Halfway to the Moon

By catsired

154K 6.2K 7.6K

💛BAKUDEKU💛COMPLETE💛SLOWBURN💛SAD DEKU💛HAPPY ENDING💛 Izuku doesn't know how to handle being depressed, hi... More

Drowning in Moonlight
A Star That Flickers
Wishes to Shooting Stars
Burning in the Red Sunset
Swimming Through Rain Clouds
Swimming Through Rain Clouds (Pt. 2)
Calm Before the Storm
Calm Before the Storm (Pt. 2)
Rising Tides
Moonlight Beckons
Moonlight Beckons (Pt. 2)
Clinging to Sunrise
A Wilting Flower
A Wilting Flower (Pt. 2)
Dark Side of the Moon
Sunrise (Pt. 1)
Sunrise (Pt.2)
Tepid (Pt. 1)
Tepid (Pt. 2)
Tepid (Pt. 3)
Break in the Clouds
First Flowers of Spring
First Flowers of Spring (Pt. 2)
First Flowers of Spring (Pt. 3)
Galaxy of Guilt (Pt.1)
Galaxy of Guilt (Pt.2)
Galaxy of Guilt (Pt. 3)
Sweet Like Honey Painkillers (Pt.1)
Sweet Like Honey Painkillers (Pt.2)
A Constellation of You
A Constellation of You (Pt. 2)
A Constellation of You (Pt.3)
Dawn (Pt. 1)
Dawn (Pt. 2)
Sunburnt (Pt. 1)
Sunburnt (Pt.2)
Dusk (Pt. 1)
Dusk (Pt. 2)
Dusk (Pt. 3)
A Break in the Clouds (Pt. 1)
A Break in the Clouds (Pt. 2)
A Break in the Clouds (Pt. 3)
Bloom (Pt. 1)
Bloom (Pt. 2)
Eclipse (Pt.1)
Eclipse (Pt. 2)
Eclipse (Pt. 3)
Sun on the Horizon (Pt.1)
Sun on the Horizon (Pt.2)
Sun on the Horizon (Pt.3)
Basking in the Warmth (Pt. 1)
Basking in the Warmth (Pt. 2)
Drowning in Sunlight (Pt.1)
Drowning in Sunlight (Pt.2)

One Shot #1

1.4K 75 88
By catsired

Hey guys! I like this universe and so, while the story is officially over, I wrote a little one shot for this universe that takes place in UA. There might be more to come at some point, might not. Either way, I hope you enjoy this little tidbit of fluff! :D


 “Kacchan!” Deku’s sweet, overly-excited voice rang out. Katsuki grimaced at the noise, glancing at his ‘friends’ to see if they heard. Of course, they did, Kaminari’s eyebrows wiggling at him teasingly while Kirishima whooped.

 Katsuki turned to see Deku waving excitedly at him, decked out in full costume, and he groaned.

 It’d been a few months since they’d started at UA. They’d just finished their internships, the sports festival having come and gone — something Katsuki still cringes thinking about for two reasons: his humiliating, half-earned win against that bastard Icy Hot, and the destruction of Deku’s fingers, something he’d been forced to watch.

 A shiver ran down his spine remembering how helpless he’d felt then. He’d been about ready to jump out from the stands and knock Todoroki out of the ring right then and there, but, funnily enough, it had been one of Deku’s friends that helped calm him down.

 The entire class knew, from the moment they had walked through class 1-A’s homeroom door, that they were a couple. Katsuki had lifted their joint hands and screamed out a warning to any motherfucker who thought they could snag his boyfriend, and he’d held onto a smug smirk the whole time. Deku was a fine piece of ass, they all knew it, and he was his.

 So Uraraka knew just how on the verge he was to losing his mind, sitting there watching Deku break his fingers over and over and over. And it didn’t matter that Deku had that determined smile on his face, didn’t matter that Recovery Girl was in the room over, none of it mattered because those moments with Hisashi back in Deku’s old apartment were playing in his head and he was scared. Scared to see those green eyes close again, see his body go limp and the color drain from his face.

