My Little Prince (Reader x Ki...

By KilluasPerfect

114K 2.2K 5.2K

You've been watching anime for a while now. Killua Zoldyck in Hunter x Hunter has always been your favorite c... More

All x About x You
Seeing x Him
Running x Away?
A x New x Friend
All x About x Gippy
Running x From x Cops
We x Found x Him
The x Hunter x Exam
On x The x Blimp
The x Trick x Tower
Fighting x With x Prisioners
Stuck x In x A x Room
Leaving x Trick x Tower
Bonding x With x Killua
Kiss x With x Killua
Searching x For x Killua
The x Testing x Gates
Rescuing x Him
Arrival x At x Heavens x Arena
Getting x Your x Rooms
Trouble x With x Killua
Gon's x Fight
Who x Is x Kastro?
Hisoka x Versus x Kastro
Zushi's x Kidnapping
Killua's x Hoodie
The x Water x Test
Going x To x Whale x Island
Meeting x Aunt x Mito
Gift x From x Ging
Stealing x And x Stars
Dressing x Like x Hisoka
Yorknew x City
Gippy's Escape
Making x Money
Phantom x Troupe
Dress x Shopping
Hotter x Than x Fire
I x Caught x The x Bomber
Palm x And x Biscuit
Gon's x Date
Octopus x Or x Squid
Fathers Day Special!
Gon x Versus x Y/N
The x End
PART TWO + HxH memes

Chimera x Ants

1K 21 116
By KilluasPerfect

YOU GUYS, WE DID IT. THE CHIMERA ANT ARC. I'm gonna be honest because I love you guys, but I haven't finished the Chimera Ant arc, BECAUSE ITS SO GODDAMN LONG, but this will be an experience for the both of us! :D

You guys were teleported to a foggy area, and saw a figure in all the mist. Gippy put her hands on her hips and said, "Oh dear. I'm getting war flashbacks from the Hisoka moment." The figure was sitting down, and wearing a hat, appearing to be holding a fishing rod.

Gon stepped forwards and the figure turned around to look at him. The figure stood up and teleported in front of you guys, and punched all four of you, knocking you to the ground. A clown then appeared in his hand and said, "I got a slot machine in my mouth! It goes from 1 to 9. Each number summons a different weapon. This is my Crazy Slots."

The number 4 then appeared in his mouth. Out of the bottom of the clown, game a giant gun. The figure, Kite, then pointed it at you, but before he pulled the trigger, Killua ran up to you and pushed you out of the way.

Apparently, Kite was just trying to shoot an ant. The dead ant flew next to Gippy. Gippy looked at it and then groaned because she knew what was coming. Kite then walked up to you and asked, "Are you alright?" Killua then looked at him and asked, "What the hell was that about? Why did you fire at her?"

Kite walked closer to you guys and said, "If I didn't open fire, she would have been attacked." Killua growled and asked, "By what? That ant you shot?" Gippy then stood up and dusted off her dress. The top half of the ant came off and jumped onto her leg, biting her. Kite then ran up to her and hit the bug off of her using his hat.

Gippy stared at the bite wound and said, "Damn. I know that I'm a snack but jeez." Killua smiled at her and said, "The only snack you are, is black licorice. Nobody wants you."

Kite then yelled at both of them and said, "Both of you, shut up! That's a Chimera Ant. An ant that eats people and other animals." He looked at Gippy's bite wound, which was now bleeding, and said, "If I had not fired, you all would be eaten by a colony of Chimera Ants." Kite then handed Gippy a bottle of an unknown substance and said, "Apply this. It's an antibiotic." Gippy poured the fluid on her leg and then handed the bottle back to Kite.

He stood up and said, "You kids should leave." Gon then gasped and said, "Are you the one who saved me back then? On Whale Island, after I stumbled into the territory of a Foxbear with it's cub."

Kite smiled and said, "Yes, I remember now. You've grown, Gon." Gon stood up and asked, "How do you know my name?" Kite fixed his hat and said, "My name is Kite. Your dad, Ging, told me your name."


