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Bella's POV
"Cho, what's going on?" Harry asks. "It Professor Trelawney" she replies and we all rush outside. Trelawney was standing in the middle and Filtch came out and put her trunk down while she fell back onto her other trunk. The doors opened with a creek and Umbridge came out in her sickly pink cloths. Trelawney walks towards her, but kicks her trunk by accident. "16 years I have lived and taught here, Hogwarts is my home. Y-y-you can't do this" she cry's. "Actually, I can" Umbridge replies and holds a pice of paper up. Professor McGonagall rushes up and comforts Trelawney. "Is there something you'd like to say dear?"
"Oh there are several things I would like to say"
The door opens and Dumbledore comes out. "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybill back inside" he speaks. "Oh thank you, thank you" she shakes his hand and look so happy. There's a light smile on my face until Umbitch speaks again. "Dumbledore, may I remind you, that under the terms of educational decree number 23 as an acted by the Minister-"
"You have the right to dismiss my teachers, you do not however have the authority to banish them from the grounds, that power remains with the headmaster" he cut her off. "For now" "don't you all have studying to do?" He shouts and walks back inside.

"Hey" I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around to see Draco standing there looking nervous? "Hello Draco" I smile. "Um-I was wondering..." he trails off. "Yes?"
"WouldyouliketogotoHogsmadewithme?" He blurts out. "I'm sorry" I giggle. "Would you like to go to Hogsmade with me?" He gulps, "I would love to go to Hogsmade with you Dray" I laugh. He let out a sigh of relief. "Meet me here at 3:00 tomorrow?"
"Sure" I smile and walk off.

As I was walking to detention, I heard a person crying so I went to see who it was. "Katie?" She looks up with tear streaming down her face and  I rush towards her. "What happened?" I sit down a hug her. "U-umbridge" she stutters and sobs more. "Shhh, shhh it's ok" I whisper and then umbridge comes out of her office and smile at the sight of the crying girl. "What is wrong with you?" I ask as I stroke Katie's hair. "Excuse me?" She talks in her annoying high pitched voice. I give her death stares and once she realises I have nothing to say, she giggles.

My arm was poring with blood at the end of detention. She made me go into the forbidden forest, since both my arms were already filled with 'I must not tell lies', and I ran into a creature that started to tug on my arm. I luckily got out of there before my arm was torn off.

Im walking back to my common room, feeling dizzy from the blood loss, and see a shadow. Its past curfew so I should hide but Im too tired. "Who's there?" An all familiar voice calls out. "Draco?"
"Bella?" We finally come face to face with each other and he looks at me holding my arm. "Jesus what happened" he asks with his eyes wide. "I-I-detention-forest-animal-arm" I stutter weakly, not making any sense, with my eyes half closed. "Let get you to your dorm" Draco puts my good arm around his shoulder to support me. I stumble beside him while we walk. "Forget it, I'm taking you to the hospital wing" he turn around quickly making me fall. He swiftly catches me. "Sorry" he says and puts my arm around his shoulder.

We hardly make it to the hospital wing and I collapse on the bed and everything goes black.

Draco's POV
I walk Bella to the hospital wing while she stumbles beside me, putting all her weight on me. As soon as we get there, I lead her to a bed and gently place her down. As soon as she's hits the bed, she passes out. "Oh my goodness, what happened" Madam Pomfrey runs over. "I don't know, I ran into her in the corridor and her arm was dripping with blood. She was hardly conscious. I think she came from detention" I explain and she nods. "She's going to have to stay here for at least a couple of days so why don't you go and get some rest"
"Can I stay the night here?" I ask. Of course" she says, stitching Bella's arm.

After she's done that, I lay my head on the bed and hold her hand. I slowly drift off to sleep.

When I wake up, Bella's still asleep so I go to my dorm and have a shower and go to breakfast. After that, I go to the hospital wing, since it's Saturday, and see Bella awake. "I guess I messed up our date then?" She calls out when she sees me. I then get a brilliant idea. "Not quite" I smile and run to the great hall, before breakfast is over, and get lodes of food to take.

Once I get back, I place the food on the bed and she smiles at me. We start to eat and talk and have a great time. "Thank you Dray"  she says and I smile at her. She then moves up and pats the bed to signal me to lay down. When I do, she lays her head on my chest and I start to play with her hair. "Be my girlfriend" I blurt out, instantly regretting it. "I'd love to" she smiles and snuggles more into me.

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