Vergil's Irritation Rises

Por Haise_Sasaki_Soul

181K 3.6K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 5

7K 136 49
Por Haise_Sasaki_Soul

3rd Pov

Blood. That is what has greeted each of the soldiers of the Crusade woke up to. Their Heroes lifeless on the ground, one without a head and the other cut in half.

What surprised them the most however is the silver haired man standing over those corpses. His face that of disappointment and a frown is present.

No one dared move as they can feel that if they do, not even a blink and they all die. Sweat started to cover them and the obvious shaking of their bodies can be heard thanks to their armor.

Vergil: I see that all of you has awoken. I'm impressed, usually they stay unconscious for weeks if exposed enough.

Vergil moved to better face the soldiers, while they themselves moved a step back in fear.

Vergil: I'll give you two choices. One, is to leave your weapons on the ground and surrender. The second, is to die like the foolish maggots you all are.

No one dared to answer, except for one of the many Generals that joined their Crusade.

General: Don't let this Demon's words sway you men! Charge and fight for the Chief God! Eliminate this taint off this sacred world!

As if they have all been triggered. Each men drew their weapons and charged Vergil.

Vergil: Fools indeed.

In an instant, heads were separated and barely a quarter of the soldiers are left. No one knew what happened, but all they could say is that only a flash of steel is what they saw. If they survive this encounter.

Vergil: I must say, your General is rather biased. Now then, I suppose delaying things would help. Once again I ask, lay down your weapons and surrender, or die.

The remaining men looked at each other before one dropped his sword, the rest then followed and took off their helmets.

Vergil: Good. Follow me and behave. I'd rather not bloody the village walls.

Over twenty-five men entered the village gate, all heads are low and avoiding eye contact. Vergil then gathered them in the village square and started a conversation with Siel, who told Vergil that she is technically the village chief.

Vergil Pov

Vergil: So, what should you do with them?

Siel placed a hand under her chin.

Siel: We could definitely use more workers within the construction business, that and we are lacking firepower with the village defences considering many of the men here are good, but not good enough.

Vergil: I see, well then. I'll be back at the Tavern.

Before I could leave, I felt someone grab onto my sleeve. I looked down and behind me, to which I found a young Mamono child carrying my cloak.

Child: Um... Thank you... Thank you for saving Papa.

Her lizard tail went stiff as Vergil faced her while crouched.

Vergil: I applaud your bravery in facing me young one. I however, do not need your thanks.

She looked down, rather saddened by my cold words.

Vergil: However, I must thank you for returning my cloak.

She went wide eyed and smiled, before happily running back to her parents with a big grin on her face. Hm, so this must've what I've looked like back when mother and father praised me.

Hm, this is rather unusual for me. But I can see why now, though rather a little bit is a far better sentence.

Siel: I'm surprised that you didn't just kill them all, with how you acted at the begining.

I crossed my arms and looked at Siel, who has a small smile on her face.

Vergil: And you would be correct, this is rather new of me to be doing. But then, I was given a second chance, so why not give them a second chance?

Siel: I see, now let's get back to business.

I nodded and made her follow me inside the Tavern, where Ryoko apparently already reserved a private room for us to converse.

I sat down first, to which Siel soon followed along with Ryoko and Fumiko.

Siel: Now then, as you know. I am the head merchant and village chief. Ryoko, however is not just a normal waitress. She is my information broker and private reporter. While Fumiko is the lead researcher of my own little side project.

Vergil: I see, no wonder I could smell s little bit of chemicals from her. Now then, I supposed I'll do my best to answer your questions.

The three nodded at each other... Even if Fumiko cannot really see.

Siel: First of all, I'd like to know what kind of weapon you have. I am a resident of Zipangu after all, yet in my years of being a merchant, I have never seen such a blade that could just... Slice through bone and flesh like water.

I hummed and placed Yamato on the table. Immediately Siel inspected it and couldn't help but admire it's craftsmanship.

Vergil: It's name is Yamato, formerly owned by my Father, but has since then been mine for as long as I could remember.

Siel then inspected the blade, to which she placed her thumb in the sharp edge and tried to see how sharp it is. However, instead of what she expected, the edge didn't make her thumb bleed.

Siel: What?! But the soldiers! They were cut like how a hot knife would go through butter!

I smirked, then took the Yamato back.

Vergil: That is because this sword is rather special. It takes it's user's sheer will and power as a whetstone to keep it's blade sharpened.

I then ran my thumb on Yamato's edge, and much to their surprise. My thumb started bleeding as soon as I touched the newly sharpened edge.

Vergil: Only the powerful could truly weild Yamato. That is the rule that it must follow, and from what my father told me. The Yamato has many more secrets that he even cannot discover.

Siel nodded, and dropped the subject. Only for her to start a new one.

Siel: Then what about this "power" of yours... It feels familiar yet at the same time, like a stranger you've never met before.

Vergil: I must admit, this "power" you speak of... What can you describe it as?

Ryoko spoke instead of Siel.

Ryoko: It's... It's almost like Demonic energy, but at the same time, it is not... It's more... Primitive yet extremely powerful.

I hummed in agreement with her assessment. It is true that my Demonic heritage is rather Primitive in their eyes, yet it is my more powerful than their own Demonic energy. In my opinion, theirs is too much of a downgrade than mine.

Vergil: I see... I have never felt this "power" that you speak of. In my years of travel, not once this "power" has manifested.

Siel: I see... So you have no idea what it is at all?

I shook my head no.

Siel: Alright, I won't ask anymore. But then again, a reward must be given for protecting the Village. Tell me? Is there something you desire the most?

In the past, my clear answer would be power... But now, I no longer need it.

Vergil: I see... My only wish right now is to find home, but it has become a hassle of a large degree.

Yes... I once tried to create a portal home with Yamato but, it seems something or someone is interfering with Yamato's dimensional ability. I have made it a personal quest to find whatever or whoever is giving me trouble.

Siel: What? What do you mean it became a hassle? Shouldn't you be able to just find your way home? I mean, I can hire a few to be your escorts and keep other Mamono from trying their luck with you.

Vergil: It's a personal matter, dear Siel. But I assure you, nothing within this realm cannot equal me.

With that, I left the private room. Their faces contorted of that of someone being confused. Hm, they wouldn't understand anyway, this world is rather disappointing and I couldn't help but feel irritated by it. Though I still haven't fought those of higher status... But I highly doubt they could be a challenge.

And there it is. Vergil's sin of pride showing like a goddamned neon sign with a large arrow pointing at him. Anywho, the next couple chapters will be  more focused on traveling... Cause a Fantasy cannot be without traveling! That's all for now and SOUL out!

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