You took a bite of your fish and sat down next to Killua. Gippy groaned and said, "I ate all of my fish..." You smiled at her and said, "Here. You can have mine." You handed her your peice of fish and stared at Killua. Killua looked over at you and said, "What do you want?" You smiled and snatched his fish out of his hand and ate it.

Killua stared at you and frowned. Kite took a bite of his fish and said, "We should rest."


You ran after Killua and said, "Be careful!" Killua smiled at you, until blood was suddenly dripping from his shoulder.

You looked at his shoulder, and a chunk of it was gone. Killua fell to the floor, lifeless. Killua was dead.

You couldn't move. You couldn't speak. You couldn't scream. A Chimera Ant walked over to Killua's dead body and tore open his stomach, and then ate his guts.

You were frozen. You tried to run away, but you just couldn't. All you could do was stand and stare at Killua getting eaten by a Chimera Ant.

When the Chimera Ant finished eating, it walked away. Killua suddenly stood up and started to walk towards you.

"Y/N... Why didn't you save me?"

"Killua, I tried to."

"Why? Why did you let me die?"

Tears started forming in your eyes. You tried to speak, but no words left your mouth. Killua grabbed you by the throat, and took out your heart.

You woke up, sweat dripping down your forehead. You looked around, and saw Killua peacefully sleeping next to you. You crawled into a ball and started crying.

You started mumbling to yourself, "No... That was so scary." You felt something moving next to you. "Y/N? Are you okay?" You looked over and saw Killua staring at you.

You wiped the tears away from your face and said, "Just a bad dream. Go back to sleep." Killua sat up and asked, "Are you alright?" You stared at the ground and said, "Yeah..."

Killua put his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him and then started to cry again. You looked away from him and then said, "No! No I'm not alright!"

It was one of those cries where you whimper, and struggle to breathe because you're trying to not cry but you can't stop crying.

Without even thinking you wrapped your arms around Killua and started crying into his shoulder. He didn't do anything for a moment, but then he hugged you back.

He rested his chin on your shoulder and asked, "What was the dream about, if you don't mind me asking." You shook your head in the crook of his neck and said, "I don't wanna talk about it."

He nodded and continued to hug you. It was quiet, apart from all of your whimpering and the sounds of you trying to breathe, until you said, "I don't want you to die."

You shook your head on his shoulder and said, "I don't want you to ever die." You squeezed him harder, "I don't want you to leave me, Killua."

You laid the side of your head onto his shoulder and said, "I still need you... I'm so glad you're not dead."

You stopped talking, and let go of Killua. You wiped a bit of snot off your face with your sleeve, and you said, "I'm sorry."

You started crying again and said, "I'm sorry." Killua looked at you and said, "If you're ready to tell me what it was about, I'm here to listen."

You nodded and said, "Well... I don't remember much..." Killua smiled and said, "Go ahead. Take your time."

You wiped your tears away and said, "Thank you... It's just hard for me to talk about this type of stuff."

You took a deep breath and said, "Remember how Gippy got bit by that ant?" Killua nodded. You continued and said, "Well... we were playing together, and you were running from me. I yelled at you to be careful but then..."

Killua stared at you. You looked at him and said, "But then a giant version of one of those ants ate you. I couldn't run away or move. All I was able to do was watch as your organs got torn apart."

Killua's eyes widened. You started crying again and said, "That's not even the worse part. You..." You hesitated and struggled to breathe.

You put your hands on your eyes and said, "You came back to life and started yelling at me! You were asking me things like why didn't I save you, and why I let you die." You looked up at him.

"I didn't want you to die! I never do! I couldn't stop it, it was out of my control!" Killua smiled at you and said, "You know that could never happen. Even if I did die and come back to life, I wouldn't yell at you. I know that it was out of your control, and you're not the reason I died."

You pull him in for another hug, and he hugs back. He starts playing with your hair, and rubbing your back. You guys stay like that for a while.

You let go of him and finally started to calm down. You looked at him and said, "I'm sorry. I disturbed your sleep."

