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Time skip to yours and Ginny's birthday
Your POV
"BELLA GET YOU LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED ITS OUR BIRTHDAY!" Ginny screams while hitting me with a pillow. "I thought you were gonna let me sleep in" I turn on my stomach and burry my face into the bed mattress. "Too bad get up" Ginny shouts and walks out the door. The good thing about today is it's Saturday and I don't have to wake up so I just ignore what Ginny said and fall back asleep.

In the common room

"Ginny I thought you woke her up. Where is she?" Hermione asks. "I did wake her up I don't know we're she is" Ginny defends. "Can we just go get food and then come back? She will probably still be asleep" Ron whines like a child. "Fine let's go" Ginny gives in and they all start walking to the great hall. They pass Draco and his gang and he looks at the group of red heads (and Holly and Harry) and his eyes search around for Bella but she's not there. He then wears a puzzled look.

Draco's POV
I knew that today was Bella's and Ginny's birthday so I was looking out for them in the halls. When I went past, there was all of Bella's siblings and friends but she wasn't there. That's weird. Why do I even want to see her?

Bella's POV
When I woke up, everyone was sat on Ginny's bed, talking to each other. "Anddd the baby is finally up" George said dragging out the 'and'. They all turn to look at me and Ginny jumps on me. "Finally" After I got dressed, I saw our family owl, Errol, come flying through our window with a letter and 2 little parcels. Ginny went and grabbed them and Errol flew off. "Sis mum and dads present is here"
"Coming" we both opens the letter together.

Dear our little pumpkins,
Happy birthday dears. Hope you have a great day and don't get into trouble. We will see you when you come back for Christmas and we will all celebrate as a family.

Love mum and dad xxx

"Happy birthday Sis" Ginny says to me. "Back at ya" I reply and we both hug each other then open out presents from mum and dad. After that it was nearly lunch so we all went down to the great hall. "Guys I need your help" I say out of the blue. "What with?" Ron asks. "And don't say-"
"Pranking Malfoy"
"I knew it" Ron whispers and I just smile. "So will you guys help me since it's my birthday" I say sticking my bottom lip out.
"No"-Ron and Hermione
Hell yeah"-Fred, George, Harry and Ginny.
By this time, Holly had gone to her other friends. We all got ready for the prank except Ron and Hermione. The prank was give Astoria a amortenia and make her fall in love with Malfoy but I don't know how to make the potion (since I'm only in 2nd year) so Fred, George and Harry are making it then me and Ginny are making her drink it.

After about two hours of making it, me and Ginny went over to the Slytherin common room to give it to her. "Password"
"Ah shit we don't know the password" I told Ginny. Just then, Blaise walks out of the common room. We are kinda friends so why not get his help? "Zabini" I shout and he turns to face us. "Did you know it our birthday today?" I ask in an innocent voice. "What do you want?"
"Can you get us into the common room?" Ginny smile. "Why?" He says suspiciously.
"Well we kinda wanna prankMalfoybygivingAstoriaaamorteniasoshefallsinlovewithhim" I explain and take a deep breath after "I'm sorry what"
" we wanna prank Malfoy by giving Astoria a amortenia so she falls in love with him" Ginny whispers. "Why didn't you just say that the password is Pureblood" and he walks away."oh by the way happy birthday"
"Thanks" we both shout in union. "Well that was easy" I say while Ginny says the password and then we walk in but when we got in there, Malfoy was sitting on the sofa and turns his head to look at us. Just out luck.

"How did you two get in?" He asks while standing up and walking towards us. "George wanted us to give a message to Astoria" I quickly come up with a lie. "I can give it to her, get out!"
"No, no, no he said we have to give it to her" Ginny starts. "Plus you can't even go into the girls rooms" I finish. "That's never stopped me" he winks. "Disgusting" I whisper under my breath. "So can we go up or not?" Ginny butts in. He stares at us for a second before saying. "Be quick" and sat back down again. Me and Gin fist bump then run to the girls rooms. We then remembered we don't know which one it is so we went to ask Malfoy."We just remembered we don't know which one it is" I say and we walk back downstairs. "154"
"Thanks bleach boy" and we run upstairs. "STOP CALLING ME THAT" Malfoy shouts after us.

We knock on the door labeled 154 and a couple seconds later it opens. "Who the hell are you two" she scoffs. "Malfoy wanted me to give you this" I hold the drink out. "Why would he send two Gryffindor brats to give it to me?" She spits. "Don't ask us" Ginny replies. She then snatch's the drink out of my hand and chucks it then slams the door in our faces. We both go down the stars giggling. "What are you laughing at" Malfoy asks. "Oh nothing" we both say in union and exit the common room.

Draco's POV
As soon as the twins leave, Astoria comes up to me and sits on my lap. "Have I ever told you I love you Dracy?" Wtf. Since when did she love me. I mean I know I'm irascible but still. She then snuggles into my chest and closed her eyes. Wait, the twins said that need to give something to Astoria. Did they have something to do with this? Blaise then came in and spotted her snuggled on my lap. "Omg that actually did it" he laughs in disbelief. "Who did what?" I ask, annoyed.
"ummm no-nothing" Blaise panics. Ok now I know he's hiding something. "I swear to god if you don't tell me I will snap you in half" I say through gritted teeth. "Ok, ok. Bella told me that she was going to give Astoria amonrtia so she falls in love with you" he mumbles. "WHAT?!!" I dragged Astoria off my lap and marched to the great hall. I knew she would be there because it's dinner. When I got there. I saw her talking to Ginny and Hermione. I walked up to her and slammed my fist on the table and it made her jump. " oh hello Malfoy what brings you by?" She asks in a sweet voice.

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