft voice broke. "I already know Diana from the entrance ceremony, so what's your name?" I turned to look at the brunette who was looking ahead, seemingly not paying attention. I was about to call her when she spoke up.

"Ymir. The name's Ymir." She answered.

"No second name?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope, I'm an orphan." She answered blankly even though it seemed like a personal topic.

"Oh, my name is Christa Lenz. Nice to meet you both." Christa said with a smile. I just nodded in response as I looked up at the night sky.

"Hey Diana." Ymir called and I looked at her. "What's with your second name? King? Are you from a royal family or something." She asked me.

"No, it was the name of my mother since I never knew my dad." I answered. "Even if I was from a royal family, why would I come all this way to the military? I would already have everything I needed." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Christa flinch before looking down at the floor. I quirked an eyebrow but I didn't say anything.

"Makes sense." Ymir said as she readjusted Sasha's arm on her shoulders.

"Christa." Said female turned to look at me. "I don't mean any disrespect or anything. but why are you soldier? Your figure is small and seems fragile so why exactly are you here instead of staying inside the walls?" At hearing my question, her blue irises widened in surprise before looking down at the ground. I sighed before looking ahead.

"Sorry. Insensitive question. Forget I-" I began to apologize when she cut me off.

"Your right. I am small and fragile. I just don't want to live behind those wall until I die because sooner or later there going to fall just like Wall Maria did. I'm tired of people looking down at me just because I look weak and I want to prove that I'm not weak. Even if it means I have to die." She said with determination, her eyes glistening which made my own eyes widen in surprise.

"And also Diana." She added and I looked at her. "Don't apologize. I like your honesty."

"But I say it so bluntly, it always makes people pissed off." I said as I looked down at the floor.

"Their fault they can't handle the truth." Ymir piped up as she looked at me with a smirk. "Also, won't your hair get in the way when your using you ODM Gear? It's pretty long."

"I'll just tie it. It's a pain for having to cut my hair." I said as I blew a strand of hair out of my face.

"Yeah it kinda is." Crista chimed in as Ymir hummed in response. Afterwards a comfortable silence engulfed us we walked. Soon the cabin came into view which made readjust Sasha on my arm as she was heavy.

"Hey angel, open the door for us would ya'?" Ymir asked referring to Christa. The blonde nodded and went to open the door as Ymir and climbed up the steps. As we entered, I noticed some of the girls were already asleep but some were still wide awake, chatting with each other.

"Where's Sasha's bed?" I asked and a girl pointed to a bunk bed that was not too far from mine. We walked towards it and placed the sleeping girl onto it. Ymir stood up and stretched while I placed her on the bed and took of her jacket so that she could sleep comfortably.

"Thank you so much." Christa piped up as I stood and stretched my back.

"She's heavy." Ymir commented making me roll my eyes.

"No problem Christa. Have a good night you two." I said as I began to walk away. They also said good night and walked off in the same direction, making me conclude that there beds were by each other or they were bunk mates. I made way back, wondering whether Mikasa was asleep or if she was still with Armin and Eren talking about Mr. Yeager.

'How come Eren doesn't remember. It's either his father did something to him and did something to make him forget or...' I shook my head dismissing my previous thought. 'It's too early to think like that. I just need to figure out who that other man in my dream was.'

"Diana!" I voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Mikasa standing beside our bunk bed, a look of worry on her face. 

"What's wrong?" I asked as I approached her.

"I was wondering where you were because you still hadn't arrived when I came." She said as she shook her head. It was then I realized that her was considerably shorter than the last time I saw her which wasn't too long ago. It was now like Armin's, a bob like hairstyle that reached her chin.

"Did you cut your hair?" I asked as I ran my fingers through her black hair. I saw her cheeks redden as she looked down at the floor shyly.

"Yeah. Eren said I should cut it so that it doesn't get in the way when we use the ODM Gear." She answered. "Are you going to cut yours?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"I'm just going to tie it into a ponytail if needed." I answered as I proceeded to take of my shoes and belt. I didn't need to change because I could still sleep in my tunic and I wasn't feeling cold. I climbed onto my bed and pulled the cover over my body, letting the end fall on my shoulders.

"Good night Diana." I heard Mikasa say.

"Good night Mikasa." I told her before falling into my world of slumber.




I had woken up just after the sun was beginning to rise. I guess with the new surroundings and less warmth on me, my body was forcing me to get up unlike the other times back in Trost. There was no else awake so I had to quietly grab my uniform and a shirt so that I didn't wake anyone else up. 

After taking a shower, I put my casual clothes on my bed and tied my hair in a ponytail with while some bangs hang on either side of my bed. I looked down at Mikasa who was sleeping peacefully, her expression more soft than her usual stoic one. She looked cute when she slept. 

