Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

By koi_coffee_

248K 8.5K 6.2K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... More

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6.4K 177 71
By koi_coffee_

A soft hum slipped from Atsumu's mouth as he opened his eyes, squinting a bit as the sun peaking in through his semi-closed curtains fell on his face. Laying underneath him was Sakusa, still fast, and peacefully asleep.

He couldn't help but look at the other below him in awe, yesterday felt like a dream, and yet every single moment was as real as it could've been.

"..mm." Sakusa mumbled softly, making Atsumu's wandering mind come back to reality. "'Tsumu.."

"G'mornin' Omi, did ya sleep okay?" The blonde rested his chin on his hand, his head slightly elevated so he could look at the stunning ravenette he was almost glued to.

"Mhm." Sakusa nodded, reaching an arm out to gently brush aside some of Atsumu's messy hair before leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on the blondes forehead. "Did you?"

"Mhm, yer better than any pillow I have." Atsumu chuckled lightheartedly, causing a small smile to make it's way onto Sakusa's face.

Said ravenette had gone to respond when Atsumu beat him to it.

"Ya know, 'm still partly convinced this is a dream, everythin' otta be too good t' be true." Atsumu still has a part of him that wasn't coming to terms with the fact this was real, he was with Sakusa, they were together, they'd wake up together in the mornings, exchange sweet hugs, passionate kisses, and I love you's. It all seemed like a miracle to the blonde, but, that was far from the case.

"All this isn't a dream, right..?" Atsumu had to make sure, as if he really was, it surely wasn't a dream he wanted to wake up from.

Sakusa on the other hand was far past well aware how real everything was, which of course caused an amused chuckle as he rolled his eyes playfully. The ravenette slid the hand that'd been lightly brushing through Atsumu's hair, down to the blondes cheek before leading him forwards. Leaning in, Sakusa's lips met Atsumu's, stunning the other at first before he gradually kissed back, relaxing into the hold of his now lover. The kiss was simple, gentle and passionate, making both males feel at peace.

When Sakusa had pulled back, he smiled softly as Atsumu placed a hand on his.

"Its a dream come true, 'Tsumu." Sakusa's tone was soft and sweet, a pretty rare occurrence considering the usual monotone that'd come from him.

"Ya could say that again.." Atsumu mumbled quietly, still feeling the tiredness from just a few minutes prior lingering.

The blonde let out a small breath before laying his head back down on Sakusa's chest, his hand still intertwined as said ravenette's as he let his eyes fall shut. The sound of Sakusa's steady heartbeat was simply enough to aid him on his way back to sleep.

"Tired still?" Sakusa questioned as he looked to Atsumu, who simply managed a small nod alongside a muffled hum, he still felt drop dead tired and didn't have the energy to look at the ravenette with him again.

"In that case.. a few more hours wouldn't hurt, get some more rest 'Tsumu." Sakusa smiled fondly as he watched Atsumu nod once again. He took the nod as permission to do the same as he didn't want to fall asleep while Atsumu had still been awake, so now, Sakusa let his eyes fall shut yet again.

The two slowly drifted off, holding one another so affectionately as the early morning set a loving mood; this was their new reality, and it was nothing short of perfect.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•

°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

"Where to?" Sakusa questioned, himself and Atsumu had just left the house seeing as how said blonde seemed to have somewhere he wanted to go.

"There's an arcade 'Samu an' I would hang around when we were little, I thought ya might like it!" Atsumu smiled brightly, causing Sakusa to smile softly under his mask.

"It's not as popular as it used t' be, so there shouldn't be too many people, are ya up for it?"

"Sure, why not." Sakusa nodded lightly, his small smile growing as he felt Atsumu intertwine their fingers while they walked.

The rest of the way there, Sakusa listened to the rather overjoyed blonde at his side as he pointed out little parts of his town, he seemed to have a memory linked to just about everything.

Normally, by now however, Sakusa would've told any other person to stop talking so much, but Atsumu — Atsumu was an exception, especially seeing how much joy he got from talking about all the little thing's he did in his home town.

His talking, something Sakusa could listen to for hours, eventually halted as they came to a stop outside the arcade's doors. It was a fairly sized building, giving off a colder yet flashy sense as its colours were a big mix of darker blue shades, blacks, purples, and then contrasts of neon yellows, greens, and pinks.