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't like sleeping anyways. It takes away time that can be spent with us spending time together."

You laughed and said, "I see you smooth guy." Killua stood up and said, "Well, since we're both awake, what do you wanna do?"

You thought to yourselves and said, "We don't know exactly where we are, but we're next to a waterfall. Wanna go swimming?" Killua took his shirts off and smiled and said, "I'd love to! But wait, what are you gonna wear?"

You blushed for a moment and then said, "Turn around." Killua did as you said, and you took off your hoodie and your pants, leaving you in only a tank top and a pair of shorts that Gippy packed into her pink backpack.

The tank top was black, and the shorts were dark blue. You zipped up the shorts and said, "Alright, you can turn back around."

Killua turned back around and looked you up and down. You put your hand on your hip and asked, "So, what do you think?" Killua stared at you and said, "I think... last one in the water is a rotten egg!"

He jumped into the lake underneath you guys. You plugged your nose and jumped into the water with him.

The water was cold, like really cold. Killua swam up to you and said, "This reminds me from the time we fell off of the ship." You laughed and said, "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!"

Killua stared at you for a while, until you splashed him with some water. Killua laughed and pushed you underwater.

Before you could swim back up, you felt something wrap around your ankle. You tried to kick it off, but it wouldn't come off. You moved around a lot, but it wouldn't come off you foot. You started to run out of air. You bent down and saw a piece of seaweed wrapped around your ankle twice.

Everything went black.

You woke up, and coughed up water. Killua looked at you and asked, "Are you alright?" You nodded and coughed up a bit more water.

Killua sat next to you and said, "That was your second time almost dying. You need to stop being so reckless." You looked at him and asked, "Second?" Killua raised an eyebrow and said, "The time your skull split open while we were playing dodgeball with Razor."

You nodded and said, "I think I had enough excitement for one day. I'm gonna go to sleep." Killua laid down next to you and said, "Me too. I had no idea one night could have so many adventures."


Gippy kicked your side and said, "Wake up. Kite wants to introduce us to some people. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Standing in front of you, was Kite's group.

You stood up and said, "Hello there. I like your hat." A girl wearing a hat smiled at you and said, "Thank you! My name is Spinner Clow. Nice to meet you."

You shook her hand and said, "My name is Y/N L/N. Pleasure to meet you." Gon spoke up and said, "My name is Gon Freeces." Spinner gasped and said, "Wait, is this... Ging's son?" A man with a big Afro pointed to Killua and Gippy and said, "Wait, them too?"

Gippy rolled her eyes and said, "Don't compare me to that deadbeat. My name is Gippy. Gippy Wallace."

You looked over to her and said, "I didn't know your last name was Wallace." She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I didn't think it was something worth mentioning." Killua put his hands behind his head and said, "My name is Killua Zoldyck."

They all backed up as they heard his last name. You put your hands in front of you and said, "Oh, he's not an assassin anymore. He quit. We're all pro Hunters actually."

They all gasped and all of you guys sat down to have a conversation. A man that resembled a polar bear said, "I'm Monta Yuras, but call me Mon." The man with the big Afro smiled and said, "I'm Stick Dinner. I handle the cooking. Know why? Cause my name is Dinner."

Nobody laughed except for him and Gon.

A girl with short pink hair said, "My name is Banana Kavaro." A white fluffy dog appeared from her backpack. He immediately ran up to Gon and Gippy. Gippy looked over to Killua and said, "I don't think I told you, did I? Your dog, Mike, is in love with me."

Killua looked at her in confusion and went, "Huh?" Gippy smiled and said, "Yep! I even rode of his back!" Monta reached into his backpack and pulled out a tiny glass bottle with a claw in it. He said, "This looks just like the claw of a Chimera Ant queen."

You and Killua looked at each other. He stood up and took the bottle from out of Mon's hands. Gon examined the bottle as well and asked, "Does that mean there are huge ants?" Kite sighed and said, "We're not sure."

