Not all of us have perfect vi...

By BrainDeadBitch

12.7K 764 603

weak hero incorrect quotes, please and thank you <3 Mayhaps a few memes More

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part six
Part Seven
Not Part Eight just some Memes
More Memes
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part I don't know anymore
Yay more incorrect quotes.

Part One

1.8K 80 69
By BrainDeadBitch

Dean- That's baking soda, Jake

Jake- Bacon soda???? That's a genius idea but I'm not sure the world is ready for a pork flavoured beverage


Alex- You ever wanna talk about your emotions, Gray?

Gray- No

Ben- I do

Alex- I know, Ben

Ben- I'm sad

Alex- I know, Ben


*Jimmy as a Dad*

Jimmy, bursting through the door- It's missing!

Jack- What's missing???

Jimmy- The thing!

Jack- wHat tHing??

Jimmy- Oh- there it is!

Jimmy- *grabs baby Ben and walks out*

Jack- _


Jake- Change is inedible

Timothy- Don't you mean 'inevitable'?

Dean, watching Jake spit out a bunch of pennies- He clearly didn't


Grape- Umm, be careful with the onions they'll make you cry

Wolf- Bitch I'm wolf fucken Keum I'll make them cry first*aggressively stabs onion*

Grape- 👁️👄👁️👍


Alex- Tell them off, Ben! Assert yourself

Ben- That's MY banana milk!

Alex- Now let em have it!

Ben- You can have it :3

Alex- Ben nO-


Jake- When you've been in the union as long as I have, you learn to develop thick skin

Wolf & Jimmy- That blazer doesn't look good on you

Jake- *sobbing* It brings out my eyes you pricks


Grape- If you had ten cookies and I asked for five, how many would you have left?

Eunchan- None

Grape- Eunchan, it's basic math. It isn't that har-

Eunchan- I would give you all of them cause you deserve them <3


Grape, holding back tears- Gross.  Disgusting, utterly revolting. Get out of my Sight.


Eunchan- Grape, what's it mean to be a caffine addict?

Grape- You see those six cars? A caffine addict will see twelve


Eunchan- ......there's only three cars, though..


Dean- Did you even listen to a word I said?

Jake- In my defense I listened to five, which is a new record for me


Eugene, opening a door- After you

Rowan- No, after you

Eugene- No I insist, after you

Rowan- No no no, after you

Teddy pushing them aside- After me ✨


Wolf, is a lifeguard at a pool:

Grape- *drowning*

Wolf- I'd save him, but who am I to play God?


Ben- It's a little muggy outside

Alex- Ben I swear to god if I go outside and all the mugs are out there I'm break up with you

Ben- *sips hot cocoa from a bowl*


Grape, singing to the tune of 'The final countdown'- IT'S A MENTAL BREAKDOWN 🎵🎶

Forrest- *off key kazoo*


Donald, going up to the store manager- Excuse me, I lost my friends do you mind if I make an announcement?

Store manager- of course not

Donald- Good bye you insufferable little shits


Ben- I'll have you know I'm someone who likes to think things through!

Alex- I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire


Rowan, looking in the fridge and sighing- Yet again, I am the only snack in this house

Teddy- That's way past the expiry date


Donald, interrogating Jack- So is Jimmy planning to go against me?

Jack- Jimmy doesn't even have a life plan. He doesn't have a day plan. I once found a note he wrote to himself that said "put on pants"

Donald- *raises an eyebrow*

Jack- Followed by a question mark....

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