"Yer gonna love it here Omi, I already know it!" Atsumu smiled brightly to himself as he pushed the arcade door open, holding it for Sakusa so the other wouldn't have to touch it.

"I'll take your word for it 'Tsumu." Sakusa nodded, a soft smile resting under his mask as they made their way inside.

Atsumu kept his word, and like said, the place was far from crowded, it was almost as if they had the entire arcade to themselves.

Flashy arcade cabinets lined the walls, LEDs outlining the ceilings and the floors, faint music playing over speakers, galaxy painted carpets covering the ground, this was the kind of place Atsumu had grown very familiar with as he'd sneak out with Osamu on special occasions to come visit.

Speaking of Atsumu, said blonde looked to Sakusa, who of which seemed to be focused on taking in every detail the arcade held, a small shine sitting in his beautiful black eyes. They'd only just gotten there and he seemed to be enjoying it, which warmed Atsumu's heart.

That warm feeling however wasn't focused on for long as Atsumu soon found himself being led off and farther into the arcade by Sakusa, the ravenette had his eyes on a game and mindlessly started walking over.

They started off at Centipede, after getting tokens that is, Centipede it was the first game Sakusa recognized as he used to play it with Komori when they were younger, just not usually in an arcade, so this was a first for him.

Both put a token in, then got the game set on multiplayer before they started. It came as no surprise once the game began that Sakusa held a higher record for points, as he played the game more, where Atsumu on the other hand, he'd normally leave Centipede to Osamu while he went off to play Q*bert.

Saying that, it was pretty obvious who ended up winning. A pretty acknowledgeable victory according to Sakusa as he was quite a few thousand of points ahead of Atsumu, something the blonde wasn't to keen on. So like the player he is, Atsumu instantly challenged Sakusa to another game, all in the name of friendly competition. When in reality, he just wanted to get rid of the smirk he knew Sakusa was hiding under his mask.

Their next means of competition ended up being Donkey Kong, something Atsumu had the upper hand in as it was another game he played with Osamu. It also just so happened to be the one game Osamu couldn't play for the life of him, which left Atsumu to playing it purely for the satisfaction of his brothers misfortune, just sibling things like usual.

Sakusa, on Atsumu's word, went first as the blonde he was accompanied by insisted on it. He slid his token into the cabinet with a gloved hand and eventually focused his attention back on the screen ahead, completely unaware of the fact Atsumu was silently plotting the his loss before he'd even started.

Atsumu had to give it to Sakusa, he was a tad bit surprised by just how far his boyfriend had managed to get before he was killed off, it was farther than he expected, but still not enough to win.

Acknowledging this, it wasn't surprising when Atsumu claimed his victory, both managing to make it to the top and wrack up almost three times the points Sakusa had died with. This left said ravenette wearing a scowl while Atsumu flaunted his victory.

This is how it went for a while between the two, winning and losing titles jumping back and forth between both Sakusa and Atsumu. In total, they ended up going through Centipede, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Q*bert, Galaga, Space Invaders, and Defender. Along the way, the competitive tension had died down and the two opted for helping one another out, which led to some heartwarming memories being made.

Despite the daze of fun the both had been stuck in, it was starting to get late, and for Sakusa who had a seven hour ride home, meant they should start heading back so he wouldn't miss his buss. Or so, this is what Atsumu had told him, and also happened to be what he completely denied.

Instead, while Atsumu was momentarily distracted by a display case of plushes, Sakusa slipped away, making way to a claw machine he'd seen earlier on. Inside were two certain things he was determined to get, a fox plush that looked oddly similar to the blonde he'd been with minutes ago, and a mini sashimi plush keychain he'd heard Atsumu mention before.

It wasn't easy as Sakusa didn't normally have luck with claw games, but he eventually got the fox plush. Now the keychain on the other hand was a different story.. let's just say a lot of tokens went to one keychain, and Sakusa found a whole new level of despite he never knew he had in him, all thanks to a machine.

"Omi-Omi, there ya are! Why'd ya run off on me? Ya know we 'otta start headin' back, right?" Atsumu questioned, confused as he watched Sakusa turn to him seemingly with nothing but a fox plush.

"Mhm, I was just checking something out, we can go." Sakusa smiled softly under his mask as he slipped the sashimi keychain into his pocket, then letting Atsumu take his hand as they headed for the arcade doors.