You and Killua looked at each other again. Gippy looked down at her Chimera Ant bite. Kite and his group then started talking about going somewhere. Gon smiled and said, "Can we go with you?"

Kite agreed and you all drove to your destination. On the way, they all discussed how whatever a Chimera Ant eats, the characteristics from that animal gets passed down to the Chimera Ant's child.

They took you to a bridge, and you guys met two very short men. One with glasses, and one with grey hair. The one with glasses was named Lin Koshi, and the one with grey hair was named Pondungo Lapoy.

According to them, a Chimera Ant was on a beach. When you guys went to the beach, there was nothing there. The scent washed away when it rained.

You guys left at night, and went to the group's work place to see what you guys could find online. You walked up to Skipper and asked, "So, have you found anything yet?"

Skipper shook her head and said, "The Chimera Ant arm that we got the nail from was located here. A place called the NGL. I already bought us tickets to an airship there." You smiled and said, "Cool! What time is our flight?" Gippy crossed her arms and said, "I can't wait to see six foot tall man eating beasts in person."

After you guys got off the flight, you all got a ride to NGL. When you arrived, things were pretty strange. There were people using computers and machines. A man walked up to you and said, "You'll need to remove all metallic or glass items. Including your clothing."

You went to a shop upstairs and changed into a black and white checkered skirt, with a black sweater, with a white collared shirt underneath. Paired with a pair of black and white nikes.

When you finished changing, you walked out of the changing room and saw Gippy banging her head on the wall. You walked up to her and asked, "Gip? What's wrong?" She turned around to face you and said, "They won't let me bring my gun OR my backpack in there."

You put your hands in your pocket and said, "Well, you still have Jay, right?" Gippy held Jay tighter and said, "Yeah, I guess. Though it is pretty unsettling to bring a penguin everywhere you go considering the circumstances."

You nodded and said, "Yeah, that's true. Come on, let's go." You and everyone else left the building, and rented a horse. For some reason, Killua was standing on top of the horse.

When you guys took a break next to a village, Gippy paused for a moment and walked up to you and said, "I'll be right back. Wait here."

She walked over to the village, and a few minutes later came back. You bent down to her level and asked, "So what's up? Did you find anything?"

Gippy smirked and pulled a gun from out of her pocket. You gasped and asked, "Where did you get that from? Guns aren't allowed here!" Gippy put it back in her pocket and said, "Remember in the show how there was a military sort of thing? Yeah, well while I was searching the houses for food or for anything that could be of use, I found one of their houses!"

You put your hand on your head in frustration and asked, "So you stole one of their guns?" Gippy smiled and nodded.

You stood up and said, "We should go. We still need to find out where the ants are." While riding a horse, suddenly a bee flew up to you and dropped a small letter in your hand.

It read, "Help!! Chimera Ant Nest Rocky Area. Notify the Hunter Association!!" Kite took the letter out of your hand and read it for himself.

Kite faced you and said, "This will be dangerous, but can you help?" You smiled and said, "Of course we can! We didn't spend days trying to become a Hunter just to not help anyone."

You, Kite, Gippy, Killua, and Gon got off of the horses and ran to the Rocky Area. Except you didn't run. Killua carried you on his back because you were pretty slow.

On your way, you guys found a puddle of blood, with Ponzu's torn up clothes in the middle of it.

Killua picked up something and said, "This is a bullet casing." You all faced Gippy. She put her hands up and said, "Woah, I didn't do it. Give it here." She took the bullet out of Killua's hand and examined it.

"It's the same type as the ones that I found for the guns here." Gon turned to face her and said, "You have a gun?" Gippy nodded and Gon said, "Where'd you find it from? Mechanical objects aren't allowed here."

Kite stepped up and said, "The underground rulers of NGL were manufacturing guns in addition to drugs. This wasn't done by a human. Most likely, a Chimera Ant."

You all stared at the blood pile in fear.

You guys continued to run to the Rocky Area. You guys came across a village, and a trail of blood leading to multiple horses skewered on trees, and a Chimera Ant. It had rabbit ears, and a red circle around its left eye.

