Twins of Love*

By japanese_bluefairy

13.9K 264 46

Musa has completed her studies in Alfea and is happily engaged to Riven. The young music fairy dreams of a qu... More

1. Shopping
2. Disappeared
3. When you least expect it...
4. Muse
5. Reckless choice
7. Living together
8. New Life?
9. Dreams or reality
10. The source of magic
11. Witch blood
12. Riven's marriage
13. The showdown
14. Together again
15. Restart
16. The new king
17. The tournament
18. Rhythm and melody
19. Orange Blossom?
20. Changes
21. The penthouse
22. It's just the beginning

6. Caring for you

750 15 1
By japanese_bluefairy

"Damn, Riv!" Whistles Brandon "what a cool apartment! No wonder Musa wants to get away from Alfea" laughs the specialist.

" Congrats, man" says Sky touching Riven's shoulder.

"Few cheers, guys, help me get everything ready!" then the redhead said, smiling slyly. They had loaded up with bags of groceries, decorations and various gifts. Nabu looks around, he wasn't used to such dwellings on Andros. Riven notices him.

"Hey... You okay, man?"

"Um? Yeah, yeah... I was just looking at your house. It's... well, peculiar," he says, smiling.

"You've never seen an apartment before, huh..." says Riven without being mean. He pats him on the shoulder. "So, will you help me at the stove?"

"Of course!" Smiles the young wizard from Andros.

Riven, before the night at the disco, had planned a dinner in his new apartment, on the terrace due to the quite warm evening. He and Nabu would cook, Helia and Brandon would take care of the table and the decorations up on the terrace and Sky and Timmy would set up the stereo system to play some music.

"At 7 p.m. you will have a half hour to get ready and pick up your babes. Take advantage of my pixie when she's in the shower."

The plan was this: while Musa would get ready in the bathroom, the girls would leave with an excuse - Stella was always resourceful in this area - and they would go with them to Riven's apartment. Then he would go out to get his fairy, finding the surprise at home. He hoped Timmy wouldn't screw up with his goofiness.

The specialists got the signal from Tecna and the others, who were already ready, leaving Musa to get ready last.

"MUUUUSAA! Damn, we forgot to get the cake!" Squeals the blonde fairy. "We're going to the bakery to get it along with all the other stuff!" she says before disappearing with the others, giving Musa no time to respond.

The five of them sneak off finding the boys' ship and jump on board. Musa gets out of the shower but is weirded out: her super sensitive ears don't pick up any noise. She looks out into the living room and can't hear or see anyone.

"Hey what..."

Musa wanders around the apartment still naked, seeing no one. Her cell phone rings, it was Riven.


" Are you ready pixie? I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

"Um...yeah, almost..." she says as she gets dressed, talking to him. "Look sweetie, I have to wait for the girls! I figured they went to get the cake, I don't know..." she says hurriedly slipping on her stockings, without tearing them.

"Don't worry about them, we're going to go for a little ride and then head back to Alfea. Get dressed, bye" he hangs up.

Musa throws her cell phone away on the bed and finishes dressing. She adds bold fishnet stockings to her burgundy leather skirt and black sequined top. She then pairs some vertiginous heels, short leather jacket and then does her eye makeup with a smokey and to her lips red lipstick. She prefers to leave her hair loose and straight. She comes down just in time, but there are still no girls. Riven flashes his headlights to signal Musa. His jaw drops as soon as he sees her.

"Hey, hottie... " he says pulling her to him and kissing her longingly.

"Mmm... but have you seen the girls!"

Riven snorts.

"Saddle up and don't bother!" He hands her the helmet.

"But..." Musa understands. It was all arranged, if she wanted to, Riven would have found an excuse, just like Stella did. She puts on her helmet and gets on the bike. Arriving at Riven's apartment, the boy opens the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIXIE!" they all say in chorus.

"Damn, I should have known! Riv, you're no good at keeping secrets!" She laughs, happy and amused.

"You guys are amazing and I thank you with all my heart!" She hugs everyone. Brandon ruffles her hair.

"But tonight, it looks like you want to bury Riven in this outfit!"

"Hey what the fuck..." the young man was about to rail but everyone laughs, including Musa.

"Come on, don't pout... " she says leaning in and kissing him. "You are the most beautiful gift I have ever received..." she whispers to him softly. She looks at him in his deep purple eyes, not realizing that he had ventured to her mouth, red as blood. Musa closes her eyes returning the kiss with intense passion.

"Come on lovebirds, or dinner will get cold!" Brandon calls to them.

They go up to the small terrace and all sit at the table, Riven and Nabu had prepared a delicious dinner, trying their best.

"We need to prepare for the rivers of alcohol tonight," Stella says with a full mouth.

"If you're going to spill out from too much alcohol, I'm going to disown you as a friend!" Says Aisha laughing.

"Oooh geez, that only happened once!"

"If you can't handle alcohol, you do like Flora, at two rounds of shots and half a cocktail you stop!" Andros' fairy retorts.