They were met with a setting sun the second they stepped out into the chilly streets, it was nearing six thirty, which, given the time of year, was right on time for the sun to be setting. Both Sakusa and Atsumu stopped to admire the soft hues of orange, yellow, pink, and purple that painted the sky before they started walking back to the Miya residence.

This time, the walk was almost dead silent, passing cars and distant peoples chatter were the only thing to faintly fill the comfortable silence between the two teens.

When they'd gotten back, it was around six fourth five, fifteen minutes before Sakusa's bus arrived, which left him just enough time to get his bags ready and have a little bit more time with Atsumu.

Speaking of Atsumu, the second they'd walked in the front door, the blondes smile dropped and he hugged Sakusa tight, trying to ignore the fact the other had to leave in only minutes time.

"Do ya have t' go?" It came out as a mumbled question as Atsumu had his face buried in Sakusa's shoulder.

"You know the answer to that 'Tsumu, school's not out yet so I can't say during weeks." Sakusa sighed softly, gently wrapping his arms around Atsumu in return.

"Besides, I wouldn't dwell on it, there's only a month left before summer starts and we can spend more time together, the time will fly by." The dark-haired reassured, his attempt at trying to lighten the situation surprisingly playing in his favour for once.

"Ya promise?" Atsumu lifted his head, a hopeful shine in his eyes as he looked up at the dark-haired in front of him.

"I promise, we can spend all the time together you'd like after that, but for now, no sulking about it." A soft chuckle left Sakusa before he planted a kiss on Atsumu's forehead, turning the previous frown, now into a soft smile.

"M'kay, I'll try not t'." Atsumu nodded slightly before letting Sakusa go, the silent signal saying the other could finally go upstairs and grab his bag.

While he did that, Atsumu stayed downstairs, he stood by the door waiting for Sakusa's return. He really wasn't happy with having to say goodbye again, but, on the bright side, they would get an entire summer together, and that seemed more than worth the wait.

"'Tsumu?" Sakusa called, snapping the blonde ahead of him out of his thoughts.

"Mhm? Do ya have everythin'?" Atsumu smiled softly despite knowing what was bound to happen, seeing Sakusa with his bag only reminded him once again of the others leave.

"Yes, but you don't."

This caused a look of slight confusion to erase what had before been one of misery on Atsumu's face. The blonde watched in silence as Sakusa reached into his pocket, a small smile coming to his face when he pulled the sashimi keychain out.

"I seen you eyeing it from the second we got in the arcade, here." Sakusa took Atsumu's hand and placed the keychain in it before looking up to meet those beautiful honey brown eyes he adored ever so much.

"Thank ya Omi, yer the best." Atsumu's smiled softly, the playfully sweet atmosphere filling the room almost distracting him from the reality of Sakusa's leave.

Heaving put a heavy sigh, Atsumu's smile dropped slightly as he slipped the keychain into his pocket, eyes once again making their way back to Sakusa's face after being torn away.

"Message me when ya make it home, 'n stay safe, 'kay?" The faux blonde kindly demanded as he took one of Sakusa's hands in his own.

"You already know I will." Sakusa rolled his eyes playfully before leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on Atsumu's forehead.

After that, a minute of silence was shared between the two, simply enjoying the one last moment together before Sakusa eventually had to take his leave.

The two simply bid their farewells before said ravenette made his way out the door, leaving Atsumu to his lonesome.

He missed Sakusa already.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•

°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

It was around one thirty-ish Monday morning when Sakusa finally got home and settled.

Said dark-haired was only just then making his way to bed when a ding sounded from his nightstand, the faint light from his phone giving some visibility to his surroundings.

Tiredly, Sakusa rolled over and picked the phone up, a small smile to his face at the sight of the contact.

Atsu💛: Just in case m' sleepin' by the time ya get home, g'night Omi, I love ya 💕
[read 1:37am]

Omi-Omi💕 is typing..

Omi-Omi💕: Goodnight 'Tsumu, I love you too <3


Heyo, guess who's still alive~

OKAY OKAY — so 1) I had some personal things to figure out,, 2) I had my last set of exams and culminating bs for this course yesterday which means I'm now finally done with school,, 3) I was also feeling pretty unwell but — good news!

I'm feeling a lot better now, less sick and less stressed out, so updating should finally get back on schedule!

Besides all that — can y'all tell I may have a small thing for older arcade games (late 1970's to late 1990's)? I just,, they're so cool, I can't explain it they just are 😌


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