Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

188K 3.7K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 3

8K 159 34
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

Vergil Pov

Vergil: I see, so from what I recall. This struggle of power has been raging for as long as people struggle.

The Basilisk, who introduced herself as Fumiko, nodded at my question.

Fumiko: Yes, though records of the past clearly states that the war started a thousand years ago. But I get that feeling that it's much more longer than what it says.

Vergil: Indeed. It is the victors who choose what they want to be written or exist, letting the future generation know in a controlled method.

Fumiko: I know this is rude but, shouldn't this be common knowledge?

Vergil put a hand on his chin, pretending to think of a proper answer.

Vergil: I had an accident that caused me to lose memory, the weird part of it is that it is rather specific.

She seemed to accept my lie.

Fumiko: I see, no wonder you've been frequent than many of the Village's residents.

Vergil: I see. It is quite a tragedy but still. I was lucky considering I still have most of my memory regarding my history, the only ones forgotten was the geography of our world, some Mamono species, and some core history.

She continued to read her braille book.

Fumiko: Are you a Scholar perhaps?

Vergil: Possible, though I am having a hard time remembering what my previous occupation was.

Fumiko: I see... I hope you regain your memories without hassle.

Vergil: Thank you. But for now, I believe I have spent enough time learning what I could within this library. I'd love to stay more but I must prepare for my next travel.

She nodded, though I had noticed the slight hesitation. It has been half a month and preparing early is much better than preparing late.

I stood up from the table and returned the books I have taken from their shelves alongside Fumiko, who sometimes would fumble around and murmur under her breath.

Saying my good-byes. I immediately head out to the market and browsed through multitudes of products. I even visited blacksmiths to see if they have a blade that I could use to keep Yamato hidden.

Vergil: Now then... A replacement cloak.

The cloak that I am wearing definitely needs to be replaced. Even with demonic energy to keep it... Fresh. It's tattered and slowly decaying state is trouble.

I entered a Tailor store. One that seems to specialize in cloaks and jackets.

I browsed through each aisle, looking for a perfect hooded cloak to replace this old and decaying cloak. Minutes of searching and my efforts came into fruition.

It is Dark Blue in color, it also has golden threads that creates an intricate design on the edges and ends of the sleeves.

I called for the tailor and asked for the price. I bought it, and went inside a changing booth to switch cloaks.

Night quickly came and since I have mostly done my preparations, I head back to the Tavern.

At first many didn't recognize me until I sat down on my usual table and called for Ryoko, who immediately came and asked for my order.

The night continued with any disturbances, and the Tavern itself was more quiet than usual. I questioned Ryoko who passed by and it turns out that an Order crusade, or rather. Order crusades are getting more frequent, causing many of the villagers to prepare and pack up their wive's belongings before sending them off to a nearby village.

Vergil: I see... But making the men stay isn't the best of ideas. From what I've heard from my travels, the crusaders are strong and in a single crusade can decimate even the most trained individual.

Ryoko: Not only that, but usually a Hero is within their ranks to even make everything harder to fight back. Since you have no connection to this village at all, I suggest you quickly leave, from what our Harpy scout reported, a Crusade would arrive in around four days.

With that, she left and returned to her duties. It is certainly intriguing to see how powerful this "Hero" is. Although I highly doubt one would be powerful enough to even make a lasting wound on me.

I retired for the night, taking off my cloak and placing it on the chair. I wonder, since I am half Demon. Would holy magic and weapons harm me? After all, this is a different world.

Vergil: Hm... I wonder... No... I'm sure you'll help everyone here. Only knocking out the Order crusaders.

Yes... Dante, for all his foolishness. Will definitely stop the Crusade. Nero, he too will join Dante in his hubris... But then again.

I let my thoughts drift into nothingness as sleep slowly took over. The morning came and I heard yelling and hasty footsteps. I stood up and wore my cloak just in time to see Ryoko barge in my room with panic in her eyes.

Ryoko: V! Gather your belongings and run! The Crusade has someone powerful within their ranks to let them teleport close to the village!

Oh? Curious, no... Rather, I'm impressed. Teleportation... Must be very powerful indeed.

Ryoko: Are you even listening!? Hurry up and run before you get caught in the crossfire!

Vergil: Tell me Ryoko, are the men intercepting the Crusade?

Ryoko stopped yelling at me.

Ryoko: No, but they're stationed near the gates to stall the Crusade.

I smirked under my cloak.

Vergil: Such valiant hearts... Foolishness.

Ryoko was about to yell at me again but I stopped her.