 But Uraraka understood, at least on some basic level, and she’d whispered calming words of reassurance next to Katsuki until his palms stopped smoking. He still refused to admit she’d helped as much as she did, but their friendship had grown stronger since then.

 No matter how long he spent there, though, training day and night alongside these bastards, he could never seem to get used to the teasing. He’d been so damn cocky that first day, showing Deku off like a trophy, but now he blushed as red as a fire hydrant everytime Deku so much as brushed his hand because he just knew those little gremlins he called friends were lurking nearby, cooing at them like they were babies.

 Deku jogged across the training field to stand by Katsuki’s side, a cheerful smile taking up most of his face.

 “Hey, Kacchan! Did you hear? All Might is teaching us again today!”

 “I fucking know, he teaches us everyday, dipshit.”

 “I know, but it’s All Might!”

  “And your dad! You see the man practically twenty-four seven, how the hell are you still so excited?”

 “Aww, look at Kacchan with his Deku!” Kaminari butted in, batting Mina’s shoulder coyly.

 “I know, they’re so cute!” she replied, puckering her lips as she made obnoxious kissy noises.

 A vein popped on Katsuki’s forehead.

  “Hah?” he sneered menacingly. “You extras looking to be blown up?”

 Predictably, Kaminari backed down, giggling a little to himself as he went, as Mina pushed on, Kirishima remained oblivious and offered sincere compliments Katsuki did not want to hear, and Sero laughed his ass off from a safe distance.

 He could not believe he called these idiots ‘friends’.

 “They’re just teasing Kacchan,” Deku chuckled. He leaned up to plant a kiss on Katsuki’s cheek and was knocked to the side as a result.

 “Don’t feed into them!”

 “I’m not! I just wanted to kiss Kacchan.”

 Another round of cooing started up and Katsuki felt his cheeks heat up.

 “Fuck all of you! Bastards!”

 Deku pouted a little, and Katsuki felt a twist in his chest. But before he could reach out and tangle his fingers through those green locks — his form of comfort — a certain Candy Cane came strolling up and stole Deku’s attention from him.

 “Midoriya,” he greeted, voice as annoyingly monotone as ever, “I was wondering if you would like to spar since we have free reign of the field today. I know that you usually pair with Bakugou, but I have a new move I want to try on you.”

 “Oh!” Deku smiled. “Sure, Todoroki!”

 With a nod, Todoroki thanked him and walked away, leaving Katsuki to seethe at his back. ‘I have a new move I want to try on you.’

 That bastard.

 “Sorry Kacchan.” Deku turned to him, lifting up on his toes to peck Katsuki’s lips despite the earlier teasing. “Next time, okay?”

 Except he knew ‘next time’ wasn’t gonna come. That was what Deku said every single damn day since Icy Hot started pulling this and ‘next time’ hadn’t come yet.

 A dull ache in his jaw alerted him to how hard he’d been grinding his teeth, but he didn’t let up. Instead, he ground harder, his hands balling into tight fists as he watched Deku fall into step beside Todoroki, smiling and laughing as he rambled on one-sidedly.

 “You okay, bro?” Kirishima asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Katsuki just shrugged him off, grunted an ‘I’m fine’, and dragged him off to spar.

  Fucking Half n’ Half, he thought to himself, a familiar anger burning in his veins. I’ll remind you just whose boyfriend Deku is.


 He worked up to it. Over the weeks, he gave Deku more and more attention in public, got used to ignoring the teasing of his relentless classmates.

 It started with small gestures, like holding his hand, or sitting closer than necessary. Then he picked it up with an arm around his shoulder, to pecks on his lips, to the embarrassing affectionate kisses on his cheeks, his forehead, his nose. Deku was obviously bewildered, but pleased, leaning in to every tender touch. He practically purred when Katsuki cradled his face, once, held him firm between his hands and fired up his quirk just enough to get his palms warm.