Wait...cute? I shook my head trying to tone down the blush that was creeping onto my cheeks. Why would I ever think that? Sure she was pretty. Ugh, now I sound like a creep.

I quietly walked out of the cabin and shut the door. I turned around and was met with a slightly strong wind blowing past causing my long black to flow to the side. I rubbed my arms up and down as I looked up at the sky.

"It's really cold. I'm starting to regret not wearing a heavier shirt inside but there are little clouds in the sky so that means it's going to be a hot day." I mumbled to myself. "Let me go out for a run." I descended down the steps and began jogging to warm myself up slightly. I decided to run around the whole camp as way of warming up, exercising and waiting for the other cadets all in one.

It took about twenty minutes for me run around the camp but luckily I was able to warm myself up and a lot of cadets had already woken up and were up and about. I saw one of the supervisors giving out what seemed to be straps to where to people. I recognized them as the ones I saw the Garrison and Military Police members wearing as I took a stroll around town.

I walked up to him and he gave them to me. I took off the brown uniform jacket and easily put on the straps. I picked my jacket and put it on as I walked towards the group of people standing in front of some weird machinery. I stood on the front corner of the crowd, wondering what would be today's task.

Suddenly, I felt an arm snake around my waist and pulled me backwards into someone's chest. I looked up, not entirely surprised at who did that.

"Good morning to you too, Reiner." I said blankly as I saw him smirk.

"Morning princess." He said as he leaned down, since he was considerably taller than me.

"Reiner, stop that!" Bertholdt, the peacemaker, chimed in from behind Reiner. "Good morning Diana." He greeted me as he flashed me a nervous smile.

"Good morning Bertholdt." I greeted him back with a nod. He was about to say something when a hand was wrapped around my shoulders and I was pulled out of Reiner's hold. I looked up to see Ymir slightly glaring at Reiner, who was also, as Christa stood by her side.

"Ymir?" I mumbled, confused at the action. She looked down at me and her expression turned softer almost immediately.

"Hello Diana, my beautiful goddess." She greeted as she  rubbed her cheek against mine making me blush at the affection since no one aside from the Wilsons and my mother had done this.

"M-Morning Ymir, Christa." I greeted as I acknowledged both females.

"Morning Diana, Reiner, Bertholdt." Christa greeted us. Ymir looked at Christa for a brief second before slinging her other hand over Christa's shoulder. She brought both of us closer to her as she smiled.

"You're both so perfect. How about after this we all get married?" I looked at her in shock as Christa could only look at her confused. I felt my face getting hotter as I covered it with my hand.

"D-Don't go saying such stuff out loud Ymir!" I scolded here to which she just laughed with a smirk on her face. Before she could retaliate my statement, Bertholdt spoke up.

"Hey, Shadis is coming." He warned making Ymir let go of me and Christa. We stood at attention as the Commandant made his way to stand in front of the machinery. I could already start feeling the temperature starting to rise which made me glad that I wore a light shirt.

"It's aptitude test time so listen up!" He barked out. "There is no place for you here if cannot perform! Fail and be shipped to the fields!" I let out a quiet sigh as some supervisors came and began to call out names. Basically, the whole point of this was to test whether how good you could balance in mid-air when you use ODM Gear. 

Soon after, my name was called out alongside Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Connie and Sasha. I stood still as the supervisor strapped in the harness onto my belt. Afterwards he stepped back and signalled another cadet to pull me up. As I was lifted off the ground, I stayed completely staying still, only moving slightly due to the wind blowing me side to side. 

For some odd reason, it didn't feel weird being in mid-air. It was almost natural for me, especially because I had maintained my center of gravity well and was not having trouble staying upright like the other. I could feel several pairs of eyes on my figure. I wasn't comfortable with it but what could I do? Tell them to stop looking? Highly impossible.

I decided to test how it would feel moving around using the gear. I began to slowly but steadily lean back, one of my legs facing downwards while the other also moved with me. I could hear people gasping in shock but that didn't break my focus. I stopped once I reached a point where my back was facing the ground and I was looking at the sky without craning my neck back. I stayed there for a couple seconds before manuevaring myself to stand upright once again. 

After a few moments, I felt myself being lowered down to the ground. The supervisor came and removed the harness to which I thanked him and walked towards where I was standing previously with Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir and Christa.

"You did amazing Diana." Christa congratulated me as I walked closer to them.

"It's incredible how you had such proper control." Bertholdt complimented me.

"Thanks. How did the others do?" I asked as I stood beside Reiner and Ymir.

