My Cold Neighbour Married Me...

By UglySpawn666

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A cold man and a fluffy bubbly boy meet and their worlds change. For bad or worse? Many hardships to overcome... More



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By UglySpawn666

2 years later...

"Mama when will little brother come?" little cute Hyejin asked her mom as she was being fed in her high chair. "In a couple months honey, he needs to grow a little bit more, that's why mama eats a lot. And you need to eat too so you can be a big girl." Taehyung spoke softly giving Hyejin a small spoon of rice. Hyejin nodded and carefully took the spoon out of Taehyungs hand trying to eat on her own.

Jeongguk got downstairs, tying his tie looking around the living room. He entered the kitchen kissing Hyejins head and moved to the fridge getting himself a bottle of water. "When are you coming home today?" Taehyung asked coldly, looking at Hyejin making sure she eats properly. "Late, don't wait for me." Jeongguk answered coldly and got out of the house.

Taehyung let out a big sigh on the verge of crying. It was like this for the last three months. The last two years were perfect their relationship changed and Jeongguk got more open around him and Hyejin. But since he announced that he's pregnant again it was okay for a month. Until Jeongguk started coming home late at night and going to work without breakfast. Taehyung was okay with it but the skin ship that they had vanished. Random kisses and hugs vanished.

Yes, Taehyung suspects that Jeongguk is cheating but he loves him and trusts him with all of his heart, to not believe that Jeongguk is capable of doing that to his family.

Taehyung sleeps in Hyejins room while Jeongguk sleeps in the living room. Both parents felt uncomfortable sleeping beside each other or even in the room, while they are not their normal selves. Hyejin doesn't question her mom why he always sleeps with her, and just thinks it's a sleepover. The mood swings and the constant fear of losing Jeongguk got Taehyung to not eat a whole meal. He was feeling depressed and scared.

Sharing his fears with his sister, but it didn't satisfy his worries. Jennie only put him in a deeper hole of misery.

It was Friday and Taehyung planned to sit and talk to Jeongguk and get to the bottom of the situation.

Around 10PM Jeongguk got home tired and ready to sleep. He first checked if there was anyone in the kitchen and went straight to the bathroom to clean himself. The lights were turned off in the whole house, thinking his wife and daughter went to sleep, he let out a sigh.

After finishing his business in the bathroom he went straight to the living room. When he was about to lie down and get some rest, he was scared out of his boxers when Taehyung spoke. "Not so fast mister." The lamp beside the single sofa got turned on and Taehyung in his beautiful glory appeared.

Jeongguk swallowed his saliva; Taehyung looked hot and scary at the same time. In his black robe, baby pink hair band arms crossed over and legs crossed, looking with a stern serious face. "What?" Jeongguk asked annoyed, too tired to talk, the only thing he wants now is to sleep.

"Are you cheating on me?" Taehyung asked not sparing a second. Jeongguk looked at him not believing what he just asked. "No, I'm not why would I?" Jeongguk answered truthfully. "Just asking. Anyone would think of it, if their husband or wife started coming home late and go to work early, and not sleep in the same room or bed." Taehyung spoke his voice coming out cold making Jeongguk shiver in fear. "No there's just a lot of work to do, we are launching something in a month and we need to check everything." Taehyung nodded leaning back on the back rest, his right hand going over his tummy rubbing soothing circles.

"If that's all then why are you not sleeping with me and ignoring the hell out of me?" Taehyungs hormones were all over the place but he kept his cool, for now. "Nothing really I was stressed from work and didn't want it to affect the baby or you. I know how you can feel the room energy." Taehyung nodded looking at Jeongguk leaning back rubbing his face and ruffling his long hair.

"You do realise you just made my situation hard." Jeongguk looked at Taehyung confused. "What, how?" Taehyung let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes feeling tired. "You are really dumb sometimes." Jeongguk grew question marks above his head looking at Taehyung. "Jeongguk, you very well know how I am when pregnant, I don't know why, would you feel like that. I want you beside me, no matter how stressed you are I want to hug you to sleep, to feel safe. Not feel like shit, over-thinking every situation in the books, and watching TLC."

Jeongguk bowed his head down looking at his fingers thinking about the situation. "I know how you are when pregnant, that's why I stopped sleeping beside you." Taehyung cut him there and got up. "No you don't Jeonguk. When I was pregnant with Hyejin, I wanted you beside me, but I didn't want to pressure you and left you be thinking you'll come and comfort me or ask how was I doing. You only did that when you come back from your business trips. I was lonely and I still am." At this point tears ran down Taehyungs cheeks feeling his heart break. "I'm not asking much Jeongguk, I just want you beside me, be my husband."

"I am, and I will be. I just need to adjust to the situation..." Jeongguk spoke lowly feeling ashamed of himself for being the way he is. "Are you going to teach your son to treat his wife like you are right now?" Taehyung asked making Jeongguk jump in his seat. "We have a daughter Tae..." It was silence for a moment until Jeongguk realized what Taehyung meant by that. "No way..."

"Yes way, you are so absent that you even ignored me saying that we have an appointment the other day. If you are going to teach your son to treat the person he loves the most like you are right now, I'd gladly file for divorce."

Jeongguk got up looking at Taehyung in disbelieve. "You can't do that Taehyung. You are not taking my daughter and son just because of this small problem." Taehyung got red in the face from anger. "Bitch, I carried Hyejin for 9 months and I'm going to carry this little boy too. If you don't come to your senses soon and act like a proper father I'll definitely leave. I'm not joking Jeongguk. Hyejin always asks why are you not playing with us like you used to. I'm not going to lie to my girl anymore, the next time I'll say daddy loves his work more than us and see how she'll hate you." Jeongguk just stared at Taehyung not knowing what to say.

"Is this manipulation?" Taehyung face palmed and let out a sigh. "It may look like it, but I'm not trying to manipulate you. I just want to say that you need to get your shit straight, if you neglect your family we'll leave sooner or later. You are just teaching us how to live without you." Jeongguk took a deep breath feeling like the room is spinning. "I don't want to live without you Jeongguk. You are my life and everything in between. I seriously don't want to live without you, if you need help with anything ask for my help, you know that I'd do anything for you." Jeongguk nodded and ruffled his hair sitting back down.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung shook his head and sat down beside Jeongguk rubbing his thighs. "Don't say you are sorry it'll make me feel like I really manipulated you." Jeongguk nodded and they sat there in silence.

"Okay, look bunny. I'm sorry for how I acted. I'll give you time to adjust and let you do your job without any influence by me. But I want you to be more invested in our little family. I want us to be happy. And more importantly I want you to be the happiest and more open." Jeongguk nodded, he looked up at Taehyung and sent him a small cute smile. "Now let's go sleep hubby I miss your warmth." Taehyung got up and raised his arms in the air waiting for Jeongguk to carry him. And Jeonguk knowing what the raised arms meant with a big smile he carefully and securely took Taehyung in his big arms, and slowly made his way upstairs to their room.

And with a self promise Jeongguk spent a little bit more time with his family in the morning and came home on time playing with Hyejin and helping Taehyung make dinner.

He told himself to start working from home after they launch their new products, and the plans for an elementary school start as well as a IT university. Deciding to give something to the people, he bought two lands and proposed to the mayor to build and elementary school and IT university. After his proposal gets a green light he won't have the time to be with his family just like now with the product launch.

I don't know if this is good, at last minute I changed somethings, I'm still not satisfied.... hope you like it 

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