Vergil: That's enough Ryoko. I'll admit, I am rather secretive of my origins but now. Let's just hope their Chief God could protect them.

I walked past her, her eyes never leaving my form as worry glazed her eyes. I walked out of the Tavern, where I found Siel directing villagers to stop them from trampling one another. Her eyes landed on me and I return the gesture with a nod.

She was confused to say at least, until I disappeared from her view. I teleported to the gates, where men from ages twenty and above all lined up to give their wives and children time to escape. A foolish endeavor, but a respectable one as well.

I chuckled... Oh how much of a hypocrite I am. Just days of doing my best to make myself as uninteresting at all, yet here I am, helping them by revealing myself.

I was about to walk through the lines of men but I heard my alias being yelled.

I turn around, seeing three familiar figures approaching me.

Vergil: It seems my intentions aren't clear-

I was cut off my Siel yelling.

Siel: What are you doing!? Ryoko told you to run yet you ran at the opposite direction! What are thinking even!

I hummed in thought... What am I doing exactly, normally I would just walk away like nothing is happening, as human conflict is below me... But then again. Heh... I couldn't help but feel like this has happened before.

Right... It did happen before. Father changed and fought against his own kind, then on that fateful night.

Vergil: I suppose... This is my second chance. Yes, Father did change for the better. I suppose it is my time to do the same.

Their faces except Fumiko is that of concern and confusion.

Ryoko: What do you mean by that V!

I chuckled... Right, I haven't truthfully introduced myself.

Vergil: It's Vergil, and for that question... You'll find out soon.

I turn around, clear with my intention to help them... To prevent a repeat of my past. To make sure their family has a Father to take care of them, and to redeem myself of my past mistakes.

I pushed one of the men aside, earning a "hey" but nonetheless returned to his position after I went through.

Yes. It isn't my position to help them... Yet I stand before their enemies for them.

Vergil: I suggest all of you to return to the gates.

That caused an outrage within the lines of men. Many protested and threats were thrown at me, but I didn't let it last. I let out a portion of my Demonic energy, causing the smaller ones to be thrown off their feet and the more sturdier ones stumble.

Vergil: From what I have heard, they were suppose to arrive in four days. Yet here they are, through teleportation magic and if I were to guess correctly. There will be more than one Hero.

That made them stop fully. Idiots, but I cannot blame them. This world lacks a proper educational system, only allowing those with money to learn while the poor becomes cannon fodders.

Vergil: So I tell you once more. Return to to gates and let me handle them. I do not doubt your prowess as fighters, but all I can see are families without a Father to lean upon.

That struck a cord within them. Many has looks of doubts but some are putting on a brave face.

Vergil: Turn around and do not come back. Help not just your family but the others as well to escape, I have better chances of winning than all of you combined.

Soon enough, many of the men turned around and ran straight to their families, true enough. Many helped each other in carried their belongings and others helped the elderly.

Now that I am all alone... No, there's still three more that chose to stay behind.

Vergil: Weren't my instructions clear? I cannot guarantee your safety if my predictions are correct.

Fumiko: But V we- Vergil! We cannot just run away! Not when-

I cut her off.

Vergil: Yes, I know. I am flattered, but I am not a naive man... The three of you are nothing more than dead weight right this very moment. I apologize but I must be brutally honest, I cannot go all out if they prove worthy enough to make me use my power.

Ryoko: You know, the first time I met you. I was almost defeated by your aura of pride. I know because we Nekomata are very prideful ourselves but yours has reached new heights.

Siel: And don't you dare think you have gotten away with that strange power of yours! You were very subtle but us Danuki's are quite sensitive to any sort of energy!

I sighed. I was convinced I did a good job at masking my Demonic energy.

Vergil: Then go away.

They were taken aback by my harsh reply.

Vergil: I wouldn't be able to tell you otherwise if all of you get caught in the crossfire. But then again, you three will run but will ultimately watch behind cover.

The three decided to go up the walls and watch my battle from there... Women. I suppose I cannot really blame them. Back on earth, women tend to be attracted to "Bad Boys" than those self proclaimed good men... I sometimes wonder why being Edgy is attractive to women... I wonder if this is how mother was when she and father met.

I sighed, placing my attention to the now stopped Crusade. They were just on the opposite hill, close enough to be heard through yelling and far enough for their catapults to work.

Vergil: Now then... Let us wish all of you are prepared.

Apologies for the earlier publication... That was a mistake on my part, however. I have found about it too late, anywho. I must say, I had to let out my inner Edge to at least get in persona as Vergil. Hopefully I did a good job. Hope you all enjoy the Chapter! SOUL out!

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