No More Ms.Nice

By khatxdukz

1.3K 72 4

Tired of being Used and Cheated, I Katriss Fox is gonna change,ohh yea baby, No More Ms. Goody two shoes No M... More

Best Friends
CHANGE? Let me think about it
Blonde BlueGreen Coincidents Happens
Authors Note
Shopping and Fights this is Nice
Sweet Revenge
Twist, Lick, Dunk!
Lets Go Out!
Confusion and Comfort
Girls Just wanna Have Fun
Boys and Bikinis
Reunion part1
Reunion Part 2
Theyre not mirror image
Boys in the House yow!
Playing with fire
The Talk
I Cant
The Players and a bet
Never Say No to Free Food

Surprise, Surprised.

93 3 0
By khatxdukz

It was Saturday afternoon, I'm on my way to our school gymnasium, Holding a box of cake and two large Juice cups I'm going to surprise King cause he cant meet me today due to basketball practice, he plays for our school *Sheena cross College* well if im any other girl i would  probably  be mad if my boyfriend picks up Basketball over Me right? But oh well im not ,im kind of the supportive type, I'm so excited how my Boyfriend will react if he sees me , its our 5th month as a couple  ,almost half a year, not so bad , if its my past boyfriends I've already been cheated on after 3months urgh! I'm a bit disgusted by the idea ,why do I end up with jerks anyways? Its a mystery,.. I guess..  And I think Kings different ,maybe this may go a long run, I hope so, maybe he's the one, I smiled from the toughts in my head, when I reached the  gymnasium there were the players ,I didn't see King on sight so I walked toward the other players luckily I knew them since they were also Kings friends ,Devoghn  tall, brown hair, Grey eyes, muscles chest, abs, bicepts all in all a total hottie *I mentally slapped myself for checking out my Boyfriends BestFriend who is definitely an ass*  called me

"Hey Ms.Nice!!"

Oh yeah ryt the nickname everybody use to call me like I don't have a name I know I'm nice to everybody but why do they have to call me by the word and it is really irritating, I look behind me and saw the guy comes to me grinning like an idiot

"hey Devoghn" I make my voice sounds like I'm pleased to see him even if I don't!

"Gonna do good deeds here Ms.Nice?" He's still smirking, Devoghn really pisses me off but I can't be impolite I just can't , blame my parents

"Nope, I'm here to see King, do you know where he is? I kinda have something for him" I lift the papperbags, for him to see that I really have something , he sees the cake & shakes his head in disapproval then mumbled something under his breath that I didn't understand

"excuse me, what?" I asked him cause I didn't get what he just said

"Kings not here ,he left the practice early I thought he's going to see you but I guess hes gone see other chicks instead" anger shots to my head like bullets my insides I grumbling but I composed myself so that I won't be flipping out on this guy here in the gymnasium instead I let out my brightest smile to him "I see , if he's not hear maybe he's at home or maybe in my dorm waiting I should have called him first before I go here, silly me" still smiling

"Oh yeah may be HE is WAITING for you in your dorm Ms.Nice" he's grinning like a devil,

I can't really take that guy so I turned to my hells walking towards the exit calling King's phone but he's not picking up where could he be? I'm having a bad feeling but I'm just shrugging its out of my head when I see Chelsea Montgomery the Basket ball team manager ,I'll go ask her

"Hi chels" I greeted her

"Oh hey Kats what's up?" I don't have time for chitchat so I asked her if she knew where King is ,she directed me to the gym locker room, tsss I hissed Devoghn must have known, he just lured me out, that jerk!, I got inside the locker room but its empty "hmm maybe he's not really here" when I was about to get out I heard littles noises more like moans and someone talking and somehow the voice is familair so I stopped & listened "fuck! king youre so good at this." My heart starts pounding through the sudden realization of the name I just heard, I absent mindedly walked toward where the voices coming from ,when I turned  from the corner of the room there I see in my own two eyes my boyfriend sitting while there's a half naked woman sitting astride on his lap.

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, I said under my panting breath.


So how was it guys? I'm nervous here :-D

Hoped u liked it so far

Please vote for my story promise I'll do my best for y'all :-) love lots


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