Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

By koi_coffee_

281K 9K 7.5K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... More

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6.1K 200 132
By koi_coffee_

"What the hell took you so long." Sakusa glared at the brunette who had just made it out his front door, his tone a little more bitter than usual.

"I wanted some extra sleep, okay? No need to get all moody with me." Komori rolled his eyes playfully with a chuckle and Sakusa's glare only got harsher.

"You wouldn't need it if you weren't spamming me all night, for the second night in a row might I add." Sakusa sighed bitterly as the two headed off, making their way to school.

"In my defense, I couldn't sleep." Komori put his hands up in defense and Sakusa simply rolled his eyes.

"So you decided that meant I wasn't allowed to either?" The dark-haired shot back and Komori simply nodded, a bright smile coming to his face.

"You act like I was the only reason you were awake so late." The brunette's smile turned to a smirk slightly and Sakusa fell silent.

"You were." Finally, Sakusa responded after a good minute, and Komori was well aware the other had just responded with a complete lie.

"Mhm, right, because you totally weren't up messaging Atsumu, again." Komori chuckled as the ravenette to his side rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whether I was or wasn't is none of your business." Sakusa stated rather coldly and Komori's slight smirk from before only grew.

"So you were," Komori teased. "How's your boyfriend doing anyways?"

"He's not my boyfriend, Motoya." Sakusa shot back rather quickly, a little unimpressed with how flushed his face felt at one comment.

Thank the gods for masks.

"Not yet, it's bound to happen." Komori swore to it like his life depended on it, something Sakusa found funny coming from someone who was still unbearably single.

"Okay Cupid wannabe, don't talk on relationships until you're actually in one." A smirk tugged at Sakusa's lips under his mask as he let a small chuckle out. "Maybe then I'll listen to you."

Komori took a pause, a dramatic gasp following, yet as he went to retort — Sakusa beat him to it.

"Until then, I'd say you should focus on getting to class before you get caught up in playing matchmaker." Sakusa gestured to the hall that himself and Komori usually split paths at, he was correct in assuming the other hadn't even noticed they'd made it to school.

"I-.. this isn't over." Komori rolled his eyes bitterly as he took a right, leaving Sakusa with a satisfied smirk as he took a left.

He was going to enjoy his victory before Komori decided to annoy the ever living hell out of him at lunch.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•

°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

The first highlight of Sakusa's day came in the form of a message, a message specifically coming from Komori saying that he couldn't make it to the cafeteria as he had some work to catch up on.

Which would explain how Sakusa found himself sitting alone at a table in a far corner, normally he would've preferred his cousin to be around as then he wasn't completely alone, but on that day specifically, he couldn't have been more glad. There's only so much of Komori's teasing a guy can handle.

Despite being seated alone, the second highlight to Sakusa's day had rolled around. Surprisingly enough, that also happened to be in the form of a message, a message from none other than Miya Atsumu.

'Tsumu🙄💛: Heya Omi-Omi~! ♡︎

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Hi 'Tsumu, do you need something?

'Tsumu🙄💛: No? When're ya gonna get it through yer head that I just wanna talk with ya -.-

Omi-Omi😷🖤: There's a big difference between wanting to talk, and feeling the need to spam me mercilessly while I'm out.

'Tsumu🙄💛: It was one time T^T I thought ya died or somethin' ;-;

Omi-Omi😷🖤: I did not, if that wasn't obvious enough. Now, what do you want?

'Tsumu🙄💛: Is it so bad to ask how my favourite person's doin'? Damn, I never woulda known 😔

Omi-Omi😷🖤 is typing..

Omi-Omi😷🖤: I'm doing fine 'Tsumu, relatively better ever since lunch started, anyways.

Omi-Omi😷🖤: You? How's class been?

'Tsumu🙄💛: Borin' as always, but that's irrelevant — did 'Mori fall down the stairs at yer school or somethin'?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: No? —

'Tsumu🙄💛: I 'otta say Omi, I'm a little surprised to hear yer in such a good mood without it involvin' 'Mori's misfortune :O

Omi-Omi😷🖤: — He was held back to do extra work during the lunch he planned on bugging the hell out of me through :)

'Tsumu🙄💛: Seen that comin' — so that's why yer in such a good mood, ain't it?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: That's one reason, yes.

'Tsumu🙄💛: One? There's another? 👀

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Not one you'll get to know of, yes.

'Tsumu🙄💛: 'Cause it's me, isn't it? 😏

Omi-Omi😷🖤: ..

Omi-Omi😷🖤: And if it was?

'Tsumu🙄💛: I wouldn't be surprised, duh, I know ya love me ever so much ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep at night 'Tsumu ♡︎

'Tsumu🙄💛 is typing..

'Tsumu🙄💛: sjdhjshs hELP

Omi-Omi😷🖤: ???

'Tsumu🙄💛: 'Samu 'n Suna are bein' all lovey again, I think I'm gonna be sick 🤢

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Ew — if you're going to be sick, be sick in silence, I don't want to hear about it.

Tsumu🙄💛: Omi-Omi! Yer so mean to me, an' for what?? 😭

Omi-Omi😷🖤: For fun <3

'Tsumu🙄💛: M'gonna ignore the fact yer still prickly as ever an' instead point out the heart, I accept yer confession <3

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Keep dreaming Miya, it's never going to happen.

'Tsumu🙄💛: Miya? M'kay, I see how it is.

Omi-Omi😷🖤: You're such a child, I swear.

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Seriously? This again?

'Tsumu🙄💛 is typing..

'Tsumu🙄💛: Ya know what I'm waitin' for.