It stepped up to you guys, and Kite left it for you guys to fight. You guys walked up to it and it was surprisingly weak.

Killua hit it with a Thunderbolt, and Gon hit it with his Janjaken. When it was almost defeated, you walked up to it and shot giant flames out of your hands facing downwards, so you could fly up.

When you were high enough in the air, you shot multiple flames out of your hands. After about thirty minutes of doing this, your eyes started to burn, like they were on fire. You blinked away the feeling and looked over at everyone else.

Apparently, because of the impact of your fire there was tons of wind coming from your flames. Killua, Gon, Gippy, and Kite had their arms in front of their face so they wouldn't fly back. When you saw this, you stopped and flew back down to the ground.

When you finally hit the ground with a big thud, there was fire all around the area you hit. Gippy pulled her gun out of her pocket to finish it off, but a large object came and carried him away.

Before you could get a good look at it, it flew away. The Chimera Ant started yelling and said, "You bastard! I'm gonna eat you all!"

Gippy waved and yelled, "Great! I can't wait!"

Kite turned to you guys and said, "Let's continue on. We cannot have any distractions." You guys continued to run to the rocky area, but on your way you guys saw multiple dead bodies covered in blood. It was horrifying.

Killua then walked over and picked up two guns. Gippy walked up to him and said, "Jackpot! Can I pleaseee have them?" Kite shook his head and Gippy walked off and said, "Stupid ugly ass. You're probably balding underneath that hat anyways."

You guys continued and walked over to a cave with multiple openings. You guys decided to go inside, and the place was decked out with lightbulbs and blood.

You guys stepped inside a room that was a drug and gun factory. You looked over and saw Gippy rummaging through a box full of ammo. You guys walked through another tunnel, and Kite determined that there were more Chimera Ants in the three tunnels in front of you guys.

An ant that was half horse and half human walked up and asked, "Who the hell are you?" He was holding a chain with two fully naked men attached to it. One of the men said, "Please, please help up!" The ant looked down at him and said, "Shut up! You're supposed to be a dog, remember?" With that, he stepped and crushed the man's head.

You gasped. Gippy clenched her teeth and said through her teeth, "Kinkyyy." The ant stepped on the other one's head and killed him as well. Two other ants stepped out of the other caves. One being a female wearing a mask, and the other standing up with sixteen arms.

You and Killua fought the female, Gippy and Gon fought the one with multiple arms, and Kite fought the horse.

The ant flew towards you and you dodged her. Killua started flying his hands around, cutting off small parts of her hands. While her and Killua were fighting, she stun him with a stinger coming out of her rear end.

While she was distracted laughing at Killua being "poisoned" you snuck behind her, crawled on her back and snapped her neck. Killua stood up, brushed himself off and asked, "Do you want me to finish her, or do you?"

You put your hands in your pockets and said, "To be fair, I probably wouldn't be able to kill her. You're the one with a built in knife in your body." You pointed to his hands. Killua smiled and walked up to her and cut her head off.

You looked at her dead body on the floor and asked, "How the hell did her head explode as well?" Killua smiled and said, "Assassin's secret" You stuck your tongue out at him and then said, "You're lame Kills."

Killua shrugged his shoulders and said, "Like I said, it's a secret." You looked over and watched everyone's fights. Killua walked over and said, "I bet you twenty dollars that Gon is gonna kill him instead of Gippy."

You looked over at him and said, "I bet you FIFTY dollars that they're gonna work together and kill him." Killua looked over at Kite and said, "Their fight is over." You looked at Gon and said, "Damn you..." You reached into your pocket and grabbed twenty dollars.

Before you handed it to Killua, the ant jumped up and before he hit Gon, Gippy pulled her gun out of her pocket and used nen to make the bullet stronger. When she shot him, his head exploded, leaving purple blood everywhere.

You laughed and said, "Ha! I'll be taking my fifty dollars now." Killua rolled his eyes and placed fifty dollars into your hand.

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