"Everyone else did pretty good, though you and Mikasa were the best, princess." Reiner answered with a smirk.

"Everyone except for that guy." Ymir said, pointing in a certain direction. I followed her line of vision to see Eren hanging upside down. My eyes widened, wondering how he got into the questionably position. I could see people laughing and whispering to one another as they pointed at the brunette boy. I let out a sigh for the umpteenth time as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Wait wasn't he the same guy who vowed he was gonna kill the titans." Ymir spoke as she leaned on my, her hand on my shoulder. "How's he gonna do that if he can't function ODM Gear?" She asked sarcastically.

"Don't be so rude, Ymir." Christa reprimanded her but Ymir only shrugged in response.

Soon Eren was let down and others were called to take the test. Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir and Christa did well enough to pass the test a meaning they weren't going to be sent off to the fields. I thought Eren was going to be sent off to the fields but luckily for him Commandant Shadis gave him another day to prove himself he will be sent off to the fields.

The aptitude test ended up taking the whole day so I just sat with Ymir and Christa while Reiner and Bertholdt went of somewhere. As the day ended, Shadis instructed us to go change and take dinner. I walked back into the cabin alongside my two new acquaintances as Eren, Mikasa and Armin stayed behind. I didn't know whether to call them friends because I had never had any, aside from Armin back after the wall fell. I wasn't used to having people talk talk to me because I found out people find me intimidating. So I wasn't to call them friends unless they wanted me to do.

I changed my clothing and made my way to the Mess Hall at a slow pace, not really tired from the events that transpired that day. I saw Annie on the staircase and walked towards her. She spotted me and gave me a brief nod to which I did the same and we entered the building. 

Walking in a comfortable silence, we took our dinner and made our way to an empty table, which were more than the previous night since we had arrived earlier. We sat down and ate in silence, letting the sounds of other cadets talking with one another fill our ears.

"Hello again ladies." Reiner's voice broke through the silence.

"Hey." Annie said while I just nodded in response. He along with whom I guessed as Bertholdt sat down next to and ate their dinner. A few minutes after the duo arrived, I had already finished eating my soup and I didn't feel like eating my bread. I was wondering what to do with it when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Sasha standing next to me, eyeing the bread.

"Are you...going to eat that?" She asked as she pointed to the bread roll. I looked at her then the bread before letting out a sight for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"Sure, help yourself." I tossed her the bread to which she caught and thanked me graciously.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She repeated. "You really are a goddess."

'She's really thankful for her food, even if it's a little.' I thought as I saw her head back to her table and quickly eat the bread as if it was going to disappear. I shook my head and stood up, ready to take my dishes until I felt a hand hold my wrist.

"Hang on princess. Why are you leaving so early?" Reiner asked as he kept a hold my wrist.

"So I can sleep early. Reiner this isn't some vacation where I can sleep late. It's the military and I want to be prepared for tomorrow." I stated as I placed my free hand back on the table.

"Diana has her own life. Don't drag her down with your nonsense." Annie piped up as she stood up and pulled me out of Reiner's grasp. He growled lowly before going back to eat his food.

"Night." I told them as I walked away. They both repeated the word before going back to eat.

"Thanks." I told Annie as we walked back to the cabin.

"No problem." She muttered but I still heard her. "I have a question?" She asked.

"Go ahead." I told her as I interlaced my fingers and placed them behind my back.

"Why do you talk to me?" She asked. "I'm quiet and don't like talking to people. So..why?"

I thought for a moments before I looked at her. "Because you're quiet and I don't have to force myself to talk when I'm with you. We can just sit in silence and it won't be awkward. Being around is just...calming." I saw look at me in surprise before looking the either direction.

"Annie?" I asked. She still hadn't said anything which was making me worry. Had I said something wrong? Was I not supposed to say that? I lifted my hand and moved to push back Annie's right bang so that I could see her face. I didn't expect what I saw.

Annie's cheeks were bright red as her lips were pressed together in a straight yet shaky line as her blue eyes darted to look everywhere but my questioning gaze.

"Sorry. It's just..." She began. "No one has ever said anything nice to me before so I'm just so flustered. God, this is so embarrassing." She mumbled to herself the last part but I still heard it.

"Alright. I thought I said something to upset you so I was worried." I said as I removed my hand from her hair and began walking forward.

"I like your company too." Annie spoke up. I turned back to see her face was still red, though lighter than the first time. The clouds then parted showing the moon as its light fell upon us. 

"That's good to hear." I told Annie with a small smile as the moonlight hit my face making my eyes glow.

[~In case you forgot how you/she look when the moon or sunlight hits your eyes~]




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35.5K 1K 26
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35.1K 1.1K 51
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