Another Weasley (Draco Malfoy)

By kiwi_dino_lover

424K 8.4K 1.5K

What if a Weasley fell in love with a Malfoy? Bella Weasley, twin to Ginny Weasley, is going into her first y... More



5.4K 118 21
By kiwi_dino_lover

Bella's POV
Today has been going terrible. It couldn't of been any worse. First I had a surprise test in potions which I definitely failed at. Second, my sister had a quidditch game and she fell of her broom so she had to go to the hospital wing (she's ok). third, I was partners with this girl who hates my guts for Care For Magical Creatures, and on top of all that, I got my period.

I'm ready to just go to the Malfoy Manor to see Draco and probably just sleep there. Lucius hasn't come back ever since I disarmed him which lifts a whole weight off Narcissas shoulders. Draco hasn't woken up in almost 2 months, but I'm not giving up hope. He's the only thing keeping me sane in school, just looking forward to going to the Manor to spill my guts out to him.

I've just came from the hospital with Ginny cause she's been let out and I'm heading to the Malfoy Manor. "So he still hasn't woken up?" Ginny asks and I shake my head. "I'm really sorry this is happening to you sis, you've gone through so much" she pats my back. "Enough about me, how's it going with you and Harry?" I fake smile. "It's good, it's good. He's got a job at some bar and he's working up to work at the Ministry Of Magic" she explains. "I'm glad your happy Gin"
"Thanks. Well I'm off to study, will you be ok?"
"I'll be fine, I'm going to the Malfoy Manor now anyway. Se you later sis" I walk if when I hear her mumble a "bye"

All I could think about when she was talking about Harry, is how Draco could of been building up his future, our future. But of course, I have to wait longer to actually get my happy ending because the world seems to be taking the character of my worst enemy. He could of got a job at Honeyduks, he always loved that shop, and bring home sweets for me every day when I get in from school. He would cuddle me when I had a bad day or the other way around and go out on little dates under the stars, but we can't do that because of our situation.

I arrive at the Manor and open the door with a big 'creek' and grip my school bag. "Hi Narcissa" I shout and she comes out the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Hi sweetheart, how was your day?" She asks. "Terrible" I groan and walk upstairs. I place my hand on the door knob on Draco's door and twist it. The door opens and I walk in. "Hey
dr-" I cut my self of when I don't see him in the bed. "Draco?" I look around the room.

"Hi darling" I hear from behind me. I freeze for a couple of seconds then slowly turn around to be met with a icy gaze and bright blonde hair. My bag drops from my hand as I just stare at him with my mouth slightly open. "Are you gonna hug me then?" He laughs and opens his arms. I don't wait another second and run up to him, jumping in his arms as my legs rap around his torso. I sniff is his sent, fresh apples and strong cologne, like always. "Are you sniffing me?" He chuckles as tears drench his fresh white shirt. He places his chin on top of my head as I cry into his chest of happiness. "I missed you so much" I finally choke out. "Me too darling" he kisses the top of my head. He walks out of the room and downstairs while I'm still hanging onto him like he's going to disappear.

He plops down on the couch and then Narcissa comes in. "So, has this made your day better" she asks and I nod against Draco's chest. We all sit there and chat about what he's missed and I talk about school while still sitting on Draco's lap.

We both went upstairs to go to bed, he still had to carry me because I refused to get off. We walk in comfort silence to his room. He places me on the bed and try's to get up but I cling to him more. "I have to go have a shower love" he laughs. "Can I come?" I whisper. He picks me up again and walks to the bathroom. We both get undressed and step in the shower. When the hot water hits my skin, my body relaxes. I keep my hand interlocked with Draco's. "You know I could hear you right?" He speaks and turns me around to shampoo my hair. "What?"
"I could hear you every day after school and it pained me not to be able to talk back" he says as his hands massage my scalp. "The doctor said you might be able to hear me" I whisper and turn around to do the same to his hair. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't help you with your panic attack"
"It's not your fault Dray. I'm just glad you woke up" and then a thought clicked in my head. He might still not remember me. Oh shit. But he must do right? He was talking normally to Narcissa. "Wait" My hands drop from his hair and he turns to me. "You do...remember me right?" I question. "Umm...yeah, Nicole right?" He asks. I look at him wide eyes. He must be joking because he does remember me. Maybe he's just pretending because he feels bad for me. We stand in silence for a moment before a little smirk cracks on his face. "You little bitch" I mumble. "I remember everything. The day we met, our first prank on each other, the ball, our first kiss, all of it" he smiles.

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