Flora giggles. The nature fairy couldn't hold too much alcohol but she still knew how to have fun. Helia didn't like to drink, she found it a stupid way to have fun but she didn't want to judge her friends for it. Once dinner was over, around 11pm, the little group headed to the disco. Luckily, since it was officially the last day of school, they didn't have to go back to Alfea for that night. Upon entering the club, Musa walks up to the counter.

"Hey, Bill! First round of shots are on me tonight!"

Bill, the club's bartender, laughs in amusement.

"Musa, is it your birthday by any chance?"

"You could say that!"

Riven emboldens Bill but Brandon elbows him.

"Come on, you've known Bill for months now, he can be his uncle, come on. Don't be a jealous prick...come on up."

Riven snorts and walks over to the bar, grabbing Musa by the hips. His girlfriend hands him the shot.

"Here's to you and me, my bad boy."

"Here's to you and me, pixie."

They both laugh and send down, as do the others. The night begins, the girls rock the dance floor, in between rounds of shots. Flora, Helia, Timmy and Nabu sit at the table, watching them. The beautiful nature fairy giggles and shakes her head. She liked ballet better, and besides, she loved seeing Musa and Aisha romp to the music.

"They've got rhythm in their blood...and more importantly they're good at holding alcohol unlike me."

"Well, I prefer a posh girl like you, you know that..." says Helia giving her a sweet kiss. They still enjoy the evening. They had decided to break the rules and share a piña colada. Timmy, on the other hand, snorts boredly.

"Why aren't you dancing?" Nabu asks as he downs a sip of beer.

"I should ask you the same question..."

"Aisha makes me dream, look at her... I'd rather watch her and wait for her when she comes to sit and rest" he says smiling. "What about you? You're not even drinking."

"Um, last time I drank I got beat up by Riven for know how it is...then I'm clumsy on the track, I'd rather be here."

Nabu laughs in amusement and resumes drinking, watching Aisha moving sensually to the music with her friends. Timmy on the other hand blushes seeing for the first time an uninhibited and... irrational Tecna! Muse dances without detaching herself from Riven, a little tipsy, a little willing....

"Riven... oh Riven..."

"... Why is it you, Riven?" He humorously chants at her, holding her tightly by the hips.

"Let's go get another mojito!"

"No pixie, you're already cooked, you've had enough to drink tonight."

"Noooo come on!"

Riven rolls his eyes. He pulls her closer to him, touching her butt.

"If you want, let's continue at home... " he whispers in her ear.

"Mmmm yes..." she says laughing. She was gone. The others, after enough dancing, all sit down at the table. Riven joins them with a very drunk but still somewhat lucid Musa.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are off. Have a good time!"

"Bye guys! Break that fucking bed!!! Yuuuhuuu!" Shrieks Stella now with her head clouded by alcohol.

Riven loads Muse on the bike and they go back home. Luckily the club was nearby, otherwise the young specialist would have risked a ticket for drunk driving. Even though he was holding his alcohol divinely, he was still at risk. Musa slurs a few words, losing even that small glimmer of lucidity. She clings to him, kissing him ardently.

"Fuck me!"

"No, Muse... it's time for bed..." he whispers to her softly. He didn't think it was appropriate to have sex with her semi-unconscious.

"No, Riven! No! I want to fuck you!" She says opening his shirt. Riven grabs her by the wrists.

"Musa, no. You're drunk."

Musa looks at him with eyes full of rage, starting to scream.

"You want to fuck that bitch Darcy huh! Go to her, asshole! Go to that cock eater bitch of a witch!"

Caught up in a fit of rage, she slaps him in the face smashing his bottom lip and blowing out his right earring.

"Musa that's enough!" Riven picks her up and carries her upstairs. He starts to undress her but she struggles, crying.

"Leave me, I don't want you anymore, don't touch me!!!"

Riven doesn't listen to her. He simply undresses her leaving her in her underwear, always sensual and refined. He then opens a drawer in his closet, pulls out one of her shirts and puts it on her. Musa stops moaning and screaming. She looks at Riven who, still in silence, undresses remaining in his underwear. He picks up her clothes and puts them on a chair near the nightstand. He takes a tissue, the kind you see in love movies where the protagonists' tears are drowned in, and wipes away all the smudged makeup from her face. God, how beautiful she looked even in soap and water! She had two gorgeous big blue eyes, that when she smiled they became tiny. He loved it when she did that....

Musa trembled at his every single touch, looking at him with helpless puppy eyes... but Riven didn't want to hurt her. He picked her up again and placed her beside him on the bed, then held her to his chest. He kisses her forehead, caresses her hair, and continues until she falls asleep.

Musa wakes up in Riven's big bed with an excruciating headache. She grabs her cell phone to see what time it was... it was almost 11 o'clock, damn it! She turns to her right but there's no sign of Riven. No, not again. She goes downstairs, still dazed. She squints as she looks toward the kitchen island, then crinkles her eyes again...there he was. He was sitting, intent on eating his scrambled eggs and sipping his black, bitter coffee. Musa approaches, still shaken. She sits across from him, who slams a glass with water in front of her. He looks at her with angry, sharp eyes... Musa didn't expect anything good from that look.