Omi-Omi😷🖤: You're insufferable.

Omi-Omi😷🖤: ..

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Fine.

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Atsu?

'Tsumu🙄💛: That sounds better 😌

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Whatever you big baby, I have to get going now anyways, that's the only reason I gave in. :/

'Tsumu🙄💛: Sure sure, whatever ya say Omi ;)

Omi-Omi😷🖤: -.- I'll message you after practice, later 'Tsumu ♡︎

'Tsumu🙄💛: Ttyl Omi-kun~! ♡︎

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•

°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

The rest of the day passed surprisingly quick, much to Sakusa's liking. His thoughts had been on a certain blonde throughout the rest of his classes, making time fly by and the school day end just as quickly as it started.

Like usual, he headed to practice with Komori, who had completely forgotten about their conversation that morning — instead, all he could focus on was moping over the fact he missed out on lunch thanks to extra work.

When they arrived, they'd shown up a few minutes early like always, just so Sakusa could get in and out of the locker room. Which he'd done just in time as everyone else started filing into the gym, heading for the exact locker room he'd just left.

It took a little bit for everyone to get ready, not that it wasn't expected, and soon enough they were out on the court. Their coach had done a quick run through of what they'd be focusing on that day, and once he was done, everyone got to it.

It was nothing hard, a few drills here and there, plus the occasional laps as a punishment when some team members got a little too cocky with one another, but all around, a relatively normal practice. This had come as routine to Sakusa at that point, seeing as how this was a daily thing, it really did manage to skip past him in the blink of an eye.

Just as quickly as practice had started, it was coming to an end. Of course while everyone gathered around their couch for an announcement, Sakusa walked off to the locker room to get changed like he usually would, assuming Komori would fill him in on the announcement afterwards.

After he'd finished, said ravenette left and waited by the gymnasiums doors for the bubbly brunette he called his cousin. Surprisingly, Komori happened to show up rather quickly, completely opposite to how long he'd taken that morning — but that wasn't very important, Sakusa was just glad that meant they could head home quicker.

During their walk, like usual, Komori had been going off about a few things that happened in class and how irritating the workload he'd been getting was, while every now and then, Sakusa gave small responses, simply so the other knew he was still listening.

Yet something seemed to get the brunette at Sakusa's side excited as his face lit up, seemingly remembering something.

"Oho, guess what!" Komori held a bright smile as he looked to Sakusa, who of which simply raised a brow.

"What is it now." His tone remained rather dull, something that Komori had become accustomed to.

"We've got a practice match against Inarizaki next week!" Komori's smile never faltered, while Sakusa seemed a little.. stunned, at first, before he found his own smile. A small one making its way onto his face, hidden by his mask.

"When?" Sakusa questioned and the brunette at his side paused for a moment, trying to remember.

"I'm almost one hundred percent sure coach said something about Friday so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Friday?" It came out as more of a question, yet after a minute, Komori nodded to himself. "Yeah, the match's on Friday."

Sakusa nodded in response to this, a soft smile resting underneath his mask at the thought of seeing Atsumu again. Though he had to admit, it was a little odd the blonde hadn't been spamming him about it.

"Anywho, I'll see you tomorrow Kiyo!" Komori waved with his usual smile as he took a turn, heading down the small path that lead to his porch.

Sakusa simply spared the other a small wave before he continued on walking down the street, as his house was only a few down from Komori's.

When he got home, Sakusa did his usual. He'd first checked to see if his mother was home as he didn't want to be too loud and wake her up after she'd been working. Her shoes weren't by the door so Sakusa took to assuming she wasn't home. After getting that figured out, he headed straight for his room, carrying out his routine.

Sakusa placed his bag by his bedroom door and walked over to his wardrobe, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes before heading off to take a shower, he'd been itching for it ever since practice ended as the sweat he was covered in didn't feel at all pleasant.

It was a good twenty minute shower, just enough to make Sakusa feel relaxed and overall — clean. When he was content with the shower, he shut the water off, stepping out and drying off.

He's gotten changed right after and walked back into his bedroom, on instinct he was headed to pickup his phone off his bedside table. It'd become routine messaging Atsumu whenever he had free time, if anything, Sakusa actually preferred talking to the blonde over being on his lonesome, which was rather surprising.

Shaking the thought away, Sakusa picked up his phone. What surprised him wasn't the message notifications displayed on his screen, it was the ID that was displayed above them. An unknown number?

Unknown ID: The practice game next week, don't tell 'Tsumu. It's a surprise.

Sakusa is typing..

Sakusa: Who.. are you?

Unknown ID: Right — Miya Osamu, 'Tsumu's twin. I got yer number from his phone, long story short, he left it unlocked an' unsupervised.

Sakusa: Ah, got it. He doesn't know about next week's game?

Other Miya: Nah, it was set up in secret, m'tryna surprise him since he's been mopin' about leavin' ya.

Sakusa: Seems about right, I'll make sure not to mention it.

Other Miya: Thanks.

Sakusa would've found the whole thing odd if not for Osamu mentioning Atsumu's behaviour. Yet, knowing that the other had been missing him quite a bit explained the surprise 'visit' a lot more.

Like as if on cue, a new message came up, the ID being one ever so familiar to Sakusa.

'Tsumu🙄💛: Heya Omi, did ya make it home okay?


I seriously question why my motivation is non-existant until after midnight — what the pHuCk ¿? I love the logic there 😎

Anywho, I'm thinkin' about havin' an extra fluff chapter next just 'cause ¯\_()_/¯

Until next time ✌️


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