 Todoroki continued weaseling his own time in though, like the damn parasite he was, and Katsuki found himself growing more annoyed by the day.

 It all came to a head one morning at the beginning of class, Aizawa held up at a meeting. Deku strolled in, oblivious to his surroundings as he went on some blathering rant to his friends, when his foot clipped the leg of a desk and he was sent hurtling towards the floor.

 Katsuki could have caught him. He was about to. But who other than Todo-fucking-roki would choose to swoop in just then and catch him with an arm around his waist?

 Their faces were so close when Todoroki pulled them back up, practically sharing the same breath, and that was the last fucking straw. Deku had already squirmed out of the grip by the time he reached him but it didn’t matter.

 He was gonna show this fucker who the hell he was up against.

 In front of everybody — Round Face, Four Eyes, Raccoon Eyes, Shitty Hair, Pikachu, Tape Arms, and all those other extras, but most importantly, Todoroki — he dug a hand into Deku’s hair and yanked him forward, mashing their lips together in a messy, impromptu makeout session.

 There were a few distinct choking sounds coming from Iida’s general direction, but they were mostly drowned out by the hollers and cheers of his classmates. Deku squeaked in surprise, but after a moment, let himself fall into it. Their tongues slid lazily against one another, Katsuki practically preening as he showed the bastard next to them up. He took his time, deliberately biting down on Deku's lip and eliciting a small sound from him.

 Ever mindful, however, Deku was the first to pull away, claiming ‘public indecency’ with pink, freckled cheeks, but Katsuki couldn’t care less as he enveloped him in his arms and pinned a stunned Icy Hot with the biggest victory smirk he could muster.

 “See that, Candy Cane? Mine. Hands off.”

 Surprisingly, it was Deku who spoke up next, as Todoroki just stared at him with a blank, confused expression.

 “Wha— Kacchan, is this what all the sudden affection has been about?” Katsuki clicked his tongue in response and Deku sighed, though fondly, as he turned his attention back to Todoroki. “Sorry, Todoroki. He thought you were trying to date me.”

 “Oh,” said man breathed, finally realizing. “I apologize, Bakugou. I have no intention of courting Midoriya.”

 “Like hell you do! You take every excuse you can get to get close to him!” Distantly, he was aware of the eyes of his classmates burning holes him, his horde of so called friends no doubt following every sentence like the latest gossip from some TV drama, but he was too absorbed in his fury to care.

 “I don’t make excuses. I tell him the truth, that I need his help, and he is kind enough to give it to me.”

 “Don’t give me that bullshi—”

 “—please refrain from swearing, Bakugou!”

 “Shut it, Four Eyes!”

 “Kacchan, Kacchan,” Deku called softly, patting his chest, and Katsuki looked back down at him. His boyfriend gave him a soft smile, eyes shining with mirth and endearment. “Look, even if Todoroki was trying to date me — which he’s not — it wouldn’t matter because I don’t want him. I love you.”

 His heart stuttered in his chest. Fuck, he could feel the heat rising on his cheeks, too, and even though he couldn’t hear past the blood rushing in his ears he just knew his classmates were in an uproar. His hands gripped at Deku’s forearms, looking to steady himself, and the grip was reciprocated when he felt deft fingers wind into his shirt.

 “...Fine,” he stuttered out, finally, too stunned and embarrassed to say much else. Saying the words ‘I love you’ was something he still struggled with occasionally, even though he meant them with every fibre of his being, and saying them in front of his classmates was a definite no go. So instead of returning the sentiment verbally, he tightened his hold on Deku and drew him in till he was snug against his chest, letting his chin rest atop his head.

 Deku sunk into him, content, and for a moment Katsuki forgot his classmates were even there.

 “Picture, picture, somebody get a picture!”

 And just like that, he was reminded.

 “If I see any fucking phone out I’m destroying it, hear me?!”


 “Too late!”


  “Die, scum!”


 “Kacchan, no!”

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