" First of all, I don't have sex with drunk women. Not even with my girlfriend. Secondly, you've had too much to drink. Third, not just because you don't make out like Stella means you can handle alcohol. Fourth, hydrate yourself..." he then says, putting her breakfast in front of her: fruit salad, wholemeal bread and honey.

Musa raises her eyes, then lowers them with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry Riv... I fucked up."

"Good thing you were with me, otherwise I don't dare imagine how it would have ended!" He blurts out.

"What do you mean?!"

"Maybe you would have ended up in the clutches of some maniac who would have taken advantage of your drunken state! Left on the floor, naked, in the street... or worse, killed! I don't like you drinking so much, Musa. And I know you did when you were alone with the girls, you almost got into trouble if it wasn't for Bill..."

"Are you saying I'm not capable of taking care of myself!" She replies back.

"I'm saying you should control yourself! Did you even hear yourself last night! You looked like a nymphomaniac!" He rants in his girlfriend's face. Musa feels a chill on her back....

Riven looks at her, snorting through his nose. Then he sits back down, looking at her intently. Musa feels mortified... after all, he could have taken advantage of her and instead had taken care of her. She, in response, had slapped him angrily. She gets up, pulling down the shirt she was wearing a bit and goes back upstairs, crying silently. Riven rolls his eyes and reaches for her, grabbing her by the wrist.

"Come here pixie..." he pulls her to him, letting her vent on his broad chest.

"I love you, you know...I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I... I..." she tries to speak but can't. Riven calms her down by kissing the top of her head. "Stay here for today, I called Flora to ask her to bring you some more comfortable clothes."

The fairy doesn't utter a word. She looks up, caresses the face of her beloved and passes a hand over his lip: a warm aura gently caresses the wound that she herself had given him, healing it. She does the same, passing her hand over the reddened earlobe.

"I love you Riven. Please don't leave me..."

"No, pixie...I won't leave you" he kisses her hands, those magical hands that had lovingly erased the damage from the night before that she herself had caused.

Shortly after finishing breakfast, Helia arrives. The boy knocks and Riven opens. He had Musa's backpack in his hands while Flora had also brought her laptop and guitar.

"I always say that drinking too much is bad for you," says the black-haired specialist as he carefully stows Musa's things on the couch. Flora hugs her friend.

"We really have to go now but if you need anything, just call, okay honey?"

Musa nods and returns the hug.

"I love you..." she whispers to her friend. Flora smiles caressing her hair again. She and Helia leave the apartment. Riven picks up his fairy in his arms carrying her upstairs. They enter the bathroom, he begins to undress her.

"What are you doing?"

"A cool shower is great for sobering up," he says slipping off her shirt and thong, then undresses himself. They step into the shower together. Musa lets herself go, relaxing under the jet of water. She feels Riven's hands in her hair... a delicious smell of argan comes to her nose.

"Mmm your shampoo..."

"Sssshh... relax pixie..." he says continuing to wash her hair carefully. He does the same to the rest of his little fairy's body. He was afraid to break her like she was made of the finest Chinese porcelain. As he dries her, he leaves little kisses along her body, from her neck to her legs.

"How the fuck have you gone soft, Riven... "he thinks to himself. "All it took was this little fairy with the melodious voice, the funny little pigtails and the upturned ass to make you lose all trace of your being. You couldn't even love yourself, and now you're taking care of her. "

His own thoughts bothered him. He chases them away as he dresses his precious little woman. He dresses comfortably, too, putting both of them in sweats. Musa had a gray cotton one, shorts; he wore a black one with red detailing. They both stay in tank tops, it was hot from the jacket. He combed and dried her hair - how wonderful. They were pure silk the color of the night. Often when they slept together, he would get lost in caressing them.

"Riv, listen..." she finally says, breaking the silence that had lasted almost an hour.

"Tell me."

"It's graduation in two weeks, but I'm officially done yesterday so... how about, tomorrow, you help me move in?"

"I say it's about time..." he says kissing her neck. "Now come on, I still have to give you your present," he says taking her by the hand and going downstairs with her.

"But, much have you spent these days?"

"I don't think that's any of your business, you know?" He says smiling slyly. Ahhh, Musa would love to slap him every time he smiles like that.

He hands her a gift envelope. Musa opens it and unwraps the contents. It was a perfume, the expensive and refined kind.

"So you can stop smelling like a tomboy or borrowing that bad perfume from Stella. This is lavender, like the one you wore for our anniversary.

"It's...delicious," she says sniffing it. Musa didn't wear any perfume except deodorant and body creams. However, during one of her wild shopping adventures with Stella, she had received the small sample of that was lavender, but had some spicy notes, light and pleasant.

"How did you find it?"

"Pff, all I had to do was ask the blonde from Solaria..."

Musa laughs in amusement. She sprays a few drops on her wrists, letting the fragrance evaporate.

"You know, singing fairy, perfume is a very intimate gift..." he tells her, lifting her face to kiss it gently. Musa closes her eyes, savoring the kiss... Him, her, lavender.

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